diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2021-10-09 12:04:14 +0200
committerTom Smeding <>2021-10-09 12:04:14 +0200
commitff220bfb4c4c67f666a4701f2514d8de432f1e9a (patch)
parent961b6fc01f9c2f0220070849d22b2a30ca031324 (diff)
Debug printing of expression tree (default off)
3 files changed, 111 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/Debug.hs b/Debug.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb670d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Debug.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+module Debug where
+import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST
+showPrimFun :: PrimFun a -> String
+showPrimFun PrimAdd{} = "PrimAdd"
+showPrimFun PrimSub{} = "PrimSub"
+showPrimFun PrimMul{} = "PrimMul"
+showPrimFun PrimNeg{} = "PrimNeg"
+showPrimFun PrimAbs{} = "PrimAbs"
+showPrimFun PrimSig{} = "PrimSig"
+showPrimFun PrimQuot{} = "PrimQuot"
+showPrimFun PrimRem{} = "PrimRem"
+showPrimFun PrimQuotRem{} = "PrimQuotRem"
+showPrimFun PrimIDiv{} = "PrimIDiv"
+showPrimFun PrimMod{} = "PrimMod"
+showPrimFun PrimDivMod{} = "PrimDivMod"
+showPrimFun PrimBAnd{} = "PrimBAnd"
+showPrimFun PrimBOr{} = "PrimBOr"
+showPrimFun PrimBXor{} = "PrimBXor"
+showPrimFun PrimBNot{} = "PrimBNot"
+showPrimFun PrimBShiftL{} = "PrimBShiftL"
+showPrimFun PrimBShiftR{} = "PrimBShiftR"
+showPrimFun PrimBRotateL{} = "PrimBRotateL"
+showPrimFun PrimBRotateR{} = "PrimBRotateR"
+showPrimFun PrimPopCount{} = "PrimPopCount"
+showPrimFun PrimCountLeadingZeros{} = "PrimCountLeadingZeros"
+showPrimFun PrimCountTrailingZeros{} = "PrimCountTrailingZeros"
+showPrimFun PrimFDiv{} = "PrimFDiv"
+showPrimFun PrimRecip{} = "PrimRecip"
+showPrimFun PrimSin{} = "PrimSin"
+showPrimFun PrimCos{} = "PrimCos"
+showPrimFun PrimTan{} = "PrimTan"
+showPrimFun PrimAsin{} = "PrimAsin"
+showPrimFun PrimAcos{} = "PrimAcos"
+showPrimFun PrimAtan{} = "PrimAtan"
+showPrimFun PrimSinh{} = "PrimSinh"
+showPrimFun PrimCosh{} = "PrimCosh"
+showPrimFun PrimTanh{} = "PrimTanh"
+showPrimFun PrimAsinh{} = "PrimAsinh"
+showPrimFun PrimAcosh{} = "PrimAcosh"
+showPrimFun PrimAtanh{} = "PrimAtanh"
+showPrimFun PrimExpFloating{} = "PrimExpFloating"
+showPrimFun PrimSqrt{} = "PrimSqrt"
+showPrimFun PrimLog{} = "PrimLog"
+showPrimFun PrimFPow{} = "PrimFPow"
+showPrimFun PrimLogBase{} = "PrimLogBase"
+showPrimFun PrimTruncate{} = "PrimTruncate"
+showPrimFun PrimRound{} = "PrimRound"
+showPrimFun PrimFloor{} = "PrimFloor"
+showPrimFun PrimCeiling{} = "PrimCeiling"
+showPrimFun PrimAtan2{} = "PrimAtan2"
+showPrimFun PrimIsNaN{} = "PrimIsNaN"
+showPrimFun PrimIsInfinite{} = "PrimIsInfinite"
+showPrimFun PrimLt{} = "PrimLt"
+showPrimFun PrimGt{} = "PrimGt"
+showPrimFun PrimLtEq{} = "PrimLtEq"
+showPrimFun PrimGtEq{} = "PrimGtEq"
+showPrimFun PrimEq{} = "PrimEq"
+showPrimFun PrimNEq{} = "PrimNEq"
+showPrimFun PrimMax{} = "PrimMax"
+showPrimFun PrimMin{} = "PrimMin"
+showPrimFun PrimLAnd = "PrimLAnd"
+showPrimFun PrimLOr = "PrimLOr"
+showPrimFun PrimLNot = "PrimLNot"
+showPrimFun PrimFromIntegral{} = "PrimFromIntegral"
+showPrimFun PrimToFloating{} = "PrimToFloating"
diff --git a/SC/Exp.hs b/SC/Exp.hs
index ef18a7f..cf4e096 100644
--- a/SC/Exp.hs
+++ b/SC/Exp.hs
@@ -4,12 +4,16 @@ module SC.Exp where
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.AST as A
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST.LeftHandSide
