diff options
authorTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2024-03-23 23:11:43 +0100
committerTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2024-03-23 23:11:43 +0100
commitdefd0cf1a7620eaecda984a58533661a98595bd3 (patch)
parent071a55031cbfadf8e71d21b13c19ff80c2ab96e3 (diff)
2 files changed, 124 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/HSVIS/AST.hs b/src/HSVIS/AST.hs
index e25657b..058f5ac 100644
--- a/src/HSVIS/AST.hs
+++ b/src/HSVIS/AST.hs
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ data Expr s
| EOp (X Expr s) (Expr s) Operator (Expr s)
| EIf (X Expr s) (Expr s) (Expr s) (Expr s)
| ECase (X Expr s) (Expr s) [(Pattern s, RHS s)]
+ -- TODO: pattern bindings?
| ELet (X Expr s) [FunDef s] (Expr s)
| EError (X Expr s)
deriving instance (Show (X Expr s), Show (Pattern s), Show (RHS s), Show (FunDef s)) => Show (Expr s)
diff --git a/src/HSVIS/Typecheck.hs b/src/HSVIS/Typecheck.hs
index f62b097..ad754cf 100644
--- a/src/HSVIS/Typecheck.hs
+++ b/src/HSVIS/Typecheck.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# OPTIONS -Wno-unused-top-binds #-}
+{-# OPTIONS -Wno-unused-imports #-}
module HSVIS.Typecheck (
@@ -95,10 +103,12 @@ instance Pretty (E Kind StageTC) where
typecheck :: FilePath -> String -> PProgram -> ([Diagnostic], TProgram)
typecheck fp source prog =
- let (ds1, cs, _, _, progtc) =
- runTCM (tcProgram prog) (fp, source) 1 (Env mempty mempty mempty)
- (ds2, subK, subT) = solveConstrs cs
- in (toList (ds1 <> ds2), doneProg subK subT progtc)
+ let (ds, cs, _, _, resprog) =
+ runTCM (tcTop prog) (fp, source) 1 (Env mempty mempty mempty)
+ in trace ("[tc] resprog = " ++ show resprog) $
+ if not (null cs)
+ then error $ "Constraints left after typechecker completion: " ++ show cs
+ else (toList ds, resprog)
data Constr
-- Equality constraints: "left" must be equal to "right" because of the thing
@@ -228,6 +238,12 @@ getType' rng name = getType name >>= \case
genUniVar (KType ())
Just k -> return k
+tcTop :: PProgram -> TCM TProgram
+tcTop prog = do
+ (cs, prog') <- collectConstraints Just (tcProgram prog)
+ (subK, subT) <- solveConstrs cs
+ return $ doneProg subK subT prog'
tcProgram :: PProgram -> TCM CProgram
tcProgram (Program ddefs1 fdefs1) = do
(kconstrs, ddefs2) <- collectConstraints isCEqK $ do
@@ -366,6 +382,7 @@ tcFunEq down (FunEq rng name pats rhs) = do
rhs' <- tcRHS rhsty rhs
return (FunEq () name pats' rhs')
+-- | Brings the bound variables in scope
tcPattern :: CType -> PPattern -> TCM CPattern
tcPattern down = \case
PWildcard _ -> return $ PWildcard down
@@ -405,7 +422,96 @@ tcPattern down = \case
PTup (TTup (KType ()) ts) <$> zipWithM tcPattern ts ps
tcRHS :: CType -> PRHS -> TCM CRHS
-tcRHS = error "tcRHS"
+tcRHS _ (Guarded _ _) = error "typecheck: Guards not yet supported"
+tcRHS down (Plain _ e) = do
+ e' <- tcExpr down e
+ return $ Plain (extOf e') e'
+tcExpr :: CType -> PExpr -> TCM CExpr
+tcExpr down = \case
+ ELit rng lit -> do
+ let ty = case lit of
+ LInt{} -> TCon (KType ()) (Name "Int")
+ LFloat{} -> TCon (KType ()) (Name "Double")
+ LChar{} -> TCon (KType ()) (Name "Char")
+ LString{} -> TList (KType ()) (TCon (KType ()) (Name "Char"))
+ emit $ CEq down ty rng
+ return (ELit ty lit)
+ EVar rng n -> EVar <$> getType' rng n <*> pure n
+ ECon rng n -> ECon <$> getType' rng n <*> pure n
+ EList rng es -> do
+ eltty <- genUniVar (KType ())
+ let listty = TList (KType ()) eltty
+ emit $ CEq down listty rng
+ EList listty <$> mapM (tcExpr listty) es
+ ETup rng es -> do
+ ts <- mapM (\_ -> genUniVar (KType ())) es
+ emit $ CEq down (TTup (KType ()) ts) rng
+ ETup (TTup (KType ()) ts) <$> zipWithM tcExpr ts es
