diff options
authortomsmeding <>2019-12-13 13:39:35 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2019-12-13 13:39:35 +0100
commit3595d3c75503158e4eedaedbac8e81cbbe5ae54b (patch)
parent80fee1089b659a7c7ee3a96d4cf999d369c0eb48 (diff)
Follow caller-save convention using stack, not full state restore
8 files changed, 159 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/Intermediate.hs b/Intermediate.hs
index 7984176..a020509 100644
--- a/Intermediate.hs
+++ b/Intermediate.hs
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ data InsCode
| ICallC Ref [Ref]
| IAllocClo Name [Ref]
| IDiscard Ref
+ | IPush [Ref] -- pushes references on the stack; should be matched with an IPop with the same number of references
+ | IPop [Ref]
deriving Eq
data Terminator
@@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ instance AllRefs InsCode where
allRefs (ICallC r rs) = sortUniq (r : rs)
allRefs (IAllocClo _ rs) = sortUniq rs
allRefs (IDiscard r) = [r]
+ allRefs (IPush rs) = sortUniq rs
+ allRefs (IPop rs) = sortUniq rs
instance AllRefs Terminator where
allRefs (IBr r _ _) = [r]
@@ -106,6 +110,8 @@ icReadTemps = \case
ICallC r rs -> onlyTemporaries (r : rs)
IAllocClo _ rs -> onlyTemporaries rs
IDiscard r -> onlyTemporaries [r]
+ IPush rs -> onlyTemporaries rs
+ IPop _ -> []
termReadTemps :: Terminator -> [Int]
termReadTemps = \case
@@ -123,6 +129,7 @@ bbWrittenTemps :: BB -> [Int]
bbWrittenTemps (BB _ inss _) = concatMap insWrittenTemps inss
insWrittenTemps :: Instruction -> [Int]
+insWrittenTemps (_, IPop rs) = onlyTemporaries rs
insWrittenTemps (d, _) = onlyTemporaries [d]
onlyTemporaries :: [Ref] -> [Int]
@@ -171,6 +178,8 @@ instance Show InsCode where
show (ICallC r as) = "callc " ++ show r ++ " " ++ show as
show (IAllocClo name vs) = "alloc-closure \"" ++ name ++ "\" " ++ show vs
show (IDiscard r) = "discard " ++ show r
+ show (IPush rs) = "push " ++ show rs
+ show (IPop rs) = "pop " ++ show rs
instance Show Terminator where
show (IBr r b1 b2) = "br " ++ show r ++ " " ++ show b1 ++ " " ++ show b2
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index 2173653..e3ed454 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
module Main where
import Control.Monad
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Compiler
import CompilerMacros
-import Intermediate
-import Liveness
import Optimiser
import Parser
+import Stackify
import VM
@@ -20,57 +17,26 @@ usage = do
progname <- getProgName
putStrLn $ "Usage: " ++ progname ++ " [-h] [-ast] [-ir] [filename.lisp]"
putStrLn $ "When no filename is given, will read from stdin."
- putStrLn $ " -h Show this help"
- putStrLn $ " -ast Print AST after compiler macro's"
- putStrLn $ " -ir Print IR after optimisation"
+ putStrLn $ " -h Show this help"
+ putStrLn $ " -ast Print AST after compiler macro's"
+ putStrLn $ " -irpre Print IR after optimisation, before stackification"
+ putStrLn $ " -ir Print IR after optimisation and stackification"
-data Options = Options { optAST :: Bool, optIR :: Bool }
+data Options = Options { optAST :: Bool, optIRPre :: Bool, optIR :: Bool }
+-- TODO: clean this function up
parseOptions' :: (Options, Maybe FilePath) -> [String] -> IO (Options, Maybe FilePath)
parseOptions' pair [] = return pair
parseOptions' _ ("-h":_) = usage >> exitSuccess
parseOptions' (opt, fp) ("-ast":as) = parseOptions' (opt { optAST = True }, fp) as
+parseOptions' (opt, fp) ("-irpre":as) = parseOptions' (opt { optIRPre = True }, fp) as
parseOptions' (opt, fp) ("-ir":as) = parseOptions' (opt { optIR = True }, fp) as
parseOptions' _ (('-':a):_) = putStrLn ("Unknown option '" ++ a ++ "'") >> usage >> exitFailure
parseOptions' (opt, Nothing) (f:as) = parseOptions' (opt, Just f) as
parseOptions' (_, Just _) (_:_) = putStrLn "At most one filename argument expected" >> usage >> exitFailure
parseOptions :: [String] -> IO (Options, Maybe FilePath)
-parseOptions = parseOptions' (Options False False, Nothing)
--- TODO: Note about stackification. Temporaries need to be pushed before
--- a call if they're live after it and they could, conceivably, be wrongly
--- mutated by the called function otherwise. This has a couple of
--- interesting consequences:
--- 1. No temporaries ever need to be pushed from the global context, or
--- "main function", since they can never be wrongly mutated: that
--- requires re-entering the function in which they were defined, but one
--- can never re-enter the "main function".
