path: root/src
diff options
authorTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2025-01-21 23:36:09 +0100
committerTom Smeding <tom@tomsmeding.com>2025-01-21 23:36:09 +0100
commit36a7da75d1772156760bdff1f171f8f1f5d7a3c9 (patch)
tree2bb688e99bbda57971edf66ab2977edac37af154 /src
parent728c7f577228c1b1dab91c81f91cdfb9f59ec5bd (diff)
Report ambiguous type/kind uvars, don't crash
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 151 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/src/HSVIS/Diagnostic.hs b/src/HSVIS/Diagnostic.hs
index 116e4cd..2794461 100644
--- a/src/HSVIS/Diagnostic.hs
+++ b/src/HSVIS/Diagnostic.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ instance Pretty Pos where
-- | Inclusive-exclusive range of positions in a file.
data Range = Range Pos Pos
- deriving (Show)
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Semigroup Range where
Range a b <> Range c d = Range (min a c) (max b d)
diff --git a/src/HSVIS/Pretty.hs b/src/HSVIS/Pretty.hs
index cc8cb2a..c25fe08 100644
--- a/src/HSVIS/Pretty.hs
+++ b/src/HSVIS/Pretty.hs
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ class Pretty a where
instance Pretty Void where
prettysPrec _ = absurd
+instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (a, b) where
+ prettysPrec _ (x, y) =
+ showString "(" . prettysPrec 0 x . showString ", " . prettysPrec 1 y . showString ")"
prettyPrec :: Pretty a => Int -> a -> String
prettyPrec d x = prettysPrec d x ""
diff --git a/src/HSVIS/Typecheck.hs b/src/HSVIS/Typecheck.hs
index 8b642eb..2f68232 100644
--- a/src/HSVIS/Typecheck.hs
+++ b/src/HSVIS/Typecheck.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module HSVIS.Typecheck (
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second, bimap)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
-import Data.List (inits)
+import Data.List (inits, foldl1')
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ import HSVIS.Typecheck.Solve
data StageTC
-type instance X DataDef StageTC = CKind
+type instance X DataDef StageTC = (Range, CKind)
type instance X DataField StageTC = Range
type instance X FunDef StageTC = Range
type instance X TypeSig StageTC = Maybe Range
type instance X FunEq StageTC = ()
type instance X Kind StageTC = ()
-type instance X Type StageTC = CKind
+type instance X Type StageTC = (Range, CKind)
type instance X Pattern StageTC = (Range, CType)
type instance X RHS StageTC = CType
type instance X Expr StageTC = (Range, CType)
@@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ scopeVEnv m = do
genKUniVar :: TCM CKind
genKUniVar = KExt () . KUniVar <$> genId
-genUniVar :: CKind -> TCM CType
-genUniVar k = TExt k . TUniVar <$> genId
+genUniVar :: Range -> CKind -> TCM CType
+genUniVar rng k = TExt (rng, k) . TUniVar <$> genId
getKind' :: Range -> Name -> TCM CKind
getKind' rng name = getKind name >>= \case
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ getType' :: Range -> Name -> TCM CType
getType' rng name = getType name >>= \case
Nothing -> do
raise SError rng $ "Variable not in scope: " ++ pretty name
- t <- genUniVar (KType ()) -- insert it now so that all occurrences of this out-of-scope name get the same type
+ t <- genUniVar rng (KType ()) -- insert it now so that all occurrences of this out-of-scope name get the same type
modifyVEnv (Map.insert name t)
return t
Just k -> return k
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ prepareDataDef (DataDef _ name params _) = do
-- Assumes that the kind of the name itself has already been registered with
-- the correct arity (this is done by prepareDataDef).
