diff options
26 files changed, 1881 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2015/day04_05_06.hs b/2015/day04_05_06.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd3f1fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day04_05_06.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Debug.Trace
+import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5 as MD5
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+b2i :: Bool -> Int
+b2i False = 0
+b2i True = 1
+contains :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
+contains l i = isJust $ find (==i) l
+isVowel :: Char -> Bool
+isVowel = contains "aeiou"
+maptup2 :: (a -> b) -> (a,a) -> (b,b)
+maptup2 f (a,b) = (f a,f b)
+convHex :: String -> String
+convHex "" = ""
+convHex (x:xs) = toHexDigit a : toHexDigit b : convHex xs
+ where n = ord x
+ (a,b) = divMod n 16
+ toHexDigit n = "0123456789abcdef" !! n
+day4_mine :: MD5.Ctx -> Int
+day4_mine ctx = day4_mine' ctx 1
+day4_mine' :: MD5.Ctx -> Int -> Int
+day4_mine' ctx n = if take 6 (convHex $ BS.unpack $ MD5.finalize $ MD5.update ctx $ BS.pack $ show n) == "000000" then n else day4_mine' ctx (n+1)
+day4 :: IO ()
+day4 = do
+ let prefix = "bgvyzdsv" :: String
+ let ctx = MD5.update MD5.init (BS.pack prefix)
+ putStrLn $ show $ day4_mine ctx
+day5_count :: String -> (Int,Bool,Bool)
+day5_count "" = (0,False,False)
+day5_count s = day5_count' (tail s) (head s) (b2i (isVowel (head s)),False,False)
+day5_count' :: String -> Char -> (Int,Bool,Bool) -> (Int,Bool,Bool)
+day5_count' "" last t = t
+day5_count' (x:xs) last (v,d,f) = day5_count' xs x (v + (b2i $ isVowel x),d||x==last,f||contains ["ab","cd","pq","xy"] [last,x])
+day5_check :: (Int,Bool,Bool) -> Bool
+day5_check (v,d,f) = v>=3&&d&&not f
+day5_count2 :: String -> (Map.Map (Char,Char) Int,Bool,Bool)
+day5_count2 s
+ | length s < 2 = (Map.empty,False,False)
+day5_count2 (a:b:cs) = day5_count2' a b (a,b) cs (Map.insert (a,b) 1 Map.empty,False,False)
+day5_count2' :: Char -> Char -> (Char,Char) -> String -> (Map.Map (Char,Char) Int,Bool,Bool) -> (Map.Map (Char,Char) Int,Bool,Bool)
+day5_count2' a b _ "" tup = tup
+day5_count2' a b lastp (c:cs) (m,t,y) = day5_count2' b c (if lastp==(b,c) then ('\0','\0') else (b,c)) cs (if lastp==(b,c) then m else Map.insertWith (+) (b,c) 1 m,t||a==c,y||(lastp/=(b,c) && (isJust $ Map.lookup (b,c) m)))
+day5_check2 :: (Map.Map (Char,Char) Int,Bool,Bool) -> Bool
+day5_check2 (_,t,y) = t && y
+day5 :: IO ()
+day5 = do
+ input <- readFile "input.txt"
+ let strings = lines input
+ putStrLn $ show $ sum [b2i $ day5_check2 $ day5_count2 s | s <- strings]
+type Lighttype = Int
+lightfuncs :: [Lighttype -> Lighttype]
+lightfuncs = [succ,\x -> max 0 $ pred x,\x -> x+2] -- part 2
+--lightfuncs = [\_ -> 1,\_ -> 0,\x -> 1-x] -- part 1
+day6_spl :: String -> (Int,Int)
+day6_spl s = (read $ take i s,read $ drop (i+1) s) :: (Int,Int)
+ where i = fromJust $ findIndex (==',') s
+--day6_set :: [[Lighttype]] -> (Lighttype -> Lighttype) -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> [[Lighttype]]
+--day6_set m f a b = trace (show m ++ " " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show b) $ traceShowId $ day6_set' m f a b
+day6_set :: [[Lighttype]] -> (Lighttype -> Lighttype) -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> [[Lighttype]]
+day6_set m f a@(ax,ay) b@(bx,by)
+ | ax==bx||ay==by = m
+ | ay>by = day6_set m f b a
+ | ax>bx = day6_set m f (bx,ay) (ax,by)
+ | ay>0 = take ay m ++ day6_set (drop ay m) f (ax,0) (bx,by-ay)
+ | by<length m = day6_set (take by m) f a b ++ drop by m
+ | ax>0 = let splitted = map (splitAt ax) m in map (uncurry (++)) $ zip (map fst splitted) (day6_set (map snd splitted) f (0,ay) (bx-ax,by))
+ | bx<length (m!!0) = map (uncurry (++)) $ zip (day6_set [take bx row | row <- m] f a b) ([drop bx row | row <- m])
+ | otherwise = map (\row -> map f row) m
+day6_exec :: [[Lighttype]] -> [String] -> [[Lighttype]]
+day6_exec m l -- = -- fixing sublime syntax highlighting
+ | take 2 l == ["turn","on"] = day6_set m (lightfuncs!!0) (day6_spl (l!!2)) (maptup2 succ $ day6_spl (l!!4))
+ | take 2 l == ["turn","off"] = day6_set m (lightfuncs!!1) (day6_spl (l!!2)) (maptup2 succ $ day6_spl (l!!4))
+ | l!!0 == "toggle" = day6_set m (lightfuncs!!2) (day6_spl (l!!1)) (maptup2 succ $ day6_spl (l!!3))
+day6 :: IO ()
+day6 = do
+ let size = 1000
+ input <- readFile "input.txt"
+ --let input = "turn on 0,0 through 3,2\ntoggle 1,1 through 3,3\n"
+ --let input = ""
+ --let input = "turn on 0,0 through 0,0"
+ let wrd = [words l | l <- lines input]
+ print $ sum $ [sum row | row <- foldl day6_exec (replicate size $ replicate size 0) wrd]
+main = day6
diff --git a/2015/day07.hs b/2015/day07.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..215355f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day07.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+module Main where
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Word
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+type Inttype = Word16
+data Literal = LNum Inttype | LName String
+data Command = Immediate Literal |
+ Monadic (Inttype -> Inttype) Literal |
+ Dyadic (Inttype -> Inttype -> Inttype) Literal Literal
+type Statement = (Command,String)
+type Cache = Map.Map String Inttype
+complement16 :: Inttype -> Inttype
+complement16 i = i `xor` 0xffff
+shiftL16 :: Inttype -> Int -> Inttype
+shiftL16 i n = (shiftL i n) .&. 0xffff
+shiftR16 :: Inttype -> Int -> Inttype
+shiftR16 i n = (shiftR i n) .&. 0xffff
+parseLit :: String -> Literal
+parseLit s = if isDigit (head s) then LNum (read s) else LName s
+parse :: [String] -> Statement
+parse l = (parse' (init $ init $ l),last l)
+parse' :: [String] -> Command
+parse' [n] = Immediate (parseLit n)
+parse' ["NOT",n] = Monadic complement16 (parseLit n)
+parse' [a,"AND",b] = Dyadic (.&.) (parseLit a) (parseLit b)
+parse' [a,"OR",b] = Dyadic (.|.) (parseLit a) (parseLit b)
+parse' [a,"LSHIFT",b] = Dyadic (\i n -> shiftL16 i (fromIntegral n)) (parseLit a) (parseLit b)
+parse' [a,"RSHIFT",b] = Dyadic (\i n -> shiftR16 i (fromIntegral n)) (parseLit a) (parseLit b)
+collectOutputs :: [Statement] -> [String]
+collectOutputs stmts = Set.toList $ collectOutputs' stmts Set.empty
+collectOutputs' :: [Statement] -> Set.Set String -> Set.Set String
+collectOutputs' [] set = set
+collectOutputs' ((_,target):ss) set = collectOutputs' ss $ Set.insert target set
+neededBy :: String -> Command -> Bool
+neededBy n (Immediate l) = case l of
+ LNum _ -> False
+ LName ln -> n == ln
+neededBy n (Monadic _ l) = case l of
+ LNum _ -> False
+ LName ln -> n == ln
+neededBy n (Dyadic _ (LNum _) b) = case b of
+ LNum _ -> False
+ LName bn -> n == bn
+neededBy n (Dyadic _ (LName an) b) = case b of
+ LNum _ -> n == an
+ LName bn -> n == an || n == bn
+leaves :: [Statement] -> [String]
+leaves stmts = leaves' (map fst stmts) (collectOutputs stmts)
+leaves' :: [Command] -> [String] -> [String]
+leaves' _ [] = []
+leaves' cmds (o:os) = if any (neededBy o) cmds then leaves' cmds os else o:leaves' cmds os
+getValue :: String -> [Statement] -> Cache -> (Inttype,Cache)
+getValue nm stmts cc = getValue' nm stmts stmts cc
+getValue' :: String -> [Statement] -> [Statement] -> Cache -> (Inttype,Cache)
+getValue' nm [] _ cc = case Map.lookup nm cc of
+ Nothing -> undefined
+ Just i -> (i,cc)
+getValue' nm ((cmd,target):ss) stmts cc = case Map.lookup nm cc of
+ Nothing -> if nm == target then execCmd cmd stmts cc else getValue' nm ss stmts cc
+ Just i -> (i,cc)
+resolveLit :: Literal -> [Statement] -> Cache -> (Inttype,Cache)
+resolveLit (LNum i) _ cc = (i,cc)
+resolveLit (LName n) stmts cc = (value,Map.insert n value cc2)
+ where (value,cc2) = getValue n stmts cc
+execCmd :: Command -> [Statement] -> Cache -> (Inttype,Cache)
+execCmd (Immediate l) stmts cc = resolveLit l stmts cc
+execCmd (Monadic f l) stmts cc = (f resl,cc2)
+ where (resl,cc2) = resolveLit l stmts cc
+execCmd (Dyadic f a b) stmts cc = (f resa resb,cc3)
+ where (resa,cc2) = resolveLit a stmts cc
+ (resb,cc3) = resolveLit b stmts cc2
+day7 :: IO ()
+day7 = do
+ input <- readFile "input.txt"
+ let stmts = [parse (words l) | l <- (lines input)]
+ let lvs = leaves stmts
+ print lvs
+ print [fst $ getValue lv stmts Map.empty | lv <- lvs]
+main = day7
