path: root/2019/IntCode.hs
diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2019-12-09 07:33:10 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2019-12-09 07:33:10 +0100
commit66113a81a81a08037451ccf1b1469cfa0a548c93 (patch)
treecac3d399ec38cf8fe8e9dba1e13f1b7661e3b872 /2019/IntCode.hs
parent133fe11129d0022329a85c5c0b39d4eefcc378ca (diff)
Support opcode 9 (Adjust), Integer in intcode
Diffstat (limited to '2019/IntCode.hs')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/2019/IntCode.hs b/2019/IntCode.hs
index 699a40c..71fa3b1 100644
--- a/2019/IntCode.hs
+++ b/2019/IntCode.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
module IntCode (
- Arg(..), IC(..),
+ Arg(..), IC(..), mkAddr, mkImm, mkRel,
parse, decode, run, unparse,
runInterruptible, runContinue, Continuation()
) where
@@ -11,9 +11,14 @@ import qualified Data.Array.ST as SA
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as IA
-data Arg = Imm Int | Addr Int
+data Arg = Addr Integer | Imm Integer | Rel Integer
deriving (Show)
+mkAddr, mkImm, mkRel :: Integral i => i -> Arg
+mkAddr = Addr . fromIntegral
+mkImm = Imm . fromIntegral
+mkRel = Rel . fromIntegral
data IC
= Add Arg Arg Arg
| Mul Arg Arg Arg
@@ -23,17 +28,18 @@ data IC
| Jez Arg Arg
| Clt Arg Arg Arg
| Ceq Arg Arg Arg
+ | Adj Arg
| Hlt
deriving (Show)
-parse :: String -> [Int]
+parse :: String -> [Integer]
parse = map read . splitOn ','
splitOn c s = case break (== c) s of
(pre, _ : post) -> pre : splitOn c post
_ -> [s]
-unparse :: IC -> [Int]
+unparse :: IC -> [Integer]
unparse ic = case ic of
Add a b c -> go 1 [a,b,c]
Mul a b c -> go 2 [a,b,c]
@@ -43,16 +49,19 @@ unparse ic = case ic of
Jez a b -> go 6 [a,b ]
Clt a b c -> go 7 [a,b,c]
Ceq a b c -> go 8 [a,b,c]
+ Adj a -> go 9 [a ]
Hlt -> [99]
go code as = (100 * mode as + code) : map bare as
- where bare (Imm n) = n
- bare (Addr n) = n
+ where bare (Addr n) = n
+ bare (Imm n) = n
+ bare (Rel n) = n
mode [] = 0
- mode (Imm _ : as) = 1 + 10 * mode as
- mode (Addr _ : as) = 10 * mode as
+ mode (Addr _ : as) = 0 + 10 * mode as
+ mode (Imm _ : as) = 1 + 10 * mode as
+ mode (Rel _ : as) = 2 + 10 * mode as
-decode :: [Int] -> (IC, Int)
+decode :: [Integer] -> (IC, Int)
decode [] = error "IC: Execution fell off end of program"
decode (ins : rest) =
let (code, modes) = insModeSplit ins
@@ -61,10 +70,10 @@ decode (ins : rest) =
class Monad m => ReadArray m a i e where
readArray :: a -> i -> m e
-instance IA.Ix i => ReadArray (ST s) (SA.STUArray s i Int) i Int where
+instance IA.Ix i => ReadArray (ST s) (SA.STArray s i Integer) i Integer where
readArray = SA.readArray
-decode' :: ReadArray m a Int Int => a -> Int -> m (IC, Int)
+decode' :: ReadArray m a Int Integer => a -> Int -> m (IC, Int)
decode' arr ptr = do
ins <- readArray arr ptr
let (code, modes) = insModeSplit ins
@@ -72,16 +81,17 @@ decode' arr ptr = do
params <- sequence [readArray arr (ptr + i) | i <- [1..nargs]]
return (decodeBase code modes params, 1 + nargs)
-insModeSplit :: Int -> (Int, [Int])
+insModeSplit :: Integer -> (Integer, [Integer])
insModeSplit n = (n `mod` 100, map (`mod` 10) (iterate (`div` 10) (n `div` 100)))
-insNArgs :: Int -> Int
+insNArgs :: Integer -> Int
insNArgs n = case n of { 1 -> 3; 2 -> 3; 3 -> 1; 4 -> 1;
5 -> 2; 6 -> 2; 7 -> 3; 8 -> 3;
+ 9 -> 1;
99 -> 0;
_ -> error $ "IC: Unknown instruction " ++ show n }
-decodeBase :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> IC
+decodeBase :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer] -> IC
decodeBase 1 (am:bm:cm:_) (a:b:c:_) = Add (insArg am a) (insArg bm b) (insArg cm c)
decodeBase 2 (am:bm:cm:_) (a:b:c:_) = Mul (insArg am a) (insArg bm b) (insArg cm c)
decodeBase 3 (am: _) (a: _) = Inp (insArg am a)
@@ -90,61 +100,66 @@ decodeBase 5 (am:bm: _) (a:b: _) = Jnz (insArg am a) (insArg bm b)
decodeBase 6 (am:bm: _) (a:b: _) = Jez (insArg am a) (insArg bm b)
decodeBase 7 (am:bm:cm:_) (a:b:c:_) = Clt (insArg am a) (insArg bm b) (insArg cm c)
decodeBase 8 (am:bm:cm:_) (a:b:c:_) = Ceq (insArg am a) (insArg bm b) (insArg cm c)
+decodeBase 9 (am: _) (a: _) = Adj (insArg am a)
