path: root/Optimiser.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Optimiser.hs')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Optimiser.hs b/Optimiser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e6227c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Optimiser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+module Optimiser(optimise) where
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Debug.Trace
+import Defs
+import Intermediate
+import ReplaceRefs
+import Utils
+type Optimisation = IRProgram -> IRProgram
+type FuncOptimisation = IRFunc -> IRFunc
+optimise :: IRProgram -> Error IRProgram
+optimise prog =
+ let master = foldl1 (.) (reverse optimisations) {-. trace "-- OPT PASS --"-}
+ reslist = iterate master prog
+ pairs = zip reslist (tail reslist)
+ in Right $ fst $ fromJust $ find (uncurry (==)) pairs
+ where
+ optimisations = map funcopt $
+ -- [chainJumps, removeUnusedBlocks]
+ [chainJumps, mergeTerminators, looseJumps, removeUnusedBlocks, identityOps,
+ constantPropagate, removeNops, movPush, evaluateInstructions, evaluateTerminators]
+funcopt :: FuncOptimisation -> Optimisation
+funcopt fo (IRProgram vars funcs) = IRProgram vars (map fo funcs)
+chainJumps :: FuncOptimisation
+chainJumps (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = snd $ last $ takeWhile fst $ iterate (mergeChain . snd) (True, bbs)
+ mergeChain :: [BB] -> (Bool, [BB])
+ mergeChain [] = (False, [])
+ mergeChain bbs2 = case findIndex isSuitable bbs2 of
+ Nothing -> (False, bbs2)
+ Just idx ->
+ let (BB bid1 inss1 (IJmp target), rest) =
+ (bbs2 !! idx, take idx bbs2 ++ drop (idx+1) bbs2)
+ [BB _ inss2 term2] = filter (\(BB bid _ _) -> bid == target) rest
+ merged = BB bid1 (inss1 ++ inss2) term2
+ in (True, merged : rest)
+ where
+ hasJmpTo :: Id -> BB -> Bool
+ hasJmpTo i (BB _ _ (IJmp i')) = i == i'
+ hasJmpTo _ _ = False
+ isSuitable :: BB -> Bool
+ isSuitable (BB _ _ (IJmp target)) = sum (map (fromEnum . hasJmpTo target) bbs2) == 1
+ isSuitable _ = False
+mergeTerminators :: FuncOptimisation
+mergeTerminators (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = flip map bbs $ \bb@(BB bid inss term) -> case term of
+ IJmp i -> case find ((== i) . fst) singles of
+ Just (_, t) -> BB bid inss t
+ Nothing -> bb
+ _ -> bb
+ singles = map (\(BB i _ t) -> (i, t)) $ filter (\(BB _ inss _) -> null inss) bbs
+looseJumps :: FuncOptimisation
+looseJumps (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = flip map bbs $ \bb@(BB bid inss term) -> case term of
+ IJmp i -> BB bid inss (IJmp (translate i))
+ IJcc ct r1 r2 i j -> BB bid inss (IJcc ct r1 r2 (translate i) (translate j))
+ _ -> bb
+ translate i = fromMaybe i $ Map.lookup i transmap
+ transmap = Map.fromList $ catMaybes $ flip map bbs $ \bb -> case bb of
+ BB bid [] (IJmp i) -> Just (bid, i)
+ _ -> Nothing
+removeUnusedBlocks :: FuncOptimisation
+removeUnusedBlocks (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = filter isReachable bbs
+ isReachable :: BB -> Bool
+ isReachable (BB bid _ _)
+ | bid == sid = True
+ | otherwise = isJust $ flip find bbs $ \(BB _ _ term) -> case term of
+ IJcc _ _ _ i1 i2 -> i1 == bid || i2 == bid
+ IJmp i -> i == bid
+ _ -> False
+identityOps :: FuncOptimisation
+identityOps (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al (map go bbs) sid
+ where
+ go :: BB -> BB
+ go (BB bid inss term) = BB bid (catMaybes $ map goI inss) term
+ goI :: IRIns -> Maybe IRIns
+ goI (IAri AAdd _ (Constant _ 0)) = Nothing
+ goI (IAri ASub _ (Constant _ 0)) = Nothing
+ goI (IAri AMul _ (Constant _ 1)) = Nothing
+ goI (IAri ADiv _ (Constant _ 1)) = Nothing
+ goI i = Just i
+constantPropagate :: FuncOptimisation
+constantPropagate (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ alltemps = findAllTemps' bbs
+ consttemps = catMaybes $ flip map alltemps $ \ref ->
+ let locs = findMutations' bbs ref
+ loc = head locs
+ ins = insAt bbs loc
+ isIMov (IMov _ _) = True
+ isIMov _ = False
+ in {-trace ("Muts of " ++ show ref ++ ": " ++ show locs ++ ": " ++
+ show (map (insAt bbs) locs)) $-}
+ if length locs == 1 && isIMov ins
+ then Just (loc, ins)
+ else Nothing
+ bbs' = case consttemps of
+ [] -> bbs
+ ((loc, IMov ref value) : _) ->