diff --git a/2015/day08.hs b/2015/day08.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d48212b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day08.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+module Main where
+import Data.Char
+import Control.Monad
+parseHexSingle :: Char -> Int
+parseHexSingle x -- = -- subl syntax
+ | ord x >= ord '0' && ord x <= ord '9' = ord x - ord '0'
+ | ord x >= ord 'a' && ord x <= ord 'f' = 10 + ord x - ord 'a'
+ | ord x >= ord 'A' && ord x <= ord 'F' = 10 + ord x - ord 'A'
+ | otherwise = undefined
+parseHex :: String -> Int
+parseHex "" = 0
+parseHex (x:xs) = 16 * parseHexSingle x + parseHex xs
+parse :: String -> String
+parse s -- = -- subl syntax
+ | length s > 1 && head s == '"' && last s == '"' = parse' $ init $ tail s
+ | otherwise = undefined
+parse' :: String -> String
+parse' "" = ""
+parse' ('\\':'\\':xs) = '\\' : parse' xs
+parse' ('\\':'"':xs) = '"' : parse' xs
+parse' ('\\':'x':a:b:xs) = chr (parseHex $ [a,b]) : parse' xs
+parse' (x:xs) = x : parse' xs
+day8 :: IO ()
+day8 = do
+ input <- liftM lines $ readFile "day08.txt"
+ print $ sum [length s - length (parse s) | s <- input]
+day8_2 :: IO ()
+day8_2 = do
+ input <- liftM lines $ readFile "day08.txt"
+ print $ sum [length (show s) - length s | s <- input]
+main = day8
diff --git a/2015/day08.txt b/2015/day08.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94538e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day08.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
diff --git a/2015/day09.hs b/2015/day09.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8437292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day09.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+module Main where
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Debug.Trace
+indexof :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Int
+indexof l x = indexof' l x 0
+indexof' :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Int -> Int
+indexof' (x:xs) v n | x == v = n
+indexof' (_:xs) v n = indexof' xs v (n+1)
+contains :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
+contains [] _ = False
+contains (x:xs) v = if x == v then True else contains xs v
+collectnames :: [[String]] -> [String]
+collectnames l = Set.toList $ collectnames' l
+collectnames' :: [[String]] -> Set.Set String
+collectnames' [] = Set.empty
+collectnames' ((a:_:b:_):xs) = Set.insert a $ Set.insert b $ collectnames' xs
+setinarr :: [a] -> Int -> a -> [a]
+setinarr a i v = pre ++ v : post
+ where spl = splitAt i a
+ pre = fst spl
+ post = tail $ snd spl
+setinarr2 :: [[a]] -> (Int,Int) -> a -> [[a]]
+setinarr2 a (i,j) v = pre ++ setinarr line j v : post
+ where spl = splitAt i a
+ pre = fst spl
+ ([line],post) = splitAt 1 $ snd spl
+parse :: [[String]] -> [[Int]]
+parse ll = parse' ll names $ replicate numn (replicate numn 0)
+ where names = collectnames ll
+ numn = length names
+parse' :: [[String]] -> [String] -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
+parse' [] _ adj = adj
+parse' ([as,_,bs,_,ds]:ls) ns adj = parse' ls ns $ setinarr2 (setinarr2 adj (b,a) d) (a,b) d
+ where a = indexof ns as
+ b = indexof ns bs
+ d = read ds :: Int
+pathlen :: [Int] -> Int
+pathlen = sum
+genpaths :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
+genpaths adj = map todists $ concat [genpaths' adj [from] | from <- [0..(length adj - 1)]]
+ where todists (a:b:cs) = adj!!a!!b : todists (b:cs)
+ todists _ = []
+genpaths' :: [[Int]] -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
+genpaths' adj pat -- = -- subl syntax
+ | length pat == length adj = [pat]
+ | otherwise = {-traceShow pat $-} concat [genpaths' adj (from:pat) | from <- [0..(length adj - 1)], adj!!(head pat)!!from /= 0 && not (contains pat from)]
+day9 :: IO ()
+day9 = do
+ input <- liftM (map words . lines) $ readFile "day09.txt"
+ print $ collectnames input
+ --print $ parse input
+ --print $ genpaths $ parse input
+ print $ minimum [pathlen $ path | path <- genpaths $ parse input]
+main = day9
diff --git a/2015/day09.txt b/2015/day09.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a56f5e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day09.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+AlphaCentauri to Snowdin = 66
+AlphaCentauri to Tambi = 28
+AlphaCentauri to Faerun = 60
+AlphaCentauri to Norrath = 34
+AlphaCentauri to Straylight = 34
+AlphaCentauri to Tristram = 3
+AlphaCentauri to Arbre = 108
+Snowdin to Tambi = 22
+Snowdin to Faerun = 12
+Snowdin to Norrath = 91
+Snowdin to Straylight = 121
+Snowdin to Tristram = 111
+Snowdin to Arbre = 71
+Tambi to Faerun = 39
+Tambi to Norrath = 113
+Tambi to Straylight = 130
+Tambi to Tristram = 35
+Tambi to Arbre = 40
+Faerun to Norrath = 63
+Faerun to Straylight = 21
+Faerun to Tristram = 57
+Faerun to Arbre = 83
+Norrath to Straylight = 9
+Norrath to Tristram = 50
+Norrath to Arbre = 60
+Straylight to Tristram = 27
+Straylight to Arbre = 81
+Tristram to Arbre = 90
diff --git a/2015/day10.hs b/2015/day10.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5ff554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day10.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+module Main where
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import Control.Monad
+looksay :: String -> String
+looksay "" = ""
+looksay s = chr (48 + length start) : head s : looksay rest
+ where start = takeWhile (== head s) s
+ rest = drop (length start) s
+day9 :: IO ()
+day9 = do
+ let input = "1113122113"
+ print $ length $ (iterate looksay input) !! 50
+main = day9
diff --git a/2015/day11.hs b/2015/day11.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3c05b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day11.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+module Main where
+import Data.Char
+import Numeric
+pairs :: String -> [(Char,Char)]
+pairs (a:b:cs) = (a,b) : pairs (b:cs)
+pairs _ = []
+allEqual :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
+allEqual (a:b:cs) = if a /= b then False else allEqual (b:cs)
+allEqual _ = True
+hasStraight :: String -> Bool
+hasStraight (a:b:c:ds) = (y == x + 1 && z == x + 2) || hasStraight (b:c:ds)
+ where (x,y,z) = (ord a,ord b,ord c)
+hasStraight _ = False
+hasForbidden :: String -> Bool
+hasForbidden [] = False
+hasForbidden (x:xs) = x /= 'i' && x /= 'o' && x /= 'l' && not (hasForbidden xs)
+hasTwoPairs :: String -> Bool
+hasTwoPairs s = (not.allEqual) $ filter (\(a,b) -> a == b) (pairs s)
+isValid :: String -> Bool
+isValid s = hasStraight s && not (hasForbidden s) && hasTwoPairs s
+show26 :: Int -> String
+show26 n = showIntAtBase 26 (\d -> chr (97 + d)) n ""
+read26 :: String -> Int
+read26 = fst . head . readInt 26 (\c -> let o = ord c in 97 <= o && o <= 122) (\c -> ord c - 97)
+pad :: Int -> Char -> String -> String
+pad n c s = if length s < n then pad n c (c:s) else s
+nextpass :: String -> String
+nextpass s = pad (length s) 'a' $ show26 $ succ $ read26 s
+nextvalidpass :: String -> String
+nextvalidpass = head . dropWhile (not . isValid) . iterate nextpass
+day11 :: IO ()
+day11 = do
+ print $ nextvalidpass $ nextpass $ nextvalidpass "cqjxjnds"
+main = day11
diff --git a/2015/day12.hs b/2015/day12.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dbf8a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day12.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Scientific
+import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
+import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS (c2w,w2c)
+contains :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
+contains [] _ = False
+contains (x:xs) v = if x == v then True else contains xs v
+isDigitOrMinus :: Char -> Bool
+isDigitOrMinus c = isDigit c || c == '-'
+extractNumbers :: String -> [Int]
+extractNumbers s@(x:xs)
+ | isDigitOrMinus x = read (takeWhile isDigitOrMinus s) : extractNumbers (dropWhile isDigitOrMinus xs)
+ | otherwise = extractNumbers xs
+extractNumbers [] = []
+sumnumsnored :: JSON.Value -> Int
+sumnumsnored (JSON.Object o) = if any (== JSON.String "red") $ HM.elems o then 0 else HM.foldl' (\a v -> a + sumnumsnored v) 0 o
+sumnumsnored (JSON.Array a) = Vector.sum $ sumnumsnored a
+sumnumsnored (JSON.String _) = 0
+sumnumsnored (JSON.Number n) = floor n
+sumnumsnored (JSON.Bool _) = 0
+day12 :: IO ()
