path: root/Coolbal/Target
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Coolbal/Target')
4 files changed, 379 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/Coolbal/Target/Class.hs b/Coolbal/Target/Class.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea966d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Coolbal/Target/Class.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+module Coolbal.Target.Class where
+import Coolbal.Options (Flags)
+class IsTarget a where
+ -- | The name of the target.
+ targetName :: a -> String
+ -- | The cabal-style prefix indicating the kind of target (e.g. 'exe' for an executable target).
+ targetPrefix :: a -> String
+ -- | The name of the target, qualified with a cabal-style prefix indicating the kind of target.
+ targetNameQualified :: a -> String
+ targetNameQualified tg = buildQualifiedName (targetPrefix tg) (targetName tg)
+ -- | The name of the target, qualified with a cabal-style prefix indicating
+ -- the kind of target, except that the ':' is rendered as a '-'.
+ targetNameQualifiedFilename :: a -> FilePath
+ targetNameQualifiedFilename = qualifiedToQualifiedFilename . targetNameQualified
+ -- | Check whether the target must be recompiled due to changes on disk.
+ -- Argument is the root directory of the project.
+ targetCheckOld :: FilePath -> a -> IO Bool
+ -- | Recompile the target.
+ targetBuild :: Flags -> a -> IO ()
+ -- | If the target is an executable target, return an IO action that runs
+ -- the executable with the specified arguments. The 'FilePath' is the root
+ -- directory of the project.
+ targetExecute :: Flags -> a -> Maybe ([String] -> IO ())
+ -- | Remove the build artifacts for this target.
+ targetRemoveBuildArtifacts :: FilePath -> a -> IO ()
+data RestoreEnv = RestoreEnv
+ { reProjDir :: FilePath }
+qualifiedToQualifiedFilename :: String -> FilePath
+qualifiedToQualifiedFilename qual =
+ case break (== ':') qual of
+ (pre, ':' : post) -> pre ++ '-' : post
+ _ -> error "qualifiedToQualifiedFilename: unexpected form of targetNameQualified"
+buildQualifiedName :: String -> String -> String
+buildQualifiedName prefix name = prefix ++ ":" ++ name
diff --git a/Coolbal/Target/Executable.hs b/Coolbal/Target/Executable.hs
index 725b057..0f856c6 100644
--- a/Coolbal/Target/Executable.hs
+++ b/Coolbal/Target/Executable.hs
@@ -1,42 +1,212 @@
-module Coolbal.Target.Executable (makeExeTarget) where
-import Data.List (find)
-import Distribution.Compiler (perCompilerFlavorToList, CompilerFlavor(GHC))
-import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as Module
-import Distribution.Types.BuildInfo (BuildInfo(..))
-import Distribution.Types.Executable (Executable(..))
-import Distribution.Types.ExecutableScope (ExecutableScope(ExecutablePublic))
-import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName (unUnqualComponentName)
-import Language.Haskell.Extension (knownLanguages)
-import Coolbal.CabalPlan
-import Coolbal.Directory
-import Coolbal.Target
-makeExeTarget :: Executable -> CabalPlan -> Maybe ExeTarget
-makeExeTarget exe plan
- | exeScope exe == ExecutablePublic
- , let bi = buildInfo exe
- , buildable bi
- , all (null . ($ bi)) [asmSources, cmmSources, cSources, cxxSources, jsSources]
- , all (null . ($ bi)) [virtualModules, autogenModules]
- , null (defaultExtensions bi)
- , all (null . ($ bi)) [extraLibs, extraBundledLibs]
- , let name = unUnqualComponentName (exeName exe)
- , Just planpkg@Configured{} <- find ((== name) . ppName) (planPackages plan)
- , Just language <- defaultLanguage bi
- , True <- language `elem` knownLanguages
- , Just flags <- lookup GHC (perCompilerFlavorToList (options bi))
- , Just deps <- ppDepends planpkg
- = Just (ExeTarget
- { exeTargetName = unUnqualComponentName (exeName exe)
- , exeTargetPkgDbDir = currentHomeDirectory ++ "/.cabal/store/" ++ planCompiler plan ++ "/package.db"
- , exeTargetDeps = deps
- , exeTargetLanguage = show language
- , exeTargetMain = modulePath exe
- , exeTargetSrcDirs = hsSourceDirs bi
- , exeTargetModules = map Module.components (otherModules bi)
- , exeTargetFlags = flags
- })
- | otherwise = Nothing
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module Coolbal.Target.Executable where
+import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq)
+import Data.Binary
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, removeDirectoryRecursive)
+import System.Exit (die, exitWith)