+ replaceRefsBBList ref value (nopifyInsAt bbs loc)
+ _ -> undefined
+removeNops :: FuncOptimisation
+removeNops (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) =
+ IRFunc rt name al (map go bbs) sid
+ where
+ go (BB bid inss term) = BB bid (filter (not . isNop) inss) term
+ isNop INop = True
+ isNop _ = False
+movPush :: FuncOptimisation
+movPush (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = map goBB bbs
+ goBB :: BB -> BB
+ goBB (BB bid inss term) = BB bid (go inss) term
+ go :: [IRIns] -> [IRIns]
+ go [] = []
+ go (ins@(IMov d _) : rest) | isJust (find (== d) (findAllRefsInss rest)) = push ins rest
+ go (ins : rest) = ins : go rest
+ push :: IRIns -> [IRIns] -> [IRIns]
+ push mov [] = [mov]
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(IMov d' s') : rest)
+ | d' == d = if s' == d then push mov rest else push ins rest
+ | otherwise = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(IResize d' s') : rest)
+ | d' == d = if s' == d then push mov rest else push ins rest
+ | otherwise = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(ILoad d' _) : rest)
+ | d' == d = mov : ins : go rest
+ | otherwise = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(IAri at d' s') : rest)
+ | d' == d = case (s, s') of
+ (Constant sza a, Constant szb b)
+ | sza == szb -> push (IMov d (Constant sza $ evaluateArith at a b)) rest
+ | otherwise -> error $ "Inconsistent sizes in " ++ show mov ++ "; " ++ show ins
+ _ -> mov : ins : go rest
+ | otherwise = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(ICallr d' _ _) : rest)
+ | d' == d = mov : ins : go rest
+ | otherwise = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(IStore _ _) : rest) = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov@(IMov d s) (ins@(ICall _ _) : rest) = replaceRefsIns d s ins : push mov rest
+ push mov (ins@INop : rest) = ins : push mov rest
+ push _ _ = undefined
+evaluateInstructions :: FuncOptimisation
+evaluateInstructions (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al (map goBB bbs) sid
+ where
+ goBB :: BB -> BB
+ goBB (BB bid inss term) = BB bid (map goI inss) term
+ goI :: IRIns -> IRIns
+ goI (IResize ref (Constant _ v)) = IMov ref $ Constant (refSize ref) $ truncValue (refSize ref) v
+ goI ins = ins
+ truncValue :: Size -> Value -> Value
+ truncValue sz v = fromIntegral $ (fromIntegral v :: Integer) `mod` (2 ^ (8 * sz))
+evaluateTerminators :: FuncOptimisation
+evaluateTerminators (IRFunc rt name al bbs sid) = IRFunc rt name al bbs' sid
+ where
+ bbs' = map (\(BB bid inss term) -> BB bid inss (go term)) bbs
+ go :: IRTerm -> IRTerm
+ go term@(IJcc ct (Constant sza a) (Constant szb b) i1 i2)
+ | sza /= szb = error $ "Inconsistent sizes in " ++ show term
+ | evaluateCmp ct a b = IJmp i1
+ | otherwise = IJmp i2
+ go term = term
+insAt :: [BB] -> (Int, Int) -> IRIns
+insAt bbs (i, j) =
+ let (BB _ inss _) = bbs !! i
+ in inss !! j
+nopifyInsAt :: [BB] -> (Int, Int) -> [BB]
+nopifyInsAt bbs (i, j) =
+ let (pre, BB bid inss term : post) = splitAt i bbs
+ (ipre, _ : ipost) = splitAt j inss
+ in pre ++ BB bid (ipre ++ INop : ipost) term : post
+findMutations :: BB -> Ref -> [Int]
+findMutations (BB _ inss _) ref =
+ catMaybes $ flip map (zip inss [0..]) $ \(ins, idx) -> case ins of
+ (IMov r _) | r == ref -> Just idx
+ (IAri _ r _) | r == ref -> Just idx
+ (ICallr r _ _) | r == ref -> Just idx
+ _ -> Nothing
+findMutations' :: [BB] -> Ref -> [(Int, Int)]
+findMutations' bbs ref =
+ [(i, j) | (bb, i) <- zip bbs [0..], j <- findMutations bb ref]
+findAllRefs :: BB -> [Ref]
+findAllRefs (BB _ inss _) = findAllRefsInss inss
+findAllRefsInss :: [IRIns] -> [Ref]
+findAllRefsInss inss = uniq $ sort $ concatMap go inss
+ where
+ go (IMov a b) = [a, b]
+ go (IStore a b) = [a, b]
+ go (ILoad a b) = [a, b]
+ go (IAri _ a b) = [a, b]
+ go (ICall _ al) = al
+ go (ICallr a _ al) = a : al
+ go (IResize a b) = [a, b]
+ go INop = []
+-- findAllRefs' :: [BB] -> [Ref]
+-- findAllRefs' = uniq . sort . concatMap findAllRefs
+findAllTemps :: BB -> [Ref]
+findAllTemps bb = flip filter (findAllRefs bb) $ \ref -> case ref of
+ (Temp _ _) -> True
+ _ -> False
+findAllTemps' :: [BB] -> [Ref]
+findAllTemps' = concatMap findAllTemps