path: root/src/Data/Dependent/EnumMap/Strict.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Data/Dependent/EnumMap/Strict.hs')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/src/Data/Dependent/EnumMap/Strict.hs b/src/Data/Dependent/EnumMap/Strict.hs
index 6e1e9d6..31f7e52 100644
--- a/src/Data/Dependent/EnumMap/Strict.hs
+++ b/src/Data/Dependent/EnumMap/Strict.hs
@@ -1,284 +1,189 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-module Data.Dependent.EnumMap.Strict where
+module Data.Dependent.EnumMap.Strict (
+ DEnumMap,
+ Enum1(..),
-import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
-import Data.Dependent.Sum
-import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
-import Data.Some
-import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
+ -- * Construction
+ empty,
+ singleton,
+ -- fromSet
-data KV k v = forall a. KV !(Enum1Info k) !(v a)
+ -- ** From Unordered Lists
-newtype DEnumMap k v = DEnumMap (IM.IntMap (KV k v))
+ fromList,
+ -- fromListWith
+ -- fromListWithKey
-class Enum1 f where
- type Enum1Info f
- fromEnum1 :: f a -> (Int, Enum1Info f)
- toEnum1 :: Int -> Enum1Info f -> Some f
+ -- ** From Ascending Lists
--- * Construction
+ -- fromAscList
+ -- fromAscListWith
+ -- fromAscListWithKey
+ fromDistinctAscList,
-empty :: DEnumMap k v
-empty = DEnumMap IM.empty
+ -- * Insertion
-singleton :: Enum1 k => k a -> v a -> DEnumMap k v
-singleton k v =
- let (i, inf) = fromEnum1 k
- in DEnumMap (IM.singleton i (KV inf v))
+ insert,
+ -- insertWith
+ insertWithKey,
+ -- insertLookupWithKey
--- fromSet
+ -- * Deletion\/Update
--- ** From Unordered Lists
+ delete,
+ adjust,
+ -- adjustWithKey
+ -- update
+ -- updateWithKey
+ -- updateLookupWithKey
+ alter,
+ -- alterF
-fromList :: Enum1 k => [DSum k v] -> DEnumMap k v
-fromList l =
- DEnumMap (IM.fromList (map (\(k :=> v) -> let (i, inf) = fromEnum1 k in (i, KV inf v)) l))
+ -- * Query
+ -- ** Lookup
--- fromListWith
--- fromListWithKey
+ lookup,
+ -- (!?)
+ -- (!)
+ findWithDefault,
+ member,
+ -- notMember
+ -- lookupLT
+ -- lookupGT
+ -- lookupLE
+ -- lookupGE
--- ** From Ascending Lists
+ -- ** Size
--- fromAscList
--- fromAscListWith
--- fromAscListWithKey
+ null,
+ -- size
-fromDistinctAscList :: Enum1 k => [DSum k v] -> DEnumMap k v
-fromDistinctAscList l =
- DEnumMap (IM.fromDistinctAscList (map (\(k :=> v) -> let (i, inf) = fromEnum1 k in (i, KV inf v)) l))
+ -- * Combine
+ -- ** Union
--- * Insertion
+ union,
+ unionWith,
+ -- unionWithKey
+ -- unions
+ -- unionsWith
-insert :: Enum1 k => k a -> v a -> DEnumMap k v -> DEnumMap k v
-insert k v (DEnumMap m) =
- let (i, inf) = fromEnum1 k
- in DEnumMap (IM.insert i (KV inf v) m)
+ -- ** Difference
--- insertWith
+ difference,
+ -- (\\)
+ -- differenceWith
+ -- differenceWithKey
-insertWithKey :: Enum1 k
- => (k a -> v a -> v a -> v a)
- -> k a -> v a -> DEnumMap k v -> DEnumMap k v
