path: root/2019
diff options
authortomsmeding <>2019-12-05 14:20:37 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2019-12-05 14:20:37 +0100
commit4a859bc4acd6d0ea03b6321f60c29f5c0c1da0d5 (patch)
tree77ce65eca9719df24d224496bc0f1f2923d14c88 /2019
parent8db33e442ed88d1dad597123bcb156dc9280151c (diff)
Simple intcode assembler
Diffstat (limited to '2019')
3 files changed, 126 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/2019/.gitignore b/2019/.gitignore
index ebbfb2e..ef5c4cb 100644
--- a/2019/.gitignore
+++ b/2019/.gitignore
@@ -25,3 +25,4 @@ obj/
diff --git a/2019/IntCode.hs b/2019/IntCode.hs
index 89b54a2..9e94066 100644
--- a/2019/IntCode.hs
+++ b/2019/IntCode.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
module IntCode (
- IC(..),
- parse, decode, run
+ Arg(..), IC(..),
+ parse, decode, run, unparse
) where
import Control.Monad.ST
@@ -31,6 +31,25 @@ parse = map read . splitOn ','
(pre, _ : post) -> pre : splitOn c post
_ -> [s]
+unparse :: IC -> [Int]
+unparse ic = case ic of
+ Add a b c -> go 1 [a,b,c]
+ Mul a b c -> go 2 [a,b,c]
+ Inp a -> go 3 [a ]
+ Out a -> go 4 [a ]
+ Jnz a b -> go 5 [a,b ]
+ Jez a b -> go 6 [a,b ]
+ Clt a b c -> go 7 [a,b,c]
+ Ceq a b c -> go 8 [a,b,c]
+ Hlt -> [99]
+ where
+ go code as = (100 * mode as + code) : map bare as
+ where bare (Imm n) = n
+ bare (Addr n) = n
+ mode [] = 0
+ mode (Imm _ : as) = 1 + 10 * mode as
+ mode (Addr _ : as) = 10 * mode as
decode :: [Int] -> (IC, Int)
decode [] = error "IC: Execution fell off end of program"
decode (ins : rest) =
diff --git a/2019/ic-asm.hs b/2019/ic-asm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3f5540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2019/ic-asm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+module Main where
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified IntCode as IC
+type Name = String
+data Ref = Imm Int | Var Name
+ deriving (Show)
+data Stmt
+ = Declare Name
+ | Set Name Ref
+ | Add Name Ref Ref
+ | Mul Name Ref Ref
+ | Input Name
+ | Output Ref
+ | Clt Name Ref Ref
+ | Ceq Name Ref Ref
+ | If Ref [Stmt] [Stmt]
+ | While Ref [Stmt]
+ | Halt
+ deriving (Show)
+assemble :: [Stmt] -> [Int]
+assemble stmts =
+ IC.unparse (IC.Jnz (IC.Imm 1) (IC.Imm (3 + nvars)))
+ ++ replicate nvars 0
+ ++ concatMap IC.unparse (snd (goL nvars stmts))
+ where
+ vars = Set.unions (map collectDeclares stmts)
+ var2idx = Map.fromList (zip (Set.toList vars) [3..])
+ nvars = Set.size vars
+ goL :: Int -> [Stmt] -> (Int, [IC.IC])
+ goL = (fmap concat .) . foldProduce go
+ go :: Int -> Stmt -> ([IC.IC], Int)
+ go off (Declare _) = ([], off)
+ go off (Set n a) = go off (Add n a (Imm 0))
+ go off (Add n a b) = ([IC.Add (ref a) (ref b) (ref (Var n))], off + 4)
+ go off (Mul n a b) = ([IC.Mul (ref a) (ref b) (ref (Var n))], off + 4)
+ go off (Input n) = ([IC.Inp (ref (Var n))], off + 2)
+ go off (Output a) = ([IC.Out (ref a)], off + 2)
+ go off (Clt n a b) = ([IC.Clt (ref a) (ref b) (ref (Var n))], off + 4)
+ go off (Ceq n a b) = ([IC.Clt (ref a) (ref b) (ref (Var n))], off + 4)
+ go off (If a [] s2) =
+ let (off', ics2) = goL (off + 3) s2
+ in (IC.Jnz (ref a) (IC.Imm off') : ics2
+ , off')
+ go off (If a s1 s2) =
+ let (offAfterThen, ics2) = goL (off + 3) s2
+ (offAfterElse, ics1) = goL (offAfterThen + 3) s1
+ in ([IC.Jez (ref a) (IC.Imm (offAfterThen + 3))]
+ ++ ics2
+ ++ [IC.Jnz (IC.Imm 1) (IC.Imm offAfterElse)]
+ ++ ics1
+ , offAfterElse)
+ go off (While a s) =
+ let (offAfterBody, ics) = goL (off + 3) s
+ in ([IC.Jez (ref a) (IC.Imm (offAfterBody + 3))]
+ ++ ics
+ ++ [IC.Jnz (ref a) (IC.Imm (off + 3))]
+ , offAfterBody + 3)
+ go off Halt = ([IC.Hlt], off + 1)
+ ref (Imm n) = IC.Imm n
+ ref (Var n) = case Map.lookup n var2idx of
+ Just idx -> IC.Addr idx
+ Nothing -> error $ "Undeclared variable '" ++ n ++ "'"
+collectDeclares :: Stmt -> Set.Set Name
+collectDeclares (Declare n) = Set.singleton n
+collectDeclares (If _ a b) = Set.unions (map collectDeclares (a ++ b))
+collectDeclares (While _ a) = Set.unions (map collectDeclares a)
+collectDeclares _ = Set.empty
+foldProduce :: (s -> a -> (b, s)) -> s -> [a] -> (s, [b])
+foldProduce _ s [] = (s, [])
+foldProduce f s (x:xs) = let (y, s') = f s x in fmap (y :) (foldProduce f s' xs)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ let prog = [Declare "a"
+ ,Declare "c"
+ ,Declare "out"
+ ,Set "out" (Imm 1)
+ ,Input "a"
+ ,Clt "c" (Imm 0) (Var "a")
+ ,While (Var "c")
+ [Mul "out" (Var "out") (Var "a")
+ ,Add "a" (Var "a") (Imm (-1))
+ ,Clt "c" (Imm 0) (Var "a")
+ ]
+ ,Output (Var "out")
+ ,Halt
+ ]
+ let res = assemble prog
+ print res
+ print (snd ( res [10]))