path: root/graytrace.cpp
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authortomsmeding <hallo@tomsmeding.nl>2014-05-04 11:53:29 +0200
committertomsmeding <hallo@tomsmeding.nl>2014-05-04 11:53:29 +0200
commit52dadbd4cf618bada9042c3bb2a4bc3803c5f417 (patch)
tree25c7184c90ff9296851453f30f41df44e0276756 /graytrace.cpp
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'graytrace.cpp')
1 files changed, 493 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graytrace.cpp b/graytrace.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b74d387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graytrace.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "lodepng.h"
+#define SCREEN_WIDTH (960)
+#define SCREEN_HEIGHT (640)
+#define FLOAT_SMALL_NUM (1e-8)
+using namespace std;
+Scene description file (.rtsc, Ray Trace SCene)
+Z The positive Y-axis points away from you in this picture.
+^ _Y
+| /'
+| /
+#------> X
+A "number" is a floating-point number, unless stated otherwise.
+A "coordinate" is three numbers, separated by a space.
+Between numbers, any amount of whitespace is tolerated.
+First line: coordinate of camera, the coordinate of point the camera looks at
+ directly and a number in [0,2π) indicating the amount the camera is rotated
+ clockwise around the axis between the camera position and the point the camera
+ looks at. Z normally faces up in this right-handed coordinate system.
+Second line: coordinate of the point light source, followed by the intensity in
+ [0,1].
+Further lines: a string in {triangle,sphere} giving the object shape, a
+ coordinate giving the centre of the object and further parameters for the
+ object. For a sphere, give the size (radius); for a triangle give the
+ coordinates of the two other vertices; for a plane, give the normal the
+ position is any point on the plane.
+Example file:
+1 -15 2 0 0 0 0
+-2 -2 6 1
+sphere 0 0 0 1
+sphere 1 10 -3 1.5
+bool samesign(const double a,const double b){
+ return (a>0&&b>0)||(a<0&&b<0);
+class Vec3{
+ double x,y,z;
+ Vec3(void){x=y=z=0;}
+ Vec3(double _x,double _y,double _z){x=_x;y=_y;z=_z;}
+ Vec3& operator=(const Vec3 &other){
+ x=other.x;
+ y=other.y;
+ z=other.z;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vec3 operator+(const Vec3 other) const{return Vec3(x+other.x,y+other.y,z+other.z);}
+ Vec3 operator-(const Vec3 other) const{return Vec3(x-other.x,y-other.y,z-other.z);}
+ Vec3 operator*(const double other) const{return Vec3(x*other,y*other,z*other);}
+ double norm(void) const{return sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);}
+ double dot(const Vec3 &other) const{
+ return x*other.x+y*other.y+z*other.z;
+ }
+ Vec3 cross(const Vec3 &other) const{
+ return Vec3(y*other.z-z*other.y,z*other.x-x*other.z,x*other.y-y*other.x);
+ }
+ bool hasnan(void) const{return isnan(x)||isnan(y)||isnan(z);}
+ Vec3 normalised(void) const{return *this*(1/norm());}
+ void normalise(void){
+ double n=norm();
+ x/=n; y/=n; z/=n;
+ }
+ /*The Vec3::rotated[XYZ] functions rotate around that axis, anti-clockwise
+ if looking at the rotation when said axis is pointer towards the observer.
+ Matrices from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix#In_three_dimensions */
+ Vec3 rotatedX(double theta) const{
+ return Vec3(x,y*cos(theta)-z*sin(theta),y*sin(theta)+z*cos(theta));
+ }
+ Vec3 rotatedY(double theta) const{
+ return Vec3(x*cos(theta)+z*sin(theta),y,-x*sin(theta)+z*cos(theta));
+ }
+ Vec3 rotatedZ(double theta) const{
+ return Vec3(x*cos(theta)-y*sin(theta),x*sin(theta)+y*cos(theta),z);
+ }
+ string str(void) const{
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss<<'['<<x<<' '<<y<<' '<<z<<']';
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+double angleBetween(const Vec3 &a,const Vec3 &b){
+ // / u . v \
+ //theta=acos|---------|
+ // \|u| * |v|/
+ double angle=acos(a.dot(b)/(a.norm()*b.norm()));
+ //if(angle<0)cerr<<"angleBetween(Vec3("<<a.x<<','<<a.y<<','<<a.z<<"),Vec3("<<b.x<<','<<b.y<<','<<b.z<<"))="<<angle<<endl;
+ return angle;
+class Camera{
+ Vec3 pos,lookat;
+ double rot;
+ Camera(void){pos=Vec3(0,0,0);lookat=Vec3(1,0,0);rot=0;}
+ Camera(Vec3 p,Vec3 l,double r){pos=p;lookat=l;rot=r;}
+ Camera(double px,double py,double pz,double lx,double ly,double lz,double r){
+ pos=Vec3(px,py,pz);
+ lookat=Vec3(lx,ly,lz);
+ rot=r;
+ }
+class Primitive{
+ bool isLight=false;
+ virtual ~Primitive(void){}
+ /* A line is represented by the formula:
+ X = P + D * t
+ for any t in R, where P is a point on the line, D is the direction vector
+ of the line and X is any point on the line determined by t.
