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authorTom Smeding <>2024-12-03 21:00:21 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2024-12-03 21:00:21 +0100
commit0f15c35338be0df27ade75527a080fd02efd8a61 (patch)
parente5c5b99aee32c602aaf4754770101a86bfb335b0 (diff)
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2024/3.hs b/2024/3.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86a5fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/3.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+import Data.List (tails, foldl')
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
+data Regex
+ = L String -- ^ literal
+ | A [Regex] -- ^ alternation (or)
+ | S [Regex] -- ^ sequence (concatenation)
+ | M Regex -- ^ many (star)
+ | Set [Char] -- ^ character class
+ | Grp Int Regex -- ^ capture group
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Semigroup Regex where
+ a <> S bs = S (a : bs)
+ a <> b = S [a, b]
+instance Monoid Regex where mempty = L ""
+some :: Regex -> Regex
+some r = r <> M r
+-- (full match, groups, rest)
+match :: Regex -> String -> [(String, Map Int String, String)]
+match (L r) s
+ | take (length r) s == r = pure (r, mempty, drop (length r) s)
+ | otherwise = []
+match (A rs) s = concatMap (`match` s) rs
+match (S []) s = [("", mempty, s)]
+match (S (r:rs)) s = do
+ (f1, m1, rest1) <- match r s
+ (f2, m2, rest2) <- match (S rs) rest1
+ pure (f1 ++ f2, m1 <> m2, rest2)
+match (M r) s =
+ case match r s of
+ [] -> [("", mempty, s)]
+ ms -> do (f1, m1, rest1) <- ms
+ case match (M r) rest1 of
+ [] -> pure (f1, m1, rest1)
+ ms' -> do (f2, m2, rest2) <- ms'
+ pure (f1 ++ f2, m1 <> m2, rest2)
+match (Set chs) s
+ | c : s' <- s, c `elem` chs = [([c], mempty, s')]
+ | otherwise = []
+match (Grp i r) s = do
+ (f, m, rest) <- match r s
+ pure (f, Map.insert i f m, rest)
+matchall :: Regex -> String -> [(String, Map Int String, String)]
+matchall r s = concatMap (match r) (tails s)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ let num_reg = some (Set ['0'..'9'])
+ mul_reg = L "mul(" <> Grp 1 num_reg <> L "," <> Grp 2 num_reg <> L ")"
+ input <- getContents
+ print $ sum [read @Int (m Map.! 1) * read (m Map.! 2) | (_, m, _) <- matchall mul_reg input]
+ let instr_reg = A [mul_reg, L "do()", L "don't()"]
+ let instrs = [case (,) <$> Map.lookup 1 m <*> Map.lookup 2 m of
+ Just (a, b) -> Right (read @Int a * read b)
+ Nothing -> Left (s == "do()")
+ | (s, m, _) <- matchall instr_reg input]
+ print $ fst $
+ foldl' (\(acc, en) -> \case Right v | en -> (acc + v, en)
+ | otherwise -> (acc, en)
+ Left en' -> (acc, en'))
+ (0, True) instrs