path: root/2018/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2018/src')
2 files changed, 495 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/2018/src/ b/2018/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6246ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2018/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+use std::io;
+use std::io::{BufRead, Write};
+use std::cmp;
+use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
+use rand::prelude::*;
+const LARGE: i64 = i64::max_value() / 16;
+fn leq3<T: Ord>(a: T, b: T, c: T) -> bool {
+ a <= b && b <= c
+#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+struct Pos { x: i64, y: i64, z: i64 }
+impl Pos {
+ fn new(x: i64, y: i64, z: i64) -> Self {
+ Pos { x, y, z }
+ }
+ fn new_v(v: i64) -> Self {
+ Pos::new(v, v, v)
+ }
+ #[used]
+ fn dist(&self, b: &Pos) -> i64 {
+ (self.x - b.x).abs() + (self.y - b.y).abs() + (self.z - b.z).abs()
+ }
+ fn distf(&self, b: &FPos) -> f64 {
+ (self.x as f64 - b.x).abs() + (self.y as f64 - b.y).abs() + (self.z as f64 - b.z).abs()
+ }
+ #[used]
+ fn dot(&self, b: &Pos) -> i64 {
+ self.x * b.x + self.y * b.y + self.z * b.z
+ }
+ #[used]
+ fn add(&self, b: &Pos) -> Pos {
+ Pos::new(self.x + b.x, self.y + b.y, self.z + b.z)
+ }
+ fn max(&self, b: &Pos) -> Pos {
+ Pos::new(cmp::max(self.x, b.x), cmp::max(self.y, b.y), cmp::max(self.z, b.z))
+ }
+ fn min(&self, b: &Pos) -> Pos {
+ Pos::new(cmp::min(self.x, b.x), cmp::min(self.y, b.y), cmp::min(self.z, b.z))
+ }
+struct Bot {
+ pos: Pos,
+ rad: i64,
+fn parse_bot(line: &str) -> Bot {
+ let mut numbers = vec![0];
+ let mut multiplier = 1;
+ for c in line.chars() {
+ if c == ',' {
+ numbers.push(0);
+ multiplier = 1;
+ } else if c == '-' {
+ multiplier = -1;
+ } else if let Some(dig) = c.to_digit(10) {
+ let last = numbers.last_mut().unwrap();
+ *last = *last * 10 + multiplier * dig as i64;
+ }
+ }
+ assert!(numbers.len() == 4);
+ Bot {
+ pos: Pos { x: numbers[0], y: numbers[1], z: numbers[2] },
+ rad: numbers[3],
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+struct Intersection {
+ // If p is any point inside the bounds, then order the 8 planes by intersection with the rays:
+ // <(1, 1, 1)>, <(1, 1, -1)>, <(1, -1, 1)>, <(1, -1, -1)>, <(-1, 1, 1)>, <(-1, 1, -1)>, <(-1, -1, 1)>, <(-1, -1, -1)>
+ // Then represent a plane by the x-coordinate of its intersection with the x-axis.
+ // All bounds are inclusive.
