diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2018-04-15 00:12:01 +0200
committerTom Smeding <>2018-04-15 00:12:01 +0200
commit873c294497c74e85eae5310cbf19269807c75e6d (patch)
parent6489f93d146d7b6a381fc2815158240d26b5febc (diff)
Build with stack
-rw-r--r--AST.hs (renamed from ast.hs)0
-rw-r--r--Compiler.hs (renamed from compiler.hs)0
-rw-r--r--Interpreter.hs (renamed from interpreter.hs)0
-rw-r--r--Main.hs (renamed from main.hs)0
-rw-r--r--Optimiser.hs (renamed from optimiser.hs)0
-rw-r--r--Parser.hs (renamed from parser.hs)0
9 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index cc3645e..7b51549 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -5,3 +5,8 @@ main
diff --git a/ast.hs b/AST.hs
index cd7fed2..cd7fed2 100644
--- a/ast.hs
+++ b/AST.hs
diff --git a/compiler.hs b/Compiler.hs
index eab7058..eab7058 100644
--- a/compiler.hs
+++ b/Compiler.hs
diff --git a/interpreter.hs b/Interpreter.hs
index 4f3f3aa..4f3f3aa 100644
--- a/interpreter.hs
+++ b/Interpreter.hs
diff --git a/main.hs b/Main.hs
index 9c33f83..9c33f83 100644
--- a/main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
diff --git a/optimiser.hs b/Optimiser.hs
index 3163c33..3163c33 100644
--- a/optimiser.hs
+++ b/Optimiser.hs
diff --git a/parser.hs b/Parser.hs
index f2961ba..f2961ba 100644
--- a/parser.hs
+++ b/Parser.hs
diff --git a/bfcomphs.cabal b/bfcomphs.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eaf31e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bfcomphs.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+name: bfcomphs
+version: 0.1.0
+cabal-version: >= 1.10
+build-type: Simple
+license: MIT
+author: Tom Smeding
+executable bfcomphs
+ hs-source-dirs: .
+ main-is: Main.hs
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ ghc-options: -Wall -O2
+ build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5,
+ containers, mtl, vector, process
+ other-modules: AST, Compiler, Interpreter, Optimiser, Parser
diff --git a/stack.yaml b/stack.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1aebdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stack.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# This file was automatically generated by 'stack init'
+# Some commonly used options have been documented as comments in this file.
+# For advanced use and comprehensive documentation of the format, please see:
+# Resolver to choose a 'specific' stackage snapshot or a compiler version.
+# A snapshot resolver dictates the compiler version and the set of packages
+# to be used for project dependencies. For example:
+# resolver: lts-3.5
+# resolver: nightly-2015-09-21
+# resolver: ghc-7.10.2
+# resolver: ghcjs-0.1.0_ghc-7.10.2
+# resolver:
+# name: custom-snapshot
+# location: "./custom-snapshot.yaml"
+resolver: lts-11.5
+# User packages to be built.
+# Various formats can be used as shown in the example below.
+# packages:
+# - some-directory
+# -
+# - location:
+# git:
+# commit: e7b331f14bcffb8367cd58fbfc8b40ec7642100a
+# - location:
+# extra-dep: true
+# subdirs:
+# - auto-update
+# - wai
+# A package marked 'extra-dep: true' will only be built if demanded by a
+# non-dependency (i.e. a user package), and its test suites and benchmarks
+# will not be run. This is useful for tweaking upstream packages.
+- .
+# Dependency packages to be pulled from upstream that are not in the resolver
+# (e.g., acme-missiles-0.3)
+# extra-deps: []
+# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
+# flags: {}
+# Extra package databases containing global packages
+# extra-package-dbs: []
+# Control whether we use the GHC we find on the path
+# system-ghc: true
+# Require a specific version of stack, using version ranges
+# require-stack-version: -any # Default
+# require-stack-version: ">=1.6"
+# Override the architecture used by stack, especially useful on Windows
+# arch: i386
+# arch: x86_64
+# Extra directories used by stack for building
+# extra-include-dirs: [/path/to/dir]
+# extra-lib-dirs: [/path/to/dir]
+# Allow a newer minor version of GHC than the snapshot specifies
+# compiler-check: newer-minor \ No newline at end of file