path: root/Parse.hs
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authorTom Smeding <>2020-10-27 13:12:58 +0100
committerTom Smeding <>2020-10-27 13:12:58 +0100
commitc23b7b5517d7ac5d0a6b2ff8a4f4914c2f392261 (patch)
treebf6b6125593f7aa1877f59bd9f964ed9bab37a7a /Parse.hs
Diffstat (limited to 'Parse.hs')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Parse.hs b/Parse.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ee5004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Parse.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+module Parse (parseProf) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
+import Control.Monad (guard)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as BSS
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List (unfoldr)
+import Prof
+data Columns
+ = Columns { cMod :: Int
+ , cSrc :: Int
+ , cNo :: Int
+ , cCnt :: Int
+ , cIvT :: Int -- individual time/alloc
+ , cIvA :: Int
+ , cIhT :: Int -- inherited time/alloc
+ , cIhA :: Int }
+ deriving (Show)
+parseProf :: ByteString -> Either String (Prof ())
+parseProf input = do
+ (cols, lns) <- maybe (Left "Did not find tree header") Right (findTree (BS.split 10 input))
+ lns' <- concat <$> mapM (parseLine cols) lns
+ case buildTree lns' of
+ Just (tree, []) -> return (Prof tree)
+ Just (_, l) -> Left ("Found " ++ show (length l) ++ " unexpected lines after tree")
+ Nothing -> Left "Empty tree found"
+parseLine :: Columns -> ByteString -> Either String [(Int, Entry)]
+parseLine _ line | BS.null line = Right []
+parseLine cols line = either (\err -> Left (err ++ ": <" ++ BS8.unpack line ++ ">")) Right $ do
+ let indent = BS.length (BS.takeWhile (== 32) line)
+ scs = getCol 0 (cMod cols)
+ smod = getCol (cMod cols) (cSrc cols)
+ ssrc = getCol (cSrc cols) (cNo cols)
+ scnt = getCol (cCnt cols) (cIvT cols)
+ sivt = getCol (cIvT cols) (cIvA cols)
+ siva = getCol (cIvA cols) (cIhT cols)
+ siht = getCol (cIhT cols) (cIhA cols)
+ siha = getCol (cIhA cols) (BS.length line)
+ smod' <- nonEmpty smod "module"
+ ssrc' <- nonEmpty ssrc "src"
+ ncnt <- parseInt scnt "entries"
+ fivt <- parseFloat sivt "individual %time"
+ fiva <- parseFloat siva "individual %alloc"
+ fiht <- parseFloat siht "inherited %time"
+ fiha <- parseFloat siha "inherited %alloc"
+ return [(indent, Entry { eCS = BSS.toShort scs
+ , eModule = BSS.toShort smod'
+ , eSrc = BSS.toShort ssrc'
+ , eCount = ncnt
+ , eIndividual = TimeShare fivt fiva
+ , eInherited = TimeShare fiht fiha })]
+ where
+ getCol :: Int -> Int -> ByteString
+ getCol from to =
+ let part = BS.drop from (BS.take to line)
+ in BS.dropWhile (== 32) (BS.dropWhileEnd (== 32) part)
+ nonEmpty bs descr = if BS.null bs then Left ("Unexpected empty " ++ descr ++ " field") else Right bs
+ parseInt bs descr = case BS8.readInt bs of
+ Just (n, rest) | BS.null rest -> Right n
+ _ -> Left ("Cannot parse integer from '" ++ BS8.unpack bs ++ "' in " ++ descr ++ " field: <" ++ BS8.unpack bs ++ ">")
+ parseFloat bs descr =
+ let mres = do
+ (whole, bs1) <- BS8.readInt bs
+ guard (not (BS.null bs1) && BS.head bs1 == fromIntegral (ord '.'))
+ let sfract = BS.tail bs1
+ (fract, bs2) <- BS8.readInt sfract
+ guard (BS.null bs2)
+ return (fromIntegral whole + fromIntegral fract / 10 ^ BS.length sfract)
+ in case mres of
+ Just f -> Right f
+ Nothing -> Left ("Cannot parse float from '" ++ BS8.unpack bs ++ "' in " ++ descr ++ " field: <" ++ BS8.unpack bs ++ ">")
+findTree :: [ByteString] -> Maybe (Columns, [ByteString])
+findTree [] = Nothing
+findTree (ln:lns) = fmap (,lns) (parseLeadingTreeLine ln) <|> findTree lns
+parseLeadingTreeLine :: ByteString -> Maybe Columns
+parseLeadingTreeLine bs = do
+ (0, bs1) <- findCol "COST CENTRE" 0 bs
+ (cmod, bs2) <- findCol "MODULE" 11 bs1
+ (csrc, bs3) <- findCol "SRC" (cmod+6) bs2
+ (cno, bs4) <- findCol "no." (csrc+3) bs3
+ (centr, bs5) <- findCol "entries" (cno+3) bs4
+ (civt, bs6) <- findCol "%time" (centr+7) bs5
+ (civa, bs7) <- findCol "%alloc" (civt+5) bs6
+ (ciht, bs8) <- findCol "%time" (civa+6) bs7
+ (_ciha, _bs9) <- findCol "%alloc" (ciht+5) bs8
+ return $ Columns { cMod = cmod
+ , cSrc = csrc
+ , cNo = cno
+ , cCnt = cno + 5
+ , cIvT = centr + 6
+ , cIvA = civt + 4
+ , cIhT = civa + 5
+ , cIhA = ciht + 4 }
+ where
+ findCol :: String -> Int -> ByteString -> Maybe (Int, ByteString)
+ findCol stag from = \line ->
+ case go 0 line of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just (col, rest) -> Just (from + col, rest)
+ where
+ tag :: ByteString
+ tag = BS.pack (map (fromIntegral . ord) stag)
+ go :: Int -> ByteString -> Maybe (Int, ByteString)
+ go !idx line
+ | BS.length line < BS.length tag = Nothing
+ | BS.take (BS.length tag) line == tag = Just (idx, BS.drop (BS.length tag) line)
+ | otherwise = go (idx + 1) (BS.tail line)
+buildTree :: [(Int, Entry)] -> Maybe (ProfTree (), [(Int, Entry)])
+buildTree [] = Nothing
+buildTree ((depth, entry) : items) =
+ let (below, after) = span ((> depth) . fst) items
+ subs = unfoldr buildTree below
+ in Just (Node entry () subs, after)