path: root/interpreter.hs
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authortomsmeding <>2017-07-13 23:24:04 +0200
committertomsmeding <>2017-07-13 23:24:04 +0200
commitd015d797fe8d152864cdd5f1ce284bd5ff467f9e (patch)
tree60e6cfdc9fa0a68381fbf7fd39ea83c60af52129 /interpreter.hs
Diffstat (limited to 'interpreter.hs')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/interpreter.hs b/interpreter.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b9402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interpreter.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+module Interpreter(interpret) where
+import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
+import AST
+type Tape = MV.IOVector Byte
+interpret :: Program -> [Byte] -> IO [Byte]
+interpret (Program inss) inp = MV.replicate 60000 0 >>= \tape -> interInss 0 tape 30000 inss inp
+interInss :: Int -> Tape -> Int -> [Instruction] -> [Byte] -> IO [Byte]
+interInss _ _ _ [] _ = return []
+-- interInss count _ _ _ _ | count > 2000000000 = return []
+interInss !count !tape !memp allinss@(ins:rest) inp = case ins of
+ (IAdd value offset) -> do
+ MV.modify tape (+ value) (memp + offset)
+ interInss (count + 1) tape memp rest inp
+ (ISet value offset) -> do
+ MV.write tape (memp + offset) value
+ interInss (count + 1) tape memp rest inp
+ (IMove from tos) -> do
+ value <- tape (memp + from)
+ MV.write tape (memp + from) 0
+ mapM_ (\(offset, multiplier) -> MV.modify tape ((+) (multiplier * value)) (memp + offset)) tos
+ interInss (count + 1) tape memp rest inp
+ (ISlide offset) -> do
+ interInss (count + 1) tape (memp + offset) rest inp
+ (ILoop iins offset) -> do
+ value <- tape (memp + offset)
+ if value /= 0
+ then interInss (count + 1) tape memp (iins ++ allinss) inp
+ else interInss (count + 1) tape memp rest inp
+ (IInput offset) -> do
+ let (c:cs) = inp
+ MV.write tape (memp + offset) c
+ interInss (count + 1) tape memp rest cs
+ (IOutput offset) -> do
+ value <- tape (memp + offset)
+ (value :) <$> interInss (count + 1) tape memp rest inp
+ IStart -> do
+ interInss (count + 1) tape memp rest inp