kcDataDef :: (CKind, [CKind]) -> PDataDef -> TCM CDataDef
-kcDataDef (kd, parkinds) (DataDef _ name params cons) = do
+kcDataDef (kd, parkinds) (DataDef defrng name params cons) = do
-- ensure unicity of type param names
params' <-
let prenames = Set.fromList (map snd params)
@@ -311,19 +311,23 @@ kcDataDef (kd, parkinds) (DataDef _ name params cons) = do
DataField (extOf t) <$> kcType KCTMNormal (Just (KType ())) t
return (cname, fields')
- return (DataDef kd name (zip parkinds params') cons')
+ let params_ranges = map fst params
+ return (DataDef (defrng, kd) name (zip (zip params_ranges parkinds) params') cons')
generateInvCons :: CDataDef -> [(Name, InvCon)]
-generateInvCons (DataDef k tname params cons) =
- let tyvars = Map.fromList (map swap params)
- resty = TApp (KType ()) (TCon k tname) (map (uncurry TVar) params)
+generateInvCons (DataDef (defrng, k) tname params cons) =
+ let tyvars = Map.fromList [(n, k1) | ((_rng, k1), n) <- params]
+ -- defrng is a bit imprecise here, but it's fine
+ resty = TApp (defrng, KType ()) (TCon (defrng, k) tname) (map (uncurry TVar) params)
in [(cname, InvCon tyvars resty (map dataFieldType fields)) | (cname, fields) <- cons]
generateConstructors :: CDataDef -> [(Name, CType)]
-generateConstructors (DataDef k tname params cons) =
- let resty = TApp (KType ()) (TCon k tname) (map (uncurry TVar) params)
- in [let funty = foldr (TFun (KType ())) resty (map dataFieldType fields)
- in (cname, foldr (\(k1, n1) -> TExt (KType ()) . TForallC (n1, k1)) funty params)
+generateConstructors (DataDef (defrng, k) tname params cons) =
+ -- using defrng is again a bit imprecise here
+ let resty = TApp (defrng, KType ()) (TCon (defrng, k) tname) (map (uncurry TVar) params)
+ in [let funty = foldr (TFun (defrng, KType ())) resty (map dataFieldType fields)
+ in (cname, foldr (\((_, k1), n1) -> TExt (defrng, KType ()) . TForallC (n1, k1))
+ funty params)
| (cname, fields) <- cons]
promoteDownK :: Maybe CKind -> TCM CKind
@@ -357,43 +361,45 @@ kcType' mode mdown = \case
(ext1, t') <- kcType' mode Nothing t
(ext2, ts') <- sequence <$> mapM (kcType' mode Nothing) ts -- TODO: give more useful down kinds
retk <- promoteDownK mdown
- let expected = foldr (KFun ()) retk (map extOf ts')
- emit $ CEqK (extOf t') expected rng
- return (ext1 <> ext2, TApp retk t' ts')
+ let expected = foldr (KFun ()) retk (map (snd . extOf) ts')
+ emit $ CEqK (snd (extOf t')) expected rng
+ return (ext1 <> ext2, TApp (rng, retk) t' ts')
TTup rng ts -> do
(ext, ts') <- sequence <$> mapM (kcType' mode (Just (KType ()))) ts
downEqK rng mdown (KType ())
- return (ext, TTup (KType ()) ts')
+ return (ext, TTup (rng, KType ()) ts')
TList rng t -> do
(ext, t') <- kcType' mode (Just (KType ())) t
downEqK rng mdown (KType ())
- return (ext, TList (KType ()) t')
+ return (ext, TList (rng, KType ()) t')
TFun rng t1 t2 -> do
(ext1, t1') <- kcType' mode (Just (KType ())) t1
(ext2, t2') <- kcType' mode (Just (KType ())) t2
