diff options
authortomsmeding <>2017-12-09 10:48:58 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2017-12-09 10:48:58 +0100
commit897fb17dd6a045a7056e6d6babbbb24748f698f6 (patch)
17 files changed, 1206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4ff550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f053d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+GHC = ghc
+GHCFLAGS = -O3 -Wall
+TARGET = lisp
+OBJDIR = obj
+.PHONY: all clean
+all: $(TARGET)
+ rm -f $(TARGET)
+ rm -rf obj
+$(TARGET): $(wildcard *.hs)
+ @mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
+ $(GHC) -o $@ $(GHCFLAGS) $^ -hidir $(OBJDIR) -odir $(OBJDIR)
diff --git a/ast.hs b/ast.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eae5af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+module AST where
+import Data.List
+data Program = Program [Value]
+type Name = String
+data Value
+ = VList [Value]
+ | VNum Int
+ | VString String
+ | VName Name
+ | VQuoted Value
+ | VLambda [Name] Value
+ | VBuiltin String
+ | VEllipsis
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Show Program where
+ show (Program l) = intercalate "\n" $ map show l
+instance Show Value where
+ show (VList es) = '(' : intercalate " " (map show es) ++ ")"
+ show (VNum i) = show i
+ show (VString s) = show s
+ show (VName n) = n
+ show (VQuoted e) = '\'' : show e
+ show (VLambda as v) = "(lambda (" ++ intercalate " " as ++ ") " ++ show v ++ ")"
+ show (VBuiltin str) = "[[builtin " ++ str ++ "]]"
+ show VEllipsis = "..."
+fromVName :: Value -> Maybe Name
+fromVName (VName s) = Just s
+fromVName _ = Nothing
+fromVNum :: Value -> Maybe Int
+fromVNum (VNum i) = Just i
+fromVNum _ = Nothing
+fromVString :: Value -> Maybe String
+fromVString (VString s) = Just s
+fromVString _ = Nothing
diff --git a/closuretest.lisp b/closuretest.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9827eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/closuretest.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(((lambda (x) (lambda (y) (+ x y))) 1) 2)
diff --git a/compiler.hs b/compiler.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d63f7bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Compiler(IRProgram, compileProgram) where
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Debug.Trace
+import AST
+import Intermediate
+data TaggedValue
+ = TVList [TaggedValue]
+ | TVNum Int
+ | TVString String
+ | TVName Name (Maybe Int) -- Nothing: unknown, Just n: defined n lambdas up (0 = current lambda arg)
+ | TVQuoted Value
+ | TVDefine Name TaggedValue
+ | TVLambda [Name] TaggedValue [Name] -- (args) (body) (closure slot names)
+ | TVEllipsis
+ deriving Show
+-- also does some preprocessing, like parsing lambda's and defines
+analyseValue :: Value -> TaggedValue
+analyseValue = go []
+ where
+ go :: [Set.Set Name] -> Value -> TaggedValue
+ go scopes (VList [VName "define", VName name, VList args, body])
+ | Just names <- mapM fromVName args = go scopes (VList [VName "define", VName name, VLambda names body])
+ | otherwise = error "Invalid 'define' shorthand syntax: Invalid argument list"
+ go scopes (VList [VName "define", VName name, value]) = TVDefine name (go scopes value)
+ go scopes (VList [VName "lambda", VList args, body])
+ | Just names <- mapM fromVName args = go scopes (VLambda names body)
+ | otherwise = error "Invalid 'lambda' syntax: Invalid argument list"