+import System.FilePath ((</>), makeRelative)
+import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
+import System.IO.Temp
+import Coolbal.Options (Flags)
+import Coolbal.DataVersionTag
+import Coolbal.EnvBinary
+import Coolbal.Log
+import Coolbal.MakeParse
+import Coolbal.Process
+import Coolbal.Target.Class
+import Coolbal.Target.Utils
+data ExeTarget = ExeTarget
+ { etName :: String
+ -- ^ Target name, and name of output executable file
+ , etPkgDbDir :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Absolute path to the package.db directory
+ , etDeps :: [String]
+ -- ^ Package identifiers of dependencies (for -package-id flags)
+ , etLanguage :: String
+ -- ^ Haskell language (e.g. Haskell2010)
+ , etMain :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Main file
+ , etSrcDirs :: [FilePath]
+ -- ^ Source directories
+ , etFlags :: [String]
+ -- ^ User-specified compiler flags
+ , etModGraph :: Map [String] [[String]]
+ -- ^ Dependency graph of other modules in the target
+ , etModules :: [[String]]
+ -- ^ List of other modules in the target
+ , etProjDir :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Project root directory (absolute path)
+ , etBuildDir :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Build directory (absolute path)
+ , etBinDir :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Binary target directory (absolute path)
+ , etBinFile :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Target executable file path (absolute path)
+ , etBaseFlags :: [String]
+ -- ^ Base flags for GHC (excluding --make, module/file list, -c/-o)
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data ExeTargetStore' mods = ExeTargetStore
+ { _etsVersionTag :: DataVersionTag 1
+ , etsName :: String
+ -- ^ Target name, and name of output executable file
+ , etsPkgDbDir :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Absolute path to the package.db directory
+ , etsDeps :: [String]
+ -- ^ Package identifiers of dependencies (for -package-id flags)
+ , etsLanguage :: String
+ -- ^ Haskell language (e.g. Haskell2010)
+ , etsMain :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Main file
+ , etsSrcDirs :: [FilePath]
+ -- ^ Source directories
+ , etsFlags :: [String]
+ -- ^ User-specified compiler flags
+ , etsModules :: mods
+ -- ^ Dependency graph of other modules in the target
+ }
+type ExeTargetStorePre = ExeTargetStore' [[String]]
+type ExeTargetStore = ExeTargetStore' (Map [String] [[String]])
+deriving instance Generic ExeTargetStore
+instance Binary ExeTargetStore
+instance EnvBinary RestoreEnv ExeTarget where
+ envget renv = elaborateExeTarget renv <$> get
+ envput = put . unelabExeTarget
+elaborateExeTargetWithEBS :: ExeBuildSetup -> ExeTargetStore -> ExeTarget
+elaborateExeTargetWithEBS ebs tg = ExeTarget
+ { etName = etsName tg
+ , etPkgDbDir = etsPkgDbDir tg
+ , etDeps = etsDeps tg
+ , etLanguage = etsLanguage tg
+ , etMain = etsMain tg
+ , etSrcDirs = etsSrcDirs tg
+ , etFlags = etsFlags tg
+ , etModGraph = etsModules tg
+ , etModules = Map.keys (etsModules tg)
+ , etProjDir = ebsProjDir ebs
+ , etBuildDir = ebsBuildDir ebs
+ , etBinDir = ebsBinDir ebs
+ , etBinFile = ebsBinFile ebs
+ , etBaseFlags = ebsBaseFlags ebs
+ }
+elaborateExeTarget :: RestoreEnv -> ExeTargetStore -> ExeTarget
+elaborateExeTarget RestoreEnv{reProjDir=projdir} tg =
+ let ebs = exeBuildSetup projdir (tg { etsModules = Map.keys (etsModules tg) })
+ in elaborateExeTargetWithEBS ebs tg
+unelabExeTarget :: ExeTarget -> ExeTargetStore
+unelabExeTarget tg = ExeTargetStore
+ { _etsVersionTag = DataVersionTag
+ , etsName = etName tg
+ , etsPkgDbDir = etPkgDbDir tg
+ , etsDeps = etDeps tg
+ , etsLanguage = etLanguage tg
+ , etsMain = etMain tg
+ , etsSrcDirs = etSrcDirs tg
+ , etsFlags = etFlags tg
+ , etsModules = etModGraph tg
+ }
+instance IsTarget ExeTarget where
+ targetName = etName
+ targetPrefix _ = "exe"
+ targetCheckOld projdir tg = do
+ mbinTm <- maybeModificationTime (projdir </> "dist-coolbal/bin" </> escapeFileName (etName tg))
+ case mbinTm of
+ Just binTm -> do
+ anyNewerThan binTm (findFile' (etSrcDirs tg) (etMain tg)
+ : [findSourceFile' (etSrcDirs tg) m | m <- etModules tg])
+ Nothing ->
+ return True
+ targetBuild flags tg = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (etBinDir tg)
+ -- To build only a single module instead of the whole executable: remove etMain and add only the right module of etModules; add -c; remove -o.