+ This method finds the intersection of the line with this object which is
+ closest to P. It returns Vec3(nan,nan,nan) if no intersections.*/
+ virtual Vec3 lineIntersect(const Vec3 &P,const Vec3 &D)=0;
+ virtual Vec3 normalat(const Vec3 &P)=0;
+class Light:public Primitive{
+ Vec3 pos;
+ double intensity;
+ Light(void){isLight=true;}
+ Vec3 lineIntersect(const Vec3 &P,const Vec3 &D){
+ return Vec3(NAN,NAN,NAN);
+ }
+ Vec3 normalat(const Vec3 &P){
+ return Vec3(NAN,NAN,NAN);
+ }
+class Sphere:public Primitive{
+ double size;
+ Vec3 pos;
+ /* A sphere is represented by the formula:
+ r^2 = abs(X - C)^2
+ where the radius is r, C is the centre of the sphere and X is any
+ resulting point on the sphere's surface.
+ The t of the intersection is given by: (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line–sphere_intersection)
+ t=-(D * (P-C)) plusminus sqrt((D * (P-C))^2 - (P-C)^2 + r^2),
+ iff |D|=1, and thus the point X of the intersection by:
+ X = P + D * t.*/
+ Vec3 lineIntersect(const Vec3 &P,const Vec3 &D){
+ double discr,DPminC;
+ Vec3 unitD,PminC;
+ unitD=D.normalised(); //to make sure |D|=1
+ PminC=P-pos;
+ DPminC=unitD.dot(PminC);
+ discr=DPminC*DPminC-PminC.dot(PminC)+size*size;
+ if(discr<0)return Vec3(NAN,NAN,NAN); //no intersection
+ else if(discr<FLOAT_SMALL_NUM)return P+unitD*-DPminC; //one intersection
+ else { //two intersections, choose that for which abs(t) is smallest
+ if(abs(-DPminC-sqrt(discr))<abs(-DPminC+discr))return P+unitD*(-DPminC-sqrt(discr));
+ else return P+unitD*(-DPminC+sqrt(discr));
+ }
+ }
+ //returns unit vector *from origin*, only indicating direction.
+ Vec3 normalat(const Vec3 &P){
+ return (P-pos).normalised();
+ }
+class Triangle:public Primitive{
+ Vec3 normal;
+ Vec3 pos0,pos1,pos2;
+ Triangle(void):normal(NAN,NAN,NAN){}
+ /*Follows the algorithm at http://geomalgorithms.com/a06-_intersect-2.html ;
+ anything that's unclear should be found there!*/
+ Vec3 lineIntersect(const Vec3 &P,const Vec3 &D){
+ Vec3 P1(P+D); //P0==P
+ double ri,si,ti,udotv,udotu,vdotv,wdotu,wdotv;
+ Vec3 normal=normalat(pos0);
+ ri=normal.dot(P1-P); //denominator actually
+ //cerr<<ri<<' ';
+ if(abs(ri)<FLOAT_SMALL_NUM)return Vec3(NAN,NAN,NAN); //parallel to plane
+ ri=normal.dot(pos0-P)/ri;
+ if(ri<0)return Vec3(NAN,NAN,NAN);
+ Vec3 intersection=P+D*ri; //intersection with plane, maybe with triangle
+ Vec3 u=pos1-pos0,v=pos2-pos0,w=intersection-pos0;
+ udotv=u.dot(v); udotu=u.dot(u); vdotv=v.dot(v); wdotu=w.dot(u); wdotv=w.dot(v);
+ ti=udotv*udotv-udotu*vdotv; //actually denominator for si and ti
+ si=(udotv*wdotv-vdotv*wdotu)/ti;
+ if(si<0||si>1)return Vec3(NAN,NAN,NAN); //if si>1, si+ti>1 as well. Saves calculating ti for real
+ ti=(udotv*wdotu-udotu*wdotv)/ti;
+ if(ti<0||si+ti>1)return Vec3(NAN,NAN,NAN);
+ return intersection; //apparently, the ray intersects the triangle as well. Yay!