decodeBase 99 ( _) ( _) = Hlt
decodeBase ic _ _ = error $ "IC: Unknown instruction " ++ show ic
-insArg :: Int -> Int -> Arg
+insArg :: Integer -> Integer -> Arg
insArg 0 n = Addr n
insArg 1 n = Imm n
+insArg 2 n = Rel n
insArg m n = error $ "IC: Unknown parameter mode " ++ show m ++ " for parameter " ++ show n
-run :: [Int] -> [Int] -> ([Int], [Int])
+run :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> ([Integer], [Integer])
run initMem input =
case runInterruptible initMem input of
Left _ -> error "IC: Not enough input"
Right res -> res
-data Continuation = Continuation (A.Array Int Int) Int
+data Continuation = Continuation (A.Array Int Integer) Int Int
-runInterruptible :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Either (Continuation, [Int]) ([Int], [Int])
+runInterruptible :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Either (Continuation, [Integer]) ([Integer], [Integer])
runInterruptible initMem input = runST $ do
arr <- SA.newListArray (0, length initMem - 1) initMem
- res <- runArray arr 0 input
+ res <- runArray arr 0 input 0
case fst res of
Left cont -> return (Left (cont, snd res))
Right mem -> return (Right (mem, snd res))
-runContinue :: Continuation -> [Int] -> Either (Continuation, [Int]) ([Int], [Int])
-runContinue (Continuation frozen ptr) moreinput = runST $ do
+runContinue :: Continuation -> [Integer] -> Either (Continuation, [Integer]) ([Integer], [Integer])
+runContinue (Continuation frozen ptr offset) moreinput = runST $ do
arr <- SA.thaw frozen
- res <- runArray arr ptr moreinput
+ res <- runArray arr ptr moreinput offset
case fst res of
Left cont -> return (Left (cont, snd res))
Right mem -> return (Right (mem, snd res))
-runArray :: SA.STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> [Int] -> ST s (Either Continuation [Int], [Int])
-runArray arr ptr inp = do
+runArray :: SA.STArray s Int Integer -> Int -> [Integer] -> Int -> ST s (Either Continuation [Integer], [Integer])
+runArray arr ptr inp offset = do
(ic, len) <- decode' arr ptr
- let continueInp inp' = runArray arr (ptr + len) inp'
+ let continueInp inp' = runArray arr (ptr + len) inp' offset
+ continueOff off' = runArray arr (ptr + len) inp (fromIntegral off')
continue = continueInp inp
- jump ptr' = runArray arr ptr' inp
+ jump ptr' = runArray arr (fromIntegral ptr') inp offset
case ic of
- Add a b (Addr c) -> (+) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
- Mul a b (Addr c) -> (*) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
+ Add a b (Addr c) -> (+) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr (fromIntegral c) >> continue
+ Mul a b (Addr c) -> (*) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr (fromIntegral c) >> continue
Inp (Addr a) -> case inp of
- val : rest -> SA.writeArray arr a val >> continueInp rest
+ val : rest -> SA.writeArray arr (fromIntegral a) val >> continueInp rest
[] -> do
frozen <- SA.freeze arr
- return (Left (Continuation frozen ptr), [])
+ return (Left (Continuation frozen ptr offset), [])
Out a -> resolve a >>= \val -> fmap (val :) <$> continue
Jnz a b -> resolve a >>= \val -> if val /= 0 then resolve b >>= jump else continue
Jez a b -> resolve a >>= \val -> if val == 0 then resolve b >>= jump else continue
- Clt a b (Addr c) -> ((fromEnum .) . (<)) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
- Ceq a b (Addr c) -> ((fromEnum .) . (==)) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
+ Clt a b (Addr c) -> (((fromIntegral . fromEnum) .) . (<)) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr (fromIntegral c) >> continue
+ Ceq a b (Addr c) -> (((fromIntegral . fromEnum) .) . (==)) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr (fromIntegral c) >> continue
+ Adj a -> resolve a >>= \add -> continueOff (fromIntegral offset + add)
Hlt -> do
mem <- SA.getElems arr
return (Right mem, [])
ins -> error $ "IC: Invalid instruction " ++ show ins
+ resolve (Addr n) = SA.readArray arr (fromIntegral n)
resolve (Imm n) = return n
- resolve (Addr n) = SA.readArray arr n
+ resolve (Rel n) = return (fromIntegral offset + n)