downEqK rng mdown (KType ())
- return (ext1 <> ext2, TFun (KType ()) t1' t2')
+ return (ext1 <> ext2, TFun (rng, KType ()) t1' t2')
TCon rng n -> do
k <- getKind' rng n
downEqK rng mdown k
- return (mempty, TCon k n)
+ return (mempty, TCon (rng, k) n)
TVar rng n -> do
mk <- getKind n
case mk of
Nothing -> do
k <- promoteDownK mdown
- return (case mode of KCTMNormal -> ()
- KCTMOpen -> MMap.singleton n (pure k)
- ,TVar k n)
+ case mode of
+ KCTMNormal -> do
+ raise SError rng $ "Type variable out of scope: " ++ pretty n
+ return ((), TVar (rng, k) n)
+ KCTMOpen -> return (MMap.singleton n (pure k), TVar (rng, k) n)
Just k -> do
downEqK rng mdown k
-- TODO: need to instantiate top-level foralls in k here
- return (mempty, TVar k n)
+ return (mempty, TVar (rng, k) n)
TExt rng (TForallP n mk1 t) -> do -- implicit forall
k1 <- maybe genKUniVar (return . checkKind) mk1
@@ -402,12 +408,13 @@ kcType' mode mdown = \case
(ext, t') <- scopeTEnv $ do
modifyTEnv (Map.insert n k1)
kcType' mode (Just k2) t
- return (ext, TExt k2 (TForallC (n, k1) t')) -- 'k2', not 'k1 -> k2', because the forall is implicit
+ return (ext, TExt (rng, k2) (TForallC (n, k1) t')) -- 'k2', not 'k1 -> k2', because the forall is implicit
tcFunDefBlock :: [PFunDef] -> TCM [CFunDef]
tcFunDefBlock fdefs = do
+ let funrange = foldl1' (<>) (map extOf fdefs)
-- collect types for each of the bound functions, or unification variables if there's no type signature
- bound <- mapM (\(FunDef _ n ts _) -> (n,) <$> tcTypeSig ts) fdefs
+ bound <- mapM (\(FunDef _ n ts _) -> (n,) <$> tcTypeSig funrange ts) fdefs
defs' <- scopeVEnv $ do
modifyVEnv (Map.fromList [(n, t) | (n, TypeSig _ t) <- bound] <>)
forM (zip fdefs bound) $ \(def, (_, sig)) ->
@@ -426,11 +433,15 @@ checkKind :: PKind -> CKind
checkKind (KType ()) = KType ()
checkKind (KFun () k1 k2) = KFun () (checkKind k1) (checkKind k2)
-tcTypeSig :: PTypeSig -> TCM CTypeSig
-tcTypeSig (TypeSig () sig) = do
+-- | The 'Range' argument is the range of the entire function; used in case there
+-- is no type signature.
+tcTypeSig :: Range -> PTypeSig -> TCM CTypeSig
+tcTypeSig _ (TypeSig () sig) = do
(typ, freetvars) <- kcType KCTMOpen (Just (KType ())) sig
- return $ TypeSig (Just (extOf sig)) $ foldr (\(n, k) -> TExt (KType ()) . TForallC (n, k)) typ (Map.assocs freetvars)
-tcTypeSig (TypeSigExt () NoTypeSig) = TypeSig Nothing <$> genUniVar (KType ())
+ return $ TypeSig (Just (extOf sig)) $
+ foldr (\(n, k) -> TExt (extOf sig, KType ()) . TForallC (n, k))
+ typ (Map.assocs freetvars)
+tcTypeSig funrange (TypeSigExt () NoTypeSig) = TypeSig Nothing <$> genUniVar funrange (KType ())
-- | Typechecks the function definition, but assumes its signature has already
-- been checked, and is passed separately. Thus the PTypeSig in the PFunDef is
@@ -468,7 +479,7 @@ tcPattern down = \case
PCon rng n ps ->
getInvCon n >>= \case
Just (InvCon tyvars match fields) -> do
- unisub <- mapM genUniVar tyvars -- substitution for the universally quantified variables