--- 2. No temporaries ever need to be pushed before a tail call; since no
--- local variables are live after it (obviously). (Global variables are
--- covered by point (1.).)
-liveness :: IRProgram -> Map.Map Int [Set.Set Int]
-liveness (IRProgram bbs _ _) =
- let sets = livenessAnalysis bbs bidOf itemsOf outEdges fread fwrite
- in Map.fromList (zip (map bidOf bbs) sets)
- where
- itemsOf (BB _ inss term) = map Right inss ++ [Left term]
- fread (Right (_, IAssign r)) = collect [r]
- fread (Right (_, IParam _)) = []
- fread (Right (_, IClosure _)) = []
- fread (Right (_, IData _)) = []
- fread (Right (_, ICallC r rs)) = collect (r : rs)
- fread (Right (_, IAllocClo _ rs)) = collect rs
- fread (Right (_, IDiscard r)) = collect [r]
- fread (Left (IBr r _ _)) = collect [r]
- fread (Left (IJmp _)) = []
- fread (Left (IRet r)) = collect [r]
- fread (Left (ITailC r rs)) = collect (r : rs)
- fread (Left IExit) = []
- fread (Left IUnknown) = []
- fwrite (Right (r, _)) = collect [r]
- fwrite (Left _) = []
- collect rs = [i | RTemp i <- rs]
+parseOptions = parseOptions' (Options False False False, Nothing)
main :: IO ()
main = do
@@ -78,10 +44,29 @@ main = do
source <- maybe getContents readFile mfname
prog <- parseProgram mfname source >>= either (die . show) return
let prog' = compilerMacros prog
when (optAST opts) $ print prog'
irprog <- either die return (compileProgram prog')
let opt = optimise irprog
- when (optIR opts) $ print opt
- print (liveness opt)
- vmRun opt
+ when (optIRPre opts) $ print opt
+ let optS = stackify opt
+ when (optIR opts) $ print optS
+ -- TODO: do we want to run the optimiser again now? In a situation as
+ -- follows, stuff might be inlined still:
+ -- t2 <- assign t1
+ -- push [t2] ; could've been push [t1]
+ -- callc ...
+ -- pop [t2]
+ -- ... use t2 again ...
+ -- TODO: this raises the question of using liveness for optimisation.
+ -- In the example above, the pop instruction writes to t2, breaking up
+ -- its lifetime, so that the assignment becomes dead. The current
+ -- optimiser would not be able to catch this.
