path: root/ast/CC/AST/Typed.hs
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1 files changed, 8 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/CC/AST/Typed.hs b/ast/CC/AST/Typed.hs
index 26f7b5c..b12b30a 100644
--- a/ast/CC/AST/Typed.hs
+++ b/ast/CC/AST/Typed.hs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ data TypeScheme = TypeScheme [Int] Type
deriving (Show, Read)
data Expr = Lam Type Occ Expr
+ | Let Occ Expr Expr
| Call Type Expr Expr
| Int Int
| Tup [Expr]
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ data Occ = Occ Name Type
exprType :: Expr -> Type
exprType (Lam typ _ _) = typ
+exprType (Let _ _ body) = exprType body
exprType (Call typ _ _) = typ
exprType (Int _) = TInt
exprType (Tup es) = TTup (map exprType es)
@@ -60,6 +62,12 @@ instance Pretty Expr where
precParens p 2 $
"(\\(" ++ n ++ " :: " ++ pretty t ++ ") -> "
++ prettyPrec 2 e ++ ") :: " ++ pretty ty
+ prettyPrec p (Let (Occ n t) rhs e) =
+ precParens p 2 $
+ "let (" ++ n ++ " :: " ++ pretty t ++ ") = " ++ pretty rhs ++ " " ++
+ (case e of
+ Let _ _ _ -> pretty e
+ _ -> "in " ++ pretty e)
prettyPrec p (Call ty e1 e2) =
precParens p 2 $
prettyPrec 3 e1 ++ " " ++ prettyPrec 3 e2 ++ " :: " ++ pretty ty