path: root/2019
diff options
authortomsmeding <>2019-12-25 14:24:05 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2019-12-25 14:24:05 +0100
commit1fb24f91c66fb320721760a2f8fa92f1e873b4c4 (patch)
tree63233f34ee16ba55251a433ba5ac30ad94189062 /2019
parent83ed445f43e23f35b46d76ea53c4ab74e1115e9e (diff)
Day 25 🎄
Diffstat (limited to '2019')
2 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2019/25.hs b/2019/25.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3494fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2019/25.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+module Main where
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import Data.Ord
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import System.IO
+import Text.Parsec hiding (getInput)
+import Debug.Trace
+import Input
+import qualified IntCode as IC
+cyan, blue :: String -> String
+cyan s = "\x1B[36m" ++ s ++ "\x1B[0m"
+blue s = "\x1B[34m" ++ s ++ "\x1B[0m"
+type Name = String
+type Item = String
+data Meta = Killed | Taken Item | WTF String
+ deriving (Show)
+data Dir = North | East | West | South
+ deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord)
+instance Show Dir where
+ show North = "north"
+ show East = "east"
+ show West = "west"
+ show South = "south"
+instance Read Dir where
+ readsPrec _ ('n':'o':'r':'t':'h':s) = [(North, s)]
+ readsPrec _ ('e':'a':'s':'t':s) = [(East, s)]
+ readsPrec _ ('w':'e':'s':'t':s) = [(West, s)]
+ readsPrec _ ('s':'o':'u':'t':'h':s) = [(South, s)]
+ readsPrec _ _ = []
+data RoomDesc
+ = RoomDesc { rName :: Name
+ , rDesc :: String
+ , rDoors :: [Dir]
+ , rItems :: [Item] }
+ deriving (Show)
+parseOutput :: String -> Either Meta RoomDesc
+parseOutput = either (\e -> Left (WTF (show e))) id . parse pRoom ""
+ where
+ pRoom = do
+ spaces
+ choice [do
+ void $ string "You take the "
+ item <- many (satisfy (/= '.'))
+ void $ char '.'
+ void $ newline
+ return (Left (Taken item))
+ ,do
+ name <- pName
+ desc <- pDesc
+ spaces
+ void $ string "Doors here lead:\n"
+ dirStrs <- pList
+ spaces
+ items <- choice [string "Items here:\n" >> pList
+ ,return []]
+ spaces
+ void $ string "Command?\n"
+ return (Right (RoomDesc name desc (map read dirStrs) items))
+ ]
+ pName = do
+ void $ string "== "
+ name <- many (notFollowedBy (try (string " ==")) >> anyChar)
+ void $ string " =="
+ void $ newline
+ return name
+ pDesc = pRestOfLine
+ pList = many (string "- " >> pRestOfLine <* newline)
+ pRestOfLine = many (satisfy (/= '\n'))
+data Explorer = Explorer (Map.Map Name (RoomDesc, Map.Map Dir Name)) (Maybe Name) (Maybe (Name, Dir))
+ deriving (Show)
+observe :: Explorer -> RoomDesc -> Explorer
+observe (Explorer chart _ lastMove) rd =
+ let chart' = case Map.lookup (rName rd) chart of
+ Nothing -> Map.insert (rName rd) (rd, mempty) chart
+ Just _ -> chart
+ in case lastMove of
+ Nothing -> Explorer chart' (Just (rName rd)) lastMove
+ Just (from, dir) ->
+ let Just (fromRD, dirmap) = Map.lookup from chart
+ chart'' = Map.insert from (fromRD, Map.insert dir (rName rd) dirmap) chart'
+ in Explorer chart'' (Just (rName rd)) lastMove
+chooseMove :: Explorer -> Maybe (Dir, Explorer)
+chooseMove (Explorer _ Nothing _) = undefined
+chooseMove (Explorer chart (Just current@"Security Checkpoint") _) =
+ Just (South, Explorer chart (Just current) (Just (current, South)))
+chooseMove (Explorer chart (Just current) _) =
+ let Just (rd, dirmap) = Map.lookup current chart
+ opts = [case Map.lookup dir dirmap of
+ Just room' -> (dir, distToUnex room' 1 (Set.singleton current))
+ Nothing -> (dir, 1)
+ | dir <- rDoors rd]
+ in traceShow opts $
+ case minimumBy (comparing snd) ((undefined, maxBound) : opts) of
+ (_, n) | n == maxBound -> Nothing
+ (dir, _) -> Just (dir, Explorer chart (Just current) (Just (current, dir)))
+ where
+ distToUnex :: Name -> Int -> Set.Set Name -> Int
+ distToUnex "Security Checkpoint" _ _ = maxBound