-insertWithKey f k v (DEnumMap m) =
- let (i, inf) = fromEnum1 k
- in DEnumMap (IM.insertWithKey
- (\_ (KV _ v1) (KV _ v2) -> KV inf (f k (coe1 v1) (coe1 v2)))
- i (KV inf v) m)
+ -- ** Intersection
--- insertLookupWithKey
+ -- intersection
+ -- intersectionWith
+ -- intersectionWithKey
--- * Deletion\/Update
+ -- ** Disjoint
-delete :: Enum1 k => k a -> DEnumMap k v -> DEnumMap k v
-delete k (DEnumMap m) = DEnumMap (IM.delete (fst (fromEnum1 k)) m)
+ -- disjoint
-adjust :: Enum1 k => (v a -> v a) -> k a -> DEnumMap k v -> DEnumMap k v
-adjust f k (DEnumMap m) = DEnumMap (IM.adjust (\(KV k' v) -> KV k' (f (coe1 v))) (fst (fromEnum1 k)) m)
+ -- ** Compose
--- adjustWithKey
--- update
--- updateWithKey
--- updateLookupWithKey
+ -- compose
-alter :: forall k v a. Enum1 k => (Maybe (v a) -> Maybe (v a)) -> k a -> DEnumMap k v -> DEnumMap k v
-alter f k (DEnumMap m) = DEnumMap (IM.alter f' i m)
- where
- (i, inf) = fromEnum1 k
+ -- ** Universal combining function
- f' :: Maybe (KV k v) -> Maybe (KV k v)
- f' Nothing = KV inf <$> f Nothing
- f' (Just (KV _ v)) = KV inf <$> f (Just (coe1 v))
+ -- mergeWithKey
--- alterF
+ -- * Traversal
+ -- ** Map
--- * Query
--- ** Lookup
+ -- map
+ -- mapWithKey
+ -- traverseWithKey
+ -- traverseMaybeWithKey
+ -- mapAccum
+ -- mapAccumWithKey
+ -- mapAccumRWithKey
+ -- mapKeys
+ -- mapKeysWith
+ -- mapKeysMonotonic
-lookup :: Enum1 k => k a -> DEnumMap k v -> Maybe (v a)
-lookup k (DEnumMap m) = (\(KV _ v) -> coe1 v) <$> IM.lookup (fst (fromEnum1 k)) m
+ -- * Folds
--- (!?)
--- (!)
+ -- foldr
+ -- foldl
+ -- foldrWithKey
+ -- foldlWithKey
+ -- foldMapWithKey
-findWithDefault :: Enum1 k => v a -> k a -> DEnumMap k v -> v a
-findWithDefault def k (DEnumMap m) =
- case IM.findWithDefault (KV undefined def) (fst (fromEnum1 k)) m of
- KV _ v -> coe1 v
+ -- ** Strict folds
-member :: Enum1 k => k a -> DEnumMap k v -> Bool
-member k (DEnumMap m) = IM.member (fst (fromEnum1 k)) m
+ -- foldr'
+ -- foldl'
+ -- foldrWithKey'
+ -- foldlWithKey'
--- notMember
--- lookupLT
--- lookupGT
--- lookupLE
--- lookupGE
+ -- * Conversion
--- ** Size
+ elems,
+ keys,
-null :: DEnumMap k v -> Bool
-null (DEnumMap m) = IM.null m
+ -- assocs
+ -- keysSet
--- size
+ -- ** Lists
--- * Combine
+ -- toList
--- ** Union
+ -- ** Ordered lists
-union :: DEnumMap k v -> DEnumMap k v -> DEnumMap k v
-union (DEnumMap m1) (DEnumMap m2) = DEnumMap (IM.union m1 m2)
+ -- toAscList
+ toDescList,
-unionWith :: forall k v. (forall a. v a -> v a -> v a)
- -> DEnumMap k v -> DEnumMap k v -> DEnumMap k v
-unionWith f (DEnumMap m1) (DEnumMap m2) = DEnumMap (IM.unionWith f' m1 m2)
- where
- f' :: KV k v -> KV k v -> KV k v
- f' (KV inf v1) (KV _ v2) = KV inf (f v1 (coe1 v2))
+ -- * Filter
--- unionWithKey
--- unions
--- unionsWith
+ -- filter
+ -- filterWithKey
+ -- restrictKeys
+ -- withoutKeys
+ partition,
+ -- partitionWithKey
--- ** Difference