+ bounds: [i64; 8],
+impl Intersection {
+ fn all() -> Self {
+ let pos = LARGE;
+ let neg = -LARGE;
+ Self { bounds: [pos, pos, pos, pos, neg, neg, neg, neg] }
+ }
+ #[used]
+ fn empty() -> Self {
+ let pos = LARGE;
+ let neg = -LARGE;
+ Self { bounds: [neg, neg, neg, neg, pos, pos, pos, pos] }
+ }
+ fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.bounds[0] < self.bounds[7]
+ || self.bounds[1] < self.bounds[6]
+ || self.bounds[2] < self.bounds[5]
+ || self.bounds[3] < self.bounds[4]
+ }
+ fn from_bot(bot: &Bot) -> Self {
+ let pos = bot.pos.add(&Pos::new(bot.rad, 0, 0));
+ let neg = bot.pos.add(&Pos::new(-bot.rad, 0, 0));
+ let res = Self {
+ bounds: [
+, 1, 1)),
+, 1, -1)),
+, -1, 1)),
+, -1, -1)),
+, -1, -1)),
+, -1, 1)),
+, 1, -1)),
+, 1, 1)),
+ ]
+ };
+ if res.bounds[0] - res.bounds[7] != 2 * bot.rad
+ || res.bounds[1] - res.bounds[6] != 2 * bot.rad
+ || res.bounds[2] - res.bounds[5] != 2 * bot.rad
+ || res.bounds[3] - res.bounds[4] != 2 * bot.rad {
+ println!("bot={:?}", bot);
+ println!("bounds={:?}", res.bounds);
+ assert!(false);
+ }
+ res
+ }
+ fn intersection(&self, o: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ bounds: [
+ cmp::min(self.bounds[0], o.bounds[0]),
+ cmp::min(self.bounds[1], o.bounds[1]),
+ cmp::min(self.bounds[2], o.bounds[2]),
+ cmp::min(self.bounds[3], o.bounds[3]),
+ cmp::max(self.bounds[4], o.bounds[4]),
+ cmp::max(self.bounds[5], o.bounds[5]),
+ cmp::max(self.bounds[6], o.bounds[6]),
+ cmp::max(self.bounds[7], o.bounds[7]),
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ fn dist_origin(&self) -> i64 {
+ println!("{:?}", self);
+ let pts = self.all_points();
+ println!("{} points in self", pts.len());
+ let res = pts.iter().map(|p| p.dist(&Pos::new(0, 0, 0))).min().unwrap();
+ println!("{}", res);
+ res
+ }
+ fn contains(&self, pos: &Pos) -> bool {
+ leq3(self.bounds[7],, 1, 1)), self.bounds[0])
+ && leq3(self.bounds[6],, 1, -1)), self.bounds[1])
+ && leq3(self.bounds[5],, -1, 1)), self.bounds[2])
+ && leq3(self.bounds[4],, -1, -1)), self.bounds[3])
+ }
+ fn all_points(&self) -> Vec<Pos> {
+ (self.bounds[5] + self.bounds[6] ..= self.bounds[1] + self.bounds[2]).map(move |p1| {
+ (self.bounds[6] + self.bounds[7] - p1 ..= self.bounds[0] + self.bounds[1] - p1).map(move |p2| {
+ (-self.bounds[3] + p1 - p2 ..= -self.bounds[4] + p1 - p2).map(move |p3| {
+ println!("candidate {:?}", Pos::new(p1, p2, p3));
+ Pos::new(p1, p2, p3)
+ })
+ }).flatten()
+ }).flatten().filter(|p| self.contains(p)).collect()
+ }
+fn backtrack<F: Fn(&Intersection) -> i64>(bots: &[Intersection], selected: &[usize], max_count: &mut i64, min_dist: &mut i64, count: i64, inter: Intersection, dist_func: &F) {
+ // println!("backtrack: max_count={} min_dist={} count={}", max_count, min_dist, count);
+ if count > *max_count {
+ *max_count = count;
+ *min_dist = dist_func(&inter);
+ // println!("New max count: {} at dist {}; inter={:?}", count, *min_dist, inter);
+ } else if count == *max_count {
+ let d = dist_func(&inter);
+ if d < *min_dist {
+ *min_dist = d;
+ // println!(" New min dist: {}", d);
+ }
+ }
+ let rest = selected.iter().map(|&i| i).filter(|&i| !inter.intersection(&bots[i]).is_empty()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ // println!("rest.len() = {}", rest.len());