+day12 = do
+ input <- readFile "day12.txt"
+ print $ sum $ extractNumbers input
+dopart2 :: String -> Int
+dopart2 s = sumnumsnored $ fromJust $ JSON.decode $ BS.pack $ map BS.c2w s
+day12_2 :: IO ()
+day12_2 = do
+ input <- readFile "day12.txt"
+ print $ dopart2 input
+main = day12_2
diff --git a/2015/day12.txt b/2015/day12.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d813484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day12.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/2015/day13.hs b/2015/day13.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ffc440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day13.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
+includeSelf :: Bool
+includeSelf = True
+getnames :: [String] -> Map.Map String Int
+getnames [] = Map.empty
+getnames (l:ls) = Map.insert (head (words l)) (Map.size n) n
+ where n = getnames ls
+parse :: [String] -> Map.Map String Int -> Map.Map (Int,Int) Int
+parse [] names = Map.empty
+parse (l:ls) names = Map.insert (a,b) h $ parse ls names
+ where w = words l
+ an = head w
+ bn = init $ last w
+ a = names ! an
+ b = names ! bn
+ neg = w!!2 == "lose"
+ hp = read $ w!!3
+ h = if neg then -hp else hp
+permutations :: [a] -> [[a]]
+permutations [] = []
+permutations [v] = [[v]]
+permutations a = concat [map ((a!!i):) $ permutations $ take i a ++ drop (i + 1) a | i <- [0..(length a - 1)]]
+compute :: [Int] -> Map.Map (Int,Int) Int -> Int
+compute [] _ = 0
+compute [_] _ = 0
+compute l hm = fst $ foldl (\(acc,prev) i -> (acc + hm ! (prev,i) + hm ! (i,prev),i)) (0,last l) l
+addSelf :: Int -> Map.Map (Int,Int) Int -> Map.Map (Int,Int) Int
+addSelf n m = foldl (\mp i -> Map.insert (0,i) 0 $ Map.insert (i,0) 0 mp) m [1..n]
+day13 :: IO ()
+day13 = do
+ input <- liftM lines $ readFile "day13.txt"
+ let names = getnames input
+ let hapmap = if includeSelf then addSelf (length names) parsed else parsed where parsed = parse input names
+ let perm = permutations [(if includeSelf then 0 else 1)..(length names)]
+ print $ maximum [compute p hapmap | p <- perm]
+main = day13
diff --git a/2015/day13.txt b/2015/day13.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83755b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day13.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Alice would lose 57 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
+Alice would lose 62 happiness units by sitting next to Carol.
+Alice would lose 75 happiness units by sitting next to David.
+Alice would gain 71 happiness units by sitting next to Eric.
+Alice would lose 22 happiness units by sitting next to Frank.
+Alice would lose 23 happiness units by sitting next to George.
+Alice would lose 76 happiness units by sitting next to Mallory.
+Bob would lose 14 happiness units by sitting next to Alice.
+Bob would gain 48 happiness units by sitting next to Carol.
+Bob would gain 89 happiness units by sitting next to David.
+Bob would gain 86 happiness units by sitting next to Eric.
+Bob would lose 2 happiness units by sitting next to Frank.
+Bob would gain 27 happiness units by sitting next to George.
+Bob would gain 19 happiness units by sitting next to Mallory.
+Carol would gain 37 happiness units by sitting next to Alice.
+Carol would gain 45 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
+Carol would gain 24 happiness units by sitting next to David.
+Carol would gain 5 happiness units by sitting next to Eric.
+Carol would lose 68 happiness units by sitting next to Frank.
+Carol would lose 25 happiness units by sitting next to George.
+Carol would gain 30 happiness units by sitting next to Mallory.
+David would lose 51 happiness units by sitting next to Alice.
+David would gain 34 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
+David would gain 99 happiness units by sitting next to Carol.
+David would gain 91 happiness units by sitting next to Eric.
+David would lose 38 happiness units by sitting next to Frank.
+David would gain 60 happiness units by sitting next to George.
+David would lose 63 happiness units by sitting next to Mallory.
+Eric would gain 23 happiness units by sitting next to Alice.
+Eric would lose 69 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
+Eric would lose 33 happiness units by sitting next to Carol.
+Eric would lose 47 happiness units by sitting next to David.
+Eric would gain 75 happiness units by sitting next to Frank.
+Eric would gain 82 happiness units by sitting next to George.
+Eric would gain 13 happiness units by sitting next to Mallory.
+Frank would gain 77 happiness units by sitting next to Alice.
+Frank would gain 27 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
+Frank would lose 87 happiness units by sitting next to Carol.
+Frank would gain 74 happiness units by sitting next to David.
+Frank would lose 41 happiness units by sitting next to Eric.
+Frank would lose 99 happiness units by sitting next to George.
+Frank would gain 26 happiness units by sitting next to Mallory.
+George would lose 63 happiness units by sitting next to Alice.
+George would lose 51 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
+George would lose 60 happiness units by sitting next to Carol.
+George would gain 30 happiness units by sitting next to David.
+George would lose 100 happiness units by sitting next to Eric.
+George would lose 63 happiness units by sitting next to Frank.
+George would gain 57 happiness units by sitting next to Mallory.
+Mallory would lose 71 happiness units by sitting next to Alice.
+Mallory would lose 28 happiness units by sitting next to Bob.
+Mallory would lose 10 happiness units by sitting next to Carol.
+Mallory would gain 44 happiness units by sitting next to David.
+Mallory would gain 22 happiness units by sitting next to Eric.
+Mallory would gain 79 happiness units by sitting next to Frank.
+Mallory would lose 16 happiness units by sitting next to George.
diff --git a/2015/day14.hs b/2015/day14.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b9aca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day14.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+data Reindeer = Reindeer {speed :: Int, speedduration :: Int, resttime :: Int} deriving (Show)
+data Status = Status {spedfor :: Int, restedfor :: Int, travelled :: Int, points :: Int} deriving (Show)
+parse :: String -> Reindeer
+parse l = Reindeer s d r
+ where w = words l
+ s = read $ w !! 3
+ d = read $ w !! 6
+ r = read $ w !! 13
+simulate :: Int -> [Reindeer] -> [Status]
+simulate 0 r = replicate (length r) $ Status 0 0 0 0
+simulate n r = updatepoints $ map update $ zip r $ simulate (n-1) r
+ where update (rein,stat) = if spe > 0 && spe < spemax
+ then Status (spe+1) 0 (dis+speed rein) pts
+ else if spe == spemax
+ then Status 0 1 dis pts
+ else if res > 0 && res < resmax
+ then Status 0 (res+1) dis pts
+ else Status 1 res (dis+speed rein) pts
+ where spe = spedfor stat
+ res = restedfor stat
+ dis = travelled stat
+ pts = points stat
+ spemax = speedduration rein
+ resmax = resttime rein
+ updatepoints stats = [if travelled s == maxtrav
+ then Status (spedfor s) (restedfor s) (travelled s) (points s + 1)
+ else s
+ | s <- stats]
+ where maxtrav = maximum $ map travelled stats
+day14 :: IO ()
+day14 = do
+ input <- readFile "day14.txt"
+ let inputl = lines input
+ let rein = map parse inputl
+ let result = simulate 2503 rein
+ print $ maximum $ map points result -- part 1: map travelled; part 2: map points
+main = day14
diff --git a/2015/day14.txt b/2015/day14.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2af1170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day14.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Vixen can fly 19 km/s for 7 seconds, but then must rest for 124 seconds.
+Rudolph can fly 3 km/s for 15 seconds, but then must rest for 28 seconds.
+Donner can fly 19 km/s for 9 seconds, but then must rest for 164 seconds.
+Blitzen can fly 19 km/s for 9 seconds, but then must rest for 158 seconds.
+Comet can fly 13 km/s for 7 seconds, but then must rest for 82 seconds.
+Cupid can fly 25 km/s for 6 seconds, but then must rest for 145 seconds.
+Dasher can fly 14 km/s for 3 seconds, but then must rest for 38 seconds.
+Dancer can fly 3 km/s for 16 seconds, but then must rest for 37 seconds.
