path: root/lsp
diff options
authorTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2025-01-21 23:35:01 +0100
committerTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2025-01-21 23:35:01 +0100
commit26895448c293abf51aa96c1f2bec1b6a241f730b (patch)
tree868b2b84018611cbc5d6e5be1dc522041e242fa1 /lsp
parentc7619a27f841d24b5acb4c99ed486e95bd5130d8 (diff)
lsp: Also typecheck
Diffstat (limited to 'lsp')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/lsp/Main.hs b/lsp/Main.hs
index 1784aec..d1da888 100644
--- a/lsp/Main.hs
+++ b/lsp/Main.hs
@@ -17,37 +17,48 @@ import Language.LSP.Server
import qualified HSVIS.Diagnostic as HV
import qualified HSVIS.Parser as HV
+import qualified HSVIS.Typecheck as HV
-parseFile :: NormalizedUri -> T.Text -> [Diagnostic]
+mkDiag :: HV.Diagnostic -> Diagnostic
+mkDiag msg = Diagnostic
+ { _range =
+ let -- TODO: col needs to be UTF-16 based, which this is not
+ mkPos (HV.Pos line col) = Position (fromIntegral line) (fromIntegral col)
+ HV.Range from to = HV.dRange msg
+ in Range (mkPos from) (mkPos to)
+ , _severity = Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error
+ , _code = Nothing
+ , _codeDescription = Nothing
+ , _source = Just "hs-vis"
+ , _message = T.pack $ intercalate "\n" $
+ HV.dMsg msg : ["In " ++ entry | entry <- reverse (HV.dStk msg)]
+ , _tags = Nothing
+ , _relatedInformation = Nothing
+ , _data_ = Nothing
+ }
+parseFile :: NormalizedUri -> T.Text -> ([Diagnostic], Maybe HV.PProgram)
parseFile (NormalizedUri _ fpath) source =
- let (errs, _) = HV.parse (T.unpack fpath) (T.unpack source)
- in map mkDiag errs
- where
- mkDiag :: HV.Diagnostic -> Diagnostic
- mkDiag msg = Diagnostic
- { _range =
- let -- TODO: col needs to be UTF-16 based, which this is not
- mkPos (HV.Pos line col) = Position (fromIntegral line) (fromIntegral col)
- HV.Range from to = HV.dRange msg
- in Range (mkPos from) (mkPos to)
- , _severity = Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error
- , _code = Nothing
- , _codeDescription = Nothing
- , _source = Just "hs-vis"
- , _message = T.pack $ intercalate "\n" $
- HV.dMsg msg : ["In " ++ entry | entry <- reverse (HV.dStk msg)]
- , _tags = Nothing
- , _relatedInformation = Nothing
- , _data_ = Nothing
- }
+ let (errs, mpprog) = HV.parse (T.unpack fpath) (T.unpack source)
+ in (map mkDiag errs, mpprog)
+typecheckFile :: NormalizedUri -> T.Text -> HV.PProgram -> ([Diagnostic], HV.TProgram)
+typecheckFile (NormalizedUri _ fpath) source pprog =
+ let (errs, tprog) = HV.typecheck (T.unpack fpath) (T.unpack source) pprog
+ in (map mkDiag errs, tprog)
publishDiagsForUri :: Uri -> LspM () ()
publishDiagsForUri fileUri = do
- getVirtualFile (toNormalizedUri fileUri) >>= \case
+ let filename = toNormalizedUri fileUri
+ getVirtualFile filename >>= \case
Just vfile -> do
- let diags = parseFile (toNormalizedUri fileUri)
- (Rope.toText (vfile ^. L.file_text))
+ let source = Rope.toText (vfile ^. L.file_text)
+ let (diags1, mpprog) = parseFile filename source
+ let (diags2, _mtprog) = case mpprog of Just pprog -> Just <$> typecheckFile filename source pprog
+ Nothing -> ([], Nothing)
+ let diags = diags1 ++ diags2
-- liftIO $ appendFile "/home/tom/hsvislsplog.txt" (" -> publishing diags: " ++ show diags ++ "\n")
sendNotification SMethod_TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics PublishDiagnosticsParams
{ _uri = fileUri