path: root/typecheck/CC/Typecheck.hs
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1 files changed, 67 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/typecheck/CC/Typecheck.hs b/typecheck/CC/Typecheck.hs
index 292eaeb..35ffdfe 100644
--- a/typecheck/CC/Typecheck.hs
+++ b/typecheck/CC/Typecheck.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
-import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
@@ -133,18 +133,18 @@ envAliases (Env _ _ aliases) = aliases
substVar :: Int -> T.Type -> Subst
substVar var ty = Subst (Map.singleton var ty)
+freshenScheme :: T.TypeScheme -> TM T.TypeScheme
+freshenScheme (T.TypeScheme bnds ty) = do
+ vars <- traverse (const genId) bnds
+ let theta = Subst (Map.fromList (zip bnds (map (T.TyVar T.Instantiable) vars)))
+ return (T.TypeScheme vars (theta >>! ty))
generalise :: Env -> T.Type -> T.TypeScheme
generalise env ty =
T.TypeScheme (Set.toList (freeInstTypeVars ty Set.\\ freeInstTypeVars env)) ty
instantiate :: T.TypeScheme -> TM T.Type
-instantiate (T.TypeScheme bnds ty) = do
- vars <- traverse (const genTyVar) bnds
- let theta = Subst (Map.fromList (zip bnds vars))
- return (theta >>! ty)
-freshenFrees :: Env -> T.Type -> TM T.Type
-freshenFrees env = instantiate . generalise env
+instantiate scheme = (\(T.TypeScheme _ ty') -> ty') <$> freshenScheme scheme
replaceRigid :: T.Type -> T.Type
replaceRigid (T.TFun t1 t2) = T.TFun (replaceRigid t1) (replaceRigid t2)
@@ -154,21 +154,67 @@ replaceRigid (T.TNamed n ts) = T.TNamed n (map replaceRigid ts)
replaceRigid (T.TUnion ts) = T.TUnion (Set.map replaceRigid ts)
replaceRigid (T.TyVar _ v) = T.TyVar T.Rigid v
+checkType :: Env -> SourceRange -> T.Type -> TM ()
+checkType env sr (T.TFun t1 t2) = checkType env sr t1 >> checkType env sr t2
+checkType _ _ T.TInt = return ()
+checkType env sr (T.TTup ts) = mapM_ (checkType env sr) ts
+checkType env sr (T.TNamed n ts) = do
+ mapM_ (checkType env sr) ts
+ case envFindType n env of
+ Just (T.TypeDef _ args _)
+ | length ts == length args -> return ()
+ | otherwise -> throwError (TypeArityError sr n (length args) (length ts))
+ Nothing -> throwError (RefError sr n)
+checkType env sr (T.TUnion ts) = mapM_ (checkType env sr) (Set.toList ts)
+checkType _ _ (T.TyVar _ _) = return ()
data UnifyContext = UnifyContext SourceRange T.Type T.Type
+-- t1 = got type: what did we infer using existing information
+-- t2 = wanted type: what should the type equal due to an annotation or language usage
+-- Unions are only weakened towards t2: {a} U {a,b} works, but {a,b} U {a} is an error.
unify :: SourceRange -> T.Type -> T.Type -> TM Subst
unify sr t1 t2 = unify' (UnifyContext sr t1 t2) t1 t2
unify' :: UnifyContext -> T.Type -> T.Type -> TM Subst
unify' _ T.TInt T.TInt = return mempty
unify' ctx (T.TFun t1 t2) (T.TFun u1 u2) =
- (<>) <$> unify' ctx t1 u1 <*> unify' ctx t2 u2
+ -- This one is subtle: function arguments are contravariant, so we swap
+ -- unification direction here.