+ unisub <- mapM (genUniVar rng) tyvars -- substitution for the universally quantified variables
let match' = substType mempty mempty unisub match
fields' = map (substType mempty mempty unisub) fields
emit $ CEq down match' rng
@@ -480,8 +491,8 @@ tcPattern down = \case
POp rng p1 op p2 ->
case op of
OCons -> do
- eltty <- genUniVar (KType ())
- let listty = TList (KType ()) eltty
+ eltty <- genUniVar rng (KType ())
+ let listty = TList (rng, KType ()) eltty
emit $ CEq down listty rng
p1' <- tcPattern eltty p1
p2' <- tcPattern listty p2
@@ -491,15 +502,16 @@ tcPattern down = \case
return (PWildcard (rng, down))
PList rng ps -> do
- eltty <- genUniVar (KType ())
- let listty = TList (KType ()) eltty
+ eltty <- genUniVar rng (KType ())
+ let listty = TList (rng, KType ()) eltty
emit $ CEq down listty rng
PList (rng, listty) <$> mapM (tcPattern eltty) ps
PTup rng ps -> do
- ts <- mapM (\_ -> genUniVar (KType ())) ps
- emit $ CEq down (TTup (KType ()) ts) rng
- PTup (rng, TTup (KType ()) ts) <$> zipWithM tcPattern ts ps
+ ts <- mapM (\p -> genUniVar (extOf p) (KType ())) ps
+ let typ = TTup (rng, KType ()) ts
+ emit $ CEq down typ rng
+ PTup (rng, typ) <$> zipWithM tcPattern ts ps
tcRHS :: CType -> PRHS -> TCM CRHS
tcRHS _ (Guarded _ _) = error "typecheck: Guards not yet supported"
@@ -511,58 +523,61 @@ tcExpr :: CType -> PExpr -> TCM CExpr
tcExpr down = \case
ELit rng lit -> do
let ty = case lit of
- LInt{} -> TCon (KType ()) (Name "Int")
- LFloat{} -> TCon (KType ()) (Name "Double")
- LChar{} -> TCon (KType ()) (Name "Char")
- LString{} -> TList (KType ()) (TCon (KType ()) (Name "Char"))
+ LInt{} -> TCon (rng, KType ()) (Name "Int")
+ LFloat{} -> TCon (rng, KType ()) (Name "Double")
+ LChar{} -> TCon (rng, KType ()) (Name "Char")
+ LString{} -> TList (rng, KType ()) (TCon (rng, KType ()) (Name "Char"))
emit $ CEq down ty rng
return $ ELit (rng, ty) lit
EVar rng n -> do
ty <- getType' rng n
- ty' <- instantiateTForallsUni ty
+ ty' <- instantiateTForallsUni rng ty
emit $ CEq down ty' rng
return $ EVar (rng, ty') n
ECon rng n -> do
ty <- getType' rng n
- ty' <- instantiateTForallsUni ty
+ ty' <- instantiateTForallsUni rng ty
emit $ CEq down ty' rng
return $ EVar (rng, ty') n
EList rng es -> do
- eltty <- genUniVar (KType ())
- let listty = TList (KType ()) eltty
+ eltty <- genUniVar rng (KType ())
+ let listty = TList (rng, KType ()) eltty
emit $ CEq down listty rng
EList (rng, listty) <$> mapM (tcExpr listty) es
ETup rng es -> do
- ts <- mapM (\_ -> genUniVar (KType ())) es
- emit $ CEq down (TTup (KType ()) ts) rng
- ETup (rng, TTup (KType ()) ts) <$> zipWithM tcExpr ts es
+ ts <- mapM (\_ -> genUniVar rng (KType ())) es
+ let typ = TTup (rng, KType ()) ts
+ emit $ CEq down typ rng
+ ETup (rng, typ) <$> zipWithM tcExpr ts es
EApp rng e1 es -> do
- argtys <- mapM (\_ -> genUniVar (KType ())) es
- let funty = foldr (TFun (KType ())) down argtys
+ argtys <- mapM (\e -> genUniVar (extOf e) (KType ())) es