+ if rest.len() as i64 + count < *max_count {
+ return;
+ }
+ if rest.len() == 0 {
+ return;
+ }
+ let inter2 = inter.intersection(&bots[rest[0]]);
+ backtrack(bots, &rest[1..], max_count, min_dist, count + 1, inter2, dist_func);
+ backtrack(bots, &rest[1..], max_count, min_dist, count, inter, dist_func);
+fn part2_via_backtracking(bots: &[Bot]) -> i64 {
+ let inters = bots.iter().map(|b| Intersection::from_bot(&b)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let mut max_count = 0;
+ let mut min_dist = LARGE;
+ backtrack(&inters, &(0..inters.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>(), &mut max_count, &mut min_dist, 0, Intersection::all(), &|_| 0);
+ min_dist = LARGE;
+ backtrack(&inters, &(0..inters.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>(), &mut max_count, &mut min_dist, 0, Intersection::all(), &|i| i.dist_origin());
+ min_dist
+fn partial_min<'a, T: PartialOrd>(a: &'a T, b: &'a T) -> Option<&'a T> {
+ match a.partial_cmp(b) {
+ Some(cmp::Ordering::Less) => Some(a),
+ Some(cmp::Ordering::Equal) => Some(a),
+ Some(cmp::Ordering::Greater) => Some(b),
+ None => None
+ }
+fn partial_max<'a, T: PartialOrd>(a: &'a T, b: &'a T) -> Option<&'a T> {
+ match a.partial_cmp(b) {
+ Some(cmp::Ordering::Less) => Some(b),
+ Some(cmp::Ordering::Equal) => Some(a),
+ Some(cmp::Ordering::Greater) => Some(a),
+ None => None
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
+struct FPos { x: f64, y: f64, z: f64 }
+impl FPos {
+ fn new(x: f64, y: f64, z: f64) -> Self {
+ Self { x, y, z }
+ }
+ fn from_pos(pos: &Pos) -> Self {
+ Self { x: pos.x as f64, y: pos.y as f64, z: pos.z as f64 }
+ }
+ fn add(&self, b: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self::new(self.x + b.x, self.y + b.y, self.z + b.z)
+ }
+ fn scale(&self, b: f64) -> Self {
+ Self::new(self.x * b, self.y * b, self.z * b)
+ }
+ fn max(&self, b: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self::new(*partial_max(&self.x, &b.x).unwrap(), *partial_max(&self.y, &b.y).unwrap(), *partial_max(&self.z, &b.z).unwrap())
+ }
+ fn min(&self, b: &Self) -> Self {
+ Self::new(*partial_min(&self.x, &b.x).unwrap(), *partial_min(&self.y, &b.y).unwrap(), *partial_min(&self.z, &b.z).unwrap())
+ }
+fn dist_weight(bot: &Bot, pos: &FPos) -> f64 {
+ let d = bot.pos.distf(pos);
+ if d <= bot.rad as f64 {
+ 1.0
+ } else {
+ let x = d - bot.rad as f64;
+ 0.0009 / (x + 1.0)
+ }
+fn score_function(bots: &[Bot], pos: &FPos) -> f64 {
+ bots.iter().map(|bot| dist_weight(bot, pos)).sum()
+fn random_point_in_box(minpt: &FPos, maxpt: &FPos) -> FPos {
+ FPos::new(random::<f64>() * (maxpt.x - minpt.x) + minpt.x,
+ random::<f64>() * (maxpt.y - minpt.y) + minpt.y,
+ random::<f64>() * (maxpt.z - minpt.z) + minpt.z)
+fn random_point() -> FPos {
+ random_point_in_box(&FPos::new(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0), &FPos::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
+fn improve(bots: &[Bot], pos: FPos, heat: f64) -> (FPos, f64) {
+ let mut best_pos = pos.clone();
+ let mut best_score = score_function(bots, &pos);
+ for _ in 0..10 {
+ let pt = pos.add(&random_point().scale(heat));