+ vmRun optS
diff --git a/Optimiser.hs b/Optimiser.hs
index 42ebdb1..c59c40e 100644
--- a/Optimiser.hs
+++ b/Optimiser.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ optimise (IRProgram bbs gfds datas) =
, deadBBElim gfds, deadStoreElim, mergeRets
, map propAssigns
, deadBBElim gfds, deadStoreElim, mergeRets
- , tailCallIntro
+ , tailCallIntro, deadBBElim gfds
progoptf = foldl (.) id . reverse $
[ dedupDatas ]
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ propAssigns (BB bid inss term) =
propagateI mp (d, ICallC r rs) = (Map.empty, (d, ICallC (propR mp r) (map (propR mp) rs)))
propagateI mp (d, IAllocClo n rs) = (mp, (d, IAllocClo n (map (propR mp) rs)))
propagateI mp (d, IDiscard r) = (mp, (d, IDiscard (propR mp r)))
+ propagateI mp (d, IPush rs) = (mp, (d, IPush (map (propR mp) rs)))
+ propagateI mp (d, IPop rs) = (foldr Map.delete mp (onlyTemporaries rs), (d, IPop rs))
propagateT mp (IBr r a b) = IBr (propR mp r) a b
propagateT _ t@(IJmp _) = t
@@ -112,9 +114,12 @@ globalPropAssigns bbs =
(d, ICallC r rs) -> (d, ICallC (replace r) (map replace rs))
(d, IAllocClo n rs) -> (d, IAllocClo n (map replace rs))
(d, IDiscard r) -> (d, IDiscard (replace r))
+ (d, IPush rs) -> (d, IPush (map replace rs))
ins@(_, IParam _) -> ins
ins@(_, IClosure _) -> ins
ins@(_, IData _) -> ins
+ -- Cannot replace in an IPop, because its arguments are output parameters
+ ins@(_, IPop _) -> ins
in BB bid inss' term
deadBBElim :: Map.Map Name GlobFuncDef -> [BB] -> [BB]
@@ -147,6 +152,8 @@ deadStoreElim bbs = [BB bid (filter (not . shouldRemove) inss) term | BB bid ins
pureIC (IAllocClo _ _) = True
pureIC (ICallC _ _) = False
pureIC (IDiscard _) = False
+ pureIC (IPush _) = False
+ pureIC (IPop _) = False
tailCallIntro :: [BB] -> [BB]
tailCallIntro bbs = map introduce bbs
diff --git a/Stackify.hs b/Stackify.hs
index a09c6f0..df43358 100644
--- a/Stackify.hs
+++ b/Stackify.hs
@@ -5,32 +5,103 @@ module Stackify (
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import AST (Name)
import Intermediate
+import Liveness
-data Funcinfo =
- FuncInfo { fiGFD :: GlobFuncDef
+data FuncInfo =
+ FuncInfo { fiInit :: Int
, fiBBs :: [BB]
, fiTemps :: [Int] }
+-- Note about stackification. Temporaries need to be pushed before a call
+-- if they're live after it and they could, conceivably, be wrongly mutated
+-- by the called function otherwise. This has a couple of interesting
+-- consequences:
+-- 1. No temporaries ever need to be pushed from the global context, or
+-- "main function", since they can never be wrongly mutated: that
+-- requires re-entering the function in which they were defined, but one
+-- can never re-enter the "main function".
+-- 2. No temporaries ever need to be pushed before a tail call; since no
+-- local variables are live after it (obviously). (Global variables are
+-- covered by point (1.).)
stackify :: IRProgram -> IRProgram
stackify (IRProgram origbbs gfds datas) =
- let infos = [FuncInfo gfd bbs [i | RTemp i <- allRefs bbs]
- | (gfd, bbs) <- partitionFunctions gfds origbbs]
- -- LIVENESS ANALYSIS within the function!
+ let (mainCode, funcCodes) = partitionFunctions gfds origbbs
+ infos = FuncInfo 0 mainCode (onlyTemporaries (allRefs mainCode))
+ : [FuncInfo bid0 bbs (onlyTemporaries (allRefs bbs))
+ | (GlobFuncDef bid0 _ _, bbs) <- funcCodes]
+ infos' = map stackifyF infos
+ resbbs = concatMap fiBBs infos'
+ in optimise (IRProgram resbbs gfds datas)
+ where
+ -- TODO: initBid and temps are actually unused, I think
+ stackifyF :: FuncInfo -> FuncInfo
+ stackifyF (FuncInfo initBid bbs temps) =
+ let livemap = liveness bbs
+ bbs' = [stackifyBB (livemap Map.! bid) bb | bb@(BB bid _ _) <- bbs]
+ in FuncInfo initBid bbs' temps
+ stackifyBB :: [(Set.Set Int, Set.Set Int)] -> BB -> BB
+ stackifyBB live (BB bid inss term) =
+ -- Note that no temporaries need to be pushed for a tail call, so
+ -- never at all for a terminator.
