diff options
authortomsmeding <tom.smeding@gmail.com>2017-09-03 18:03:33 +0200
committertomsmeding <tom.smeding@gmail.com>2017-09-03 18:03:33 +0200
commit5d8a9caeeba1b8b9b92d8c6187dbd5d449411557 (patch)
parenta5fb7c9b3bd87854daeed107d017ebf2866d5237 (diff)
Remove some codegen debug logging
2 files changed, 9 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/CodeGen.hs b/CodeGen.hs
index 41f37b2..5ab991b 100644
--- a/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/CodeGen.hs
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ codegenFunc (IRFunc _ name al bbs sid) = do
-- traceShowM temprefsperbb
-- traceShowM lifespans
- traceM $ "ALLOCATION: " ++ show allocation
+ -- traceM $ "ALLOCATION: " ++ show allocation
let nsaves = length usedregs
framesize' = 8 {- ret addr -} + 8 {- rbp -} + 8 * nsaves +
@@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ codegenFunc (IRFunc _ name al bbs sid) = do
off + sz)
structinserter _ _ = undefined
- traceM $ "nsaves = " ++ show nsaves
- traceM $ "structspace = " ++ show structspace
- traceM $ "spillsz = " ++ show spillsz
- traceM $ "framesize' = " ++ show framesize'
- traceM $ "alignoff = " ++ show alignoff
- traceM $ "framesize = " ++ show framesize
+ -- traceM $ "nsaves = " ++ show nsaves
+ -- traceM $ "structspace = " ++ show structspace
+ -- traceM $ "spillsz = " ++ show spillsz
+ -- traceM $ "framesize' = " ++ show framesize'
+ -- traceM $ "alignoff = " ++ show alignoff
+ -- traceM $ "framesize = " ++ show framesize
newLabel name
addIns $ PUSH (xref $ XReg 8 RBP)
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ codegenIns m (ICall n rs) = do
dst = XMem sz (Just RSP) (0, RAX) Nothing (fromIntegral $ off - alignment - totalsize)
in if X64.isXMem src
then do
- traceM $ "call stuff with dst = " ++ show dst ++ ", src = " ++ show src
+ -- traceM $ "call stuff with dst = " ++ show dst ++ ", src = " ++ show src
emitmemcpy dst src
else addIns $ mkmov dst src
when (alignment /= 0) $ addIns $ SUB (xref $ XReg 8 RSP) (xref $ XImm $ fromIntegral alignment)
diff --git a/RegAlloc.hs b/RegAlloc.hs
index 3a41aac..d63538b 100644
--- a/RegAlloc.hs
+++ b/RegAlloc.hs
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ regalloc vars' regs aliaspairs =
then spillAtInterval st index
else let (regchoice, fr) = case find (`elem` wantedregs) (stFreeRegs st) of
Nothing -> (head (stFreeRegs st), tail (stFreeRegs st))
- Just wr -> trace ("Pair-allocated " ++ show name ++ " in " ++ show wr) $
+ Just wr -> {-trace ("Pair-allocated " ++ show name ++ " in " ++ show wr) $-}
(wr, stFreeRegs st \\ [wr])
allocrev = stAlloc st ++ [AllocReg regchoice]
active = sortBy (compare `on` snd . (ints !!)) $ index : stActive st