+Prancer can fly 25 km/s for 6 seconds, but then must rest for 143 seconds.
diff --git a/2015/day15.hs b/2015/day15.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8787c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day15.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import Data.Char
+import Control.Monad
+total :: Int
+total = 100
+isDigitOrMinus :: Char -> Bool
+isDigitOrMinus c = isDigit c || c == '-'
+parse :: [String] -> [Int]
+parse [_,_,a,_,b,_,c,_,d,_,e] = map (read . takeWhile isDigitOrMinus) [a,b,c,d,e]
+getall :: [[Int]] -> [Int]
+getall ing = map fst $ filter cal500 $ map computescore $ allcomb ing
+ where allcomb ing = allcomb' ing 0
+ allcomb' [] tot = if tot == total then [[0,0,0,0,0]] else []
+ allcomb' (i:is) tot = concat [map (\x -> map (\(a,b)->am*a+b) $ zip i x) $ allcomb' is (tot+am)
+ | am <- [0..(total-tot)]]
+ computescore x = (product $ map (\x -> if x < 0 then 0 else x) $ init x,last x)
+ cal500 (_,cal) = cal == 500 -- make this function always True for part 1
+day15 :: IO ()
+day15 = do
+ input <- liftM (map (parse . words) . lines) $ readFile "day15.txt"
+ --let input = [[-1,-2,6,3],[2,3,-2,-1]]
+ print input
+ let result = maximum $ getall input
+ print result
+main = day15
diff --git a/2015/day15.txt b/2015/day15.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1af06e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day15.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Sugar: capacity 3, durability 0, flavor 0, texture -3, calories 2
+Sprinkles: capacity -3, durability 3, flavor 0, texture 0, calories 9
+Candy: capacity -1, durability 0, flavor 4, texture 0, calories 1
+Chocolate: capacity 0, durability 0, flavor -2, texture 2, calories 8
diff --git a/2015/day16.hs b/2015/day16.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a18fce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day16.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
+realSue :: Map.Map String (Int -> Bool)
+realSue = Map.fromList [ -- for part 1, make all functions equalities
+ ("children", (==3)),
+ ("cats", (>7)),
+ ("samoyeds", (==2)),
+ ("pomeranians",(<3)),
+ ("akitas", (==0)),
+ ("vizslas", (==0)),
+ ("goldfish", (<5)),
+ ("trees", (>3)),
+ ("cars", (==2)),
+ ("perfumes", (==1))]
+parse :: String -> [(String,Int)]
+parse s = parse' $ drop 2 $ words s
+parse' :: [String] -> [(String,Int)]
+parse' [] = []
+parse' (k:v:xs) = (init k,read $ takeWhile isDigit v) : parse' xs
+matches :: [(String,Int)] -> Map.Map String (Int -> Bool) -> Bool
+matches [] _ = True
+matches ((k,v):atts) map = (map ! k) v && matches atts map
+day16 :: IO ()
+day16 = do
+ input <- liftM (zip [1..] . map parse . lines) $ readFile "day16.txt"
+ sequence_ $ map (print . fst) $ filter (\(i,atts) -> matches atts realSue) input
+main = day16
diff --git a/2015/day16.txt b/2015/day16.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1bd498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day16.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+Sue 1: children: 1, cars: 8, vizslas: 7
+Sue 2: akitas: 10, perfumes: 10, children: 5
+Sue 3: cars: 5, pomeranians: 4, vizslas: 1
+Sue 4: goldfish: 5, children: 8, perfumes: 3
+Sue 5: vizslas: 2, akitas: 7, perfumes: 6
+Sue 6: vizslas: 0, akitas: 1, perfumes: 2
+Sue 7: perfumes: 8, cars: 4, goldfish: 10
+Sue 8: perfumes: 7, children: 2, cats: 1
+Sue 9: pomeranians: 3, goldfish: 10, trees: 10
+Sue 10: akitas: 7, trees: 8, pomeranians: 4
+Sue 11: goldfish: 1, perfumes: 4, cars: 6
+Sue 12: samoyeds: 6, trees: 6, perfumes: 2
+Sue 13: akitas: 10, pomeranians: 0, vizslas: 2
+Sue 14: cars: 2, perfumes: 3, children: 4
+Sue 15: goldfish: 2, children: 8, cars: 5
+Sue 16: goldfish: 9, cars: 0, vizslas: 5
+Sue 17: cats: 5, trees: 6, perfumes: 6
+Sue 18: cars: 0, perfumes: 8, pomeranians: 7
+Sue 19: trees: 2, goldfish: 5, perfumes: 4
+Sue 20: akitas: 4, vizslas: 4, trees: 0
+Sue 21: pomeranians: 7, trees: 0, goldfish: 10
+Sue 22: cars: 4, vizslas: 0, perfumes: 3
+Sue 23: vizslas: 8, trees: 1, akitas: 2
+Sue 24: children: 7, trees: 0, akitas: 1
+Sue 25: goldfish: 3, akitas: 2, trees: 2
+Sue 26: pomeranians: 4, vizslas: 4, samoyeds: 2
+Sue 27: cars: 0, trees: 8, akitas: 5
+Sue 28: perfumes: 6, cats: 0, cars: 2
+Sue 29: trees: 7, akitas: 1, vizslas: 1
+Sue 30: perfumes: 9, cars: 9, trees: 10
+Sue 31: pomeranians: 5, akitas: 9, samoyeds: 1
+Sue 32: pomeranians: 10, vizslas: 5, goldfish: 5
+Sue 33: vizslas: 2, akitas: 3, trees: 7
+Sue 34: goldfish: 10, perfumes: 0, samoyeds: 7
+Sue 35: akitas: 6, cats: 7, perfumes: 10
+Sue 36: pomeranians: 8, vizslas: 7, akitas: 6
+Sue 37: goldfish: 2, cars: 10, children: 7
+Sue 38: goldfish: 2, perfumes: 3, cars: 7
+Sue 39: trees: 9, vizslas: 10, cars: 5
+Sue 40: goldfish: 1, pomeranians: 0, trees: 2
+Sue 41: trees: 2, goldfish: 6, vizslas: 3
+Sue 42: akitas: 1, cars: 3, vizslas: 3
+Sue 43: akitas: 1, pomeranians: 1, vizslas: 3
+Sue 44: goldfish: 7, akitas: 3, vizslas: 10
+Sue 45: akitas: 8, samoyeds: 8, goldfish: 2
+Sue 46: trees: 0, vizslas: 4, cars: 9
+Sue 47: cars: 9, trees: 10, perfumes: 4
+Sue 48: akitas: 0, vizslas: 5, perfumes: 4
+Sue 49: goldfish: 9, trees: 1, cars: 4
+Sue 50: goldfish: 2, perfumes: 5, cars: 2
+Sue 51: samoyeds: 1, goldfish: 2, perfumes: 7
+Sue 52: cars: 0, perfumes: 4, goldfish: 8
+Sue 53: goldfish: 9, vizslas: 2, akitas: 9
+Sue 54: trees: 1, goldfish: 9, children: 5
+Sue 55: cars: 0, akitas: 5, trees: 4
+Sue 56: trees: 4, samoyeds: 5, children: 9
+Sue 57: children: 0, vizslas: 8, cars: 3
+Sue 58: trees: 4, pomeranians: 5, akitas: 5
+Sue 59: vizslas: 10, cats: 3, children: 2
+Sue 60: cats: 6, vizslas: 2, cars: 2
+Sue 61: akitas: 1, vizslas: 0, children: 4
+Sue 62: akitas: 4, trees: 9, children: 10
+Sue 63: pomeranians: 6, vizslas: 6, cars: 4
+Sue 64: perfumes: 8, pomeranians: 1, children: 8
+Sue 65: perfumes: 3, goldfish: 6, trees: 5
+Sue 66: goldfish: 10, akitas: 8, vizslas: 4
+Sue 67: vizslas: 10, samoyeds: 3, trees: 2
+Sue 68: samoyeds: 4, cars: 7, perfumes: 3
+Sue 69: perfumes: 2, goldfish: 0, trees: 2
+Sue 70: trees: 8, vizslas: 7, akitas: 6
+Sue 71: cars: 2, children: 7, perfumes: 3
+Sue 72: cars: 1, akitas: 9, perfumes: 0
+Sue 73: vizslas: 4, akitas: 7, cars: 5
+Sue 74: samoyeds: 3, cars: 3, akitas: 2
+Sue 75: trees: 2, cars: 1, vizslas: 7
+Sue 76: samoyeds: 9, perfumes: 1, trees: 6
+Sue 77: trees: 6, perfumes: 10, cars: 7
+Sue 78: trees: 0, children: 8, vizslas: 5
+Sue 79: vizslas: 0, trees: 0, samoyeds: 1
+Sue 80: trees: 6, goldfish: 8, perfumes: 0
+Sue 81: samoyeds: 8, pomeranians: 6, akitas: 5
+Sue 82: vizslas: 6, perfumes: 9, akitas: 4
+Sue 83: cats: 0, vizslas: 3, pomeranians: 10