+import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST.Idx (idxToInt)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST.Var
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Array
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Shape
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Type
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Type
+-- import Debug.Trace
+import Debug
import qualified Language.C as C
import SC.Defs
import SC.Monad
@@ -41,7 +45,8 @@ compileFun aenv (A.Lam lhs (A.Body body)) = do
(argnames, env) <- genVarsEnv lhs VENil
outnames <- itupmap (\(TypedName t n) -> TypedName (C.TPtr t) n)
<$> genVars (A.expType body)
- (usedA, res) <- compileExp' aenv env body
+ ((_tree, usedA), res) <- compileExp' aenv env body
+ -- traceM ("Compiled expression:\n" ++ prettyTree " " " " tree)
(sts1, retexprs) <- toStExprs (A.expType body) res
let sts2 = genoutstores outnames retexprs
arrayarguments =
@@ -71,27 +76,38 @@ compileFun _ _ = error "compileFun: Not single-argument function"
compileExp :: AVarEnv aenv -> A.Exp aenv t -> SC (CompiledFun aenv () t)
compileExp aenv expr = compileFun aenv (A.Lam (LeftHandSideWildcard TupRunit) (A.Body expr))
+data Tree = Node String [Tree] | Leaf String
+prettyTree :: String -> String -> Tree -> String
+prettyTree pre _ (Leaf s) = pre ++ s ++ "\n"
+prettyTree pre pre2 (Node s []) = prettyTree pre pre2 (Leaf s)
+prettyTree pre pre2 (Node s ts) =
+ let (ts1, t2) = (init ts, last ts)
+ in pre ++ s ++ "\n" ++ concatMap (prettyTree (pre2 ++ "├─") (pre2 ++ "│ ")) ts1 ++ prettyTree (pre2 ++ "└─") (pre2 ++ " ") t2
compileExp' :: AVarEnv aenv -> VarEnv env -> A.OpenExp env aenv t
- -> SC ([SomeArray], Either (Names t -> [C.Stmt]) ([C.Stmt], Exprs t))
+ -> SC ((Tree, [SomeArray]), Either (Names t -> [C.Stmt]) ([C.Stmt], Exprs t))
compileExp' aenv env = \case
+ -- Foreign, IndexSlice, IndexFull, FromIndex, Case, Cond, While, PrimConst, ShapeSize, Undef, Coerce
A.Let lhs rhs body -> do
(names, env') <- genVarsEnv lhs env
let sts1 = [C.SDecl t n Nothing | TypedName t n <- itupList names]
- (usedA2, sts2) <- fmap (`toStoring` names) <$> compileExp' aenv env rhs
- (usedA3, res3) <- compileExp' aenv env' body
- return (usedA2 ++ usedA3
+ ((tree2, usedA2), sts2) <- fmap (`toStoring` names) <$> compileExp' aenv env rhs
+ ((tree3, usedA3), res3) <- compileExp' aenv env' body
+ return ((Node ("Let [" ++ show (length (itupList names)) ++ " vars]") [tree2, tree3], usedA2 ++ usedA3)
,fmap (\(sts, exs) -> (sts1 ++ sts2 ++ sts, exs)) res3)
A.Evar (Var _ idx) ->
- return ([], Right ([], ITupSingle (C.EVar (veprj env idx))))
+ return ((Leaf ("Evar " ++ show (idxToInt idx)), []), Right ([], ITupSingle (C.EVar (veprj env idx))))
A.Nil ->
- return ([], Right ([], ITupIgnore))
+ return ((Leaf "Nil", []), Right ([], ITupIgnore))
A.Pair a b -> do
- (usedA1, res1) <- compileExp' aenv env a
- (usedA2, res2) <- compileExp' aenv env b
- return (usedA1 ++ usedA2
+ ((tree1, usedA1), res1) <- compileExp' aenv env a
+ ((tree2, usedA2), res2) <- compileExp' aenv env b
+ return ((Node "Pair" [tree1, tree2], usedA1 ++ usedA2)
,case (res1, res2) of
(Right (sts1, exp1), Right (sts2, exp2)) ->
Right (sts1 ++ sts2, ITupPair exp1 exp2)
@@ -102,20 +118,21 @@ compileExp' aenv env = \case
A.Const ty x
| Just str <- showExpConst ty x
- -> return ([], Right ([], ITupSingle (C.ELit str)))
