path: root/BuildIR.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'BuildIR.hs')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BuildIR.hs b/BuildIR.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28cbf5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuildIR.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module BuildIR(buildIR) where
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Maybe
+import AST
+import Defs
+import Intermediate
+import Pretty
+import TypeRules
+type Scope = Map.Map Name (Ref, Type)
+data BuildState = BuildState
+ { nextId :: Id,
+ scopeStack :: [Scope],
+ currentBlock :: Id,
+ blockMap :: Map.Map Id BB }
+initBuildState :: BuildState
+initBuildState = BuildState
+ { nextId = 0,
+ scopeStack = [],
+ currentBlock = undefined,
+ blockMap = Map.empty }
+newtype BuildM a = BuildM {unBuildM :: StateT BuildState (Except String) a}
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState BuildState, MonadError String)
+genId :: BuildM Id
+genId = state $ \s -> (nextId s, s {nextId = nextId s + 1})
+genTemp :: Size -> BuildM Ref
+genTemp sz = liftM (Temp sz) genId
+newBlock :: BuildM Id
+newBlock = do
+ i <- genId
+ let block = BB i [] ITermNone
+ modify $ \s -> s {currentBlock = i, blockMap = Map.insert i block (blockMap s)}
+ return i
+newBlockNoSwitch :: BuildM Id
+newBlockNoSwitch = do
+ i <- genId
+ let block = BB i [] ITermNone
+ modify $ \s -> s {blockMap = Map.insert i block (blockMap s)}
+ return i
+addIns :: IRIns -> BuildM ()
+addIns ins =
+ modify $ \s -> s {
+ blockMap = Map.adjust bbAddIns (currentBlock s) (blockMap s)}
+ where
+ bbAddIns :: BB -> BB
+ bbAddIns (BB bid inss term) = BB bid (inss ++ [ins]) term
+setTerm :: IRTerm -> BuildM ()
+setTerm term =
+ modify $ \s -> s {
+ blockMap = Map.adjust bbSetTerm (currentBlock s) (blockMap s)}
+ where
+ bbSetTerm :: BB -> BB
+ bbSetTerm (BB bid inss oldterm) = case oldterm of
+ ITermNone -> BB bid inss term
+ _ -> error "setTerm: oldterm /= ITermNone"
+clearBlockMap :: BuildM ()
+clearBlockMap = modify $ \s -> s {currentBlock = undefined, blockMap = Map.empty}
+getAllBlocks :: BuildM [BB]
+getAllBlocks = liftM Map.elems (gets blockMap)
+switchBlock :: Id -> BuildM ()
+switchBlock bid = modify $ \s -> s {currentBlock = bid}
+withScope :: BuildM a -> BuildM a
+withScope act = do
+ modify $ \s -> s {scopeStack = Map.empty : scopeStack s}
+ res <- act
+ modify $ \s -> s {scopeStack = tail (scopeStack s)}
+ return res
+modifyScope :: (Scope -> Scope) -> BuildM ()
+modifyScope f =
+ modify $ \s -> s {scopeStack = f (head (scopeStack s)) : tail (scopeStack s)}
+scopeInsert :: Name -> Ref -> Type -> BuildM ()
+scopeInsert n ref t = modifyScope $ Map.insert n (ref, t)
+findVar :: Name -> BuildM (Maybe (Int, (Ref, Type)))
+findVar n = do
+ stk <- gets scopeStack
+ let results = map (Map.lookup n) stk
+ return $ fmap (\idx -> (idx, fromJust (results !! idx))) $
+ findIndex isJust results
+buildIR :: Program -> Error IRProgram
+buildIR (Program vars funcs) =
+ runExcept $ evalStateT (unBuildM result) initBuildState
+ where
+ goDFunc :: DFunc -> BuildM IRFunc
+ goDFunc (DFunc rt n al bl) = do
+ clearBlockMap
+ firstid <- newBlock
+ lastid <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ withScope $ do
+ forM_ al $ \(at, an) -> scopeInsert an (Argument (sizeof at) an) at
+ convertBlock bl lastid
+ switchBlock lastid
+ setTerm IRet
+ bblist <- getAllBlocks
+ return $ IRFunc rt n al bblist firstid
+ result :: BuildM IRProgram
+ result = do
+ withScope $ do
+ mapM_ (\(DVar t n _) -> scopeInsert n (Global (sizeof t) n) t) vars
+ IRProgram vars <$> mapM goDFunc funcs
+convertBlock :: Block -> Id -> BuildM ()
+convertBlock (Block sts) nextnext = do
+ withScope $ forM_ sts $ \st -> do
+ endid <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ convertStatement st endid
+ switchBlock endid
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+convertStatement :: Statement -> Id -> BuildM ()
+convertStatement (SDecl t n e) nextnext = do
+ endid <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ ref <- convertExpression e endid
+ varref <- genTemp (sizeof t)
+ scopeInsert n varref t
+ switchBlock endid
+ addIns $ IMov varref ref
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+convertStatement (SAs ae e) nextnext = do
