path: root/TypeCheck.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TypeCheck.hs')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TypeCheck.hs b/TypeCheck.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36d98c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TypeCheck.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+module TypeCheck(typeCheck) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import AST
+import Defs
+import Pretty
+import TypeRules
+data DBItem = DBVar Type | DBFunc (Maybe Type) [Type]
+type TypeDB = [Map.Map Name DBItem]
+dbFind :: TypeDB -> Name -> Maybe DBItem
+dbFind db name = findJust $ map (Map.lookup name) db
+ where findJust [] = Nothing
+ findJust (Just x:_) = Just x
+ findJust (Nothing:l) = findJust l
+dbFindTop :: TypeDB -> Name -> Maybe DBItem
+dbFindTop [] _ = error "dbFindTop on empty scope stack"
+dbFindTop (m:_) name = Map.lookup name m
+dbSet :: TypeDB -> Name -> DBItem -> TypeDB
+dbSet [] _ _ = error "dbSet on empty scope stack"
+dbSet (m:ms) name val = Map.insert name val m : ms
+emptyDB :: TypeDB
+emptyDB = [Map.fromList
+ [("putc", DBFunc Nothing [TChar]),
+ ("putint", DBFunc Nothing [TInt]),
+ ("getc", DBFunc (Just TInt) []),
+ ("_builtin_malloc", DBFunc (Just $ TArr TChar Nothing) [TInt])]]
+withScope :: TypeDB -> (TypeDB -> a) -> a
+withScope db f = f (Map.empty : db)
+typeCheck :: Program -> Error Program
+typeCheck (Program vars funcs) = do
+ db <- foldM registerDVar emptyDB vars
+ >>= \db' -> foldM registerDFunc db' funcs
+ vars' <- mapM (annotateDVar db) vars
+ funcs' <- mapM (annotateDFunc db) funcs
+ return $ Program vars' funcs'
+registerDVar :: TypeDB -> DVar -> Error TypeDB
+registerDVar db (DVar t n _) = case dbFind db n of
+ Nothing -> return $ dbSet db n (DBVar t)
+ Just _ -> Left $ "Duplicate top-level name '" ++ n ++ "'"
+registerDFunc :: TypeDB -> DFunc -> Error TypeDB
+registerDFunc db (DFunc rt n al _) = case dbFind db n of
+ Nothing -> return $ dbSet db n (DBFunc rt (map fst al))
+ Just _ -> Left $ "Duplicate top-level name '" ++ n ++ "'"
+annotateDVar :: TypeDB -> DVar -> Error DVar
+annotateDVar db (DVar toptype name expr) = do
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot assign void value in global declaration of " ++ name
+ let typ = fromJust $ typeof expr'
+ if canCoerce typ toptype
+ then return $ DVar toptype name expr'
+ else Left $ "Cannot assign a value of type " ++ pretty typ ++
+ " to a variable of type " ++ pretty toptype
+annotateDFunc :: TypeDB -> DFunc -> Error DFunc
+annotateDFunc db dfunc@(DFunc rettype name arglist block) = do
+ when (name == "main" && rettype /= Just TInt) $
+ Left $ "Function 'main' should return an int"
+ let db' = foldl registerArg db arglist
+ block' <- annotateBlock dfunc db' block
+ return $ DFunc rettype name arglist block'
+ where
+ registerArg :: TypeDB -> (Type, Name) -> TypeDB
+ registerArg db' (t, n) = dbSet db' n (DBVar t)
+annotateBlock :: DFunc -> TypeDB -> Block -> Error Block
+annotateBlock dfunc db (Block sts) =
+ Block . snd <$> foldM (\(db', l) st ->
+ (\(db'', st') -> (db'', l ++ [st'])) <$> annotateStatement dfunc db' st)
+ (db, []) sts
+annotateStatement :: DFunc -> TypeDB -> Statement -> Error (TypeDB, Statement)
+annotateStatement _ db (SDecl toptype name expr) = do
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot assign void value in declaration of " ++ name
+ when (isJust (dbFindTop db name)) $
+ Left $ "Duplicate declaration of variable " ++ name
+ let typ = fromJust $ typeof expr'
+ if canCoerce typ toptype
+ then return $ (dbSet db name (DBVar toptype), SDecl toptype name expr')
+ else Left $ "Cannot assign a value of type " ++ pretty typ ++
+ " to a variable of type " ++ pretty toptype
+annotateStatement _ db (SAs ae expr) = do
+ ae' <- annotateAsExpr db ae
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot assign a void value in assignment of " ++ pretty ae
+ let typ = fromJust $ typeof expr'
+ let aetyp = fromJust $ typeof ae'
+ when (not $ isBasicType aetyp) $
+ Left $ "Cannot assign to a location of type " ++ pretty aetyp
+ when (not $ canCoerce typ aetyp) $
+ Left $ "Cannot assign a value of type " ++ pretty typ ++
+ " to a location of type " ++ pretty aetyp
+ return (db, SAs ae' expr')
+annotateStatement dfunc db (SIf expr bl1 bl2) = do
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot use void value in 'if' condition"
+ when (not $ canCoerce (fromJust (typeof expr')) TInt) $
+ Left $ "Cannot use type " ++ pretty (fromJust (typeof expr')) ++ " in 'if' condition"
+ bl1' <- withScope db $ flip (annotateBlock dfunc) bl1
+ bl2' <- withScope db $ flip (annotateBlock dfunc) bl2
+ return (db, SIf expr' bl1' bl2')
+annotateStatement dfunc db (SWhile expr bl) = do
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot use void value in 'while' condition"
+ when (not $ canCoerce (fromJust (typeof expr')) TInt) $
+ Left $ "Cannot use type " ++ pretty (fromJust (typeof expr')) ++ " in 'while' condition"
+ bl' <- withScope db $ flip (annotateBlock dfunc) bl
+ return (db, SWhile expr' bl')
+annotateStatement (DFunc Nothing _ _ _) db (SReturn Nothing) =
+ return (db, SReturn Nothing)
+annotateStatement (DFunc (Just _) _ _ _) _ (SReturn Nothing) =
+ Left "Cannot return void value from non-void function"
+annotateStatement (DFunc mrt _ _ _) db (SReturn (Just expr)) = do
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ case mrt of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Cannot return non-void value from void function"
+ Just rt -> do
+ when (isNothing (typeof expr')) $
+ Left $ "Cannot use void value in 'return'"
+ when (not $ canCoerce (fromJust (typeof expr')) rt) $
+ Left $ "Cannot coerce type " ++ pretty (fromJust (typeof expr')) ++ " to " ++ pretty rt ++
+ " in 'return'"
+ return (db, SReturn (Just expr'))
+annotateStatement _ db (SExpr expr) = (\expr' -> (db, SExpr expr')) <$> annotateExpr db expr
+annotateExpr :: TypeDB -> Expression -> Error Expression
+annotateExpr db (EBin bo e1 e2 _) = do
+ e1' <- annotateExpr db e1
+ e2' <- annotateExpr db e2
+ when (isNothing (typeof e1')) $ Left $ "Use of void value in expression: " ++ show e1'
+ when (isNothing (typeof e2')) $ Left $ "Use of void value in expression: " ++ show e2'
+ let t1 = fromJust $ typeof e1'
+ t2 = fromJust $ typeof e2'
+ rt <- let errval = Left $ "Operator " ++ pretty bo ++ " doesn't take" ++
+ " arguments of types " ++ pretty t1 ++ " and " ++
+ pretty t2
+ in maybe errval return $ retTypeBO bo t1 t2
+ return $ EBin bo e1' e2' (Just rt)
+annotateExpr db (EUn uo e _) = do
+ e' <- annotateExpr db e
+ when (isNothing (typeof e')) $ Left "Use of void value in expression"
+ let t = fromJust $ typeof e'
+ rt <- let errval = Left $ "Unary operator " ++ pretty uo ++ " doesn't take" ++
