path: root/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs
diff options
authorTom Smeding <>2025-03-10 19:08:01 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2025-03-10 19:09:32 +0100
commit451271bee2cc9e9221cc6be6fb1084e38f937660 (patch)
tree7e808f6745d483500fd486fc72cfc80ec5f55f84 /test-framework/Test/Framework.hs
parent757bf35e5f9f10a76fb41bdd972ee358e9b3ad45 (diff)
test-framework: Improve output
Diffstat (limited to 'test-framework/Test/Framework.hs')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs b/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs
index e8c1295..0eee830 100644
--- a/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs
+++ b/test-framework/Test/Framework.hs
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ newtype M a = M (StateT Stats IO a)
modifyStats :: (Stats -> Stats) -> M ()
modifyStats f = M (modify f)
+defaultMain :: TestTree -> IO ()
+defaultMain tree = runTests tree >>= exitWith
runTests :: TestTree -> IO ExitCode
runTests = \tree -> do
let M m = let ?maxlen = computeMaxLen tree in go 0 tree
@@ -103,24 +106,24 @@ runTests = \tree -> do
seed <- H.Seed.random
starttm <- liftIO getCurrentTime
- report <- liftIO $ H.checkReport config 0 seed test (outputProgress (?maxlen + 2) name)
+ report <- liftIO $ H.checkReport config 0 seed test (outputProgress (?maxlen + 2))
endtm <- liftIO getCurrentTime
- liftIO $ printResult name report (diffUTCTime endtm starttm)
+ liftIO $ printResult report (diffUTCTime endtm starttm)
modifyStats $ \stats -> stats { statsOK = fromEnum (H.reportStatus report == H.OK) + statsOK stats
, statsTotal = 1 + statsTotal stats }
-outputProgress :: Int -> String -> H.Report H.Progress -> IO ()
-outputProgress indent name report = do
- str <- H.renderProgress H.EnableColor (Just (fromString name)) report
- putStr (str ++ "\x1B[" ++ show (indent+1) ++ "G")
+outputProgress :: Int -> H.Report H.Progress -> IO ()
+outputProgress indent report = do
+ str <- H.renderProgress H.EnableColor (Just (fromString "")) report
+ putStr (replace '\n' " " str ++ "\x1B[" ++ show (indent+1) ++ "G")
hFlush stdout
-printResult :: String -> H.Report H.Result -> NominalDiffTime -> IO ()
-printResult name report timeTaken = do
- str <- H.renderResult H.EnableColor (Just (fromString name)) report
- if timeTaken >= 0.01
+printResult :: H.Report H.Result -> NominalDiffTime -> IO ()
+printResult report timeTaken = do
+ str <- H.renderResult H.EnableColor (Just (fromString "")) report
+ if timeTaken >= 0.5 && H.reportStatus report == H.OK
then putStrLn ("\x1B[K" ++ str ++ " (" ++ prettySeconds (realToFrac timeTaken) ++ ")")
else putStrLn ("\x1B[K" ++ str)
@@ -128,11 +131,11 @@ printStats :: Stats -> NominalDiffTime -> IO ()
printStats stats timeTaken
| statsOK stats == statsTotal stats = do
putStrLn $ "\x1B[32mAll " ++ show (statsTotal stats) ++
- " tests passed (" ++ prettySeconds (realToFrac timeTaken) ++ ")\x1B[0m"
+ " tests passed. (" ++ prettySeconds (realToFrac timeTaken) ++ ")\x1B[0m"
| otherwise =
let nfailed = statsTotal stats - statsOK stats
in putStrLn $ "\x1B[31mFailed " ++ show nfailed ++ " out of " ++ show (statsTotal stats) ++
- " tests (" ++ prettySeconds (realToFrac timeTaken) ++ ")\x1B[0m"
+ " tests. (" ++ prettySeconds (realToFrac timeTaken) ++ ")\x1B[0m"
prettySeconds :: Double -> String
prettySeconds x =
@@ -141,5 +144,5 @@ prettySeconds x =
(pre, post) = splitAt (length str' - 2) str'
in pre ++ "." ++ post ++ "s"
-defaultMain :: TestTree -> IO ()
-defaultMain tree = runTests tree >>= exitWith
+replace :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+replace x ys = concatMap (\y -> if y == x then ys else [y])