path: root/2020
diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2020-12-19 21:47:58 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2020-12-19 21:47:58 +0100
commit66fa992cf7ec10553c00c196ad0259443e27e37a (patch)
treedc533f596c7e5d9235d432a79d7968af5c9384c3 /2020
parenta5fd247a5e66ea63fc0826a884dd78e37888878b (diff)
Day 16
Diffstat (limited to '2020')
2 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2020/16.hs b/2020/16.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9c3446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/16.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module Main where
+import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
+import Data.Foldable (toList)
+import Data.Function (on)
+import Data.List
+import qualified Text.Parsec as P
+import Input
+import Util
+data IVMap a = IVSplit (a, a) (IVMap a) (IVMap a) | IVLeaf (a, a)
+ deriving (Show)
+ivmFromList :: Ord a => [(a, a)] -> IVMap a
+ivmFromList =
+ (\case l -> splitIntoTree (length l) l)
+ . foldr mergeInto []
+ . map ((,) <$> fst . head <*> maximum . map snd)
+ . groupBy ((==) `on` fst)
+ . sort
+ where
+ mergeInto :: Ord a => (a, a) -> [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)]
+ mergeInto (a, b) [] = [(a, b)]
+ mergeInto (a, b) ((c, d) : l) | b >= c = mergeInto (a, d) l
+ | otherwise = (a, b) : (c, d) : l
+ topRange :: IVMap a -> (a, a)
+ topRange (IVSplit p _ _) = p
+ topRange (IVLeaf p) = p
+ splitIntoTree :: Ord a => Int -> [(a, a)] -> IVMap a
+ splitIntoTree _ [] = error "splitIntoTree: empty list"
+ splitIntoTree _ [p] = IVLeaf p
+ splitIntoTree n l =
+ let (pre, post) = splitAt (n `div` 2) l
+ t1 = splitIntoTree (n `div` 2) pre
+ t2 = splitIntoTree ((n + 1) `div` 2) post
+ in IVSplit (fst (topRange t1), snd (topRange t2)) t1 t2
+ivmContains :: Ord a => IVMap a -> a -> Bool
+ivmContains (IVLeaf (a, b)) x = a <= x && x <= b
+ivmContains (IVSplit (a, b) t1 t2) x | a <= x && x <= b = ivmContains t1 x || ivmContains t2 x
+ | otherwise = False
+distinctElemSAT :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [a]
+distinctElemSAT =
+ map (\case [x] -> x ; [] -> error "No assignment" ; _ -> error "Ambiguous?")
+ . fixpoint eliminateSingles
+ where
+ fixpoint :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
+ fixpoint f x = let y = f x in if y == x then x else fixpoint f y
+ eliminateSingles :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [[a]]
+ eliminateSingles l = map (\row -> if length row == 1 then row else filter (`notElem` [x | [x] <- l]) row) l
+data Rule = Rule String [(Int, Int)] (IVMap Int)
+ deriving (Show)
+parseTicket :: String -> [Int]
+parseTicket = map read . toList . splitOn (== ',')
+parseRule :: String -> Rule
+parseRule = (\case Right (n,ivs) -> Rule n ivs (ivmFromList ivs)
+ Left e -> error (show e))
+ . P.parse pRule ""
+ where
+ pRule = (,) <$> P.many1 (P.satisfy (/= ':')) <*> (P.string ": " >> pRange `P.sepBy` P.string " or ")
+ pRange = (,) <$> (read <$> P.many1 P.digit) <*> (P.char '-' >> read <$> P.many1 P.digit)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ input <- getInput 16
+ let [map parseRule -> rules, [""],
+ ["your ticket:", parseTicket -> mytick], [""],
+ "nearby tickets:" : (map parseTicket -> nbticks)] =
+ groupBy (\a b -> not (null a || null b)) input
+ anyValidIVM = ivmFromList (concat [ps | Rule _ ps _ <- rules])
+ (concat -> invalids, valids) = partitionEithers
+ [case partition (ivmContains anyValidIVM) tick of
+ (yeses, []) -> Right yeses
+ (_, nos) -> Left nos
+ | tick <- nbticks]
+ print (sum invalids)
+ let fieldNames = distinctElemSAT
+ [[name | Rule name _ ivm <- rules, all (ivmContains ivm) column]
+ | column <- transpose valids]
+ print (product [value | (value, name) <- zip mytick fieldNames, take 10 name == "departure "])
diff --git a/2020/ b/2020/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4688d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+departure location: 42-322 or 347-954
+departure station: 49-533 or 555-966
+departure platform: 28-86 or 101-974
+departure track: 50-150 or 156-950
+departure date: 30-117 or 129-957
+departure time: 31-660 or 678-951
+arrival location: 26-482 or 504-959
+arrival station: 29-207 or 220-971
+arrival platform: 28-805 or 829-964
+arrival track: 48-377 or 401-964
+class: 28-138 or 145-959
+duration: 33-182 or 205-966
+price: 25-437 or 449-962
+route: 41-403 or 428-968
+row: 33-867 or 880-960
+seat: 40-921 or 930-955
+train: 47-721 or 732-955
+type: 33-243 or 265-964
+wagon: 31-756 or 768-973
+zone: 50-690 or 713-967
+your ticket:
+nearby tickets: