path: root/X64.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'X64.hs')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/X64.hs b/X64.hs
index b71012a..26c35dd 100644
--- a/X64.hs
+++ b/X64.hs
@@ -184,26 +184,31 @@ instance Stringifiable XRef where
stringify (XMem _ _ (mult, _) _ _) | not (mult `elem` [0,1,2,4,8]) =
error $ "Register multiplier has invalid value " ++ show mult ++ " in XMem"
- stringify (XMem sz mr pair lab off) =
- let res = intercalate "+" (catMaybes [goR1 mr, goPair pair, goLab lab]) ++ goOff off
- in szword sz ++ " " ++ if null res then "[0]" else "[" ++ res ++ "]"
+ stringify x@(XMem sz _ _ _ _) = szword sz ++ " " ++ stringify_only_xmem_brackets x
szword 1 = "byte"
szword 2 = "word"
szword 4 = "dword"
szword 8 = "qword"
szword _ = undefined
- goR1 Nothing = Nothing
- goR1 (Just r) = Just $ stringify (XReg 8 r)
- goPair (0, _) = Nothing
- goPair (mult, r) = Just $ show mult ++ "*" ++ stringify (XReg 8 r)
- goLab = id
- goOff o | o > 0 = '+' : show o
- | o < 0 = show o
- | otherwise = ""
stringify (XImm imm) = show imm
+stringify_only_xmem_brackets :: XRef -> String
+stringify_only_xmem_brackets (XMem _ mr pair lab off) =
+ let res = intercalate "+" (catMaybes [goR1 mr, goPair pair, goLab lab]) ++ goOff off
+ in if null res then "[0]" else "[" ++ res ++ "]"
+ where
+ goR1 Nothing = Nothing
+ goR1 (Just r) = Just $ stringify (XReg 8 r)
+ goPair (0, _) = Nothing
+ goPair (mult, r) = Just $ show mult ++ "*" ++ stringify (XReg 8 r)
+ goLab = id
+ goOff o | o > 0 = '+' : show o
+ | o < 0 = show o
+ | otherwise = ""
+stringify_only_xmem_brackets _ = undefined
instance Stringifiable Reg where stringify (Reg x) = stringify x
instance Stringifiable Mem where stringify (Mem x) = stringify x
instance Stringifiable Imm where stringify (Imm x) = stringify x
@@ -235,7 +240,7 @@ instance Stringifiable CondCode where
instance Stringifiable Ins where
stringify (MOV a b) = "mov " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
stringify (MOVi a b) = "mov " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
- stringify (LEA a b) = "lea " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
+ stringify (LEA a (Mem b)) = "lea " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify_only_xmem_brackets b
stringify (MOVSX a b@(RegMem bx)) = case compare (xrefGetSize bx) 4 of
EQ -> "movsxd " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b
LT -> "movsx " ++ stringify a ++ ", " ++ stringify b