+ let sc = score_function(bots, &pt);
+ if sc > best_score {
+ best_score = sc;
+ best_pos = pt;
+ }
+ }
+ (best_pos, best_score)
+fn containing_box(pts: &[FPos]) -> (FPos, FPos) {
+ let minpt = pts.iter().fold(FPos::new(1.0e34, 1.0e34, 1.0e34), |p1, p| p1.min(p));
+ let maxpt = pts.iter().fold(FPos::new(-1.0e34, -1.0e34, -1.0e34), |p1, p| p1.max(p));
+ (minpt, maxpt)
+fn anneal_maximum(bots: &[Bot]) -> FPos {
+ let minpt = FPos::from_pos(&bots.iter().fold(Pos::new_v(LARGE), |p1, bot| p1.min(&bot.pos)));
+ let maxpt = FPos::from_pos(&bots.iter().fold(Pos::new_v(-LARGE), |p1, bot| p1.max(&bot.pos)));
+ let num_points = 100;
+ let mut pts = Vec::new();
+ for _ in 0..num_points {
+ pts.push(random_point_in_box(&minpt, &maxpt))
+ }
+ let mut heat = 1000000.0;
+ for iter in 0..16000 {
+ let mut best_score = 0.0;
+ for i in 0..pts.len() {
+ match improve(bots, pts[i].clone(), heat) {
+ (p, s) => {
+ pts[i] = p;
+ if s > best_score {
+ best_score = s;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if iter % 100 == 0 {
+ println!("iter={} heat={} best_score={} {:?}", iter, heat, best_score, containing_box(&pts));
+ heat *= 0.9;
+ if heat < 1.0 { heat = 1.0; }
+ pts.sort_by(|a, b| score_function(bots, b).partial_cmp(&score_function(bots, a)).unwrap());
+ pts.truncate(num_points / 2);
+ for _ in 0..num_points / 2 {
+ pts.push(random_point_in_box(&minpt, &maxpt));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pts.iter().max_by_key(|pt| score_function(bots, &pt) as i64).unwrap().clone()
+fn build_smtlib(bots: &[Bot]) -> String {
+ let mut res = String::new();
+ res.push_str("(define-fun abs ((x Int)) Int (ite (< x 0) (- x) x))\n");
+ res.push_str("(declare-const x Int)\n");
+ res.push_str("(declare-const y Int)\n");
+ res.push_str("(declare-const z Int)\n");
+ res.push_str("(declare-const nrange Int)\n");
+ res.push_str("(declare-const distorigin Int)\n");
+ for i in 0..bots.len() {
+ res.push_str(&format!("(declare-const eq{} Int)\n", i));
+ }
+ for i in 0..bots.len() {
+ res.push_str(&format!("(assert (= eq{} (ite (<= (+ (abs (- x {})) (abs (- y {})) (abs (- z {}))) {}) 1 0)))\n",
+ i, bots[i].pos.x, bots[i].pos.y, bots[i].pos.z, bots[i].rad));
+ }
+ res.push_str("(assert (= nrange (+\n");
+ for i in 0..bots.len() {
+ res.push_str(&format!(" (ite (<= (+ (abs (- x {})) (abs (- y {})) (abs (- z {}))) {}) 1 0)\n",
+ bots[i].pos.x, bots[i].pos.y, bots[i].pos.z, bots[i].rad));
+ }
+ res.push_str(")))\n");
+ res.push_str("(assert (= distorigin (+ (abs x) (abs y) (abs z))))\n");
+ res.push_str("(maximize nrange)\n");
+ res.push_str("(minimize distorigin)\n");
+ res.push_str("(check-sat)\n");
+ // res.push_str("(get-model)\n");
+ res.push_str("(eval distorigin)\n");
+ res
+fn build_cplex(bots: &[Bot]) -> String {
+ let minpt = &bots.iter().fold(Pos::new_v(LARGE), |p1, bot| p1.min(&bot.pos));
+ let isign = |c, case| if case & (1 << c) == 0 { "" } else { "-" };
+ let sign = |c, case| if case & (1 << c) == 0 { "+" } else { "-" };
+ let mul = |c, case, n: i64| if case & (1 << c) == 0 { n } else { -n };
+ let mut res = String::new();
+ res.push_str("maximize 300000000 nrange - distorigin\n");
+ res.push_str("subject to\n");