+ distToUnex room dist visited =
+ let Just (rd, dirmap) = Map.lookup room chart
+ in if | room `Set.member` visited ->
+ maxBound
+ | not . null $ rDoors rd \\ Map.keys dirmap ->
+ dist + 1
+ | otherwise ->
+ minimum [distToUnex room' (dist + 1) (Set.insert room visited)
+ | room' <- Map.elems dirmap]
+printDOT :: Explorer -> String
+printDOT (Explorer chart _ _) = "digraph G {\n" ++ printRelations "Hull Breach" mempty ++ "}"
+ where
+ printRelations room seen
+ | room `Set.member` seen = ""
+ | otherwise =
+ let Just (rd, dirmap) = Map.lookup room chart
+ in concat ((show room ++ " [label=" ++ show (room ++ "\n" ++ show (rItems rd)) ++ "];\n")
+ : unlines [show room ++ " -> " ++ show to ++ " [label=" ++ show (show dir) ++ "];"
+ | (dir, to) <- Map.assocs dirmap]
+ : [printRelations to (Set.insert room seen) | to <- Map.elems dirmap])
+exploreAndPrintMap :: [Integer] -> IO ()
+exploreAndPrintMap program =
+ let loop cont inp expl =
+ case IC.runContinue cont inp of
+ Left (cont', out) -> do
+ let out' = map (chr . fromIntegral) out
+ putStr (cyan out') >> hFlush stdout
+ case parseOutput out' of
+ Right rd ->
+ case chooseMove (observe expl rd) of
+ Just (dir, expl') -> do
+ putStrLn (blue ("Entering '" ++ show dir ++ "'"))
+ loop cont' (map (fromIntegral . ord) (show dir ++ "\n")) expl'
+ Nothing -> do
+ putStrLn "Explorer gave up!"
+ putStrLn (printDOT expl)
+ Left err -> do
+ print err
+ putStrLn (printDOT expl)
+ Right (_, out) -> do
+ putStr (cyan (map (chr . fromIntegral) out))
+ in loop (IC.initialContinuation program) [] (Explorer mempty Nothing Nothing)
+interactive :: [Integer] -> IO ()
+interactive program =
+ let loop cont inp =
+ case IC.runContinue cont inp of
+ Left (cont', out) -> do
+ putStr (map (chr . fromIntegral) out)
+ line <- getLine
+ loop cont' (map (fromIntegral . ord) (line ++ "\n"))
+ Right (_, out) -> do
+ putStr (map (chr . fromIntegral) out)
+ in loop (IC.initialContinuation program) []
+tryCombinations :: [Integer] -> IO ()
+tryCombinations program =
+ let loop _ _ [] = putStrLn "Out of tries!"
+ loop cont inp (current:nexts) =
+ case IC.runContinue cont inp of
+ Left (cont', out) -> do
+ let out' = map (chr . fromIntegral) out
+ -- putStrLn out'
+ if | "lighter" `isInfixOf` out' -> putStrLn " -> heavy"
+ | "heavier" `isInfixOf` out' -> putStrLn " -> light"
+ | otherwise -> return ()
+ print current
+ let input = concat [concat ["take " ++ i ++ "\n" | i <- current]
+ ,"east\n"
+ ,concat ["drop " ++ i ++ "\n" | i <- current]]
+ loop cont' (map (fromIntegral . ord) input) nexts
+ Right (_, out) -> do
+ putStr (map (chr . fromIntegral) out)
+ setupString = "east\ntake antenna\nnorth\nnorth\ntake asterisk\nsouth\nwest\nwest\ntake astronaut ice cream\neast\nsouth\ntake hologram\nnorth\neast\nsouth\neast\ntake ornament\nnorth\nwest\ntake fixed point\neast\nsouth\nwest\nwest\nsouth\nsouth\nsouth\ntake dark matter\nnorth\nwest\nnorth\ntake monolith\nnorth\nnorth\ndrop astronaut ice cream\ndrop hologram\ndrop fixed point\ndrop asterisk\ndrop ornament\ndrop dark matter\ndrop monolith\ndrop antenna\n"
+ allItems = ["asterisk", "ornament", "dark matter", "monolith", "antenna", "astronaut ice cream", "hologram", "fixed point"]
+ combinations [] = [[]]
+ combinations (x:xs) = let l = combinations xs in map (x:) l ++ l
+ in loop (IC.initialContinuation program) (map (fromIntegral . ord) setupString) (combinations allItems)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ program <- IC.parse . head <$> getInput 25
+ -- exploreAndPrintMap program
+ -- interactive program
+ tryCombinations program
+ -- Collection of items: ["asterisk","ornament","astronaut ice cream","fixed point"]
+ -- Password: 134227456
diff --git a/2019/ b/2019/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c36b9c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2019/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@