+Sue 84: cars: 4, perfumes: 6, samoyeds: 5
+Sue 85: vizslas: 7, trees: 5, goldfish: 7
+Sue 86: goldfish: 2, trees: 2, vizslas: 1
+Sue 87: trees: 6, goldfish: 10, pomeranians: 4
+Sue 88: vizslas: 1, akitas: 0, perfumes: 8
+Sue 89: goldfish: 8, akitas: 3, vizslas: 7
+Sue 90: vizslas: 9, akitas: 7, perfumes: 9
+Sue 91: children: 7, cars: 7, trees: 9
+Sue 92: vizslas: 10, akitas: 8, goldfish: 1
+Sue 93: goldfish: 7, vizslas: 2, pomeranians: 0
+Sue 94: cats: 2, samoyeds: 6, pomeranians: 3
+Sue 95: samoyeds: 4, children: 4, pomeranians: 10
+Sue 96: pomeranians: 9, cats: 1, goldfish: 3
+Sue 97: trees: 1, akitas: 6, goldfish: 1
+Sue 98: vizslas: 7, akitas: 2, perfumes: 7
+Sue 99: pomeranians: 6, perfumes: 2, trees: 1
+Sue 100: cars: 3, children: 9, trees: 10
+Sue 101: children: 0, perfumes: 0, vizslas: 3
+Sue 102: cars: 4, goldfish: 5, children: 2
+Sue 103: pomeranians: 3, perfumes: 7, cats: 8
+Sue 104: akitas: 0, perfumes: 5, vizslas: 5
+Sue 105: akitas: 7, vizslas: 2, samoyeds: 8
+Sue 106: goldfish: 7, perfumes: 0, cats: 8
+Sue 107: cats: 6, pomeranians: 9, cars: 6
+Sue 108: akitas: 3, vizslas: 10, cats: 5
+Sue 109: akitas: 10, perfumes: 2, cars: 7
+Sue 110: goldfish: 7, pomeranians: 1, trees: 1
+Sue 111: akitas: 10, samoyeds: 6, vizslas: 6
+Sue 112: cats: 6, akitas: 7, trees: 9
+Sue 113: akitas: 1, trees: 9, vizslas: 8
+Sue 114: vizslas: 2, cats: 1, cars: 4
+Sue 115: akitas: 0, trees: 5, goldfish: 7
+Sue 116: goldfish: 2, trees: 10, akitas: 2
+Sue 117: cars: 4, goldfish: 10, perfumes: 5
+Sue 118: cars: 5, perfumes: 6, trees: 0
+Sue 119: perfumes: 5, vizslas: 1, cats: 0
+Sue 120: perfumes: 8, akitas: 9, vizslas: 4
+Sue 121: samoyeds: 2, vizslas: 7, perfumes: 6
+Sue 122: children: 6, trees: 9, perfumes: 2
+Sue 123: cars: 7, akitas: 0, pomeranians: 0
+Sue 124: akitas: 7, cats: 8, vizslas: 5
+Sue 125: goldfish: 3, trees: 1, cars: 4
+Sue 126: cars: 4, perfumes: 3, akitas: 0
+Sue 127: children: 10, vizslas: 5, akitas: 9
+Sue 128: akitas: 3, samoyeds: 2, cats: 8
+Sue 129: cats: 8, akitas: 1, vizslas: 8
+Sue 130: trees: 4, cars: 6, perfumes: 6
+Sue 131: akitas: 7, perfumes: 6, goldfish: 9
+Sue 132: akitas: 6, vizslas: 7, trees: 1
+Sue 133: akitas: 5, vizslas: 7, children: 9
+Sue 134: cars: 8, goldfish: 4, pomeranians: 4
+Sue 135: samoyeds: 1, pomeranians: 6, akitas: 4
+Sue 136: perfumes: 10, goldfish: 1, cars: 3
+Sue 137: cars: 3, samoyeds: 6, vizslas: 7
+Sue 138: samoyeds: 10, akitas: 3, perfumes: 4
+Sue 139: perfumes: 10, vizslas: 2, goldfish: 7
+Sue 140: samoyeds: 7, cars: 1, trees: 2
+Sue 141: children: 6, cats: 5, cars: 9
+Sue 142: cats: 0, trees: 1, akitas: 10
+Sue 143: samoyeds: 4, cars: 0, children: 7
+Sue 144: trees: 0, cars: 4, perfumes: 8
+Sue 145: goldfish: 7, cars: 5, trees: 1
+Sue 146: perfumes: 7, cars: 7, goldfish: 0
+Sue 147: trees: 2, goldfish: 7, vizslas: 5
+Sue 148: samoyeds: 8, perfumes: 1, trees: 0
+Sue 149: vizslas: 2, samoyeds: 5, trees: 0
+Sue 150: akitas: 4, perfumes: 4, pomeranians: 2
+Sue 151: trees: 2, cars: 0, goldfish: 10
+Sue 152: goldfish: 7, vizslas: 0, trees: 0
+Sue 153: children: 9, cats: 0, pomeranians: 10
+Sue 154: cars: 6, goldfish: 10, akitas: 5
+Sue 155: perfumes: 9, trees: 2, akitas: 3
+Sue 156: pomeranians: 9, perfumes: 5, cars: 9
+Sue 157: akitas: 0, trees: 2, cars: 7
+Sue 158: goldfish: 10, trees: 8, akitas: 7
+Sue 159: akitas: 5, trees: 10, cars: 10
+Sue 160: akitas: 3, trees: 5, cars: 8
+Sue 161: samoyeds: 2, cars: 7, perfumes: 4
+Sue 162: cars: 6, vizslas: 10, pomeranians: 5
+Sue 163: cars: 10, perfumes: 6, vizslas: 9
+Sue 164: pomeranians: 7, cars: 4, vizslas: 2
+Sue 165: goldfish: 9, vizslas: 3, trees: 1
+Sue 166: goldfish: 1, samoyeds: 3, trees: 1
+Sue 167: vizslas: 4, goldfish: 7, cats: 5
+Sue 168: children: 1, cars: 5, samoyeds: 7
+Sue 169: trees: 1, samoyeds: 3, goldfish: 6
+Sue 170: goldfish: 2, cars: 3, perfumes: 9
+Sue 171: cars: 4, goldfish: 0, trees: 6
+Sue 172: cats: 8, perfumes: 6, trees: 1
+Sue 173: akitas: 9, goldfish: 7, cars: 10
+Sue 174: vizslas: 2, trees: 0, akitas: 1
+Sue 175: perfumes: 3, vizslas: 8, akitas: 4
+Sue 176: perfumes: 0, akitas: 6, goldfish: 3
+Sue 177: perfumes: 6, children: 1, goldfish: 10
+Sue 178: cars: 5, vizslas: 3, children: 10
+Sue 179: perfumes: 3, trees: 8, cats: 9
+Sue 180: perfumes: 8, vizslas: 4, trees: 7
+Sue 181: perfumes: 7, vizslas: 9, samoyeds: 4
+Sue 182: vizslas: 9, trees: 4, pomeranians: 4
+Sue 183: trees: 9, cars: 3, goldfish: 5
+Sue 184: perfumes: 2, cars: 4, vizslas: 3
+Sue 185: children: 10, akitas: 10, cats: 9
+Sue 186: cars: 5, samoyeds: 0, trees: 0
+Sue 187: trees: 2, goldfish: 3, cars: 4
+Sue 188: goldfish: 3, vizslas: 1, cats: 6
+Sue 189: trees: 2, pomeranians: 10, cars: 7
+Sue 190: perfumes: 10, akitas: 3, samoyeds: 0
+Sue 191: cats: 5, vizslas: 6, akitas: 6
+Sue 192: samoyeds: 5, trees: 1, perfumes: 8
+Sue 193: pomeranians: 0, akitas: 9, cats: 0
+Sue 194: trees: 1, goldfish: 0, perfumes: 10
+Sue 195: perfumes: 2, akitas: 7, cars: 5
+Sue 196: perfumes: 5, samoyeds: 8, cars: 1
+Sue 197: vizslas: 2, pomeranians: 9, trees: 1
+Sue 198: trees: 8, vizslas: 6, children: 8
+Sue 199: pomeranians: 4, cars: 7, vizslas: 5
+Sue 200: trees: 0, perfumes: 10, akitas: 10
+Sue 201: cats: 9, akitas: 4, vizslas: 0
+Sue 202: goldfish: 9, pomeranians: 9, cats: 6
+Sue 203: cars: 5, perfumes: 5, trees: 2
+Sue 204: pomeranians: 7, children: 2, akitas: 6
+Sue 205: samoyeds: 7, pomeranians: 7, children: 6
+Sue 206: trees: 1, cars: 1, pomeranians: 4
+Sue 207: goldfish: 2, perfumes: 5, trees: 0
+Sue 208: perfumes: 2, samoyeds: 4, trees: 1
+Sue 209: cars: 8, perfumes: 6, goldfish: 9
+Sue 210: perfumes: 4, cars: 8, samoyeds: 3
+Sue 211: perfumes: 2, cars: 8, trees: 9
+Sue 212: trees: 7, perfumes: 2, akitas: 5
+Sue 213: children: 3, goldfish: 5, vizslas: 0
+Sue 214: akitas: 6, goldfish: 0, children: 0
+Sue 215: trees: 8, akitas: 3, goldfish: 1
+Sue 216: goldfish: 6, perfumes: 8, akitas: 3
+Sue 217: children: 7, trees: 2, vizslas: 6
+Sue 218: goldfish: 8, samoyeds: 4, pomeranians: 6
+Sue 219: goldfish: 8, samoyeds: 0, children: 9
+Sue 220: perfumes: 1, cars: 8, vizslas: 6
+Sue 221: perfumes: 9, cars: 10, children: 10
+Sue 222: perfumes: 9, vizslas: 1, trees: 0
+Sue 223: goldfish: 1, akitas: 2, vizslas: 8
+Sue 224: samoyeds: 8, akitas: 7, vizslas: 4
+Sue 225: goldfish: 1, cars: 4, perfumes: 10
+Sue 226: goldfish: 9, trees: 4, perfumes: 5
+Sue 227: vizslas: 5, trees: 4, goldfish: 7
+Sue 228: cars: 1, cats: 10, perfumes: 4
+Sue 229: vizslas: 8, cars: 10, akitas: 4
+Sue 230: cats: 1, children: 8, vizslas: 3
+Sue 231: perfumes: 7, cats: 6, samoyeds: 7
+Sue 232: cars: 3, children: 9, perfumes: 7
+Sue 233: vizslas: 1, samoyeds: 2, children: 2
