path: root/2021
diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2021-12-15 21:25:55 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2021-12-15 21:27:09 +0100
commitaec4b7b0c4f083562a24305e5b65a289d5a1db07 (patch)
treea725cb2fdaac7735c4ecbf86161832dc370a73bb /2021
parent62e6b042370e600819a29609c3b9e9f09326a71f (diff)
Cleanup 15
Diffstat (limited to '2021')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/2021/15.hs b/2021/15.hs
index 542ba42..271a49d 100644
--- a/2021/15.hs
+++ b/2021/15.hs
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List hiding (insert)
import Data.Ord
--- import Debug.Trace
import Input
@@ -32,55 +30,33 @@ qAdds = \pairs (PQueue l) -> PQueue (inserts (let PQueue pq = qFromList pairs in
LT -> (k, vs) : inserts restnews l
EQ -> (k, vs ++ vs') : inserts restnews rest
GT -> (k', vs') : inserts news rest
-qAdd :: Ord k => k -> v -> PQueue k v -> PQueue k v
-qAdd k v pq = qAdds [(k, v)] pq
qPop :: PQueue k v -> Maybe ((k, v), PQueue k v)
qPop (PQueue []) = Nothing
qPop (PQueue ((k, [v]) : l)) = Just ((k, v), PQueue l)
qPop (PQueue ((k, v:vs) : l)) = Just ((k, v), PQueue ((k, vs) : l))
qPop (PQueue ((_, []) : l)) = qPop (PQueue l)
--- Return array: (parent position, minimal distance)
-dijkstra :: A.Array (Int, Int) Int -> A.Array (Int, Int) ((Int, Int), Int)
+dijkstra :: A.Array (Int, Int) Int -> A.Array (Int, Int) Int
dijkstra board = MA.runSTArray $ do
- arr <- MA.newArray (A.bounds board) ((-1, -1), maxBound)
- MA.writeArray arr (0, 0) ((-1, -1), 0)
+ arr <- MA.newArray (A.bounds board) maxBound
+ MA.writeArray arr (0, 0) 0
loop arr (qFromList [(0, (0, 0))])
return arr
- loop :: MA.STArray s (Int, Int) ((Int, Int), Int) -> PQueue Int (Int, Int) -> ST s ()
+ loop :: MA.STArray s (Int, Int) Int -> PQueue Int (Int, Int) -> ST s ()
loop arr qu
| Just ((curdist, (x, y)), qu') <- qPop qu = do
- -- traceM ("pq = " ++ show qu)
- -- traceM ("visit " ++ show (x, y))
- -- traceM ("pq = " ++ show qu')
- neighbours <- mapM (\pos -> (pos,) . snd <$> MA.readArray arr pos)
+ neighbours <- mapM (\pos -> (pos,) <$> MA.readArray arr pos)
. filter (A.inRange (A.bounds board))
$ [(x+1,y), (x,y+1), (x-1,y), (x,y-1)]
let updates = [(curdist + board A.! pos', pos')
| (pos', dist) <- neighbours
, dist > curdist + board A.! pos']
- -- traceM ("updates = " ++ show updates)
forM_ updates $ \(newdist, pos') ->
- MA.writeArray arr pos' ((x, y), newdist)
- -- MA.freeze arr >>= traceM . printDists
+ MA.writeArray arr pos' newdist
loop arr (qAdds updates qu')
| otherwise = return ()
-printDists :: A.Array (Int, Int) ((Int, Int), Int) -> String
-printDists dists =
- let pad2 s = let s' = " " ++ s in drop (length s' - 2) s'
- (_, (ymax, xmax)) = A.bounds dists
- in unlines [intercalate " " [let d = snd (dists A.! (y, x))
- in if d == maxBound then "--" else pad2 (show d)
- | x <- [0..xmax]]
- | y <- [0..ymax]]
-tracePath :: A.Array (Int, Int) ((Int, Int), Int) -> (Int, Int) -> [((Int, Int), Int)]
-tracePath _ (-1, -1) = []
-tracePath dists to = let (next, dist) = dists A.! to
- in (to, dist) : tracePath dists next
expand :: Int -> (Int -> a -> a) -> A.Array (Int, Int) a -> A.Array (Int, Int) a
expand times f arr =
let ((0, 0), (ymax, xmax)) = A.bounds arr
@@ -95,9 +71,6 @@ main = do
board <- map (map (read . pure)) <$> getInput 15
let (h, w) = (length board, length (head board))
let boardarr = A.listArray ((0, 0), (h-1, w-1)) (concat board)
- print (snd (dijkstra boardarr A.! (h-1, w-1)))
+ print (dijkstra boardarr A.! (h-1, w-1))
let expanded = expand 5 (\n x -> (x + n - 1) `mod` 9 + 1) boardarr
- -- putStr $ unlines [concatMap show [expanded A.! (y, x) | x <- [0 .. 5*w-1]] | y <- [0 .. 5*h-1]]
- print (snd (dijkstra expanded A.! (5*h-1, 5*w-1)))
- -- mapM_ print $ reverse (tracePath dists (h-1, w-1))
- -- putStr (printDists dists)
+ print (dijkstra expanded A.! (5*h-1, 5*w-1))