+ -> return ((Leaf ("Const (" ++ str ++ ")"), []), Right ([], ITupSingle (C.ELit str)))
A.PrimApp (A.PrimAdd _) e -> binary aenv env "+" e
A.PrimApp (A.PrimSub _) e -> binary aenv env "-" e
A.PrimApp (A.PrimMul _) e -> binary aenv env "*" e
A.PrimApp (A.PrimQuot _) e -> binary aenv env "/" e
A.PrimApp (A.PrimRem _) e -> binary aenv env "%" e
+ A.PrimApp op _ -> throw $ "Unsupported Exp primitive operator: " ++ showPrimFun op
A.Shape (Var _ idx) ->
let (shnames, _) = aveprj aenv idx
buildExprs :: ShNames sh -> Exprs sh
buildExprs ShZ = ITupIgnore
buildExprs (ShS names n) = ITupPair (buildExprs names) (ITupSingle (C.EVar n))
- in return ([], Right ([], buildExprs shnames))
+ in return ((Leaf ("Shape a" ++ show (idxToInt idx)), []), Right ([], buildExprs shnames))
A.ToIndex shr she idxe -> do
let build :: ShapeR sh -> Exprs sh -> Exprs sh -> C.Expr
@@ -125,11 +142,11 @@ compileExp' aenv env = \case
(ITupPair idxes' (ITupSingle idxe')) =
C.EOp (C.EOp (build shr' shes' idxes') "*" she') "+" idxe'
build _ _ _ = error "wat"
- (usedA1, res1) <- compileExp' aenv env she
+ ((tree1, usedA1), res1) <- compileExp' aenv env she
(sts1, shes) <- toStExprs (shapeType shr) res1
- (usedA2, res2) <- compileExp' aenv env idxe
+ ((tree2, usedA2), res2) <- compileExp' aenv env idxe
(sts2, idxes) <- toStExprs (shapeType shr) res2
- return (usedA1 ++ usedA2, Right (sts1 ++ sts2, ITupSingle (build shr shes idxes)))
+ return ((Node "ToIndex" [tree1, tree2], usedA1 ++ usedA2), Right (sts1 ++ sts2, ITupSingle (build shr shes idxes)))
A.Index avar@(Var (ArrayR shr _) _) she ->
compileExp' aenv env $
@@ -138,22 +155,24 @@ compileExp' aenv env = \case
A.LinearIndex (Var _ idx) e -> do
temp <- genName "i"
let sts0 = [C.SDecl (C.TInt C.B64) temp Nothing]
- (usedA1, sts1) <- fmap (`toStoring` ITupSingle (TypedName (C.TInt C.B64) temp))
- <$> compileExp' aenv env e
+ ((tree1, usedA1), sts1) <-
+ fmap (`toStoring` ITupSingle (TypedName (C.TInt C.B64) temp))
+ <$> compileExp' aenv env e
let (shnames, anames) = aveprj aenv idx
usedA = SomeArray shnames anames : usedA1
- return (usedA, Right (sts0 ++ sts1
- ,itupmap (\(TypedAName _ name) -> C.EIndex name (C.EVar temp)) anames))
+ return ((Node ("LinearIndex a" ++ show (idxToInt idx)) [tree1], usedA)
+ ,Right (sts0 ++ sts1
+ ,itupmap (\(TypedAName _ name) -> C.EIndex name (C.EVar temp)) anames))
e -> throw $ "Unsupported Exp constructor: " ++ A.showExpOp e
binary :: AVarEnv aenv -> VarEnv env -> String -> A.OpenExp env aenv (a, b)
- -> SC ([SomeArray], Either (Names t -> [C.Stmt]) ([C.Stmt], Exprs t))
+ -> SC ((Tree, [SomeArray]), Either (Names t -> [C.Stmt]) ([C.Stmt], Exprs t))
binary aenv' env' op e' = do
- (usedA, res) <- compileExp' aenv' env' e'
+ ((tree, usedA), res) <- compileExp' aenv' env' e'
(sts, ITupPair (ITupSingle e1) (ITupSingle e2)) <-
toStExprs (A.expType e') res
- return (usedA, Right (sts, ITupSingle (C.EOp e1 op e2)))
+ return ((Node ("binary " ++ show op) [tree], usedA), Right (sts, ITupSingle (C.EOp e1 op e2)))
toStExprs :: TypeR t -> Either (Names t -> [C.Stmt]) ([C.Stmt], Exprs t) -> SC ([C.Stmt], Exprs t)
toStExprs ty (Left fun) = do
diff --git a/accelerate-sc.cabal b/accelerate-sc.cabal
index 6283c53..378bb2a 100644
--- a/accelerate-sc.cabal
+++ b/accelerate-sc.cabal
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ library
+ Debug