path: root/common.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common.h')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common.h b/common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2597c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cassert>
+using namespace std;
+const int NPLAYERS=2;
+const int WID=7,HEI=8;
+template <typename T>
+ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,const vector<T> &v){
+ const int sz=v.size();
+ if(sz==0)return os;
+ os<<v[0];
+ for(int i=1;i<sz;i++)os<<' '<<v[i];
+ return os;
+struct Move{
+ int x,y;
+ Move(void):x(-1),y(-1){}
+ Move(int idx):x(idx%WID),y(idx/WID){}
+ Move(int _x,int _y):x(_x),y(_y){}
+ int idx(void){return WID*y+x;}
+class Board{
+ int balls[WID*HEI],colour[WID*HEI];
+ int wonby=-1; //kept up-to-date by stabilise()
+ int nballs=0;
+ inline Board(void){
+ memset(balls,0,WID*HEI*sizeof(int));
+ memset(colour,0,WID*HEI*sizeof(int));
+ }
+ inline Board(const Board &other):wonby(other.wonby){
+ memcpy(balls,other.balls,WID*HEI*sizeof(int));
+ memcpy(colour,other.colour,WID*HEI*sizeof(int));
+ }
+ inline int getballs(int idx){return balls[idx];}
+ inline int getballs(int x,int y){return getballs(WID*y+x);}
+ inline int getcolour(int idx){return colour[idx];}
+ inline int getcolour(int x,int y){return getcolour(WID*y+x);}
+ inline bool put(int x,int y,int c){
+ const int idx=WID*y+x;
+ if(balls[idx]&&colour[idx]!=c)return false;
+ balls[idx]++;
+ colour[idx]=c;
+ nballs++;
+ stabilise();
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool put(int idx,int c){return put(idx%WID,idx/WID,c);}
+ inline bool putq(int idx,int c) const{return !balls[idx]||colour[idx]==c;}
+ inline bool putq(int x,int y,int c) const{return putq(WID*y+x,c);}
+ inline void stabilise(void){
+ int nballs[WID*HEI],ncolour[WID*HEI]; //new values
+ bool changed;
+ int x,y;
+ do {
+ changed=false;
+ memcpy(nballs,balls,WID*HEI*sizeof(int));
+ memcpy(ncolour,colour,WID*HEI*sizeof(int));
+ for(y=0;y<HEI;y++)for(x=0;x<WID;x++){
+ const int idx=WID*y+x;
+ const int nnei=(y>0)+(x>0)+(y<HEI-1)+(x<WID-1);
+ if(balls[idx]>=nnei){
+ const int quo=balls[idx]/nnei;
+ nballs[idx]-=nnei*quo;
+ if(y>0){nballs[idx-WID]+=quo;ncolour[idx-WID]=colour[idx];}
+ if(x>0){nballs[idx-1]+=quo;ncolour[idx-1]=colour[idx];}
+ if(y<HEI-1){nballs[idx+WID]+=quo;ncolour[idx+WID]=colour[idx];}
+ if(x<WID-1){nballs[idx+1]+=quo;ncolour[idx+1]=colour[idx];}
+ changed=true;
+ }
+ }
+ wonby=-1;
+ for(int i=0;i<WID*HEI;i++){
+ if(nballs[i]==0)continue;
+ if(wonby==-1)wonby=ncolour[i];
+ else if(wonby!=ncolour[i]){
+ wonby=-1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ memcpy(balls,nballs,WID*HEI*sizeof(int));
+ memcpy(colour,ncolour,WID*HEI*sizeof(int));
+ } while(changed&&wonby==-1);
+ }
+ //returns -1 for no win yet, >=0 for that colour
+ inline int checkwin(void) const{return wonby;}
+ inline int ballcount(int c) const{
+ int i,count=0;
+ for(i=0;i<WID*HEI;i++){
+ count+=balls[i]*(colour[i]==c);
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ inline int totalballcount(void) const{return nballs;}
+ void print(ostream &os){
+ int x,y;
+ for(y=0;y<HEI;y++){
+ for(x=0;x<WID;x++){
+ if(balls[WID*y+x]){
+ os<<"\x1B[3"<<colour[WID*y+x]+1<<'m'<<setw(2)<<balls[WID*y+x]<<"\x1B[0m ";
+ } else os<<".. ";
+ }
+ os<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+Move randommove(const Board &bd,int c){
+ Move poss[WID*HEI];
+ int nposs=0;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<WID*HEI;i++){
+ if(bd.putq(i,c)){
+ poss[nposs].x=i%WID;
+ poss[nposs].y=i/WID;
+ nposs++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(nposs==0)return Move();
+ return poss[rand()%nposs];