+ let funty = foldr (TFun (rng, KType ())) down argtys
EApp (rng, funty) <$> tcExpr funty e1
<*> zipWithM tcExpr argtys es
-- TODO: these types are way too monomorphic and in any case these
-- ~operators~ functions should not be built-in
EOp rng e1 op e2 -> do
- let int = TCon (KType ()) (Name "Int")
- bool = TCon (KType ()) (Name "Bool")
+ let int = \r -> TCon (r, KType ()) (Name "Int")
+ bool = \r -> TCon (r, KType ()) (Name "Bool")
+ rng1 = extOf e1
+ rng2 = extOf e2
(rty, aty1, aty2) <- case op of
- OAdd -> return (int, int, int)
- OSub -> return (int, int, int)
- OMul -> return (int, int, int)
- ODiv -> return (int, int, int)
- OMod -> return (int, int, int)
- OEqu -> return (bool, int, int)
- OPow -> return (int, int, int)
+ OAdd -> return (int rng, int rng1, int rng2)
+ OSub -> return (int rng, int rng1, int rng2)
+ OMul -> return (int rng, int rng1, int rng2)
+ ODiv -> return (int rng, int rng1, int rng2)
+ OMod -> return (int rng, int rng1, int rng2)
+ OEqu -> return (bool rng, int rng1, int rng2)
+ OPow -> return (int rng, int rng1, int rng2)
OCons -> do
- eltty <- genUniVar (KType ())
- let listty = TList (KType ()) eltty
+ eltty <- genUniVar rng1 (KType ())
+ let listty = TList (rng2, KType ()) eltty
return (listty, eltty, listty)
emit $ CEq down rty rng
e1' <- tcExpr aty1 e1
@@ -570,13 +585,13 @@ tcExpr down = \case
return (EOp (rng, rty) e1' op e2')
EIf rng e1 e2 e3 -> do
- e1' <- tcExpr (TCon (KType ()) (Name "Bool")) e1
+ e1' <- tcExpr (TCon (rng, KType ()) (Name "Bool")) e1
e2' <- tcExpr down e2
e3' <- tcExpr down e3
return (EIf (rng, down) e1' e2' e3')
ECase rng e1 alts -> do
- ty <- genUniVar (KType ())
+ ty <- genUniVar rng (KType ())
e1' <- tcExpr ty e1
alts' <- forM alts $ \(pat, rhs) ->
scopeVEnv $
@@ -593,11 +608,12 @@ tcExpr down = \case
EError rng -> return $ EError (rng, down)
-instantiateTForallsUni :: CType -> TCM CType
-instantiateTForallsUni = go mempty
+-- | The 'Range' is the place where the type is being instantiated.
+instantiateTForallsUni :: Range -> CType -> TCM CType
+instantiateTForallsUni instRng = go mempty
go sub (TExt _ (TForallC (n, k1) t)) = do
- var <- genUniVar k1
+ var <- genUniVar instRng k1
go (Map.insert n var sub) t
go sub t = return $ substType mempty mempty sub t
@@ -607,9 +623,9 @@ unfoldFunTy rng n (TFun _ t1 t2) = do
(params, core) <- unfoldFunTy rng (n - 1) t2
return (t1 : params, core)
unfoldFunTy rng n t = do
- vars <- replicateM n (genUniVar (KType ()))
- core <- genUniVar (KType ())
- let expected = foldr (TFun (KType ())) core vars
+ vars <- replicateM n (genUniVar rng (KType ()))
+ core <- genUniVar rng (KType ())
+ let expected = foldr (TFun (rng, KType ())) core vars
emit $ CEq expected t rng
return (vars, core)
@@ -708,8 +724,8 @@ solveTypeVars cs = do
(TCon _ n1, TCon _ n2) | n1 == n2 -> mempty
(TVar _ n1, TVar _ n2) | n1 == n2 -> mempty
-- TODO: this doesn't check that the types are kind-correct. Did we already check that?