+Sue 234: trees: 1, samoyeds: 8, children: 2
+Sue 235: trees: 6, akitas: 9, goldfish: 7
+Sue 236: children: 10, trees: 0, samoyeds: 8
+Sue 237: pomeranians: 4, trees: 1, goldfish: 2
+Sue 238: vizslas: 4, akitas: 2, cars: 0
+Sue 239: goldfish: 9, cars: 10, perfumes: 4
+Sue 240: perfumes: 3, vizslas: 6, trees: 6
+Sue 241: pomeranians: 6, akitas: 4, trees: 2
+Sue 242: cars: 8, perfumes: 5, children: 7
+Sue 243: trees: 4, perfumes: 7, cars: 3
+Sue 244: perfumes: 6, akitas: 1, vizslas: 7
+Sue 245: akitas: 3, perfumes: 9, samoyeds: 0
+Sue 246: pomeranians: 3, vizslas: 9, samoyeds: 1
+Sue 247: cars: 0, goldfish: 7, cats: 2
+Sue 248: trees: 5, goldfish: 6, perfumes: 3
+Sue 249: trees: 0, pomeranians: 7, perfumes: 9
+Sue 250: cars: 9, trees: 1, goldfish: 10
+Sue 251: perfumes: 3, cars: 8, trees: 7
+Sue 252: cars: 5, akitas: 7, trees: 8
+Sue 253: perfumes: 7, akitas: 3, trees: 8
+Sue 254: goldfish: 8, samoyeds: 1, vizslas: 7
+Sue 255: perfumes: 3, cars: 4, children: 6
+Sue 256: perfumes: 9, trees: 8, children: 7
+Sue 257: trees: 8, children: 6, cars: 4
+Sue 258: vizslas: 1, trees: 10, goldfish: 9
+Sue 259: vizslas: 5, trees: 6, goldfish: 9
+Sue 260: trees: 0, goldfish: 6, cars: 7
+Sue 261: cars: 1, perfumes: 4, goldfish: 9
+Sue 262: cars: 7, goldfish: 9, cats: 9
+Sue 263: cars: 0, children: 5, goldfish: 8
+Sue 264: cars: 2, akitas: 8, trees: 0
+Sue 265: perfumes: 9, children: 8, samoyeds: 7
+Sue 266: cats: 1, children: 1, vizslas: 10
+Sue 267: vizslas: 8, children: 2, trees: 6
+Sue 268: akitas: 10, vizslas: 3, cats: 2
+Sue 269: children: 4, goldfish: 1, cats: 6
+Sue 270: vizslas: 5, cars: 9, akitas: 9
+Sue 271: vizslas: 5, children: 4, akitas: 3
+Sue 272: cars: 1, goldfish: 0, vizslas: 0
+Sue 273: goldfish: 10, samoyeds: 1, akitas: 2
+Sue 274: goldfish: 10, children: 2, pomeranians: 0
+Sue 275: children: 0, vizslas: 1, samoyeds: 6
+Sue 276: children: 1, vizslas: 3, samoyeds: 1
+Sue 277: perfumes: 4, cats: 6, children: 10
+Sue 278: pomeranians: 7, goldfish: 3, cars: 4
+Sue 279: perfumes: 5, goldfish: 9, trees: 7
+Sue 280: goldfish: 6, trees: 5, perfumes: 8
+Sue 281: cars: 2, akitas: 1, vizslas: 7
+Sue 282: vizslas: 4, akitas: 3, children: 8
+Sue 283: pomeranians: 8, akitas: 9, vizslas: 4
+Sue 284: samoyeds: 10, trees: 10, pomeranians: 2
+Sue 285: akitas: 9, perfumes: 7, goldfish: 6
+Sue 286: akitas: 2, vizslas: 7, goldfish: 10
+Sue 287: pomeranians: 8, cars: 6, samoyeds: 5
+Sue 288: pomeranians: 1, trees: 0, goldfish: 0
+Sue 289: trees: 10, samoyeds: 1, children: 0
+Sue 290: cats: 10, samoyeds: 6, trees: 0
+Sue 291: vizslas: 9, trees: 6, goldfish: 5
+Sue 292: cats: 4, perfumes: 8, cars: 3
+Sue 293: goldfish: 10, perfumes: 10, cats: 0
+Sue 294: cats: 7, trees: 6, akitas: 4
+Sue 295: vizslas: 8, cars: 1, akitas: 6
+Sue 296: vizslas: 5, akitas: 10, trees: 1
+Sue 297: pomeranians: 8, samoyeds: 5, vizslas: 4
+Sue 298: perfumes: 10, children: 5, vizslas: 2
+Sue 299: cars: 10, akitas: 7, cats: 5
+Sue 300: trees: 1, perfumes: 7, cars: 7
+Sue 301: cars: 9, vizslas: 1, perfumes: 3
+Sue 302: perfumes: 9, vizslas: 1, akitas: 5
+Sue 303: akitas: 9, trees: 1, goldfish: 10
+Sue 304: children: 10, vizslas: 6, pomeranians: 8
+Sue 305: trees: 3, goldfish: 6, cats: 9
+Sue 306: cars: 5, perfumes: 9, vizslas: 5
+Sue 307: children: 0, goldfish: 7, trees: 2
+Sue 308: trees: 9, samoyeds: 4, cars: 0
+Sue 309: cats: 8, vizslas: 2, perfumes: 3
+Sue 310: cars: 6, pomeranians: 6, vizslas: 6
+Sue 311: vizslas: 6, akitas: 7, cats: 10
+Sue 312: trees: 0, goldfish: 7, cars: 0
+Sue 313: perfumes: 5, akitas: 5, cars: 2
+Sue 314: akitas: 10, vizslas: 3, samoyeds: 8
+Sue 315: cars: 3, perfumes: 1, goldfish: 8
+Sue 316: pomeranians: 6, goldfish: 9, perfumes: 1
+Sue 317: goldfish: 4, akitas: 6, cars: 2
+Sue 318: perfumes: 8, vizslas: 8, akitas: 0
+Sue 319: akitas: 10, cars: 5, vizslas: 6
+Sue 320: vizslas: 4, akitas: 3, cats: 4
+Sue 321: goldfish: 4, akitas: 8, cars: 8
+Sue 322: pomeranians: 5, vizslas: 7, cats: 1
+Sue 323: perfumes: 1, trees: 6, goldfish: 0
+Sue 324: goldfish: 6, trees: 10, cars: 10
+Sue 325: akitas: 2, samoyeds: 6, trees: 9
+Sue 326: vizslas: 4, akitas: 7, cars: 9
+Sue 327: children: 3, perfumes: 4, cars: 1
+Sue 328: akitas: 9, perfumes: 6, cars: 10
+Sue 329: perfumes: 2, goldfish: 0, trees: 1
+Sue 330: vizslas: 10, pomeranians: 7, goldfish: 6
+Sue 331: trees: 3, vizslas: 8, cars: 3
+Sue 332: akitas: 2, cats: 1, goldfish: 8
+Sue 333: cars: 6, trees: 2, vizslas: 0
+Sue 334: samoyeds: 7, cars: 7, trees: 3
+Sue 335: cats: 7, children: 1, perfumes: 8
+Sue 336: akitas: 5, goldfish: 10, vizslas: 5
+Sue 337: cats: 3, vizslas: 0, akitas: 10
+Sue 338: perfumes: 8, cars: 1, trees: 8
+Sue 339: cars: 4, samoyeds: 8, children: 2
+Sue 340: goldfish: 9, pomeranians: 1, samoyeds: 1
+Sue 341: akitas: 3, trees: 0, goldfish: 2
+Sue 342: perfumes: 4, vizslas: 8, pomeranians: 9
+Sue 343: akitas: 4, cars: 5, goldfish: 4
+Sue 344: samoyeds: 5, cats: 4, trees: 0
+Sue 345: samoyeds: 4, cars: 8, akitas: 2
+Sue 346: akitas: 3, vizslas: 10, perfumes: 10
+Sue 347: goldfish: 10, akitas: 4, cars: 1
+Sue 348: perfumes: 10, cats: 4, vizslas: 5
+Sue 349: akitas: 2, vizslas: 4, cars: 7
+Sue 350: akitas: 5, vizslas: 5, cars: 6
+Sue 351: vizslas: 8, perfumes: 6, cars: 3
+Sue 352: cars: 10, vizslas: 0, goldfish: 10
+Sue 353: cars: 10, perfumes: 5, children: 7
+Sue 354: vizslas: 6, akitas: 3, samoyeds: 9
+Sue 355: akitas: 2, perfumes: 7, cars: 10
+Sue 356: cars: 10, perfumes: 7, children: 6
+Sue 357: akitas: 4, cars: 8, trees: 1
+Sue 358: trees: 2, cars: 1, goldfish: 2
+Sue 359: vizslas: 5, cars: 9, trees: 4
+Sue 360: perfumes: 4, akitas: 3, cars: 3
+Sue 361: children: 3, akitas: 2, cats: 5
+Sue 362: cars: 8, cats: 4, akitas: 10
+Sue 363: cats: 2, trees: 1, vizslas: 4
+Sue 364: vizslas: 2, pomeranians: 5, samoyeds: 9
+Sue 365: samoyeds: 2, akitas: 7, goldfish: 9
+Sue 366: goldfish: 8, trees: 7, cats: 2
+Sue 367: perfumes: 2, vizslas: 6, trees: 5
+Sue 368: cars: 5, samoyeds: 0, perfumes: 6
+Sue 369: samoyeds: 10, trees: 10, vizslas: 1
+Sue 370: trees: 2, vizslas: 3, cars: 4
+Sue 371: akitas: 6, pomeranians: 2, cats: 4
+Sue 372: trees: 2, perfumes: 3, goldfish: 9
+Sue 373: vizslas: 5, children: 0, pomeranians: 6
+Sue 374: trees: 1, vizslas: 8, perfumes: 10
+Sue 375: cars: 0, akitas: 6, children: 0
+Sue 376: akitas: 1, vizslas: 0, trees: 0
+Sue 377: samoyeds: 10, cats: 5, pomeranians: 0
+Sue 378: goldfish: 3, pomeranians: 7, cats: 7
+Sue 379: perfumes: 0, cats: 0, trees: 8
+Sue 380: perfumes: 4, samoyeds: 1, akitas: 7
+Sue 381: akitas: 4, pomeranians: 2, children: 4
+Sue 382: vizslas: 9, akitas: 4, trees: 10
+Sue 383: trees: 1, vizslas: 10, akitas: 6
+Sue 384: trees: 3, akitas: 8, goldfish: 3