+ }
+ Vec3 normalat(const Vec3 &P){
+ if(!normal.hasnan())return normal;
+ return normal=(pos1-pos0).cross(pos2-pos0).normalised();
+ }
+class Plane:public Primitive{
+ Vec3 pos,normal;
+ //Also follows the algorithm from http://geomalgorithms.com/a06-_intersect-2.html
+ Vec3 lineIntersect(const Vec3 &P,const Vec3 &D){
+ Vec3 P1(P+D); //P0==P
+ double ri;
+ ri=normal.dot(P1-P); //denominator actually
+ //cerr<<ri<<' ';
+ if(abs(ri)<FLOAT_SMALL_NUM)return Vec3(NAN,NAN,NAN); //if parallel to plane
+ ri=normal.dot(pos-P)/ri;
+ if(ri<0)return Vec3(NAN,NAN,NAN);
+ return P+D*ri;
+ }
+ Vec3 normalat(const Vec3 &P){
+ return normal;
+ }
+/*x,y are screen coordinates in [0,1], FOV is the horizontal field of view in
+ radians, N is the number of objects.*/
+double calcColour(double x,double y,double FOV,int N,Camera &camera,vector<Primitive*> objs){
+ int i,minatidx=0; //=0 for compiler soothing
+ double mindist,dist,angle;
+ Vec3 intersection,midD,midDrot,minatinter;
+ midD=(camera.lookat-camera.pos).normalised();
+ mindist=HUGE_VALF;
+ //first we rotate midD around Z such that it lies on the XZ plane
+ angle=atan2(midD.y,midD.x); //get angle relative to XZ plane, around Z axis (thus, horizontal)
+ midDrot=midD.rotatedZ(-angle);
+ //then we rotate it around the Y axis (thus, vertically) by the needed amount
+ midDrot=midDrot.rotatedY(-FOV*((double)1-2*y*SCREEN_HEIGHT/SCREEN_WIDTH)); //negative in front because it rotates the wrong way round. See axes at top of source and description of Vec3::rotated[XYZ] functions.
+ //then we rotate it back around Z to its previous angle
+ midDrot=midDrot.rotatedZ(angle);
+ //then we apply the necessary horizontal rotation (around Z)
+ midDrot=midDrot.rotatedZ(FOV*((double)1-2*x));
+ for(i=0;i<N;i++){
+ intersection=objs[i]->lineIntersect(camera.pos,midDrot);
+ if(!intersection.hasnan()){ //if intersection was found
+ //now go test whether it's BEHIND the camera...
+ if((intersection.x-camera.pos.x)*midDrot.x<0||(intersection.y-camera.pos.y)*midDrot.y<0||(intersection.z-camera.pos.z)*midDrot.z<0)continue;
+ dist=(intersection-camera.pos).norm();
+ if(dist<mindist){
+ mindist=dist;
+ minatidx=i;
+ minatinter=intersection;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(mindist==HUGE_VALF){
+ //cout<<". ";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(objs[minatidx]->isLight){ //if intersection was found
+ double cross=(camera.pos-intersection).normalised().cross(objs[minatidx]->normalat(intersection)).norm(); //cross==sin(angle between those vectors)
+ return 1-cross/6; //this looks reasonable
+ }
+ //cout<<minatidx<<' ';
+ Light *light=NULL;
+ for(i=0;i<N;i++)if(objs[i]->isLight){light=(Light*)objs[i];break;}
+ if(light==NULL)return 0.1;
+ Vec3 DlightToInter=minatinter-light->pos;
+ double distLightToInter=DlightToInter.norm();
+ for(i=0;i<N;i++){
+ if(objs[i]->isLight)continue;
+ intersection=objs[i]->lineIntersect(light->pos,DlightToInter);
+ dist=abs((intersection-light->pos).norm());
+ if(!intersection.hasnan()&&abs((intersection-minatinter).norm())>FLOAT_SMALL_NUM&&dist<distLightToInter){
+ //cout<<abs((intersection-minatinter).norm())<<' ';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(i==N){
+ //cout<<"N ";
+ //return 1;
+ //return 1-abs((light->pos-minatinter).normalised().cross((camera.pos-minatinter).normalised()).norm());
+ Vec3 cam=(camera.pos-minatinter).normalised(),nor=objs[minatidx]->normalat(minatinter),lig=(light->pos-minatinter).normalised();
+ /*double diff=asin(cam.cross(nor).norm())-asin(nor.cross(lig).norm()); //ANCIENT
+ if(diff<0)return 0.1;
+ else return 0.1+diff*0.9;*/
+ //if(abs(factor)>M_PI/2||!samesign(angleBetween(cam,lig)-angleBetween(cam,nor),angleBetween(nor,lig)))return 0.1;
+ //else return 0.1+(1-abs(factor))*0.9;