+ EApp _ e1 es -> do
+ argtys <- mapM (\_ -> genUniVar (KType ())) es
+ let funty = foldr (TFun (KType ())) down argtys
+ EApp funty <$> tcExpr funty e1
+ <*> zipWithM tcExpr argtys es
+ -- TODO: these types are way too monomorphic and in any case these
+ -- ~operators~ functions should not be built-in
+ EOp rng e1 op e2 -> do
+ let int = TCon (KType ()) (Name "Int")
+ bool = TCon (KType ()) (Name "Bool")
+ (rty, aty1, aty2) <- case op of
+ OAdd -> return (int, int, int)
+ OSub -> return (int, int, int)
+ OMul -> return (int, int, int)
+ ODiv -> return (int, int, int)
+ OMod -> return (int, int, int)
+ OEqu -> return (bool, int, int)
+ OPow -> return (int, int, int)
+ OCons -> do
+ eltty <- genUniVar (KType ())
+ let listty = TList (KType ()) eltty
+ return (listty, eltty, listty)
+ emit $ CEq down rty rng
+ e1' <- tcExpr aty1 e1
+ e2' <- tcExpr aty2 e2
+ return (EOp rty e1' op e2')
+ EIf _ e1 e2 e3 -> do
+ e1' <- tcExpr (TCon (KType ()) (Name "Bool")) e1
+ e2' <- tcExpr down e2
+ e3' <- tcExpr down e3
+ return (EIf down e1' e2' e3')
+ ECase _ e1 alts -> do
+ ty <- genUniVar (KType ())
+ e1' <- tcExpr ty e1
+ alts' <- forM alts $ \(pat, rhs) ->
+ scopeVEnv $
+ (,) <$> tcPattern ty pat <*> tcRHS down rhs
+ return $ ECase down e1' alts'
+ ELet rng defs body -> do
+ bound <- mapM (\(FunDef _ n _ _) -> (n,) <$> genUniVar (KType ())) defs
+ defs' <- forM defs $ \def@(FunDef _ name _ _) ->
+ scopeVEnv $ do
+ modifyVEnv (Map.fromList [(n, t) | (n, t) <- bound, n /= name] <>)
+ tcFunDef def
+ -- take the actual found types for typechecking the body (and linking them
+ -- to the variables generated above)
+ let bound2 = map (\(FunDef ty n _ _) -> (n, ty)) defs'
+ forM_ (zip bound bound2) $ \((_, tvar), (_, ty)) ->
+ emit $ CEq ty tvar rng -- in which order? which range? /shrug/
+ scopeVEnv $ do
+ modifyVEnv (Map.fromList bound2 <>)
+ body' <- tcExpr down body
+ return $ ELet down defs' body'
+ EError _ -> return $ EError down
unfoldFunTy :: Range -> Int -> CType -> TCM ([CType], CType)
unfoldFunTy _ n t | n <= 0 = return ([], t)
@@ -419,6 +525,13 @@ unfoldFunTy rng n t = do
emit $ CEq expected t rng
return (vars, core)
+solveConstrs :: Bag Constr -> TCM (Map Int CKind, Map Int CType)
+solveConstrs constrs = do
+ let (tcs, kcs) = partitionConstrs constrs
+ subK <- solveKindVars kcs
+ subT <- solveTypeVars tcs
+ return (subK, subT)
solveKindVars :: Bag (CKind, CKind, Range) -> TCM (Map Int CKind)
solveKindVars cs = do
let (asg, errs) =
@@ -467,8 +580,9 @@ solveKindVars cs = do
kindSize (KFun () a b) = 1 + kindSize a + kindSize b
kindSize (KExt () KUniVar{}) = 2
-solveConstrs :: Bag Constr -> (Bag Diagnostic, Map Int TKind, Map Int TType)
-solveConstrs = error "solveConstrs"
+partitionConstrs :: Foldable t => t Constr -> (Bag (CType, CType, Range), Bag (CKind, CKind, Range))
+partitionConstrs = foldMap $ \case CEq t1 t2 r -> (pure (t1, t2, r), mempty)
+ CEqK k1 k2 r -> (mempty, pure (k1, k2, r))
-- substitute unification variables
substProg :: Map Int CKind -- ^ Kind unification variable instantiations
@@ -495,9 +609,9 @@ substType mk mt mtv = go
go (TList k t) = TList (substKind mk k) (go t)
go (TFun k t1 t2) = TFun (substKind mk k) (go t1) (go t2)
go (TCon k n) = TCon (substKind mk k) n
- go t@(TVar _ n) = fromMaybe t (Map.lookup n mtv)
+ go (TVar k n) = fromMaybe (TVar (substKind mk k) n) (Map.lookup n mtv)
go (TForall k n t) = TForall (substKind mk k) n (go t)
- go t@(TExt _ (TUniVar v)) = fromMaybe t (Map.lookup v mt)
+ go (TExt k (TUniVar v)) = fromMaybe (TExt (substKind mk k) (TUniVar v)) (Map.lookup v mt)
-- substitute unification variables
substKind :: Map Int CKind -> CKind -> CKind