+ go _ (VList (VName "lambda" : _)) = error "Invalid 'lambda' syntax"
+ go scopes (VList values) = TVList (map (go scopes) values)
+ go _ (VNum n) = TVNum n
+ go _ (VString s) = TVString s
+ go scopes (VName name) = TVName name (findIndex id (map (Set.member name) scopes))
+ go _ (VQuoted value) = TVQuoted value
+ go scopes (VLambda args body) =
+ let t = go (Set.fromList args : scopes) body
+ in TVLambda args t (Set.toList (collectEscapes 0 t))
+ go _ (VBuiltin _) = undefined
+ go _ VEllipsis = TVEllipsis
+ collectEscapes :: Int -> TaggedValue -> Set.Set Name
+ collectEscapes limit (TVList values) = Set.unions (map (collectEscapes limit) values)
+ collectEscapes limit (TVName name (Just n)) | n > limit = Set.singleton name
+ collectEscapes limit (TVLambda _ body _) = collectEscapes (limit + 1) body
+ collectEscapes _ _ = Set.empty
+data CompState = CompState
+ { csNextId :: Int
+ , csBlocks :: Map.Map Int BB
+ , csCurrent :: Int
+ , csScopes :: [Map.Map Name ScopeItem]
+ , csDefines :: Map.Map Name Ref
+ , csBuiltins :: Map.Map Name ()
+ , csFunctions :: Map.Map Name GlobFuncDef
+ , csDatas :: [Value] }
+ deriving Show
+data ScopeItem = SIParam Int | SIClosure Int | SIGlobal
+ deriving Show
+newtype CM a = CM {unCM :: StateT CompState (Except String) a}
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState CompState, MonadError String)
+builtinMap :: Map.Map Name ()
+builtinMap = Map.fromList [("+", ()), ("-", ()), ("<=", ()), ("print", ())]
+bbId :: BB -> Int
+bbId (BB i _ _) = i
+initState :: CompState
+initState = CompState 0 Map.empty undefined [] Map.empty builtinMap Map.empty []
+runCM :: CM a -> Either String a
+runCM act = runExcept $ evalStateT (unCM act) initState
+genId :: CM Int
+genId = state $ \s -> (csNextId s, s {csNextId = csNextId s + 1})
+genTemp :: CM Ref
+genTemp = liftM RTemp genId
+newBlock :: CM Int
+newBlock = do
+ i <- genId
+ modify $ \s -> s {csBlocks = Map.insert i (BB i [] IUnknown) (csBlocks s)}
+ return i
+switchBlock :: Int -> CM ()
+switchBlock i = modify $ \s -> s {csCurrent = i}
+newBlockSwitch :: CM Int
+newBlockSwitch = do
+ i <- newBlock
+ switchBlock i
+ return i
+rememberBlock :: CM a -> CM a
+rememberBlock act = do
+ b <- gets csCurrent
+ res <- act
+ switchBlock b
+ return res
+modifyBlock :: (BB -> BB) -> CM ()
+modifyBlock f = do
+ st <- get
+ let current = csCurrent st
+ Just bb = Map.lookup current (csBlocks st)
+ put $ st {csBlocks = Map.insert current (f bb) (csBlocks st)}
+addIns :: Instruction -> CM ()
+addIns ins = modifyBlock $ \(BB i inss term) -> BB i (inss ++ [ins]) term
+setTerm :: Terminator -> CM ()
+setTerm term = modifyBlock $ \(BB i inss _) -> BB i inss term
+lookupVar :: Name -> CM (Either ScopeItem Ref)
+lookupVar name = gets csScopes >>= \scopes -> case msum (map (Map.lookup name) scopes) of
+ Just si -> return (Left si)
+ Nothing -> gets csDefines >>= \defines -> case Map.lookup name defines of
+ Just ref -> return (Right ref)
+ Nothing -> return (Left SIGlobal)
+dataTableAdd :: Value -> CM Int
+dataTableAdd v = state $ \ctx -> (length (csDatas ctx), ctx {csDatas = csDatas ctx ++ [v]})
+functionAdd :: Name -> GlobFuncDef -> CM ()
+functionAdd name gfd = modify $ \s -> s {csFunctions = Map.insert name gfd (csFunctions s)}
+defineAdd :: Name -> Ref -> CM ()
+defineAdd name ref = modify $ \s -> s {csDefines = Map.insert name ref (csDefines s)}
+withScope :: Map.Map Name ScopeItem -> CM a -> CM a