+ (<>) <$> unify' ctx t2 u2 <*> unify' ctx u1 t1
unify' ctx (T.TTup ts) (T.TTup us)
| length ts == length us = mconcat <$> zipWithM (unify' ctx) ts us
unify' _ (T.TyVar T.Instantiable var) ty = return (substVar var ty)
unify' _ ty (T.TyVar T.Instantiable var) = return (substVar var ty)
--- TODO: fix unify
-unify' (UnifyContext sr t1 t2) _ _ = throwError (TypeError sr t1 t2)
+unify' ctx (T.TNamed n1 ts) (T.TNamed n2 us)
+ | n1 == n2, length ts == length us = mconcat <$> zipWithM (unify' ctx) ts us
+unify' ctx (T.TUnion topts) (T.TUnion topus) =
+ -- TODO: this is quadratic in the right union size. I'm not sure whether
+ -- this is avoidable, but it can probably be improved by partitioning on
+ -- the name of TNamed's.
+ mconcat . snd <$> mapAccumLM (\us ty -> matchup ty us) topus (Set.toList topts)
+ where
+ -- If a match is found, returns the substitution and the rest of the RHS
+ -- types; else, throws an error
+ matchup :: T.Type -> Set T.Type -> TM (Set T.Type, Subst)
+ matchup ty ts = do
+ let splits = [(item, uncurry (<>) (Set.split item ts)) | item <- Set.toList ts]
+ results <- forM splits $ \(item, rest) ->
+ catchError ((Just . (rest,)) <$> unify' ctx ty item)
+ (const (return Nothing))
+ case catMaybes results of
+ [] -> let UnifyContext sr topt1 topt2 = ctx
+ in throwError (UnifyError sr topt1 topt2 ty (T.TUnion ts)
+ (Just URNotInUnion))
+ [result] -> return result
+ _ -> let UnifyContext sr topt1 topt2 = ctx
+ in throwError (UnifyError sr topt1 topt2 ty (T.TUnion ts)
+ (Just URAmbiguousWeakening))
+unify' ctx ty (T.TUnion us) = unify' ctx (T.TUnion (Set.singleton ty)) (T.TUnion us)
+unify' ctx (T.TUnion ts) ty
+ | Set.size ts == 0 = return mempty
+ | Set.size ts == 1 = unify' ctx (Set.findMin ts) ty
+unify' (UnifyContext sr t1 t2) u1 u2 = throwError (UnifyError sr t1 t2 u1 u2 Nothing)
infer :: Env -> S.Expr -> TM (Subst, T.Expr)
infer env expr = case expr of
@@ -207,14 +253,15 @@ infer env expr = case expr of
throwError (RefError sr name)
S.Constr sr name -> case envFindType name env of
Just (T.TypeDef typname params typ) -> do
- restyp <- freshenFrees emptyEnv
- (T.TNamed typname (map (T.TyVar T.Instantiable) params))
- return (mempty, T.Constr (T.TFun typ restyp) name)
+ T.TypeScheme params' typ' <- freshenScheme (T.TypeScheme params typ)
+ let restyp = T.TNamed typname (map (T.TyVar T.Instantiable) params')
+ return (mempty, T.Constr (T.TFun typ' restyp) name)
_ ->
throwError (RefError sr name)
S.Annot sr subex ty -> do
(theta1, subex') <- infer env subex
ty' <- convertType (envAliases env) sr ty
+ checkType env sr ty'
-- Make sure the type of the subexpression matches the type with rigid
-- variables, then make it instantiable variables instead for the rest
-- of the code.
@@ -272,3 +319,9 @@ typeCheckFunc env (S.FuncDef (Just annot) (name, sr) [] body) =
typeCheckFunc env (S.FuncDef Nothing (name, _) [] body) = do
(_, body') <- infer env body
return (T.Def name body')
+mapAccumLM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m (a, c)) -> a -> [b] -> m (a, [c])
+mapAccumLM _ start [] = return (start, [])
+mapAccumLM f start (x:xs) =
+ f start x >>= \(next, y) -> fmap (y :) <$> mapAccumLM f next xs