diff options
3 files changed, 227 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index eb84072..dc76f65 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
module Main where
+import Control.Exception (bracket)
+import Control.Monad
+import System.Directory (removeFile)
+import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process
-import Debug.Trace
+import qualified System.Posix.Temp as Posix
import BuildIR
import CodeGen
import Defs
import Optimiser
+import OptionParser
import Pretty
import ProgramParser
import TypeCheck
@@ -22,35 +27,103 @@ f <?> pre = \a -> case f a of
Right x -> Right x
-tracePrettyId :: Pretty a => a -> a
-tracePrettyId x = trace (pretty x) x
eitherToIO :: Either String a -> IO a
eitherToIO = either die return
-performCompile :: String -> IO ()
-performCompile source = do
- let eres = return source
- >>= parseProgram <?> "Parse error"
- -- >>= return . tracePrettyId
- >>= typeCheck <?> "Type error"
- >>= buildIR <?> "IR building error"
- >>= optimise <?> "Error while optimising"
- -- >>= return . traceShowId
- >>= verify <?> "Verify error"
- >>= return . tracePrettyId
- >>= codegen <?> "Codegen error"
- asm <- eitherToIO eres
- -- hPutStr stderr asm
+extensionForStage :: CompilerStage -> String
+extensionForStage StageTypeCheck = ".lang"
+extensionForStage StageIR = ".ir"
+extensionForStage StageAsm = ".asm"
+extensionForStage StageObject = ".o"
+extensionForStage StageExecutable = ""
- writeFile "z_output.asm" asm
+inputFile :: String -> IO String
+inputFile "-" = getContents
+inputFile fname = readFile fname
- hPutStrLn stderr "Assembling with yasm..."
- callCommand "yasm -w+all -fmacho64 z_output.asm -o z_output.o"
+outputFile :: String -> String -> IO ()
+outputFile "-" str = putStr str
+outputFile fname str = writeFile fname str
- hPutStrLn stderr "Linking with ld..."
- callCommand "ld z_output.o liblang.o -o z_output"
+mkTempFile :: IO FilePath
+mkTempFile = do
+ (path, handle) <- Posix.mkstemp "/tmp/tmp.lang."
+ hClose handle
+ return path
main :: IO ()
-main = getContents >>= performCompile
+main = do
+ opts <- getArgs >>= eitherToIO . optionParser
+ when (oShowHelp opts) $ do
+ name <- getProgName
+ putStrLn $ "Usage: " ++ name ++ " [options] files..."
+ putStrLn ""
+ putStrLn "-h, --help Show this help"
+ putStrLn "-o, --output FILE Send output to the specified file instead of z_output[.ext]."
+ putStrLn "-O, --optimise Optimise the output. (Happens at IR stage.)"
+ putStrLn "--stage typecheck Only parse and typecheck the program, outputting a pretty-"
+ putStrLn " printed version."
+ putStrLn "--stage ir Compile until (possibly optimised) IR, then output that."
+ putStrLn "-S, --stage asm Compile until assembly, then output that."
+ putStrLn "-c, --stage obj Compile to an object file."
+ putStrLn "--stage exe Default mode; compile and link."
+ exitSuccess
+ source <- case oSourceFiles opts of
+ [] -> die "No source files given. Run with --help for usage information."
+ [name] -> inputFile name
+ _ -> die "Only one source file supported at the moment."
+ when (oOutputName opts == "-" && oLastStage opts >= StageObject) $
+ die "Will not write binary file to stdout."
+ let outname = if oAppendExtension opts
+ then oOutputName opts ++ extensionForStage (oLastStage opts)
+ else oOutputName opts
+ let laststage = oLastStage opts
+ ast' <- eitherToIO $ (parseProgram <?> "Parse error") source
+ ast <- eitherToIO $ (typeCheck <?> "Type error") ast'
+ when (laststage == StageTypeCheck) $ do
+ outputFile outname $ pretty ast
+ exitSuccess
+ ir <- eitherToIO $ (buildIR <?> "IR building error") ast
+ iropt' <- eitherToIO $ (optimise (oOptimise opts) <?> "Error while optimising") ir
+ iropt <- eitherToIO $ (verify <?> "Verify error") iropt'
+ when (laststage == StageIR) $ do
+ outputFile outname $ pretty iropt
+ exitSuccess
+ asm <- eitherToIO $ (codegen <?> "Codegen error") iropt
+ when (laststage == StageAsm) $ do
+ outputFile outname asm
+ exitSuccess
+ let objfnameIO = case laststage of
+ StageObject -> return outname
+ StageExecutable -> mkTempFile
+ _ -> undefined
+ let rmObjfileIO = case outname of
+ "-" -> const $ return ()
+ _ -> removeFile
+ bracket objfnameIO rmObjfileIO $ \objfname -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr "Assembling with yasm..."