+withScope sc act = do
+ modify $ \s -> s {csScopes = sc : csScopes s}
+ res <- act
+ modify $ \s -> s {csScopes = tail (csScopes s)}
+ return res
+compileProgram :: Program -> Either String IRProgram
+compileProgram (Program values) = runCM $ do
+ bstart <- newBlockSwitch
+ forM_ values $ \value -> do
+ bnext <- newBlock
+ ref <- genTValue (analyseValue value) bnext
+ switchBlock bnext
+ addIns (RNone, IDiscard ref)
+ setTerm IExit
+ ([firstbb], otherbbs) <- liftM (partition ((== bstart) . bbId) . Map.elems) (gets csBlocks)
+ funcs <- gets csFunctions
+ datas <- gets csDatas
+ return (IRProgram (firstbb : otherbbs) funcs datas)
+genTValue :: TaggedValue -> Int -> CM Ref
+genTValue (TVList []) _ = throwError "Empty call"
+genTValue (TVList (TVName "do" _ : stmts)) nextnext = do
+ forM_ (init stmts) $ \stmt -> do
+ b <- newBlock
+ r <- genTValue stmt b
+ switchBlock b
+ addIns (RNone, IDiscard r)
+ genTValue (last stmts) nextnext
+genTValue (TVList [TVName "if" _, cond, val1, val2]) nextnext = do
+ b1 <- newBlock
+ bthen <- newBlock
+ belse <- newBlock
+ bthen' <- newBlock
+ belse' <- newBlock
+ condref <- genTValue cond b1
+ switchBlock b1
+ setTerm $ IBr condref bthen belse
+ resref <- genTemp
+ switchBlock bthen
+ thenref <- genTValue val1 bthen'
+ switchBlock bthen'
+ addIns (resref, IAssign thenref)
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ switchBlock belse
+ elseref <- genTValue val2 belse'
+ switchBlock belse'
+ addIns (resref, IAssign elseref)
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return resref
+genTValue (TVList (TVName "if" _ : _)) _ = throwError "Invalid 'if' syntax"
+genTValue (TVList (funcexpr : args)) nextnext = do
+ refs <- forM args $ \value -> do
+ bnext <- newBlock
+ ref <- genTValue value bnext
+ switchBlock bnext
+ return ref
+ b <- newBlock
+ funcref <- genTValue funcexpr b
+ switchBlock b
+ resref <- genTemp
+ addIns (resref, ICallC funcref refs)
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return resref
+genTValue (TVNum n) nextnext = do
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return (RConst n)
+genTValue (TVString s) nextnext = do
+ i <- dataTableAdd (VString s)
+ r <- genTemp
+ addIns (r, IData i)
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return r
+genTValue (TVDefine name value) nextnext = do
+ dref <- genTemp
+ defineAdd name dref
+ vref <- genTValue value nextnext
+ -- traceShowM ("tvdefine_refs", dref, vref, name, value)
+ addIns (dref, IAssign vref)
+ return RNone
+genTValue (TVLambda args body closure) nextnext = do
+ startb <- rememberBlock $
+ withScope (Map.fromList (zip args (map SIParam [0..]) ++ zip closure (map SIClosure [0..]))) $ do
+ b <- newBlockSwitch
+ b2 <- newBlock
+ ref <- genTValue body b2
+ switchBlock b2
+ setTerm $ IRet ref
+ return b
+ uid <- genId
+ let uname = show uid ++ "L" -- starts with digit, so cannot clash with user-defined name
+ functionAdd uname (GlobFuncDef startb (length args) closure)
+ resref <- case closure of
+ [] -> return (RSClo uname)
+ _ -> do
+ refs <- foldM (\refs' cname -> do
+ b <- newBlock
+ r <- genTValue (TVName cname undefined) b
+ switchBlock b
+ return (r : refs'))
+ [] closure
+ r <- genTemp
+ addIns (r, IAllocClo uname refs)
+ return r
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return resref
+genTValue (TVName name _) nextnext = do
+ r <- genTemp
+ lookupVar name >>= \si -> case si of
+ Right ref -> addIns (r, IAssign ref)