+ BB bid (concatMap (uncurry stackifyIns) (zip live inss)) term
-partitionFunctions :: Map.Map Name GlobFuncDef -> [BB] -> [(GlobFuncDef, [BB])]
+ stackifyIns :: (Set.Set Int, Set.Set Int) -> Instruction -> [Instruction]
+ stackifyIns (liveBefore, liveAfter) orig@(d, ins) = case ins of
+ ICallC r rs -> let refs = map RTemp (Set.toList (liveBefore `Set.intersection` liveAfter))
+ in if null refs
+ then [(d, ICallC r rs)]
+ else [(RNone, IPush refs)
+ ,(d, ICallC r rs)
+ ,(RNone, IPop refs)]
+ IAssign _ -> [orig]
+ IParam _ -> [orig]
+ IClosure _ -> [orig]
+ IData _ -> [orig]
+ IAllocClo _ _ -> [orig]
+ IDiscard _ -> [orig]
+ IPush _ -> error "Unexpected stack operation before Stackify"
+ IPop _ -> error "Unexpected stack operation before Stackify"
+optimise :: IRProgram -> IRProgram
+optimise (IRProgram bbs gfds datas) =
+ IRProgram [BB bid (go inss) term | BB bid inss term <- bbs] gfds datas
+ where
+ go [] = []
+ go ((_, IPop l1) : (_, IPush l2) : inss) | l1 == l2 = go inss
+ go (ins : inss) = ins : go inss
+-- Returns the global main code, and for each function its local code.
+partitionFunctions :: Map.Map Name GlobFuncDef -> [BB] -> ([BB], [(GlobFuncDef, [BB])])
partitionFunctions gfds bbs =
let bbmap = Map.fromList [(bidOf bb, bb) | bb <- bbs]
+ mainReach = floodFill bbmap 0
pairs = [(gfd, floodFill bbmap bid) | gfd@(GlobFuncDef bid _ _) <- Map.elems gfds]
- accums = scanl (<>) Set.empty (map snd pairs)
+ accums = scanl (<>) mainReach (map snd pairs)
triples = zip3 accums pairs (tail accums)
in if all (\(from, (_, bbset), to) -> Set.size from + Set.size bbset == Set.size to) triples
&& Set.size (last accums) == length bbs
- then [(gfd, map (bbmap Map.!) (Set.toList bbset)) | (gfd, bbset) <- pairs]
+ then (map (bbmap Map.!) (Set.toList mainReach)
+ ,[(gfd, map (bbmap Map.!) (Set.toList bbset)) | (gfd, bbset) <- pairs])
else error "Non-partitionable BBs in partitionFunctions"
- floodFill bbmap origin = go Set.empty origin
+ floodFill bbmap origin = go (Set.singleton origin) origin
go seen at = let newseen = seen <> Set.fromList (outEdges (bbmap Map.! at))
in foldl go newseen (Set.toList (newseen Set.\\ seen))
+-- Returns, for each BB, for each instruction the set of temporaries live
+-- before and after that instruction.