+ for i in 0..bots.len() {
+ for case in 0..8 {
+ // bC = bot.C - min.C
+ // ±(x - bx) + ±(y - by) + ±(z - bz) <= rad + 1e12 (1 - ei)
+ // ±(x + y + z) - ±(bx + by + bz) <= rad + 1e12 - 1e12 ei
+ // ±(x + y + z) - ±(bx + by + bz) + 1e12 ei <= rad + 1e12
+ // ±x ± y ± z + 1e12 ei <= rad + 1e12 ± bx ± by ± bz
+ res.push_str(&format!(" {}x {} y {} z + 1000000000000 e{} <= {}\n",
+ isign(0, case), sign(1, case), sign(2, case), i,
+ bots[i].rad + 1000000000000 + mul(0, case, bots[i].pos.x - minpt.x) + mul(1, case, bots[i].pos.x - minpt.x) + mul(2, case, bots[i].pos.x - minpt.x)));
+ }
+ }
+ res.push_str(" nrange");
+ for i in 0..bots.len() {
+ res.push_str(&format!(" - e{}", i));
+ }
+ res.push_str(" = 0\n");
+ for case in 0..8 {
+ // ±(x - mx) + ±(y - my) + ±(z - mz) <= distorigin
+ // ±(x + y + z) - ±(mx + my + mz) <= distorigin
+ // ±x ± y ± z <= distorigin - ±(mx + my + mz)
+ // ±x ± y ± z - distorigin <= - ±mx - ±my - ±mz
+ res.push_str(&format!(" {}x {} y {} z - distorigin <= {}\n",
+ isign(0, case), sign(1, case), sign(2, case),
+ -mul(0, case, minpt.x) - mul(1, case, minpt.y) - mul(2, case, minpt.z)));
+ }
+ res.push_str("bounds\n");
+ res.push_str(" 0 <= nrange\n");
+ res.push_str(" 0 <= distorigin\n");
+ res.push_str(" 0 <= x\n");
+ res.push_str(" 0 <= y\n");
+ res.push_str(" 0 <= z\n");
+ res.push_str("general\n");
+ res.push_str(" nrange distorigin x y z\n");
+ res.push_str("binary\n");
+ for i in 0..bots.len() {
+ res.push_str(&format!(" e{}", i));
+ }
+ res.push_str("\n");
+ res.push_str("end\n");
+ res
+pub fn main<T: BufRead>(reader: T) -> io::Result<(String, String)> {
+ let bots = reader.lines().map(|l| parse_bot(&l.unwrap())).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ // println!("{}", build_smtlib(&bots));
+ // println!("{}", build_cplex(&bots));
+ let largest = (0..bots.len()).max_by_key(|&i| bots[i].rad).unwrap();
+ let part1 = bots.iter().filter(|bot| bot.pos.dist(&bots[largest].pos) <= bots[largest].rad).count();
+ // let part2 = anneal_maximum(&bots);
+ // let part2 = part2_via_backtracking(&bots);
+ let mut child = Command::new("z3")
+ .arg("-in")
+ .stdin(Stdio::piped())
+ .stdout(Stdio::piped())
+ .spawn()
+ .unwrap();
+ child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap().write_all(build_smtlib(&bots).as_bytes()).unwrap();
+ let output = String::from_utf8(child.wait_with_output().unwrap().stdout).unwrap();
+ let part2 = output.lines().last().unwrap().to_string();
+ // Ok((part1.to_string(), String::new()))
+ Ok((part1.to_string(), part2))
diff --git a/2018/src/ b/2018/src/
index c45b084..aac9302 100644
--- a/2018/src/
+++ b/2018/src/
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ mod day19;
mod day20;
mod day21;
mod day22;
+mod day23;
-static NUM_DAYS: i32 = 22;
+static NUM_DAYS: i32 = 23;
fn day_switch<T: BufRead>(day: i32, reader: T) -> io::Result<(String, String)> {
match day {
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ fn day_switch<T: BufRead>(day: i32, reader: T) -> io::Result<(String, String)> {
20 => day20::main(reader),
21 => day21::main(reader),
22 => day22::main(reader),
+ 23 => day23::main(reader),
_ => Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Invalid day"))