+ Left (SIParam n) -> addIns (r, IParam n)
+ Left (SIClosure n) -> addIns (r, IClosure n)
+ Left SIGlobal -> do
+ funcs <- gets csFunctions
+ builtins <- gets csBuiltins
+ case (Map.lookup name funcs, Map.lookup name builtins) of
+ (Just (GlobFuncDef _ _ []), _) -> addIns (r, IAssign (RSClo name))
+ (Just (GlobFuncDef _ _ cs), _) -> do
+ refs <- foldM (\refs' cname -> do
+ b <- newBlock
+ r' <- genTValue (TVName cname undefined) b
+ switchBlock b
+ return (r' : refs'))
+ [] cs
+ addIns (r, IAllocClo name refs)
+ (_, Just ()) -> addIns (r, IAssign (RSClo name))
+ _ -> throwError $ "Use of undefined name \"" ++ name ++ "\""
+ setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
+ return r
diff --git a/f.lisp b/f.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5644138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/f.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(print 42)
+(print "kaas")
+(if 42 (print "ja") (print "nee"))
+(define f (lambda (a) (print a)))
+(f "iets")
+(define f (lambda (a) (print a a)))
+(f "iets")
diff --git a/fibo.lisp b/fibo.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce4ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fibo.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+(define fibo1 (n)
+ (if (<= n 0) 0
+ (if (<= n 2) 1
+ (+ (fibo1 (- n 1)) (fibo1 (- n 2))))))
+; == main lambda ==
+; Params: 1
+; B0:
+; t0 <- param 0
+; t1 <- callf "<=" [t0 0]
+; br t1 B1 B2
+; B1:
+; t2 <- assign 0
+; jmp B5
+; B2:
+; t3 <- param 0
+; t4 <- callf "<=" [t3 2]
+; br t4 B3 B4
+; B3:
+; t2 <- assign 1
+; jmp B5
+; B4:
+; t5 <- param 0
+; t6 <- callf "-" [t5 1]
+; t7 <- callf "fibo1" [t6] ; patched up (statically known address, afterwards)
+; t8 <- param 0
+; t9 <- callf "-" [t8 2]
+; t10 <- callf "fibo1" [t9] ; patched up
+; t2 <- callf "+" [t7 t10]
+; jmp B5
+; B5:
+; return t2
+(define fibo2help (a b n)
+ (if (<= n 0) b
+ (fibo2help b (+ a b) (- n 1))))
+(define fibo2 (n)
+ (if (<= n 0) 0
+ (if (<= n 2) 1
+ (fibo2help 1 1 (- n 2)))))
+(define fibo3 (n)
+ ((lambda (helper)
+ (if (<= n 0) 0
+ (if (<= n 2) 1
+ (helper helper 1 1 (- n 2)))))
+ (lambda (recur a b n)
+ (if (<= n 0) b
+ (recur recur b (+ a b) (- n 1))))))
+; == L1 ==
+; Params: 1
+; Closure slots: 1
+; B0:
+; t0 <- closure 0
+; t1 <- callf "<=" [t0 0]
+; br t1 B1 B2
+; B1:
+; t2 <- assign 0
+; jmp B5
+; B2:
+; t3 <- closure 0
+; t4 <- callf "<=" [t3 2]
+; br t4 B3 B4
+; B3:
+; t2 <- assign 1
+; jmp B5
+; B4:
+; t5 <- param 0
+; t6 <- param 0
+; t7 <- closure 0
+; t8 <- callf "-" [t7 2]
+; t2 <- callc t5 [t6 1 1 t8]
+; jmp B5
+; B5:
+; return t2
+; == L2 ==
+; Params: 4
+; B0:
+; t0 <- param 3
+; t1 <- callf "<=" [t0 0]
+; br t1 B1 B2
+; B1:
+; t2 <- param 2
+; jmp B3
+; B2:
+; t3 <- param 0
+; t4 <- param 0
+; t5 <- param 2
+; t6 <- param 1
+; t7 <- param 2
+; t8 <- callf "+" [t6 t7]
+; t9 <- param 3
+; t10 <- callf "-" [t9 1]
+; t2 <- callc t3 [t4 t5 t8 t10]
+; jmp B3
+; B3:
+; return t2
+; == main lambda ==
+; Params: 1
+; B0:
+; t0 <- param 0
+; t1 <- alloc-closure L1 [t0]
+; t2 <- callc t1 [C(L2)]
+; free-closure t1
+; return t2
+(define for (start end f)
+ (if (<= start end)
+ (do (f start) (for (+ start 1) end f))
+ 0)) ; TODO: '()
+; == main lambda ==
+; Params: 3
+; Data table:
+; 0: ()
+; B0:
+; t0 <- param 0
+; t1 <- param 1
+; t2 <- callf "<=" [t0 t1]
+; br t2 B1 B2
+; B1:
+; t3 <- param 2
+; t4 <- param 0
+; _ <- callc t3 [t4]