- (TExt _ (TForallC (n1, k) t1), TExt _ (TForallC (n2, _) t2)) ->
- reduce t1 (substType mempty mempty (Map.singleton n2 (TVar k n1)) t2) rng
+ (TExt (rng1, _) (TForallC (n1, k) t1), TExt _ (TForallC (n2, _) t2)) ->
+ reduce t1 (substType mempty mempty (Map.singleton n2 (TVar (rng1, k) n1)) t2) rng
-- otherwise, this is a kind mismatch
(k1, k2) -> (mempty, pure (k1, k2, rng))
@@ -738,9 +754,9 @@ substProg :: Map Int CKind -> Map Int CType -> CProgram -> CProgram
substProg mk mt (Program ds fs) = Program (map (substDdef mk mt) ds) (map (substFdef mk mt) fs)
substDdef :: Map Int CKind -> Map Int CType -> CDataDef -> CDataDef
-substDdef mk mt (DataDef k name pars cons) =
- DataDef (substKind mk k) name
- (map (first (substKind mk)) pars)
+substDdef mk mt (DataDef (defrng, k) name pars cons) =
+ DataDef (defrng, substKind mk k) name
+ (map (first (second (substKind mk))) pars)
(map (second (map (substDataField mk mt))) cons)
substDataField :: Map Int CKind -> Map Int CType -> CDataField -> CDataField
@@ -795,14 +811,14 @@ substExpr mk mt = go
substType :: Map Int CKind -> Map Int CType -> Map Name CType -> CType -> CType
substType mk mt mtv = go
- go (TApp k t ts) = TApp (goKind k) (go t) (map go ts)
- go (TTup k ts) = TTup (goKind k) (map go ts)
- go (TList k t) = TList (goKind k) (go t)
- go (TFun k t1 t2) = TFun (goKind k) (go t1) (go t2)
- go (TCon k n) = TCon (goKind k) n
- go (TVar k n) = fromMaybe (TVar (goKind k) n) (Map.lookup n mtv)
- go (TExt k (TUniVar v)) = fromMaybe (TExt (goKind k) (TUniVar v)) (Map.lookup v mt)
- go (TExt k (TForallC (n, k1) t)) = TExt (goKind k) (TForallC (n, goKind k1) (go t))
+ go (TApp (rng, k) t ts) = TApp (rng, goKind k) (go t) (map go ts)
+ go (TTup (rng, k) ts) = TTup (rng, goKind k) (map go ts)
+ go (TList (rng, k) t) = TList (rng, goKind k) (go t)
+ go (TFun (rng, k) t1 t2) = TFun (rng, goKind k) (go t1) (go t2)
+ go (TCon (rng, k) n) = TCon (rng, goKind k) n
+ go (TVar (rng, k) n) = fromMaybe (TVar (rng, goKind k) n) (Map.lookup n mtv)
+ go (TExt (rng, k) (TUniVar v)) = fromMaybe (TExt (rng, goKind k) (TUniVar v)) (Map.lookup v mt)
+ go (TExt (rng, k) (TForallC (n, k1) t)) = TExt (rng, goKind k) (TForallC (n, goKind k1) (go t))
goKind = substKind mk
@@ -820,18 +836,18 @@ finaliseProg (Program ds fs) =
Program <$> traverse finaliseDdef ds <*> traverse finaliseFdef fs
finaliseDdef :: MonadRaise m => CDataDef -> m TDataDef
-finaliseDdef (DataDef k name pars cons) =
- DataDef <$> finaliseKind k <*> pure name
- <*> traverse (firstM finaliseKind) pars
+finaliseDdef (DataDef (rng, k) name pars cons) =
+ DataDef <$> finaliseKind rng k <*> pure name
+ <*> traverse (firstM (finaliseKind rng . snd)) pars
<*> traverse (secondM (traverse finaliseDataField)) cons
finaliseDataField :: MonadRaise m => CDataField -> m TDataField
-finaliseDataField (DataField rng t) = DataField rng <$> finaliseType rng t
+finaliseDataField (DataField rng t) = DataField rng <$> finaliseType t
finaliseFdef :: MonadRaise m => CFunDef -> m TFunDef
