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authortomsmeding <tom.smeding@gmail.com>2017-08-20 18:26:02 +0200
committertomsmeding <tom.smeding@gmail.com>2017-08-20 18:49:21 +0200
commit5aea0d2034c47380bbdd588806efbd5c9c85d765 (patch)
parentad683ea5fb455b6a321af9cdee5a313e9961def8 (diff)
Better block ordering
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/Optimiser.hs b/Optimiser.hs
index 637ec4c..2923af6 100644
--- a/Optimiser.hs
+++ b/Optimiser.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Optimiser(optimise) where
import Data.Either
+import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
@@ -369,30 +370,32 @@ flipJccs (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al (map goBB bbs) sid
goT term = term
reorderBlocks :: FuncOptimisation
-reorderBlocks (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+reorderBlocks (IRFunc rt name al allbbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al resbbs sid
- bbs' = uncurry (buildResult [] (foldl foldfunc Map.empty bbs)) $ takeBlock sid bbs
- foldfunc m (BB bid _ _) =
- let candidates = map blockIdOf $ flip filter bbs $ \(BB bid' _ term') ->
- term' `canJumpTo` bid && isNothing (Map.lookup bid' m)
- in case candidates of
- [cand] -> let m' = Map.insert cand bid m
- in if hasCycle m' cand then m else m'
- _ -> m
- buildResult :: [BB] -> Map.Map Id Id -> BB -> [BB] -> [BB]
- buildResult pre _ bb [] = pre ++ [bb]
- buildResult pre succmap bb@(BB bid _ term) rest = case Map.lookup bid succmap of
- Nothing -> buildResult (pre ++ [bb]) succmap nbb nrest
- where (nbb, nrest) = takeBlock next rest
- next1 = fromMaybe (blockIdOf (head rest)) $ findChainHead succmap
- chlen = chainLength next1 succmap
- next = case intersect (jumpTargets term) (map blockIdOf rest) of
- [] -> next1
- (t:_) -> if chlen > 1 then next1 else t
- Just next -> buildResult (pre ++ [bb]) (Map.delete bid succmap) nbb nrest
- where (nbb, nrest) = takeBlock next rest
+ resbbs = buildResult (allChainsFrom allbbs sid) allbbs
+ allChains :: [BB] -> [[Id]]
+ allChains bbs = concatMap (allChainsFrom bbs . blockIdOf) bbs
+ allChainsFrom :: [BB] -> Id -> [[Id]]
+ allChainsFrom b start = go b [] start
+ where
+ go :: [BB] -> [Id] -> Id -> [[Id]]
+ go bbs chain at =
+ let ((BB _ _ term), rest) = takeBlock at bbs
+ chain' = chain ++ [at]
+ in case intersect (jumpTargets term) (map blockIdOf rest) of
+ [] -> [chain']
+ tgs -> concatMap (go rest chain') tgs
+ buildResult :: [[Id]] -> [BB] -> [BB]
+ buildResult _ [] = []
+ buildResult chains bbs =
+ let chain = maximumBy (compare `on` length) chains
+ (chainbbs', newbbs) = partition ((`elem` chain) . blockIdOf) bbs
+ chainbbs = sortBy (compare `on` (\(BB i _ _) -> fromJust $ findIndex (== i) chain)) chainbbs'
+ newchains = allChains newbbs
+ in chainbbs ++ buildResult newchains newbbs
takeBlock :: Id -> [BB] -> (BB, [BB])
takeBlock _ [] = undefined
@@ -400,30 +403,6 @@ reorderBlocks (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
| bid == target = (bb, rest)
| otherwise = fmap (bb :) $ takeBlock target rest
- findChainHead :: Ord a => Map.Map a a -> Maybe a
- findChainHead mp = case Map.keys mp \\ Map.elems mp of
- [] -> Nothing
- (x:_) -> Just x
- chainLength :: Ord a => a -> Map.Map a a -> Int
- chainLength v mp = case Map.lookup v mp of
- Nothing -> 0
- Just x -> 1 + chainLength x mp
- hasCycle :: (Show a, Ord a) => Map.Map a a -> a -> Bool
- hasCycle mp from =
- let values = map fromJust $ takeWhile isJust $ iterate (>>= (\x -> Map.lookup x mp)) (Just from)
- in go [] values
- where
- go _ [] = False
- go l (x:xs) | l `contains` x = True
- | otherwise = go (x:l) xs
- canJumpTo :: IRTerm -> Id -> Bool
- canJumpTo (IJcc _ _ _ i1 i2) i = i1 == i || i2 == i
- canJumpTo (IJmp i') i = i' == i
- canJumpTo _ _ = False
jumpTargets :: IRTerm -> [Id]
jumpTargets (IJcc _ _ _ i2 i1) = [i1, i2]
jumpTargets (IJmp i) = [i]