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ eref <- convertExpression e bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ convertAsExpression ae eref nextnext
+convertStatement (SIf c b1 b2) nextnext = do
+ cend <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ blThen <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ blElse <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ cref <- convertExpression c cend
+ switchBlock cend
+ setTerm $ IJcc CNeq cref (Constant (refSize cref) 0) blThen blElse
+ switchBlock blThen
+ convertBlock b1 nextnext
+ switchBlock blElse
+ convertBlock b2 nextnext
+convertStatement (SWhile c b) nextnext = do
+ cond <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ setTerm $ IJmp cond
+ cend <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ body <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ bodyend <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ switchBlock cond
+ cref <- convertExpression c cend
+ switchBlock cend
+ setTerm $ IJcc CNeq cref (Constant (refSize cref) 0) body nextnext
+ switchBlock body
+ convertBlock b bodyend
+ switchBlock bodyend
+ setTerm $ IJmp cond
+convertStatement (SReturn Nothing) _ = do
+ setTerm IRet
+convertStatement (SReturn (Just e)) _ = do
+ bl <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ ref <- convertExpression e bl
+ switchBlock bl
+ setTerm $ IRetr ref
+convertStatement (SExpr e) nextnext = do
+ void $ convertExpression e nextnext
+convertExpression :: Expression -> Id -> BuildM Ref
+convertExpression (ELit (LInt n) _) nextnext = do
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
+ addIns $ IMov ref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromInteger n))
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertExpression (ELit (LChar c) _) nextnext = do
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof TChar)
+ addIns $ IMov ref (Constant (sizeof TChar) (fromIntegral $ ord c))
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertExpression (ELit (LVar n) _) nextnext = do
+ mres <- findVar n
+ case mres of
+ Just (_, (r, t)) -> do
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof t)
+ addIns $ IMov ref r
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+ Nothing -> throwError $ "Undefined variable '" ++ n ++ "' referenced"
+convertExpression (ELit (LCall n al) mrt) nextnext = do
+ refs <- withScope $ forM al $ \arg -> do
+ endid <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ r <- convertExpression arg endid
+ switchBlock endid
+ return r
+ destref <- case mrt of
+ Nothing -> do
+ addIns $ ICall n refs
+ return $ Temp 0 (-1)
+ Just typ -> do
+ r <- genTemp (sizeof typ)
+ addIns $ ICallr r n refs
+ return r
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return destref
+convertExpression (EBin BOAnd e1 e2 _) nextnext = do
+ destref <- genTemp (sizeof TInt)
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ blTryR <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ bl3 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ blNope <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ blYes <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ ref1 <- convertExpression e1 bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ setTerm $ IJcc CNeq ref1 (Constant (refSize ref1) 0) blTryR blNope
+ switchBlock blTryR
+ ref2 <- convertExpression e2 bl3
+ switchBlock bl3
+ setTerm $ IJcc CNeq ref2 (Constant (refSize ref2) 0) blYes blNope
+ switchBlock blYes
+ addIns $ IMov destref (Constant (refSize destref) 1)
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ switchBlock blNope
+ addIns $ IMov destref (Constant (refSize destref) 0)
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return destref
+convertExpression (EBin bo e1 e2 _) nextnext = do
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ ref1 <- convertExpression e1 bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ bl3 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ ref2 <- convertExpression e2 bl3
+ switchBlock bl3
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof $ fromJust $ retTypeBO bo (fromJust $ typeof e1) (fromJust $ typeof e2))
+ case bo of
+ BOAdd -> addIns $ IAri AAdd ref1 ref2
+ BOSub -> addIns $ IAri ASub ref1 ref2
+ BOMul -> addIns $ IAri AMul ref1 ref2
+ BODiv -> addIns $ IAri ADiv ref1 ref2
+ BOMod -> addIns $ IAri AMod ref1 ref2
