diff options
3 files changed, 93 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/2019/7.hs b/2019/7.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5910f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2019/7.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+module Main where
+import Data.Either
+import Data.List
+import Input
+import IntCode
+part1 :: [Int] -> Int
+part1 program =
+ let settings = permutations [0..4]
+ outcome setting = foldr (.) id [\i -> head (snd (run program [p,i])) | p <- setting] 0
+ in maximum (map outcome settings)
+part2 :: [Int] -> Int
+part2 program =
+ let settings = permutations [5..9]
+ outcome setting =
+ let initConts = [let Left (cont, _) = runInterruptible program [p] in cont
+ | p <- setting]
+ generation conts firstInp =
+ let (output, results) = foldProduce (\inp cont ->
+ let res = runContinue cont [inp]
+ in (res, head (either snd snd res)))
+ firstInp conts
+ in case last results of
+ Right (_, _) -> output
+ Left (_, _) -> generation (map (fst . fromLeft undefined) results) output
+ in generation initConts 0
+ in maximum (map outcome settings)
+foldProduce :: (s -> a -> (b, s)) -> s -> [a] -> (s, [b])
+foldProduce _ s [] = (s, [])
+foldProduce f s (x:xs) = let (y, s') = f s x in fmap (y :) (foldProduce f s' xs)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ program <- parse . head <$> getInput 7
+ print (part1 program)
+ print (part2 program)
diff --git a/2019/ b/2019/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88e90bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2019/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/2019/IntCode.hs b/2019/IntCode.hs
index 9e94066..699a40c 100644
--- a/2019/IntCode.hs
+++ b/2019/IntCode.hs
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
module IntCode (
Arg(..), IC(..),
- parse, decode, run, unparse
+ parse, decode, run, unparse,
+ runInterruptible, runContinue, Continuation()
) where
import Control.Monad.ST
+import qualified Data.Array as A
import qualified Data.Array.ST as SA
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as IA
@@ -97,31 +99,52 @@ insArg 1 n = Imm n
insArg m n = error $ "IC: Unknown parameter mode " ++ show m ++ " for parameter " ++ show n
run :: [Int] -> [Int] -> ([Int], [Int])
-run initMem input = runST $ do
- arr <- SA.newListArray (0, length initMem - 1) initMem
- out <- run' arr 0 input
- mem <- SA.getElems arr
- return (mem, out)
+run initMem input =
+ case runInterruptible initMem input of
+ Left _ -> error "IC: Not enough input"
+ Right res -> res
+data Continuation = Continuation (A.Array Int Int) Int
+runInterruptible :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Either (Continuation, [Int]) ([Int], [Int])
+runInterruptible initMem input = runST $ do
+ arr <- SA.newListArray (0, length initMem - 1) initMem
+ res <- runArray arr 0 input
+ case fst res of
+ Left cont -> return (Left (cont, snd res))
+ Right mem -> return (Right (mem, snd res))
+runContinue :: Continuation -> [Int] -> Either (Continuation, [Int]) ([Int], [Int])
+runContinue (Continuation frozen ptr) moreinput = runST $ do
+ arr <- SA.thaw frozen
+ res <- runArray arr ptr moreinput
+ case fst res of
+ Left cont -> return (Left (cont, snd res))
+ Right mem -> return (Right (mem, snd res))
+runArray :: SA.STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> [Int] -> ST s (Either Continuation [Int], [Int])
+runArray arr ptr inp = do
+ (ic, len) <- decode' arr ptr
+ let continueInp inp' = runArray arr (ptr + len) inp'
+ continue = continueInp inp
+ jump ptr' = runArray arr ptr' inp
+ case ic of
+ Add a b (Addr c) -> (+) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
+ Mul a b (Addr c) -> (*) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
+ Inp (Addr a) -> case inp of
+ val : rest -> SA.writeArray arr a val >> continueInp rest
+ [] -> do
+ frozen <- SA.freeze arr
+ return (Left (Continuation frozen ptr), [])
+ Out a -> resolve a >>= \val -> fmap (val :) <$> continue
+ Jnz a b -> resolve a >>= \val -> if val /= 0 then resolve b >>= jump else continue
+ Jez a b -> resolve a >>= \val -> if val == 0 then resolve b >>= jump else continue
+ Clt a b (Addr c) -> ((fromEnum .) . (<)) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
+ Ceq a b (Addr c) -> ((fromEnum .) . (==)) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
+ Hlt -> do
+ mem <- SA.getElems arr
+ return (Right mem, [])
+ ins -> error $ "IC: Invalid instruction " ++ show ins
- run' :: SA.STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> [Int] -> ST s [Int]
- run' arr ptr inp = do
- (ic, len) <- decode' arr ptr
- let continueInp inp' = run' arr (ptr + len) inp'
- continue = continueInp inp
- jump ptr' = run' arr ptr' inp
- case ic of
- Add a b (Addr c) -> (+) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
- Mul a b (Addr c) -> (*) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
- Inp (Addr a) -> case inp of
- val : rest -> SA.writeArray arr a val >> continueInp rest
- _ -> error "IC: Not enough input"
- Out a -> resolve a >>= \val -> (val :) <$> continue
- Jnz a b -> resolve a >>= \val -> if val /= 0 then resolve b >>= jump else continue
- Jez a b -> resolve a >>= \val -> if val == 0 then resolve b >>= jump else continue
- Clt a b (Addr c) -> ((fromEnum .) . (<)) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
- Ceq a b (Addr c) -> ((fromEnum .) . (==)) <$> resolve a <*> resolve b >>= SA.writeArray arr c >> continue
- Hlt -> return []
- ins -> error $ "IC: Invalid instruction " ++ show ins
- where
- resolve (Imm n) = return n
- resolve (Addr n) = SA.readArray arr n
+ resolve (Imm n) = return n
+ resolve (Addr n) = SA.readArray arr n