+ runCommand flags "ghc" (concat
+ [["--make"]
+ ,etBaseFlags tg
+ ,[etMain tg]
+ ,map (intercalate ".") (etModules tg)
+ ,["-o", etBinFile tg]])
+ >>= checkExitCode
+ targetExecute flags tg = Just $ \args -> do
+ let filename = escapeFileName (etName tg)
+ runCommand flags (etProjDir tg </> "dist-coolbal/bin" </> filename) args
+ >>= exitWith
+ targetRemoveBuildArtifacts projdir tg =
+ removeDirectoryRecursive
+ (projdir </> "dist-coolbal/build"
+ </> escapeFileName (targetNameQualifiedFilename tg))
+ `catchIOError` (\_ -> return ())
+data ExeBuildSetup = ExeBuildSetup
+ { ebsProjDir :: FilePath
+ , ebsBuildDir :: FilePath
+ , ebsBinDir :: FilePath
+ , ebsBinFile :: FilePath
+ , ebsBaseFlags :: [String]
+ }
+exeBuildSetup :: FilePath -> ExeTargetStorePre -> ExeBuildSetup
+exeBuildSetup projdir tg =
+ let buildDir = projdir </> "dist-coolbal/build"
+ </> escapeFileName (buildQualifiedName "exe" (etsName tg))
+ binDir = projdir </> "dist-coolbal/bin"
+ in ExeBuildSetup
+ { ebsProjDir = projdir
+ , ebsBuildDir = buildDir
+ , ebsBinDir = binDir
+ , ebsBinFile = binDir </> escapeFileName (etsName tg)
+ , ebsBaseFlags = concat
+ [["-static"]
+ ,concat [[flag, buildDir]
+ | flag <- ["-outputdir", "-odir", "-hidir", "-stubdir"]]
+ ,["-i" ++ dir | dir <- etsSrcDirs tg]
+ ,["-hide-all-packages", "-Wmissing-home-modules", "-no-user-package-db"]
+ ,["-package-db", etsPkgDbDir tg]
+ ,concat [["-package-id", dep] | dep <- etsDeps tg]
+ ,["-X" ++ etsLanguage tg]
+ ,etsFlags tg]
+ }
+exeDepGraph :: Flags -> ExeTargetStorePre -> ExeBuildSetup -> IO (Map [String] [[String]])
+exeDepGraph flags tg ebs = do
+ output <- withSystemTempDirectory "coolbal-make" $ \tmpdir -> do
+ let fname = tmpdir </> "Makefile"
+ runCommand flags "ghc" (concat
+ [ebsBaseFlags ebs
+ ,[etsMain tg]
+ ,map (intercalate ".") (etsModules tg)
+ ,["-M", "-dep-suffix", "", "-dep-makefile", fname]])
+ >>= checkExitCode
+ output <- readFile fname
+ output `deepseq` return output
+ case parseGHCmake (ebsProjDir ebs) (makeRelative (ebsProjDir ebs) (ebsBuildDir ebs)) output of
+ Left err -> die err
+ Right m -> logVerbose flags "depgraph:graph" (show m) >> return m
diff --git a/Coolbal/Target/Executable/Make.hs b/Coolbal/Target/Executable/Make.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bbb80e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Coolbal/Target/Executable/Make.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+module Coolbal.Target.Executable.Make (makeExeTarget) where
+import Data.List (find)
+import Distribution.Compiler (perCompilerFlavorToList, CompilerFlavor(GHC))
+import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as Module
+import Distribution.Types.BuildInfo (BuildInfo(..))
+import Distribution.Types.Executable (Executable(..))