+ BOEq -> addIns $ IAri AEq ref1 ref2
+ BONeq -> addIns $ IAri ANeq ref1 ref2
+ BOGt -> addIns $ IAri AGt ref1 ref2
+ BOLt -> addIns $ IAri ALt ref1 ref2
+ BOGeq -> addIns $ IAri AGeq ref1 ref2
+ BOLeq -> addIns $ IAri ALeq ref1 ref2
+ BOPow -> error $ "Pow operator not implemented"
+ BOAnd -> undefined
+ BOOr -> undefined
+ addIns $ IMov ref ref1
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertExpression (EUn UONot e mt) nextnext =
+ convertExpression (EBin BOEq e (ELit (LInt 0) (typeof e)) mt) nextnext
+convertExpression (EUn UONeg e mt) nextnext =
+ convertExpression (EBin BOSub (ELit (LInt 0) (typeof e)) e mt) nextnext
+convertExpression (ESubscript arr sub t) nextnext = do
+ let elemsz = sizeof $ fromJust t
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ arrref <- convertExpression arr bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ bl3 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ subref <- convertExpression sub bl3
+ switchBlock bl3
+ addIns $ IAri AMul subref (Constant (refSize subref) (fromIntegral elemsz))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd subref (Constant (refSize subref) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd arrref subref
+ ref <- genTemp elemsz
+ addIns $ ILoad ref arrref
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertExpression (ECast dt e) nextnext = do
+ let typ = case typeof e of
+ Nothing -> error $ "Cast subject " ++ show e ++ " has Nothing type"
+ Just t -> t
+ when (not $ isIntegralType typ && isIntegralType dt) $
+ error $ "convertExpression: unimplemented cast from " ++ pretty typ ++ " to " ++ pretty dt
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof dt)
+ bl <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ eref <- convertExpression e bl
+ switchBlock bl
+ addIns $ IResize ref eref
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertExpression (ENew t sze) nextnext = do
+ when (not $ isBasicType t) $
+ throwError $ "Array element type in 'new' expression is not a basic type (" ++ pretty t ++ ")"
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ szref <- convertExpression sze bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof $ TArr t Nothing)
+ addIns $ IAri AMul szref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof t))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd szref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ ICallr ref "_builtin_malloc" [szref]
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return ref
+convertAsExpression :: AsExpression -> Ref -> Id -> BuildM ()
+convertAsExpression (AEVar n _) valueref nextnext = do
+ mres <- findVar n
+ vref <- case mres of
+ Just (_, (r, _)) -> return r
+ Nothing -> throwError $ "Undefined variable '" ++ n ++ "'" ++
+ " used in assignment expression"
+ addIns $ IMov vref valueref
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+convertAsExpression (AESubscript ae2 expr mrt) valueref nextnext = do
+ let elemsz = sizeof $ fromJust mrt
+ ae2ref <- goLoad ae2
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ offref <- convertExpression expr bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ -- TODO: do bounds checking
+ addIns $ IAri AMul offref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral elemsz))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd offref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd ae2ref offref
+ addIns $ IStore ae2ref valueref
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ where
+ goLoad :: AsExpression -> BuildM Ref
+ goLoad (AEVar n _) = do
+ mres <- findVar n
+ (vref, t) <- case mres of
+ Just (_, (r, t)) -> return (r, t)
+ Nothing -> throwError $ "Undefined variable '" ++ n ++ "'" ++
+ " used in assignment expression"
+ ref <- genTemp (sizeof t)
+ addIns $ IMov ref vref
+ return ref
+ goLoad (AESubscript ae expr' _) = do
+ let elemsz = sizeof $ fromJust $ typeof ae
+ ref <- goLoad ae
+ bl2 <- newBlockNoSwitch
+ eref <- convertExpression expr' bl2
+ switchBlock bl2
+ -- TODO: do bounds checking
+ addIns $ IAri AMul eref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral elemsz))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd eref (Constant (sizeof TInt) (fromIntegral $ sizeof TInt))
+ addIns $ IAri AAdd ref eref
+ dstref <- genTemp elemsz
+ addIns $ ILoad dstref ref
+ return dstref