+; t5 <- param 0
+; t6 <- callf "+" [t5 1]
+; t7 <- param 1
+; t8 <- param 2
+; t9 <- callf "for" [t6 t7 t8] ; patched up
+; jmp B3
+; B2:
+; t9 <- data 0
+; jmp B3
+; B3:
+; return t9
+(for 1 25 (lambda (n) (print (fibo3 n))))
+; == L1 ==
+; Params: 1
+; B0:
+; t0 <- param 0
+; t1 <- callf "fibo3" [t0]
+; t2 <- callf "print" [t1]
+; return t2
+; == global code ==
+; B0:
+; _ <- callf "for" [1 25 C(L1)]
diff --git a/fiboY.lisp b/fiboY.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f46c00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fiboY.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(define YY (recur) (lambda (f) (lambda (a) (f ((recur recur) f) a))))
+(define Y (YY YY))
+(define forX (recur (low high func))
+ (if (low <= high)
+ (do
+ (func low)
+ (recur (list (+ low 1) high func)))
+ '()))
+(define for (Y forX))
+(define fibohelperX (recur (n a b))
+ (if (n <= 0) a
+ (recur (list (- n 1) b (+ a b)))))
+(define fibohelper (Y fibohelperX))
+(define fibo (n) (fibohelper (n 0 1)))
+; Fill in the dots with the lines below...
+; If you're done, try to dump the whole expression into test.hs.
+; ((lambda (YY) ...) (lambda (recur) (lambda (f) (lambda (a) (f ((recur recur) f) a)))))
+; ((lambda (Y) ...) (YY YY))
+; ((lambda (forX) ...) (lambda (recur args) ; args: (low high func)
+; (if ((car args) <= (cadr args))
+; (do
+; ((cadr (cdr args)) (car args))
+; (recur (list (+ low 1) high func)))
+; '())))
diff --git a/intermediate.hs b/intermediate.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c72e81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intermediate.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+module Intermediate where
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import AST
+data IRProgram =
+ IRProgram [BB]
+ (Map.Map Name GlobFuncDef)
+ [Value] -- data table
+data GlobFuncDef =
+ GlobFuncDef Int -- BB id of implementation
+ Int -- number of arguments
+ [Name] -- closure slots
+data BB = BB Int [Instruction] Terminator
+type Instruction = (Ref, InsCode)
+data Ref
+ = RConst Int
+ | RTemp Int
+ | RSClo Name -- static closure object of a function
+ | RNone
+ deriving Eq
+data InsCode
+ = IAssign Ref
+ | IParam Int
+ | IClosure Int
+ | IData Int
+ | ICallC Ref [Ref]
+ | IAllocClo Name [Ref]
+ | IDiscard Ref
+ deriving Eq
+data Terminator
+ = IBr Ref Int Int
+ | IJmp Int
+ | IRet Ref
+ | IExit
+ | IUnknown
+ deriving Eq
+bidOf :: BB -> Int
+bidOf (BB i _ _) = i
+termOf :: BB -> Terminator
+termOf (BB _ _ t) = t
+instance Show IRProgram where
+ show (IRProgram bbs gfds datas) = intercalate "\n" $
+ ["IRPROGRAM", "Data Table:"] ++ map (("- " ++) . show) datas ++
+ ["Global functions:"] ++ map (\(n, gfd) -> "- " ++ n ++ ": " ++ show gfd) (Map.assocs gfds) ++
+ ["Blocks:"] ++ [intercalate "\n" (map show bbs)]
+instance Show GlobFuncDef where
+ show (GlobFuncDef bbid na []) = "BB " ++ show bbid ++ " (" ++ show na ++ ")"
+ show (GlobFuncDef bbid na cs) =
+ "BB " ++ show bbid ++ " (" ++ show na ++ ") (closure slots: " ++ intercalate ", " cs ++ ")"
+instance Show BB where
+ show (BB i inss term) =
+ "BB " ++ show i ++
+ concatMap (\(r, ic) -> case r of
+ RNone -> "\n " ++ show ic
+ _ -> "\n " ++ show r ++ " <- " ++ show ic) inss ++
+ "\n " ++ show term
+instance Show Ref where
+ show (RConst n) = show n
+ show (RTemp n) = "t" ++ show n
+ show (RSClo name) = "SC(\"" ++ name ++ "\")"
+ show RNone = "<<NONE>>"