-finaliseFdef (FunDef rng n (TypeSig msigrng sig) eqs) =
+finaliseFdef (FunDef _ n (TypeSig _ sig) eqs) =
FunDef () n
- <$> (TypeSig () <$> finaliseType (fromMaybe rng msigrng) sig)
+ <$> (TypeSig () <$> finaliseType sig)
<*> traverse finaliseFunEq eqs
finaliseFunEq :: MonadRaise m => CFunEq -> m TFunEq
@@ -842,7 +858,7 @@ finaliseFunEq (FunEq () n ps rhs) =
finaliseRHS :: MonadRaise m => CRHS -> m TRHS
finaliseRHS (Guarded _ _) = error "typecheck: guards unsupported"
-finaliseRHS (Plain t e) = Plain <$> finaliseType (fst (extOf e)) t <*> finaliseExpr e
+finaliseRHS (Plain t e) = Plain <$> finaliseType t <*> finaliseExpr e
finalisePattern :: MonadRaise m => CPattern -> m TPattern
finalisePattern = \case
@@ -854,7 +870,7 @@ finalisePattern = \case
PList e ps -> PList <$> goExt e <*> traverse finalisePattern ps
PTup e ps -> PTup <$> goExt e <*> traverse finalisePattern ps
- goExt (rng, t) = finaliseType rng t
+ goExt (_, t) = finaliseType t
finaliseExpr :: MonadRaise m => CExpr -> m TExpr
finaliseExpr = \case
@@ -870,28 +886,35 @@ finaliseExpr = \case
ELet e defs body -> ELet <$> goExt e <*> traverse finaliseFdef defs <*> finaliseExpr body
EError e -> EError <$> goExt e
- goExt (rng, t) = finaliseType rng t
+ goExt (_, t) = finaliseType t
-finaliseType :: MonadRaise m => Range -> CType -> m TType
-finaliseType rng toptype = go toptype
+finaliseType :: MonadRaise m => CType -> m TType
+finaliseType toptype = go toptype
- go :: MonadRaise m => Type StageTC -> m TType
- go (TApp k t ts) = TApp <$> finaliseKind k <*> go t <*> traverse go ts
- go (TTup k ts) = TTup <$> finaliseKind k <*> traverse go ts
- go (TList k t) = TList <$> finaliseKind k <*> go t
- go (TFun k t1 t2) = TFun <$> finaliseKind k <*> go t1 <*> go t2
- go (TCon k n) = TCon <$> finaliseKind k <*> pure n
- go (TVar k n) = TVar <$> finaliseKind k <*> pure n
- go t@(TExt k TUniVar{}) = do
+ go :: MonadRaise m => CType -> m TType
+ go (TApp e t ts) = TApp <$> goExt e <*> go t <*> traverse go ts
+ go (TTup e ts) = TTup <$> goExt e <*> traverse go ts
+ go (TList e t) = TList <$> goExt e <*> go t
+ go (TFun e t1 t2) = TFun <$> goExt e <*> go t1 <*> go t2
+ go (TCon e n) = TCon <$> goExt e <*> pure n
+ go (TVar e n) = TVar <$> goExt e <*> pure n
+ go t@(TExt (rng, k) TUniVar{}) = do
raise SError rng $ "Ambiguous type unification variable " ++ pretty t ++ " in type: " ++ pretty toptype
- TVar <$> finaliseKind k <*> pure (Name "$_error")
- go (TExt k (TForallC (n, k1) t)) = TExt <$> finaliseKind k <*> (TForall <$> ((,) <$> pure n <*> finaliseKind k1) <*> go t)
-finaliseKind :: MonadRaise m => CKind -> m TKind
-finaliseKind = \case
- KType () -> pure (KType ())
- KFun () k1 k2 -> KFun () <$> finaliseKind k1 <*> finaliseKind k2
- k@(KExt () KUniVar{}) -> error $ "Unresolved kind variable: " ++ pretty k
+ TVar <$> finaliseKind rng k <*> pure (Name "$_error")
+ go (TExt e@(rng, _) (TForallC (n, k1) t)) =
+ TExt <$> goExt e <*> (TForall <$> ((n,) <$> finaliseKind rng k1) <*> go t)
+ goExt (rng, t) = finaliseKind rng t
+finaliseKind :: MonadRaise m => Range -> CKind -> m TKind
