path: root/src/Language.hs
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authorTom Smeding <>2024-09-05 22:15:20 +0200
committerTom Smeding <>2024-09-05 22:15:20 +0200
commit393592e7c180415c8e4c45523c0cf0904fa7b7c1 (patch)
treee0d89a0a48d5ee795fa124bd7f50080dcc508e9b /src/Language.hs
parent402d28014e1e95c1fa8706c3648519a89a9e0e0f (diff)
WIP better frontend
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Language.hs')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/Language.hs b/src/Language.hs
index b76e07f..f4719bf 100644
--- a/src/Language.hs
+++ b/src/Language.hs
@@ -12,17 +12,25 @@ import Data
import Language.AST
-lambda :: forall a args t. KnownTy a => (SExpr a -> SFun args t) -> SFun (Append args '[a]) t
-lambda f = case mkLambda f f of
- Lambda tag (SFun args e) ->
- SFun (sappend args (tag `SCons` SNil)) e
+lambda :: forall a args t. KnownTy a => Var a -> SFun args t -> SFun (Append args '[a]) t
+lambda var (SFun args e) = SFun (sappend args (var `SCons` SNil)) e
body :: SExpr t -> SFun '[] t
body e = SFun SNil e
-let_ :: KnownTy a => SExpr a -> (SExpr a -> SExpr t) -> SExpr t
-let_ rhs f = SELet rhs (mkLambda (rhs, f) f)
+data a :-> b = a :-> b
+ deriving (Show)
+infix 0 :->
+-- TODO: should give SExpr an environment index of kind '[(Symbol, Ty)]. Then
+-- the IsLabel instance for SExpr (but not the one for Var!) can check that the
+-- type in the named environment matches the locally expected type.
+let_ :: KnownTy a => Var a -> SExpr a -> SExpr t -> SExpr t
+let_ var rhs e = SELet rhs (Lambda var e)
pair :: SExpr a -> SExpr b -> SExpr (TPair a b)
pair = SEPair
@@ -43,14 +51,14 @@ inr :: STy a -> SExpr b -> SExpr (TEither a b)
inr = SEInr
case_ :: (KnownTy a, KnownTy b)
- => SExpr (TEither a b) -> (SExpr a -> SExpr c) -> (SExpr b -> SExpr c) -> SExpr c
-case_ e f g = SECase e (mkLambda (e, f) f) (mkLambda (e, g) g)
+ => SExpr (TEither a b) -> (Var a :-> SExpr c) -> (Var b :-> SExpr c) -> SExpr c
+case_ e (v1 :-> e1) (v2 :-> e2) = SECase e (Lambda v1 e1) (Lambda v2 e2)
-build1 :: SExpr TIx -> (SExpr TIx -> SExpr t) -> SExpr (TArr (S Z) t)
-build1 e f = SEBuild1 e (mkLambda (e, f) f)
+build1 :: SExpr TIx -> (Var TIx :-> SExpr t) -> SExpr (TArr (S Z) t)
+build1 a (v :-> b) = SEBuild1 a (Lambda v b)
-build :: SNat n -> SExpr (Tup (Replicate n TIx)) -> (SExpr (Tup (Replicate n TIx)) -> SExpr t) -> SExpr (TArr n t)
-build n e f = SEBuild n e (mkLambda' (e, f) (tTup (sreplicate n tIx)) f)
+build :: SNat n -> SExpr (Tup (Replicate n TIx)) -> (Var (Tup (Replicate n TIx)) :-> SExpr t) -> SExpr (TArr n t)
+build n a (v :-> b) = SEBuild n a (Lambda v b)
fold1 :: KnownTy t => (SExpr t -> SExpr t -> SExpr t) -> SExpr (TArr (S n) t) -> SExpr (TArr n t)
fold1 f e = SEFold1 (mkLambda2 (f, e) f) e