+ -- takeWhileAntitone
+ -- dropWhileAntitone
+ -- spanAntitone
-difference :: DEnumMap k v -> DEnumMap k v -> DEnumMap k v
-difference (DEnumMap m1) (DEnumMap m2) = DEnumMap (IM.difference m1 m2)
+ -- mapMaybe
+ -- mapMaybeWithKey
+ -- mapEither
+ -- mapEitherWithKey
--- (\\)
--- differenceWith
--- differenceWithKey
+ -- split
+ -- splitLookup
+ -- splitRoot
--- ** Intersection
+ -- * Submap
--- intersection
--- intersectionWith
--- intersectionWithKey
+ -- isSubmapOf, isSubmapOfBy
+ -- isProperSubmapOf, isProperSubmapOfBy
--- ** Disjoint
+ -- * Min\/Max
--- disjoint
+ -- lookupMin
+ -- lookupMax
+ -- findMin
+ -- findMax
+ -- deleteMin
+ -- deleteMax
+ -- deleteFindMin
+ -- deleteFindMax
+ -- updateMin
+ -- updateMax
+ -- updateMinWithKey
+ -- updateMaxWithKey
+ -- minView
+ -- maxView
+ -- minViewWithKey
+ maxViewWithKey,
+) where
--- ** Compose
--- compose
--- ** Universal combining function
--- mergeWithKey
--- * Traversal
--- ** Map
--- map
--- mapWithKey
--- traverseWithKey
--- traverseMaybeWithKey
--- mapAccum
--- mapAccumWithKey
--- mapAccumRWithKey
--- mapKeys
--- mapKeysWith
--- mapKeysMonotonic
--- * Folds
--- foldr
--- foldl
--- foldrWithKey
--- foldlWithKey
--- foldMapWithKey
--- ** Strict folds
--- foldr'
--- foldl'
--- foldrWithKey'
--- foldlWithKey'
--- * Conversion
-elems :: DEnumMap k v -> [Some v]
-elems (DEnumMap m) = map (\(KV _ v) -> Some v) (IM.elems m)
-keys :: Enum1 k => DEnumMap k v -> [Some k]
-keys (DEnumMap m) = map (\(k, KV inf _) -> toEnum1 k inf) (IM.assocs m)
--- assocs
--- keysSet
--- ** Lists
--- toList
--- ** Ordered lists
--- toAscList
-toDescList :: Enum1 k => DEnumMap k v -> [DSum k v]
-toDescList (DEnumMap m) =
- map (\(i, KV inf v) -> case toEnum1 i inf of Some k -> k :=> coe1 v)
- (IM.toDescList m)
--- * Filter
--- filter
--- filterWithKey
--- restrictKeys
--- withoutKeys
-partition :: (forall a. v a -> Bool) -> DEnumMap k v -> (DEnumMap k v, DEnumMap k v)
-partition f (DEnumMap m) =
- bimap DEnumMap DEnumMap (IM.partition (\(KV _ v) -> f v) m)
--- partitionWithKey
--- takeWhileAntitone
--- dropWhileAntitone
--- spanAntitone
--- mapMaybe
--- mapMaybeWithKey
--- mapEither
--- mapEitherWithKey
--- split
--- splitLookup
--- splitRoot
--- * Submap
--- isSubmapOf, isSubmapOfBy
--- isProperSubmapOf, isProperSubmapOfBy
--- * Min\/Max
--- lookupMin
--- lookupMax
--- findMin
--- findMax
--- deleteMin
--- deleteMax
--- deleteFindMin
--- deleteFindMax
--- updateMin
--- updateMax
--- updateMinWithKey
--- updateMaxWithKey
--- minView
--- maxView
--- minViewWithKey
-maxViewWithKey :: Enum1 k => DEnumMap k v -> Maybe (DSum k v, DEnumMap k v)
-maxViewWithKey (DEnumMap m) =
- bimap (\(i, KV inf v) -> case toEnum1 i inf of Some k -> k :=> coe1 v) DEnumMap
- <$> IM.maxViewWithKey m
--- * Unsafe helpers
-coe1 :: v a -> v b
-coe1 = unsafeCoerce
+import Prelude ()
+import Data.Dependent.EnumMap.Strict.Internal