+ /*double ligCamAngle=angleBetween(cam,lig);
+ double ligNorAngle=angleBetween(nor,lig);
+ double camNorAngle=angleBetween(cam,nor);
+ angle=abs(ligCamAngle-2*camNorAngle); //how far, in radians, from the perfect reflection angle
+ if(angle>M_PI/2)return 0.1;
+ else return 0.1+(1-angle/M_PI)*0.9;*/
+ /*double factor=angleBetween(cam,nor)-angleBetween(nor,lig); //for spheres
+ if(factor>M_PI/2)return 0.5+(double)rand()/RAND_MAX*0.5;
+ if(factor<0)return 0.1;
+ return 0.1+factor/(M_PI/2)*0.9;*/
+ /*double factor=angleBetween(cam,lig)-2*angleBetween(cam,nor); //for cubes
+ if(abs(factor)>M_PI)return 0.1;
+ return 0.1+(1-abs(factor)/M_PI)*0.9;*/
+ Vec3 reflected=nor*cam.dot(nor)*2-cam; // paulbourke.net/geometry/reflected/
+ double diff=angleBetween(lig,reflected); //always >=0
+ if(diff>M_PI)return 0.1;
+ //else return 0.1+0.9*(pow(M_E,-diff)-diff*0.01375541740409698); //y=e^(-x)-x*e^(-pi)/pi gives an exponential thing through (0,1) and (pi,0)
+ //else return 0.1+0.9*cos(diff/2);
+ //else return 0.1+0.9*sin(0.5*M_PI*nor.dot(lig))*(1-diff/M_PI);
+ else return 0.1+0.9*0.5*(sin(M_PI*(nor.dot(lig)-0.5))+1)*(1-diff/M_PI);
+ } else {
+ //cout<<abs((intersection-minatinter).norm())<<' ';
+ return 0.1;
+ }
+ //return 1/(mindist+1);
+ //return (minatinter.z+1)/2;
+void makeimage(vector<uint8_t> &image,Camera &camera,vector<Primitive*> objs,int N){
+ double x,y;
+ //double minclr=10000,maxclr=-10000;
+ //cerr<<"camera.pos="<<camera.pos.str()<<endl;
+ for(y=0;y<SCREEN_HEIGHT;y++){
+ for(x=0;x<SCREEN_WIDTH;x++){
+ //cout<<".abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"[lround(calcColour((double)x/SCREEN_WIDTH,(double)y/SCREEN_HEIGHT,M_PI/4,N,camera,objs)*26)]<<flush;
+ //cout<<calcColour((double)x/SCREEN_WIDTH,(double)y/SCREEN_HEIGHT,M_PI/2,N,camera,objs)<<" "<<flush;
+ image[4*(SCREEN_WIDTH*y+x)+0]=
+ image[4*(SCREEN_WIDTH*y+x)+1]=
+ image[4*(SCREEN_WIDTH*y+x)+2]=calcColour((double)x/SCREEN_WIDTH,(double)y/SCREEN_HEIGHT,M_PI/4,N,camera,objs)*255;
+ image[4*(SCREEN_WIDTH*y+x)+3]=255;
+ //if(image[4*(SCREEN_WIDTH*y+x)+0]/255.0<minclr)minclr=image[4*(SCREEN_WIDTH*y+x)+0]/255.0;
+ //if(image[4*(SCREEN_WIDTH*y+x)+0]/255.0>maxclr)maxclr=image[4*(SCREEN_WIDTH*y+x)+0]/255.0;
+ //cout<<hex<<setw(2)<<(int)image[4*(SCREEN_WIDTH*y+x)+0]<<' ';
+ }
+ //cout<<endl;
+ }
+ //cout<<"colour: ["<<minclr<<','<<maxclr<<']'<<endl;
+int main(int argc,char **argv){
+ if(argc!=2){
+ cout<<"Please give the scene description file as a command-line parameter."<<endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ ifstream in(argv[1]);
+ if(!in.good()){
+ cout<<"Could not open file '"<<argv[1]<<"'."<<endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int N,i;
+ string type;
+ Camera camera;
+ vector<Primitive*> objs;
+ in>>camera.pos.x>>camera.pos.y>>camera.pos.z>>camera.lookat.x>>camera.lookat.y>>camera.lookat.z>>camera.rot;
+ if(camera.rot!=0){
+ cout<<"No camera rotation is currently supported; the given value of "<<camera.rot<<" should be 0."<<endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ objs.push_back(new Light);
+ in>>((Light*)objs[0])->pos.x>>((Light*)objs[0])->pos.y>>((Light*)objs[0])->pos.z>>((Light*)objs[0])->intensity;
+ objs[0]->isLight=true;
+ N=1;
+ for(i=1;;i++){
+ in>>type;
+ if(!in.good())break;
+ if(type=="sphere"){
+ objs.push_back(new Sphere);
+ in>>((Sphere*)objs[i])->pos.x>>((Sphere*)objs[i])->pos.y>>((Sphere*)objs[i])->pos.z>>((Sphere*)objs[i])->size;
+ //((Sphere*)objs[i])->printName();
+ N++;
+ } else if(type=="triangle"){
+ objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ in>>((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x>>((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y>>((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z