+liveness :: [BB] -> Map.Map Int [(Set.Set Int, Set.Set Int)]
+liveness bbs =
+ let sets = livenessAnalysis bbs bidOf itemsOf outEdges fread fwrite
+ in Map.fromList (zip (map bidOf bbs) sets)
+ where
+ itemsOf (BB _ inss term) = map Right inss ++ [Left term]
+ fread (Right (_, ins)) = icReadTemps ins
+ fread (Left term) = termReadTemps term
+ fwrite (Right (r, _)) = onlyTemporaries [r]
+ fwrite (Left _) = []
diff --git a/VM.hs b/VM.hs
index 08e7c63..bd7cbef 100644
--- a/VM.hs
+++ b/VM.hs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ data State = State
{ sTempMap :: TempMap
, sArgs :: [RunValue] {- current arguments -}
, sCloVals :: [RunValue] {- current closure -}
+ , sStack :: [RunValue] {- IPush/IPop stack -}
, sHandles :: IMap.IntMap Handle
, sUniq :: Int
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ vmRun :: IRProgram -> IO ()
vmRun (IRProgram bbs gfds datas) =
let bbmap = Map.fromList [(bidOf bb, bb) | bb <- bbs]
info = Info bbmap gfds datas
- state = State IMap.empty [] [] (IMap.fromList [(-1, stdin), (-2, stdout), (-3, stderr)]) 0
+ state = State IMap.empty [] [] [] (IMap.fromList [(-1, stdin), (-2, stdout), (-3, stderr)]) 0
in IO.catchIOError (void $ vmRunBB info state (head bbs)) vmErrorHandler
vmErrorHandler :: IOError -> IO ()
@@ -82,6 +83,14 @@ vmRunInstr info@(Info _ _ datas) state (dest, instr) = case instr of
in return (assignRef state dest (RVClosure name cloVals))
IDiscard _ ->
return state -- TODO: erase temporary from state for IDiscard (RTemp i)
+ IPush refs ->
+ return (state { sStack = map (findRef (sTempMap state)) refs ++ sStack state })
+ IPop refs ->
+ if length (sStack state) >= length refs
+ then let (values, newStack) = splitAt (length refs) (sStack state)
+ state' = state { sStack = newStack }
+ in return (foldl (uncurry . assignRef) state' (zip refs values))
+ else error "VM: IPop on too-small stack"
vmRunTerm :: Info -> State -> Terminator -> IO (RunValue, State)
vmRunTerm info@(Info bbmap _ _) state@(State { sTempMap = tmap }) term = case term of
@@ -111,14 +120,7 @@ callClosure info@(Info bbmap gfds _) state@(State { sTempMap = tmap }) cl as =
Just (GlobFuncDef b _ _) -> do
(rv, state') <- vmRunBB info (state { sArgs = map (findRef tmap) as, sCloVals = clvals })
(bbmap Map.! b)
- -- TODO: we restore tempmap here after the call, and that's
- -- _really_ dodgy. I think it works because we never mutate
- -- a reference after first assigning it, and without it
- -- recursion fails, but it feels ugly. A proper solution
- -- would be to further compile the IR down to something
- -- that stores its values on a stack, so that recursion is
- -- handled automatically.
- return (rv, state' { sArgs = sArgs state, sCloVals = sCloVals state, sTempMap = sTempMap state })
+ return (rv, state' { sArgs = sArgs state, sCloVals = sCloVals state })
Nothing ->
-- Take 'tail as' to skip the first self-link argument
vmRunBuiltin state clname (map (findRef tmap) (tail as))
diff --git a/lisphs.cabal b/lisphs.cabal
index 32aebbe..131deb4 100644
--- a/lisphs.cabal
+++ b/lisphs.cabal
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ executable lisp
ghc-options: -Wall -O2
build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5,
containers, filepath, mtl, parsec, text
- other-modules: AST, Compiler, CompilerMacros, DString, Intermediate, Liveness, Optimiser, Parser, Util, VM
+ other-modules: AST, Compiler, CompilerMacros, DString, Intermediate, Liveness, Optimiser, Parser, Stackify, Util, VM
diff --git a/tests/stack-test.lisp b/tests/stack-test.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cabbaa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/stack-test.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(define g (x) (+ x 1))
+(define f (x)
+ (if (<= x 0)
+ 0
+ (let ((y (g x)))
+ (+ y (f (/ x 2))))))
+; f 10
+; = 11 + f 5
+; = 11 + 6 + f 2
+; = 11 + 6 + 3 + f 1
+; = 11 + 6 + 3 + 2
+; = 22
+(print (f 10))
+; Without Stackify, the deepest y value, i.e. 2, overwrites all y values above,
+; resulting in 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8.
diff --git a/tests/stack-test.out b/tests/stack-test.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bd5a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/stack-test.out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@