path: root/Coolbal/Target.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Coolbal/Target.hs')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Coolbal/Target.hs b/Coolbal/Target.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c698ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Coolbal/Target.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+module Coolbal.Target (
+ IsTarget(..),
+ AnyTarget(..),
+ ExeTarget(..),
+ useAnyTarget,
+) where
+import Data.Char (ord)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Numeric (showHex)
+import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
+import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), die)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.Process (rawSystem)
+import Coolbal.Util
+class IsTarget a where
+ -- | The name of the target.
+ targetName :: a -> String
+ -- | The name of the target, qualified with a cabal-style prefix indicating the kind of target.
+ targetNameQualified :: a -> String
+ -- | The name of the target, qualified with a cabal-style prefix indicating
+ -- the kind of target, except that the ':' is rendered as a '-'.
+ targetNameQualifiedFilename :: a -> FilePath
+ targetNameQualifiedFilename tg = case break (== ':') (targetNameQualified tg) of
+ (pre, ':' : post) -> pre ++ '-' : post
+ _ -> error "targetNameQualifiedFilename: unexpected form of targetNameQualified"
+ -- | Check whether the target must be recompiled due to changes on disk.
+ -- Argument is the root directory of the project.
+ targetCheckOld :: FilePath -> a -> IO Bool
+ -- | Recompile the target. Argument is the root directory of the project.
+ targetBuild :: FilePath -> a -> IO ()
+data AnyTarget = forall a. (Show a, IsTarget a) => AnyTarget a
+deriving instance Show AnyTarget
+useAnyTarget :: (forall a. (Show a, IsTarget a) => a -> r) -> AnyTarget -> r
+useAnyTarget f (AnyTarget x) = f x
+data ExeTarget = ExeTarget
+ { exeTargetName :: String
+ -- ^ Target name, and name of output executable file
+ , exeTargetPkgDbDir :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Absolute path to the package.db directory
+ , exeTargetDeps :: [String]
+ -- ^ Package identifiers of dependencies (for -package-id flags)
+ , exeTargetLanguage :: String
+ -- ^ Haskell language (e.g. Haskell2010)
+ , exeTargetMain :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Main file
+ , exeTargetModules :: [[String]]
+ -- ^ Other modules in the target
+ , exeTargetFlags :: [String]
+ -- ^ User-specified compiler flags
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+instance IsTarget ExeTarget where
+ targetName = exeTargetName
+ targetNameQualified e = "exe:" ++ targetName e
+ targetCheckOld _ _ = return True
+ targetBuild projdir tg = do
+ let buildDir = projdir </> "dist-coolbal/build"
+ </> escapeFileName (targetNameQualifiedFilename tg)
+ binDir = projdir </> "dist-coolbal/bin"
+ binName = binDir </> escapeFileName (exeTargetName tg)
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True binDir
+ rawSystem "ghc" (concat
+ [["--make", "-static"]
+ ,concat [[flag, buildDir]
+ | flag <- ["-outputdir", "-odir", "-hidir", "-stubdir"]]
+ ,["-i" ++ buildDir, "-I" ++ buildDir]
+ ,["-hide-all-packages", "-Wmissing-home-modules", "-no-user-package-db"]
+ ,["-package-db", exeTargetPkgDbDir tg]
+ ,concat [["-package-id", dep] | dep <- exeTargetDeps tg]
+ ,["-X" ++ exeTargetLanguage tg]
+ ,[exeTargetMain tg]
+ ,map (intercalate ".") (exeTargetModules tg)
+ ,["-o", binName]
+ ,exeTargetFlags tg])
+ >>= checkExitCode "ghc"
+checkExitCode :: String -> ExitCode -> IO ()
+checkExitCode _ ExitSuccess = return ()
+checkExitCode procname (ExitFailure c) =
+ die (procname ++ " exited with code " ++ show c)
+escapeFileName :: String -> FilePath
+escapeFileName =
+ -- NTFS/POSIX not allows: 0x00-0x1F 0x7F- : / " * < > ? \ |
+ -- We use ! as an escape character, and hence disallow that too.
+ genericEscapeString
+ (\c -> let n = ord c
+ in n <= 0x1F || n >= 0x7F || c `elem` ":/\"*<>?\\|!")
+ (\c -> case (c, ord c) of
+ ('!', _) -> "!!"
+ (_, n) | n <= 0xFF -> '!' : showHex n ""
+ | n <= 0xFFFF -> '!' : 'u' : showHex n ""
+ | n <= 0xFFFFFF -> '!' : 'U' : showHex n ""
+ | otherwise -> error "Super-high unicode?")