path: root/compiler.hs
diff options
authortomsmeding <>2017-07-13 23:24:04 +0200
committertomsmeding <>2017-07-13 23:24:04 +0200
commitd015d797fe8d152864cdd5f1ce284bd5ff467f9e (patch)
tree60e6cfdc9fa0a68381fbf7fd39ea83c60af52129 /compiler.hs
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler.hs')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler.hs b/compiler.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a98a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Compiler(compile) where
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
+import Data.List
+import AST
+-- Execution starts in the middle of the tape
+tapeLength :: Offset
+tapeLength = 60000
+newtype LineWriter a = LineWriter {unLineWriter :: WriterT [String] (State Int) a}
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadWriter [String], MonadState Int)
+runLineWriter :: LineWriter a -> String
+runLineWriter = (++ "\n") . intercalate "\n" . flip evalState 1 . execWriterT . unLineWriter
+emit0 :: String -> LineWriter ()
+emit0 = tell . pure
+emit :: String -> LineWriter ()
+emit = tell . pure . ('\t' :)
+genId :: LineWriter Int
+genId = state $ \i -> (i, i + 1)
+compile :: Program -> String
+compile (Program inss) = runLineWriter $ do
+ emit0 prologue
+ mapM_ compileIns inss
+ emit0 epilogue
+cursor :: String
+cursor = "rbx"
+compileIns :: Instruction -> LineWriter ()
+compileIns (IAdd v off) = emit $ "add byte [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show off ++ "], " ++ show v
+compileIns (ISet v off) = emit $ "mov byte [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show off ++ "], " ++ show v
+compileIns (IMove from []) = do
+ emit $ "mov byte [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show from ++ "], 0"
+compileIns (IMove from [(o,m)]) = do
+ emit $ "mov al, [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show from ++ "]"
+ if m == 1 then return ()
+ else do
+ emit $ "mov cl, " ++ show m
+ emit "mul byte cl"
+ emit $ "add [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show o ++ "], al"
+ emit $ "mov byte [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show from ++ "], 0"
+compileIns (IMove from tos) = do
+ emit $ "mov dl, [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show from ++ "]"
+ emit $ "mov byte [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show from ++ "], 0"
+ forM_ tos $ \(o,m) -> do
+ emit "mov al, dl"
+ if m == 1 then return ()
+ else do
+ emit $ "mov cl, " ++ show m
+ emit "mul byte cl"
+ emit $ "add [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show o ++ "], al"
+compileIns (ISlide off) = emit $ "add " ++ cursor ++ ", " ++ show off
+compileIns (ILoop inss off) = do
+ loopid <- genId
+ emit $ "cmp byte [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show off ++ "], 0"
+ emit $ "jz .Laf_" ++ show loopid
+ emit0 $ ".Lbd_" ++ show loopid ++ ":"
+ mapM_ compileIns inss
+ emit $ "cmp byte [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show off ++ "], 0"
+ emit $ "jnz .Lbd_" ++ show loopid
+ emit0 $ ".Laf_" ++ show loopid ++ ":"
+compileIns (IInput off) = do
+ emit "call _getchar"
+ emit $ "mov [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show off ++ "], al"
+compileIns (IOutput off) = do
+ emit "xor edi, edi"
+ emit $ "mov dil, [" ++ cursor ++ " + " ++ show off ++ "]"
+ emit "call _putchar"
+compileIns IStart = return ()
+prologue :: String
+prologue =
+ "global _main"
+ ++ "\nextern _calloc, _free, _putchar, _getchar, _write"
+ ++ "\ndefault rel"
+ ++ "\nsection .text"
+ ++ "\n_main:"
+ ++ "\n\tpush rbp"
+ ++ "\n\tmov rbp, rsp"
+ ++ "\n\tpush rbx"
+ ++ "\n\tsub rsp, 8"
+ ++ "\n\tmov edi, " ++ show tapeLength
+ ++ "\n\tmov esi, 1"
+ ++ "\n\tcall _calloc"
+ ++ "\n\ttest rax, rax"
+ ++ "\n\tjz .allocation_failure"
+ ++ "\n\tlea rbx, [rax + " ++ show (tapeLength `div` 2) ++ "] ; rbx = cursor"
+ ++ "\n\tmov [rsp], rax ; [rsp] = start of tape buffer"
+ ++ "\n"
+epilogue :: String
+epilogue =
+ "\n\tmov rdi, [rsp]"
+ ++ "\n\tcall _free"
+ ++ "\n\txor eax, eax"
+ ++ "\n.return:"
+ ++ "\n\tadd rsp, 8"
+ ++ "\n\tpop rbx"
+ ++ "\n\tmov rsp, rbp"
+ ++ "\n\tpop rbp"
+ ++ "\n\tret"
+ ++ "\n.allocation_failure:"
+ ++ "\n\tsub rsp, 32"
+ ++ "\n\tmov rax, 0x697461636f6c6c41 ; \"Allocati\""
+ ++ "\n\tmov rbx, 0x756c696166206e6f ; \"on failu\""
+ ++ "\n\tmov ecx, 0x000a6572 ; \"re\\n\\0\""
+ ++ "\n\tmov [rsp], rax"
+ ++ "\n\tmov [rsp+8], rbx"
+ ++ "\n\tmov [rsp+16], ecx"
+ ++ "\n\tmov edi, 2"
+ ++ "\n\tmov rsi, rsp"
+ ++ "\n\tmov edx, 20"
+ ++ "\n\tcall _write"
+ ++ "\n\tadd rsp, 32"
+ ++ "\n\tmov eax, 1"
+ ++ "\n\tjmp .return"