+ " an argument of type " ++ pretty t
+ in maybe errval return $ retTypeUO uo t
+ return $ EUn uo e' (Just rt)
+annotateExpr _ (ELit lit@(LInt _) _) = return $ ELit lit (Just TInt)
+annotateExpr _ (ELit lit@(LChar _) _) = return $ ELit lit (Just TChar)
+annotateExpr db (ELit lit@(LVar n) _) = case dbFind db n of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Use of undeclared variable " ++ n ++ " in expression"
+ Just (DBVar t) -> return $ ELit lit (Just t)
+ Just (DBFunc _ _) -> Left $ "Cannot use function " ++ n ++ " in expression"
+annotateExpr db (ELit (LCall n as) _) = do
+ as' <- mapM (annotateExpr db) as
+ case dbFind db n of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Use of undeclared function " ++ n
+ Just (DBVar t) -> Left $ "Cannot call variable of type " ++ pretty t
+ Just (DBFunc mrt ats) -> do
+ when (length as' /= length ats) $
+ Left $ "Function '" ++ n ++ "' expected " ++ show (length ats) ++
+ " arguments but got " ++ show (length as')
+ forM_ (zip as' ats) $ \(arg, at) -> do
+ when (isNothing (typeof arg)) $
+ Left "Use of void value in function argument"
+ if canCoerce (fromJust $ typeof arg) at
+ then return ()
+ else Left $ "Argument of " ++ n ++ " has type " ++ pretty at ++
+ " but value of type " ++ pretty (fromJust $ typeof arg) ++
+ " was given"
+ return $ ELit (LCall n as') mrt
+annotateExpr db (ESubscript arr sub _) = do
+ arr' <- annotateExpr db arr
+ sub' <- annotateExpr db sub
+ let subtyp = fromJust (typeof sub')
+ when (subtyp /= TInt) $
+ Left $ "Type of array subscript should be int, but is " ++ pretty subtyp
+ case fromJust (typeof arr') of
+ TArr et _ -> return $ ESubscript arr' sub' (Just et)
+ _ -> Left $ "Subscripted expression is not an array: " ++ pretty arr
+annotateExpr db (ECast t e) = do
+ e' <- annotateExpr db e
+ let typ = fromJust (typeof e')
+ if canCast typ t
+ then return $ ECast t e'
+ else Left $ "Cannot cast value of type " ++ pretty typ ++ " to type " ++ pretty t
+annotateExpr db e@(ENew t sze) = do
+ sze' <- annotateExpr db sze
+ case typeof sze' of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Use of void value in array length in 'new' expression: " ++ pretty e
+ Just TInt -> return ()
+ Just szet -> Left $ "Type of array length in 'new' expression should be int, is " ++ pretty szet
+ if isBasicType t
+ then return $ ENew t sze'
+ else Left $ "Can only allocate arrays of basic types using 'new': " ++ pretty e
+annotateAsExpr :: TypeDB -> AsExpression -> Error AsExpression
+annotateAsExpr db (AEVar n _) = case dbFind db n of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Use of undeclared variable " ++ n ++ " in assignment expression"
+ Just (DBVar t) -> return $ AEVar n (Just t)
+ Just (DBFunc _ _) -> Left $ "Cannot use function " ++ n ++ " in assignment expression"
+annotateAsExpr db (AESubscript ae expr _) = do
+ ae' <- annotateAsExpr db ae
+ expr' <- annotateExpr db expr
+ case typeof expr' of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Use of void value in array index in assignment expression"
+ Just TInt -> return ()
+ Just t -> Left $ "Use of non-int type " ++ pretty t ++ " in array index in assignment expression"
+ case fromJust (typeof ae') of
+ TArr t _ -> return $ AESubscript ae' expr' (Just t)
+ t -> Left $ "Indexed expression '" ++ pretty ae ++ "' has non-array type " ++ pretty t ++
+ " in assignment expression"