+finaliseKind toprng topkind = go topkind
+ where
+ go :: MonadRaise m => CKind -> m TKind
+ go (KType ()) = pure (KType ())
+ go (KFun () k1 k2) = KFun () <$> go k1 <*> go k2
+ go k@(KExt () KUniVar{}) = do
+ raise SError toprng $ "Ambiguous kind unification variable " ++ pretty k ++ " in kind: " ++ pretty topkind
+ pure $ KType ()
-------------------- END OF FINALISATION FUNCTIONS --------------------
diff --git a/src/HSVIS/Typecheck/Solve.hs b/src/HSVIS/Typecheck/Solve.hs
index 250d7e7..7b91585 100644
--- a/src/HSVIS/Typecheck/Solve.hs
+++ b/src/HSVIS/Typecheck/Solve.hs
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ solveConstraints reduce frees subst detect size = \tupcs ->
in trace ("[solver] Solving:" ++ concat ["\n- " ++ pretty a ++ " == " ++ pretty b ++ " {" ++ pretty r ++ "}" | Constr a b r <- cs]) $
trace ("[solver] Result: (with " ++ show (length errs'') ++ " errors)" ++
concat ["\n- " ++ show v ++ " = " ++ pretty t | (v, t) <- Map.assocs asg'] ++
- "\n... errors: " ++ intercalate ", " (map summariseUE (toList errs'')))
+ "\n... errors: [" ++ intercalate ", " (map summariseUE (toList errs'')) ++ "]")
(asg', errs'')
reduce' :: Constr t t -> (Bag (Constr v t), Bag (Constr t t))
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ solveConstraints reduce frees subst detect size = \tupcs ->
loop :: Map v (Bag (RConstr t)) -> [(v, t)] -> (Bag (UnifyErr v t), Map v t)
loop m eqlog = do
- traceM $ "[solver] Step:" ++ concat
- [case toList rhss of
- [] -> "\n- " ++ show v ++ " <no RHSs>"
- RConstr t r : rest ->
- "\n- " ++ show v ++ " == " ++ pretty t ++ " {" ++ pretty r ++ "}" ++
- concat ["\n " ++ replicate (length (show v)) ' ' ++ " == " ++ pretty t' ++ " {" ++ pretty r' ++ "}"
- | RConstr t' r' <- rest]
- | (v, rhss) <- Map.assocs m]
+ -- traceM $ "[solver] Step:" ++ concat
+ -- [case toList rhss of
+ -- [] -> "\n- " ++ show v ++ " <no RHSs>"
+ -- RConstr t r : rest ->
+ -- "\n- " ++ show v ++ " == " ++ pretty t ++ " {" ++ pretty r ++ "}" ++
+ -- concat ["\n " ++ replicate (length (show v)) ' ' ++ " == " ++ pretty t' ++ " {" ++ pretty r' ++ "}"
+ -- | RConstr t' r' <- rest]
+ -- | (v, rhss) <- Map.assocs m]
m' <- Map.traverseWithKey
(\v rhss ->
@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ solveConstraints reduce frees subst detect size = \tupcs ->
case msmallestvar of
Nothing -> do
- traceM $ "[solver] Log = [" ++ intercalate ", " [show v ++ " = " ++ pretty t | (v, t) <- eqlog] ++ "]"
+ -- traceM $ "[solver] Log = [" ++ intercalate ", " [show v ++ " = " ++ pretty t | (v, t) <- eqlog] ++ "]"
return $ applyLog eqlog mempty
Just (var, RConstr smallrhs _) -> do
- traceM $ "[solver] Retiring " ++ show var ++ " = " ++ pretty smallrhs
+ -- traceM $ "[solver] Retiring " ++ show var ++ " = " ++ pretty smallrhs
let (_, otherrhss) = bagPartition (guard . (== smallrhs) . rconType) (m' Map.! var)
let (newcs, errs) = foldMap (reduce' . unsplitConstr smallrhs) (dedupRCs (toList otherrhss))
(fmap constrUnequal errs, ()) -- write the errors