path: root/2017/23.hs
diff options
authortomsmeding <>2017-12-23 10:55:40 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2017-12-23 10:55:57 +0100
commit695ebdc358096146b7d2594aa252c02027c9dc3f (patch)
tree8760d6c5ccfb99c13f74d525cc4d282c579c355b /2017/23.hs
parent0ac0ecf13c7793fb6589d2150a17115d990035fa (diff)
Day 23
Nice one, having to actually look at the input for once. :)
Diffstat (limited to '2017/23.hs')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2017/23.hs b/2017/23.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd962f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2017/23.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Char
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
+import Debug.Trace
+data Ref = Reg Int | Const Int
+ deriving Show
+data Ins = Set Int Ref | Sub Int Ref | Mul Int Ref | Jnz Ref Ref
+ deriving Show
+parse :: String -> Ins
+parse str = case words str of
+ ["set", x, y] -> Set (preg x) (pref y)
+ ["sub", x, y] -> Sub (preg x) (pref y)
+ ["mul", x, y] -> Mul (preg x) (pref y)
+ ["jnz", x, y] -> Jnz (pref x) (pref y)
+ where
+ pref s = if isAlpha (head s) then Reg (preg s) else Const (read s)
+ preg [c] = ord c - ord 'a'
+run :: [Ins] -> Int
+run program = go 0 0 (Map.fromList [(i, 0) | i <- [0..7]])
+ where
+ proglen :: Int
+ proglen = length program
+ go :: Int -> Int -> Map.Map Int Int -> Int
+ go !idx !count _ | idx < 0 || idx >= proglen = count
+ go !idx !count !regs = case program !! idx of
+ Set reg ref -> go (succ idx) count (Map.insert reg (getref ref regs) regs)
+ Sub reg ref -> go (succ idx) count (Map.insert reg (regs ! reg - getref ref regs) regs)
+ Mul reg ref -> go (succ idx) (succ count) (Map.insert reg (regs ! reg * getref ref regs) regs)
+ Jnz (Const 0) ref -> go (succ idx) count regs
+ Jnz (Const _) ref -> go (idx + getref ref regs) count regs
+ Jnz (Reg r) ref -> go (idx + if regs ! r == 0 then 1 else getref ref regs) count regs
+ getref :: Ref -> Map.Map Int Int -> Int
+ getref (Const i) _ = i
+ getref (Reg r) regs = regs ! r
+isprime :: Int -> Bool
+isprime n =
+ let s = floor (sqrt (fromIntegral n))
+ in not . null $ filter (\d -> n `rem` d == 0) [2..s]
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ program <- liftM (map parse . lines) (readFile "")
+ print $ run program
+ print $ sum $ map (fromEnum . isprime) [106700, 106717 .. 123700]