+Sue 385: goldfish: 6, perfumes: 2, children: 9
+Sue 386: children: 10, akitas: 7, goldfish: 7
+Sue 387: goldfish: 3, vizslas: 10, perfumes: 5
+Sue 388: children: 4, trees: 0, cars: 2
+Sue 389: trees: 0, cats: 3, goldfish: 10
+Sue 390: samoyeds: 9, pomeranians: 0, cats: 6
+Sue 391: samoyeds: 10, trees: 3, akitas: 4
+Sue 392: akitas: 9, goldfish: 10, perfumes: 7
+Sue 393: goldfish: 6, cars: 2, akitas: 9
+Sue 394: trees: 4, goldfish: 9, vizslas: 7
+Sue 395: vizslas: 4, samoyeds: 1, goldfish: 6
+Sue 396: vizslas: 5, cats: 0, samoyeds: 1
+Sue 397: goldfish: 7, cats: 0, trees: 7
+Sue 398: cars: 10, akitas: 1, vizslas: 7
+Sue 399: samoyeds: 10, cats: 6, goldfish: 6
+Sue 400: cats: 6, samoyeds: 0, trees: 2
+Sue 401: trees: 1, children: 4, goldfish: 2
+Sue 402: cats: 8, vizslas: 4, children: 3
+Sue 403: cars: 9, perfumes: 8, pomeranians: 2
+Sue 404: goldfish: 8, trees: 2, cars: 5
+Sue 405: perfumes: 1, pomeranians: 5, vizslas: 5
+Sue 406: perfumes: 6, trees: 2, pomeranians: 6
+Sue 407: trees: 0, goldfish: 6, cars: 6
+Sue 408: trees: 0, samoyeds: 7, goldfish: 9
+Sue 409: samoyeds: 10, goldfish: 6, pomeranians: 0
+Sue 410: perfumes: 5, vizslas: 6, trees: 0
+Sue 411: goldfish: 2, trees: 2, pomeranians: 0
+Sue 412: pomeranians: 4, perfumes: 8, cats: 8
+Sue 413: vizslas: 4, cars: 5, akitas: 1
+Sue 414: perfumes: 2, trees: 8, goldfish: 7
+Sue 415: akitas: 3, trees: 1, perfumes: 3
+Sue 416: cars: 7, trees: 1, perfumes: 8
+Sue 417: cars: 5, goldfish: 5, trees: 1
+Sue 418: cars: 9, goldfish: 4, samoyeds: 2
+Sue 419: pomeranians: 8, akitas: 1, goldfish: 6
+Sue 420: cars: 0, cats: 0, children: 8
+Sue 421: akitas: 10, goldfish: 1, vizslas: 8
+Sue 422: children: 8, vizslas: 6, samoyeds: 10
+Sue 423: samoyeds: 3, goldfish: 10, vizslas: 8
+Sue 424: cars: 3, children: 7, goldfish: 4
+Sue 425: cars: 9, perfumes: 9, goldfish: 8
+Sue 426: akitas: 5, trees: 10, vizslas: 10
+Sue 427: vizslas: 10, cars: 3, akitas: 7
+Sue 428: cats: 6, perfumes: 5, goldfish: 10
+Sue 429: goldfish: 7, trees: 5, vizslas: 10
+Sue 430: perfumes: 3, trees: 7, cars: 3
+Sue 431: cars: 2, vizslas: 1, akitas: 6
+Sue 432: pomeranians: 8, perfumes: 5, cars: 3
+Sue 433: children: 8, cars: 0, perfumes: 7
+Sue 434: samoyeds: 0, vizslas: 9, akitas: 10
+Sue 435: akitas: 3, vizslas: 8, cats: 4
+Sue 436: goldfish: 5, trees: 8, samoyeds: 8
+Sue 437: cars: 10, samoyeds: 9, goldfish: 7
+Sue 438: samoyeds: 5, akitas: 7, perfumes: 9
+Sue 439: goldfish: 10, perfumes: 5, cars: 0
+Sue 440: pomeranians: 1, samoyeds: 9, children: 4
+Sue 441: vizslas: 4, perfumes: 2, cats: 5
+Sue 442: trees: 0, pomeranians: 3, cars: 7
+Sue 443: akitas: 0, cars: 2, vizslas: 10
+Sue 444: children: 1, akitas: 9, trees: 0
+Sue 445: cars: 5, perfumes: 7, goldfish: 9
+Sue 446: akitas: 0, perfumes: 1, vizslas: 2
+Sue 447: vizslas: 7, perfumes: 0, cars: 5
+Sue 448: vizslas: 6, goldfish: 10, trees: 0
+Sue 449: cars: 7, vizslas: 7, trees: 3
+Sue 450: pomeranians: 4, akitas: 4, vizslas: 8
+Sue 451: cats: 4, perfumes: 8, children: 3
+Sue 452: samoyeds: 8, akitas: 9, cars: 1
+Sue 453: cars: 8, akitas: 5, vizslas: 2
+Sue 454: vizslas: 9, perfumes: 4, akitas: 4
+Sue 455: akitas: 3, goldfish: 2, vizslas: 6
+Sue 456: cars: 4, perfumes: 5, goldfish: 10
+Sue 457: trees: 9, pomeranians: 4, goldfish: 10
+Sue 458: pomeranians: 1, perfumes: 9, children: 6
+Sue 459: samoyeds: 0, goldfish: 8, vizslas: 6
+Sue 460: cars: 10, goldfish: 8, samoyeds: 8
+Sue 461: akitas: 8, goldfish: 9, vizslas: 2
+Sue 462: cars: 1, vizslas: 2, akitas: 8
+Sue 463: goldfish: 2, akitas: 4, samoyeds: 10
+Sue 464: children: 5, perfumes: 5, cars: 5
+Sue 465: perfumes: 9, trees: 0, samoyeds: 6
+Sue 466: akitas: 5, goldfish: 3, cats: 6
+Sue 467: perfumes: 3, goldfish: 0, trees: 4
+Sue 468: goldfish: 2, children: 4, trees: 1
+Sue 469: cars: 0, perfumes: 8, children: 7
+Sue 470: vizslas: 8, cats: 5, samoyeds: 9
+Sue 471: pomeranians: 7, trees: 2, goldfish: 3
+Sue 472: goldfish: 8, akitas: 4, perfumes: 5
+Sue 473: perfumes: 2, pomeranians: 3, cars: 8
+Sue 474: samoyeds: 0, akitas: 7, pomeranians: 6
+Sue 475: vizslas: 7, perfumes: 1, trees: 6
+Sue 476: vizslas: 3, samoyeds: 1, perfumes: 10
+Sue 477: cars: 6, perfumes: 5, vizslas: 2
+Sue 478: pomeranians: 1, goldfish: 3, akitas: 7
+Sue 479: goldfish: 10, trees: 0, cars: 3
+Sue 480: cats: 3, akitas: 5, vizslas: 8
+Sue 481: pomeranians: 5, vizslas: 2, trees: 3
+Sue 482: cars: 8, samoyeds: 10, goldfish: 10
+Sue 483: pomeranians: 3, vizslas: 6, goldfish: 5
+Sue 484: perfumes: 7, vizslas: 4, akitas: 7
+Sue 485: goldfish: 1, trees: 0, perfumes: 10
+Sue 486: goldfish: 6, perfumes: 0, akitas: 10
+Sue 487: cats: 2, akitas: 10, trees: 1
+Sue 488: akitas: 1, goldfish: 3, cars: 7
+Sue 489: goldfish: 3, akitas: 6, vizslas: 6
+Sue 490: goldfish: 8, perfumes: 2, akitas: 2
+Sue 491: trees: 4, vizslas: 8, perfumes: 6
+Sue 492: cars: 9, perfumes: 3, cats: 0
+Sue 493: trees: 3, vizslas: 6, goldfish: 7
+Sue 494: trees: 8, samoyeds: 1, perfumes: 5
+Sue 495: children: 9, akitas: 8, vizslas: 4
+Sue 496: vizslas: 2, pomeranians: 1, perfumes: 7
+Sue 497: trees: 2, akitas: 4, vizslas: 6
+Sue 498: akitas: 8, pomeranians: 7, trees: 0
+Sue 499: perfumes: 6, goldfish: 3, vizslas: 7
+Sue 500: cars: 1, perfumes: 6, vizslas: 1
diff --git a/2015/day17.hs b/2015/day17.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b5af87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day17.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import Control.Monad
+search :: Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
+search 0 [] = [[]]
+search _ [] = []
+search target (sz:szs)
+ | target < 0 = []
+ | target == 0 = [[]]
+ | target < sz = search target szs
+ | otherwise = map (sz:) (search (target-sz) szs) ++ search target szs
+day17 :: IO ()
+day17 = do
+ input <- liftM (map read . lines) $ readFile "day17.txt"
+ let fullsearch = search 150 input
+ minlength = minimum $ map length fullsearch
+ minposs = filter (\x -> length x == minlength) fullsearch
+ print $ length minposs -- part 1: do fullsearch instead of minposs
+main = day17
diff --git a/2015/day17.txt b/2015/day17.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..588b253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day17.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/2015/day18.hs b/2015/day18.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b70266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day18.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+width :: Int
+width = 100
+width2 :: Int
+width2 = width + 2
+golStep :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
+golStep bd = replicate width2 0 : (map golLine $ zip [1..] $ init (tail bd)) ++ [replicate width2 0]