+ >>((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x>>((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y>>((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z
+ >>((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x>>((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y>>((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z;
+ //((Triangle*)objs[i])->printName();
+ N++;
+ } else if(type=="cuboid"){
+ Vec3 p1,p2;
+ in>>p1.x>>p1.y>>p1.z>>p2.x>>p2.y>>p2.z;
+ objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p2.z;
+ i++; N++; objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p2.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p2.z;
+ i++; N++; objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p2.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p2.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p2.z;
+ i++; N++; objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p2.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p2.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p2.z;
+ i++; N++; objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p2.z;
+ i++; N++; objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p2.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p2.z;
+ i++; N++; objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p2.z;
+ i++; N++; objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p2.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p2.z;
+ i++; N++; objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p1.z;
+ i++; N++; objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p2.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p1.z;
+ i++; N++; objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p2.z;
+ i++; N++; objs.push_back(new Triangle);
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos0.z=p1.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.y=p2.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos1.z=p2.z;
+ ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.x=p1.x; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.y=p1.y; ((Triangle*)objs[i])->pos2.z=p2.z;
+ //((Triangle*)objs[i])->printName();
+ N++;
+ } else if(type=="plane"){
+ objs.push_back(new Plane);
+ in>>((Plane*)objs[i])->pos.x>>((Plane*)objs[i])->pos.y>>((Plane*)objs[i])->pos.z
+ >>((Plane*)objs[i])->normal.x>>((Plane*)objs[i])->normal.y>>((Plane*)objs[i])->normal.z;
+ ((Plane*)objs[i])->normal.normalise();
+ N++;
+ } else {
+ cout<<"Unknown object type '"<<type<<"'!"<<endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ cout<<"Read objects: "<<N<<" objects"<<endl;
+ string fnamebase;
+ if(strrchr(argv[1],'/')==NULL)fnamebase=argv[1];
+ else fnamebase=strrchr(argv[1],'/');
+ vector<uint8_t> image;
+ int error;
+#if 0
+ char fname[fnamebase.length()+8];
+ cout<<"Rendered frames: "<<endl;
+ for(i=0;i<36;i++){
+ makeimage(image,camera,objs,N);
+ cout<<i<<' '<<flush;
+ snprintf(fname,sizeof(fname),"%s%02d.png",fnamebase.c_str(),i);
+ error=lodepng::encode(fname,image,SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT);
+ if(error){
+ cout<<"Lodepng encoder error "<<error<<": "<<lodepng_error_text(error)<<endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ //camera.lookat=(camera.lookat-camera.pos).rotated(M_PI/9,0)+camera.pos;
+ camera.pos=camera.pos.rotatedZ(M_PI/18);
+ }
+ cout<<endl<<"Written images"<<endl;
+ fnamebase+=".png";
+ //camera.pos=camera.pos.rotatedZ(M_PI/2);
+ makeimage(image,camera,objs,N);
+ cout<<"Rendered objects"<<endl;
+ error=lodepng::encode(fnamebase.c_str(),image,SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT);
+ if(error){
+ cout<<"Lodepng encoder error "<<error<<": "<<lodepng_error_text(error)<<endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ cout<<"Written image"<<endl;
+ return 0;