+import Distribution.Types.ExecutableScope (ExecutableScope(ExecutablePublic))
+import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName (unUnqualComponentName)
+import Language.Haskell.Extension (knownLanguages)
+import Coolbal.CabalPlan
+import Coolbal.DataVersionTag
+import Coolbal.Directory
+import Coolbal.Options (Flags)
+import Coolbal.Target.Executable
+makeExeTarget :: Flags -> FilePath -> Executable -> CabalPlan -> IO (Maybe ExeTarget)
+makeExeTarget flags projdir exe plan
+ | exeScope exe == ExecutablePublic
+ , let bi = buildInfo exe
+ , buildable bi
+ , all (null . ($ bi)) [asmSources, cmmSources, cSources, cxxSources, jsSources]
+ , all (null . ($ bi)) [virtualModules, autogenModules]
+ , null (defaultExtensions bi)
+ , all (null . ($ bi)) [extraLibs, extraBundledLibs]
+ , let name = unUnqualComponentName (exeName exe)
+ , Just planpkg <- find ((== name) . ppName) (planPackages plan)
+ , Just language <- defaultLanguage bi
+ , True <- language `elem` knownLanguages
+ , Just ghcFlags <- lookup GHC (perCompilerFlavorToList (options bi))
+ , Just deps <- ppDepends planpkg
+ = do let ets = ExeTargetStore
+ { _etsVersionTag = DataVersionTag
+ , etsName = unUnqualComponentName (exeName exe)
+ , etsPkgDbDir = currentHomeDirectory ++ "/.cabal/store/" ++ planCompiler plan ++ "/package.db"
+ , etsDeps = deps
+ , etsLanguage = show language
+ , etsMain = modulePath exe
+ , etsSrcDirs = hsSourceDirs bi
+ , etsModules = map Module.components (otherModules bi)
+ , etsFlags = ghcFlags
+ }
+ ebs = exeBuildSetup projdir ets
+ depgraph <- exeDepGraph flags ets ebs
+ return (Just (elaborateExeTargetWithEBS ebs (ets { etsModules = depgraph })))
+ | otherwise = return Nothing
diff --git a/Coolbal/Target/Utils.hs b/Coolbal/Target/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..432a8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Coolbal/Target/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+module Coolbal.Target.Utils where
+import Data.Char (ord)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
+import Numeric (showHex)
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getModificationTime)
+import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), die, exitWith)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
+import Coolbal.Util
+checkExitCode :: ExitCode -> IO ()
+checkExitCode ExitSuccess = return ()
+checkExitCode c@(ExitFailure _) = exitWith c
+escapeFileName :: String -> FilePath
+escapeFileName =
+ -- NTFS/POSIX not allows: 0x00-0x1F 0x7F- : / " * < > ? \ |
+ -- We use ! as an escape character, and hence disallow that too.
+ genericEscapeString
+ (\c -> let n = ord c
+ in n <= 0x1F || n >= 0x7F || c `elem` ":/\"*<>?\\|!")
+ (\c -> case (c, ord c) of
+ ('!', _) -> "!!"
+ (_, n) | n <= 0xFF -> '!' : leftPad 2 '0' (showHex n "")
+ | n <= 0xFFFF -> '!' : 'u' : leftPad 4 '0' (showHex n "")
+ | n <= 0xFFFFFF -> '!' : 'U' : leftPad 6 '0' (showHex n "")
+ | otherwise -> error "Super-high unicode?")
+ where
+ leftPad n c s = replicate (max 0 (n - length s)) c ++ s
+maybeModificationTime' :: FilePath -> IO UTCTime
+maybeModificationTime' path = maybeModificationTime path >>= \case
+ Just tm -> return tm
+ Nothing -> die ("File not found: '" ++ path ++ "'")
+maybeModificationTime :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe UTCTime)
+maybeModificationTime path =
+ catchIOError (Just <$> getModificationTime path) (\_ -> return Nothing)
+findSourceFile' :: [FilePath] -> [String] -> IO FilePath
+findSourceFile' ds m = findSourceFile ds m >>= \case
+ Just fp -> return fp
+ Nothing -> die ("Module not found in source directories: " ++ intercalate "." m)
+findSourceFile :: [FilePath] -> [String] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+findSourceFile dirs modname = findFile dirs (foldr (</>) "" modname ++ ".hs")
+findFile' :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+findFile' ds fname = findFile ds fname >>= \case
+ Just fp -> return fp
+ Nothing -> die ("File not found in source directories: '" ++ fname ++ "'")
+findFile :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+findFile [] _ = return Nothing
+findFile (dir:ds) fname = do
+ ok <- doesFileExist (dir </> fname)
+ if ok then return (Just (dir </> fname))
+ else findFile ds fname
+anyNewerThan :: UTCTime -> [IO FilePath] -> IO Bool
+anyNewerThan _ [] = return False
+anyNewerThan reftm (fp:fps) = do
+ fp' <- fp
+ tm <- maybeModificationTime' fp'
+ if tm > reftm
+ then return True
+ else anyNewerThan reftm fps