+ where golLine (y,l) = map (golCell y) $ zip [0..] l
+ golCell y (x,c) = if x == 0 || x == width2 - 1
+ then 0
+ else if golSum x y == 3 || (c == 1 && golSum x y == 2)
+ then 1
+ else 0
+ golSum x y = bd!!(y-1)!!(x-1)+
+ bd!!(y-1)!!(x )+
+ bd!!(y-1)!!(x+1)+
+ bd!!(y )!!(x+1)+
+ bd!!(y+1)!!(x+1)+
+ bd!!(y+1)!!(x )+
+ bd!!(y+1)!!(x-1)+
+ bd!!(y )!!(x-1)
+setCorners :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
+setCorners bd = bd!!0 : set2 (bd!!1) : (init $ init $ drop 2 bd) ++ [set2 (bd!!(width2-2)),last bd]
+ where set2 line = head line : 1 : (init $ init $ drop 2 line) ++ [1,last line]
+day18 :: IO ()
+day18 = do
+ input <- readFile "day18.txt"
+ let bd = map (\l -> 0 : l ++ [0]) $ replicate width 0 : [map (\c -> if c == '#' then 1 else 0) l | l <- lines input] ++ [replicate width 0]
+ print $ sum $ map sum $ iterate (setCorners . golStep) bd !! 100 -- part 1: setCorners -> id
+main = day18
diff --git a/2015/day18.txt b/2015/day18.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83f3cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day18.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
diff --git a/2015/day19.cpp b/2015/day19.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7afa3e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day19.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <utility>
+using namespace std;
+bool search(const vector<pair<string,string>> &repls,const string &target,string from,int depth){
+ if(from==target)return true;
+ if(depth<=0)return false;
+ int i,j,r,l;
+ const int fromlen=from.size(),nrepls=repls.size();
+ for(i=0;i<fromlen;i++){
+ for(r=0;r<nrepls;r++){
+ l=repls[r].first.size();
+ if(fromlen-i<l)continue;
+ for(j=0;j<l;j++)if(from[i+j]!=repls[r].first[j])break;
+ if(j<l)continue;
+ if(search(repls,
+ target,
+ from.substr(0,i)+repls[r].second+from.substr(i+repls[r].first.size()),
+ depth-1)){
+ cerr<<repls[r].first<<" -> "<<repls[r].second<<" (at "<<i<<" in "<<from<<')'<<endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+int cheat(const vector<pair<string,string>> &repls,const string &target,string from){
+ int i,r,j,l;
+ int depth;
+ const int fromlen=from.size(),nrepls=repls.size();
+ for(depth=0;from!=target;depth++){
+ for(i=0;i<fromlen;i++){
+ for(r=0;r<nrepls;r++){
+ l=repls[r].first.size();
+ if(fromlen-i<l)continue;
+ for(j=0;j<l;j++)if(from[i+j]!=repls[r].first[j])break;
+ if(j<l)continue;
+ from=from.substr(0,i)+repls[r].second+from.substr(i+repls[r].first.size());
+ i=fromlen+41; break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(i!=fromlen+42)return -1;
+ cout<<from<<endl;
+ }
+ return depth;
+int main(void){
+ ifstream in("day19.txt");
+ string line,target;
+ int a,b;
+ vector<pair<string,string>> repls;
+ while(true){
+ getline(in,line);
+ if(line.size()==0){
+ getline(in,target);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!in)break;
+ a=line.find(' ');
+ b=line.find(' ',a+1);
+ // repls.emplace_back(line.substr(0,a),line.substr(b+1));
+ repls.emplace_back(line.substr(b+1),line.substr(0,a)); //reversed
+ }
+ // repls={{"H","HO"},{"H","OH"},{"O","HH"},{"e","O"},{"e","H"}};
+ // repls={{"HO","H"},{"OH","H"},{"HH","O"},{"O","e"},{"H","e"}}; //reversed
+ // target="HOHOHO";
+ //for(const pair<string,string> &p : repls)cout<<"repl: "<<p.first<<" -> "<<p.second<<endl;
+ //cout<<"target: "<<target<<endl;
+ cout<<cheat(repls,"e",target)<<endl;
+ int depth;
+ for(depth=1;;depth++){
+ cerr<<"Starting depth "<<depth<<"..."<<endl;
+ // const bool res=search(repls,target,"e",depth);
+ const bool res=search(repls,"e",target,depth); //reversed
+ if(res)break;
+ }
+ cout<<depth<<endl;
diff --git a/2015/day19.hs b/2015/day19.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65d3e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day19.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Control.Monad
+import Debug.Trace
+parseRepl :: [String] -> (String,String)
+parseRepl [a,"=>",b] = (a,b)
+-- = -- subl syntax
+startsWith :: String -> String -> Bool
+startsWith s prefix = take (length prefix) s == prefix
+getRepls :: [(String,String)] -> String -> Set.Set String
+getRepls rs s = getRepls' rs s ""
+getRepls' :: [(String,String)] -> String -> String -> Set.Set String
+getRepls' _ [] _ = Set.empty
+getRepls' rs s prefix = foldl (\set s -> Set.insert (prefix++s) set) fromnext
+ $ map (\r -> replace s r)
+ $ filter (\r -> s `startsWith` (fst r)) rs
+ where fromnext = getRepls' rs (tail s) $ prefix ++ [head s]
+ replace s r = snd r ++ drop (length (fst r)) s
+day19_1 :: IO ()
+day19_1 = do
+ input <- liftM lines $ readFile "day19.txt"
+ let rs = map (parseRepl . words) $ init (init input)
+ start = last input
+ print $ Set.size $ getRepls rs start
+day19_2 :: IO ()
+day19_2 = do
+ input <- liftM lines $ readFile "day19.txt"
+ let rs = map (parseRepl . words) $ init (init input)
+ target = last input
+ stages = iterate (Set.unions . map (getRepls rs) . Set.toList . (\s -> trace (show $ Set.size s) s)) $ Set.fromList ["e"]
+ print $ (Set.unions . map (getRepls rs) . Set.toList) $ (Set.unions . map (getRepls rs) . Set.toList) $ Set.fromList ["e"]
+ print $ findIndex (Set.member target) stages
+main = day19_2
diff --git a/2015/day19.txt b/2015/day19.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a245944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day19.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Al => ThF
+Al => ThRnFAr
+B => BCa
+B => TiB
+B => TiRnFAr
+Ca => CaCa
+Ca => PB
+Ca => PRnFAr
+Ca => SiRnFYFAr
+Ca => SiRnMgAr
+Ca => SiTh
+F => CaF
+F => PMg
+F => SiAl
+H => CRnAlAr
+H => CRnFYMgAr
+H => CRnMgYFAr
+H => HCa
+H => NRnFYFAr
+H => NRnMgAr
+H => NTh
+H => OB
+H => ORnFAr
+Mg => BF
+Mg => TiMg
+N => CRnFAr
+N => HSi
+O => CRnFYFAr
+O => CRnMgAr
+O => HP
+O => NRnFAr
+O => OTi
+P => CaP
+P => PTi
+P => SiRnFAr
+Si => CaSi
+Th => ThCa
+Ti => BP
+Ti => TiTi
+e => HF
+e => NAl
+e => OMg
diff --git a/2015/day20.cpp b/2015/day20.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2da1fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2015/day20.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cstdlib>
+using namespace std;
+int main(void){
+ const int limit=10000000; //1e7
+ cerr<<"Alloc...";
+ int *scores=(int*)calloc(limit+1,sizeof(int));
+ cerr<<" done."<<endl;
+ int elf,i,ilimit;
+ for(elf=1;elf<=limit;elf++){
+ ilimit=limit/elf;
+ if(ilimit>50)ilimit=50;
+ for(i=1;i<=ilimit;i++){
+ scores[elf*i]+=elf*11;
+ }
+ if(scores[elf]>=36000000)break;
+ }
+ for(i=1;i<20;i++)cout<<scores[i]<<' '; cout<<endl;
+ cout<<elf<<endl;
+ free(scores);