+ let yasmprocspec = (proc "yasm" ["-w+all", "-fmacho64", "-", "-o", objfname]) {std_in = CreatePipe}
+ yasmcode <- withCreateProcess yasmprocspec $ \(Just pipe) _ _ ph -> do
+ hPutStr pipe asm
+ hFlush pipe
+ hClose pipe
+ waitForProcess ph
+ case yasmcode of
+ ExitSuccess -> return ()
+ ExitFailure _ -> die "yasm failed!"
+ when (laststage == StageObject) exitSuccess
+ hPutStrLn stderr "Linking with ld..."
+ callProcess "ld" [objfname, "liblang.o", "-o", outname]
diff --git a/Optimiser.hs b/Optimiser.hs
index f94441c..c438c82 100644
--- a/Optimiser.hs
+++ b/Optimiser.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-module Optimiser(optimise) where
+module Optimiser(optimise, OptimiserLevel(..)) where
import Data.Either
import Data.Function
@@ -14,35 +14,33 @@ import ReplaceRefs
import Utils
+data OptimiserLevel = Level0 | Level1
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Optimisation = IRProgram -> IRProgram
type FuncOptimisation = IRFunc -> IRFunc
-optimise :: IRProgram -> Error IRProgram
-optimise prog =
- let optlist = [trace "-- OPT PASS --" {-, \p -> trace (pretty p) p-}] ++ optimisations
+optimise :: OptimiserLevel -> IRProgram -> Error IRProgram
+optimise optlevel prog =
+ let optlist = {-[trace "-- OPT PASS --", \p -> trace (pretty p) p] ++ -} optimisations
reslist = scanl (flip ($)) prog $ cycle optlist
passreslist = map fst $ filter (\(_, i) -> i `mod` length optlist == 0) $ zip reslist [0..]
applyFinalOpts p = foldl (flip ($)) p finaloptimisations
- in if True
- then return $ applyFinalOpts $
- fst $ fromJust $ find (uncurry (==)) $ zip passreslist (tail passreslist)
- else return $ reslist !! 5
+ in return $ applyFinalOpts $
+ fst $ fromJust $ find (uncurry (==)) $ zip passreslist (tail passreslist)
- -- optimisations = map funcopt
- -- [chainJumps, removeUnusedBlocks]
- -- optimisations = map funcopt
- -- [chainJumps, mergeTerminators, looseJumps,
- -- removeUnusedBlocks,
- -- constantPropagate, movPush]
- optimisations = map funcopt
- [chainJumps, mergeTerminators, looseJumps,
- removeUnusedBlocks, removeDuplicateBlocks,
- identityOps,
- constantPropagate, movPush,
- arithPush, removeUnusedInstructions,
- evaluateInstructions, evaluateTerminators]
- finaloptimisations = map funcopt
- [reorderBlocks, flipJccs, invertJccs]
+ optimisations = case optlevel of
+ Level0 -> map funcopt [chainJumps, mergeTerminators, looseJumps, removeUnusedBlocks]
+ Level1 -> map funcopt
+ [chainJumps, mergeTerminators, looseJumps,
+ removeUnusedBlocks, removeDuplicateBlocks,
+ identityOps,
+ constantPropagate, movPush,
+ arithPush, removeUnusedInstructions,
+ evaluateInstructions, evaluateTerminators]
+ finaloptimisations = case optlevel of
+ Level0 -> map funcopt [flipJccs]
+ Level1 -> map funcopt [reorderBlocks, flipJccs, invertJccs]
funcopt :: FuncOptimisation -> Optimisation
diff --git a/OptionParser.hs b/OptionParser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef0a813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OptionParser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module OptionParser(optionParser, Options(..), CompilerStage(..)) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Debug.Trace
+import Defs (Error)
+import Optimiser (OptimiserLevel(..))
