path: root/src/HSVIS/Typecheck
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authorTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2025-01-19 22:46:39 +0100
committerTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2025-01-19 22:46:39 +0100
commitc7619a27f841d24b5acb4c99ed486e95bd5130d8 (patch)
tree9aae2e1c9665b83090e1c3d80f71c0b9fdffea34 /src/HSVIS/Typecheck
parente13b0a681108697f8b67d8c836edd54c042aad55 (diff)
Noodling on the type checker
Diffstat (limited to 'src/HSVIS/Typecheck')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/HSVIS/Typecheck/Solve.hs b/src/HSVIS/Typecheck/Solve.hs
index 7250e79..250d7e7 100644
--- a/src/HSVIS/Typecheck/Solve.hs
+++ b/src/HSVIS/Typecheck/Solve.hs
@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ solveConstraints reduce frees subst detect size = \tupcs ->
errs'' = fmap constrUnequal errs <> errs'
in trace ("[solver] Solving:" ++ concat ["\n- " ++ pretty a ++ " == " ++ pretty b ++ " {" ++ pretty r ++ "}" | Constr a b r <- cs]) $
trace ("[solver] Result: (with " ++ show (length errs'') ++ " errors)" ++
- concat ["\n- " ++ show v ++ " = " ++ pretty t | (v, t) <- Map.assocs asg'])
+ concat ["\n- " ++ show v ++ " = " ++ pretty t | (v, t) <- Map.assocs asg'] ++
+ "\n... errors: " ++ intercalate ", " (map summariseUE (toList errs'')))
(asg', errs'')
reduce' :: Constr t t -> (Bag (Constr v t), Bag (Constr t t))
@@ -136,10 +137,13 @@ solveConstraints reduce frees subst detect size = \tupcs ->
applyLog ((v, t) : l) m = applyLog l $ Map.insert v (subst m t) m
applyLog [] m = m
- -- If there are multiple sources for the same cosntraint, only one of them is kept.
+ -- If there are multiple sources for the same constraint, only one of them is kept.
dedupRCs :: Ord t => [RConstr t] -> [RConstr t]
dedupRCs = map head . groupBy ((==) `on` rconType) . sortBy (comparing rconType)
+ summariseUE (UEUnequal t1 t2 rng) = "({" ++ pretty rng ++ "} " ++ pretty t1 ++ " /= " ++ pretty t2 ++ ")"
+ summariseUE (UERecursive v t2 rng) = "({" ++ pretty rng ++ "} [" ++ show v ++ "] rec in " ++ pretty t2 ++ ")"
minimumByMay :: Foldable t' => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> t' a -> Maybe a
minimumByMay cmp = foldl' min' Nothing
where min' mx y = Just $! case mx of