diff options
3 files changed, 103 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/2019/15.hs b/2019/15.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42def07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2019/15.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+module Main where
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Maybe
+import Input
+import IntCode
+sortUniqBy :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
+sortUniqBy f = uniq . sortOn f
+ where uniq (x:y:zs) | f x == f y = uniq (y:zs)
+ | otherwise = x : uniq (y:zs)
+ uniq l = l
+data Cell = Open | Wall | Unit deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Pos = (Int, Int)
+step :: Pos -> Int -> Pos
+step (x, y) dir = case dir of
+ 1 -> (x, y - 1)
+ 2 -> (x, y + 1)
+ 3 -> (x - 1, y)
+ 4 -> (x + 1, y)
+ _ -> error "Invalid direction in 'step'"
+showMap :: Map.Map Pos Cell -> Pos -> String
+showMap mp droid =
+ let keys = Map.keys mp
+ (minx, maxx) = (minimum (map fst keys), maximum (map fst keys))
+ (miny, maxy) = (minimum (map snd keys), maximum (map snd keys))
+ in unlines [[if (x, y) `elem` [droid, (0, 0)]
+ then if (x, y) == (0, 0) then 'S' else 'D'
+ else case Map.lookup (x, y) mp of
+ Nothing -> ' '
+ Just Open -> '.'
+ Just Wall -> '#'
+ Just Unit -> '@'
+ | x <- [minx..maxx]]
+ | y <- [miny..maxy]]
+performStep :: Continuation -> Pos -> Map.Map Pos Cell -> Int -> (Continuation, Pos, Map.Map Pos Cell)
+performStep cont pos mp dir =
+ let (cont', output) = case runContinue cont [fromIntegral dir] of
+ Left (c, out) -> (c, out)
+ Right (_, out) -> (undefined, out)
+ in case output of
+ [0] -> (cont', pos , Map.insert (step pos dir) Wall mp)
+ [1] -> (cont', step pos dir, Map.insert (step pos dir) Open mp)
+ [2] -> (cont', step pos dir, Map.insert (step pos dir) Unit mp)
+ _ -> error $ "Invalid output " ++ show output ++ " in performStep"
+shortestPath :: Map.Map Pos Cell -> Pos -> Maybe Cell -> Either Int [Int]
+shortestPath mp initPos target = reverse <$> search 0 (Set.singleton initPos) [(initPos, [])]
+ where
+ search :: Int -> Set.Set Pos -> [(Pos, [Int])] -> Either Int [Int]
+ search !depth _ [] = Left (depth - 1)
+ search !depth seen border =
+ let boundary =
+ sortUniqBy (fst . fst)
+ [((newPos, dir : path), mcell)
+ | (pos, path) <- border
+ , dir <- [1..4]
+ , let newPos = step pos dir
+ , newPos `Set.notMember` seen
+ , let mcell = Map.lookup newPos mp
+ , mcell /= Just Wall]
+ newBorder = map fst boundary
+ in case find ((== target) . snd) boundary of
+ Just ((_, newPath), _) -> Right newPath
+ Nothing -> search (depth + 1) (seen <> Set.fromList (map fst newBorder)) newBorder
+determineMap :: Continuation -> Pos -> Map.Map Pos Cell -> Map.Map Pos Cell
+determineMap cont pos mp =
+ case shortestPath mp pos Nothing of
+ Right path ->
+ let (cont', pos', mp') =
+ foldl (\(c, p, m) dir -> performStep c p m dir) (cont, pos, mp) path
+ in determineMap cont' pos' mp'
+ Left _ ->
+ mp
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ program <- parse . head <$> getInput 15
+ let initCont = initialContinuation program
+ let mp = determineMap initCont (0, 0) (Map.singleton (0, 0) Open)
+ let Right path = shortestPath mp (0, 0) (Just Unit)
+ print (length path)
+ let unitpos = fst (fromJust (find ((== Unit) . snd) (Map.assocs mp)))
+ let Left maxdist = shortestPath mp unitpos Nothing
+ print maxdist
diff --git a/2019/ b/2019/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50b3240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2019/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/2019/IntCode.hs b/2019/IntCode.hs
index 8d180bf..1730dfd 100644
--- a/2019/IntCode.hs
+++ b/2019/IntCode.hs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module IntCode (
Arg(..), IC(..), mkAddr, mkImm, mkRel,
parse, decode, run, unparse,
- runInterruptible, runContinue, Continuation()
+ runInterruptible, runContinue, Continuation(), initialContinuation
) where
import Control.Monad.ST
@@ -134,6 +134,9 @@ runContinue (Continuation frozen ptr offset) moreinput = runST $ do
Left cont -> return (Left (cont, snd res))
Right mem -> return (Right (mem, snd res))
+initialContinuation :: [Integer] -> Continuation
+initialContinuation initMem = Continuation (A.listArray (0, length initMem - 1) initMem) 0 0
runArray :: SA.STArray s Int Integer -> Int -> [Integer] -> Int -> ST s (Either Continuation [Integer], [Integer])
runArray arr ptr inp offset = do
(ic, len) <- decode' arr ptr