path: root/src/AST/Accum.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/AST/Accum.hs')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/AST/Accum.hs b/src/AST/Accum.hs
index 163f1c3..6c46ad5 100644
--- a/src/AST/Accum.hs
+++ b/src/AST/Accum.hs
@@ -21,16 +21,17 @@ data AcPrj
| APArrIdx AcPrj
| APArrSlice Nat
--- | @b@ is a small part of @a@, indicated by the projection.
+-- | @b@ is a small part of @a@, indicated by the projection @p@.
data SAcPrj (p :: AcPrj) (a :: Ty) (b :: Ty) where
SAPHere :: SAcPrj APHere a a
- SAPFst :: SAcPrj p a b -> SAcPrj (APFst p) (TPair t a) b
- SAPSnd :: SAcPrj p a b -> SAcPrj (APSnd p) (TPair a t) b
- SAPLeft :: SAcPrj p a b -> SAcPrj (APLeft p) (TEither t a) b
+ SAPFst :: SAcPrj p a b -> SAcPrj (APFst p) (TPair a t) b
+ SAPSnd :: SAcPrj p a b -> SAcPrj (APSnd p) (TPair t a) b
+ SAPLeft :: SAcPrj p a b -> SAcPrj (APLeft p) (TEither a t) b
SAPRight :: SAcPrj p a b -> SAcPrj (APRight p) (TEither t a) b
- SAPJust :: SAcPrj p a b -> SAcPrj (APJust p) (TMaybe t) b
- SAPArrIdx :: SAcPrj p a b -> SNat n -> SAcPrj (APArrIdx p) (TArr n t) b
- SAPArrSlice :: SNat m -> SAcPrj (APArrSlice m) (TArr n t) (TArr (n - m) t)
+ SAPJust :: SAcPrj p a b -> SAcPrj (APJust p) (TMaybe a) b
+ SAPArrIdx :: SAcPrj p a b -> SNat n -> SAcPrj (APArrIdx p) (TArr n a) b
+ -- TODO:
+ -- SAPArrSlice :: SNat m -> SAcPrj (APArrSlice m) (TArr n t) (TArr (n - m) t)
deriving instance Show (SAcPrj p a b)
type family AcIdx p t where
@@ -40,5 +41,19 @@ type family AcIdx p t where
AcIdx (APLeft p) (TEither a b) = AcIdx p a
AcIdx (APRight p) (TEither a b) = AcIdx p b
AcIdx (APJust p) (TMaybe a) = AcIdx p a
- AcIdx (APArrIdx p) (TArr n a) = TPair (Tup (Replicate n TIx)) (AcIdx p a)
- AcIdx (APArrSlice m) (TArr n a) = Tup (Replicate m TIx)
+ AcIdx (APArrIdx p) (TArr n a) =
+ -- ((index, array shape), recursive info)
+ TPair (TPair (Tup (Replicate n TIx)) (Tup (Replicate n TIx)))
+ (AcIdx p a)
+ -- AcIdx (APArrSlice m) (TArr n a) =
+ -- -- (index, array shape)
+ -- TPair (Tup (Replicate m TIx)) (Tup (Replicate n TIx))
+acPrjTy :: SAcPrj p a b -> STy a -> STy b
+acPrjTy SAPHere t = t
+acPrjTy (SAPFst prj) (STPair t _) = acPrjTy prj t
+acPrjTy (SAPSnd prj) (STPair _ t) = acPrjTy prj t
+acPrjTy (SAPLeft prj) (STEither t _) = acPrjTy prj t
+acPrjTy (SAPRight prj) (STEither _ t) = acPrjTy prj t
+acPrjTy (SAPJust prj) (STMaybe t) = acPrjTy prj t
+acPrjTy (SAPArrIdx prj _) (STArr _ t) = acPrjTy prj t