+data Options = Options
+ { oOutputName :: String
+ , oSourceFiles :: [String]
+ , oLastStage :: CompilerStage
+ , oShowHelp :: Bool
+ , oAppendExtension :: Bool
+ , oOptimise :: OptimiserLevel
+ }
+ deriving Show
+initOptions :: Options
+initOptions = Options
+ { oOutputName = "z_output"
+ , oSourceFiles = []
+ , oLastStage = StageExecutable
+ , oShowHelp = False
+ , oAppendExtension = True
+ , oOptimise = Level0
+ }
+data CompilerStage = StageTypeCheck | StageIR | StageAsm | StageObject | StageExecutable
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
+data DBEntry
+ = WithArgument (String -> Options -> Error Options)
+ | NoArgument (Options -> Error Options)
+ | MaybeArgument (Maybe String -> Options -> Error Options)
+optionDatabase :: Map.Map String DBEntry
+optionDatabase = Map.fromList $ map swap . concatMap sequence . map swap $
+ [ (["--help", "-h"], NoArgument $ \o -> return $ o {oShowHelp = True})
+ , (["--output", "-o"], WithArgument $ \s o -> return $ o {oOutputName = s, oAppendExtension = False})
+ , (["-c"], NoArgument $ \o -> return $ o {oLastStage = StageObject})
+ , (["-S"], NoArgument $ \o -> return $ o {oLastStage = StageAsm})
+ , (["--optimise", "-O"], MaybeArgument $ \ms o -> case ms of
+ Nothing -> return $ o {oOptimise = Level1}
+ Just "0" -> return $ o {oOptimise = Level0}
+ Just "1" -> return $ o {oOptimise = Level1}
+ Just val -> Left $ "Invalid optimiser level '" ++ val ++ "'")
+ , (["--stage"], WithArgument $ \s o -> case s of
+ "typecheck" -> return $ o {oLastStage = StageTypeCheck}
+ "ir" -> return $ o {oLastStage = StageIR}
+ "asm" -> return $ o {oLastStage = StageAsm}
+ "obj" -> return $ o {oLastStage = StageObject}
+ "exe" -> return $ o {oLastStage = StageExecutable}
+ _ -> Left $ "Unrecognised value for '--stage'")
+ ]
+swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
+swap (a, b) = (b, a)
+optionParser :: [String] -> Error Options
+optionParser args = foldM foldfunc initOptions kvs
+ where
+ kvs = collectKeyValues args
+ foldfunc opts (arg@('-':_), mval) = case (Map.lookup arg optionDatabase, mval) of
+ (Nothing, _) -> Left $ "Unknown command-line option '" ++ arg ++ "'"
+ (Just (NoArgument f), Nothing) -> f opts
+ (Just (NoArgument _), Just val) ->
+ Left $ "Option '" ++ arg ++ "' takes no argument, but got '" ++ val ++ "'"
+ (Just (WithArgument f), Just val) -> f val opts
+ (Just (WithArgument _), Nothing) ->
+ Left $ "Option '" ++ arg ++ "' takes an argument, but got none"
+ (Just (MaybeArgument f), _) -> f mval opts
+ foldfunc opts (arg, Nothing) = return $ opts {oSourceFiles = oSourceFiles opts ++ [arg]}
+ foldfunc _ (_, Just _) = undefined
+collectKeyValues :: [String] -> [(String, Maybe String)]
+collectKeyValues [] = []
+collectKeyValues (arg@('-':'-':_:_):rest) = case findIndex (== '=') arg of
+ Nothing -> case Map.lookup arg optionDatabase of
+ Nothing -> (arg, Nothing) : collectKeyValues rest
+ Just (NoArgument _) -> (arg, Nothing) : collectKeyValues rest
+ Just (WithArgument _) -> case rest of
+ [] -> [(arg, Nothing)]
+ (hd:tl) -> (arg, Just hd) : collectKeyValues tl
+ Just (MaybeArgument _) -> (arg, Nothing) : collectKeyValues rest
+ Just idx -> (take idx arg, Just $ drop (idx + 1) arg) : collectKeyValues rest
+collectKeyValues (arg@('-':_:_:_):rest) = case Map.lookup (take 2 arg) optionDatabase of
+ Nothing -> (take 2 arg, Just $ drop 2 arg) : collectKeyValues rest
+ Just (NoArgument _) -> (take 2 arg, Nothing) : collectKeyValues (('-' : drop 2 arg) : rest)
+ Just (WithArgument _) -> (take 2 arg, Just $ drop 2 arg) : collectKeyValues rest
+ Just (MaybeArgument _) -> (take 2 arg, Just $ drop 2 arg) : collectKeyValues rest
+collectKeyValues (arg@['-',_]:rest) = case Map.lookup arg optionDatabase of
+ Nothing -> (arg, Nothing) : collectKeyValues rest
+ Just (NoArgument _) -> (arg, Nothing) : collectKeyValues rest
+ Just (WithArgument _) -> case rest of
+ [] -> [(arg, Nothing)]
+ (next:rest2) -> (arg, Just next) : collectKeyValues rest2
+ Just (MaybeArgument _) -> (arg, Nothing) : collectKeyValues rest
+collectKeyValues (arg:rest) = (arg, Nothing) : collectKeyValues rest