+instance Show InsCode where
+ show (IAssign r) = "assign " ++ show r
+ show (IParam n) = "param " ++ show n
+ show (IClosure n) = "closure " ++ show n
+ show (IData n) = "data " ++ show n
+ show (ICallC r as) = "callc " ++ show r ++ " " ++ show as
+ show (IAllocClo name vs) = "alloc-closure \"" ++ name ++ "\" " ++ show vs
+ show (IDiscard r) = "discard " ++ show r
+instance Show Terminator where
+ show (IBr r b1 b2) = "br " ++ show r ++ " " ++ show b1 ++ " " ++ show b2
+ show (IJmp b) = "jmp " ++ show b
+ show (IRet r) = "ret " ++ show r
+ show IExit = "exit"
+ show IUnknown = "<<UNKNOWN>>"
diff --git a/interpreter.hs b/interpreter.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4595035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interpreter.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Interpreter(newContext, interpret, interpretProgram, Context) where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+-- import Debug.Trace
+import AST
+import Parser
+-- TODO: place bottom varmap separately for performance? (global define's in deeply nested contexts)
+type VarMap = Map.Map Name Value
+data Context = Context {varMapStk :: [VarMap]}
+newtype IM a = IM {unIM :: StateT Context (ExceptT String IO) a}
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadError String, MonadState Context, MonadIO)
+type Builtin = [Value] -> IM Value
+newContext :: Context
+newContext = Context [Map.fromList [(k, VBuiltin k) | k <- Map.keys builtins]]
+lookupVar :: Name -> IM (Maybe Value)
+lookupVar name = liftM (msum . map (Map.lookup name)) (gets varMapStk)
+withScopeMap :: VarMap -> IM a -> IM a
+withScopeMap vm act = do
+ modify $ \ctx -> ctx {varMapStk = vm : varMapStk ctx}
+ x <- act
+ modify $ \ctx -> ctx {varMapStk = tail (varMapStk ctx)}
+ return x
+builtins :: Map.Map String Builtin
+builtins = Map.fromList
+ [("read", readBuiltin),
+ ("eval", evalBuiltin),
+ ("print", printBuiltin),
+ ("getline", getlineBuiltin),
+ ("loop", loopBuiltin),
+ ("do", doBuiltin),
+ ("if", ifBuiltin),
+ ("define", defineBuiltin),
+ ("lambda", lambdaBuiltin),
+ ("match", matchBuiltin),
+ ("+", plusBuiltin),
+ ("-", arithBuiltin "-" (-) 0), ("*", arithBuiltin "*" (*) 1),
+ ("/", arithBuiltin "/" div 1), ("%", arithBuiltin "%" mod 1),
+ ("<", compareBuiltin "<" (<) (<)), ("<=", compareBuiltin "<=" (<=) (<=)),
+ (">", compareBuiltin ">" (>) (>)), (">=", compareBuiltin ">=" (>=) (>=)),
+ ("=", compareBuiltin "=" (==) (==)), ("!=", neqBuiltin)]
+nArguments :: String -> Int -> Bool -> Builtin -> Builtin
+nArguments name n doeval f args
+ | length args /= n =
+ throwError $ "Function '" ++ name ++ "' expects " ++ naStr n ++ " but got " ++ naStr (length args)
+ | doeval = mapM evalValue args >>= f
+ | otherwise = f args
+ where
+ naStr 0 = "no arguments"
+ naStr 1 = "1 argument"
+ naStr num = show num ++ " arguments"
+readBuiltin :: Builtin
+readBuiltin = nArguments "read" 1 True go
+ where
+ go :: Builtin
+ go [VString s] = either (throwError . show) return $ parseExpression s
+ go _ = throwError "Can only 'read' a string"
+evalBuiltin :: Builtin
+evalBuiltin = nArguments "eval" 1 True (evalValue . head)
+printBuiltin :: Builtin
+printBuiltin args = do
+ args' <- mapM evalValue args
+ liftIO (putStrLn $ intercalate " " $ map printShow args') >> return (VList [])
+ where
+ printShow :: Value -> String
+ printShow (VString s) = s
+ printShow v = show v
+loopBuiltin :: Builtin
+loopBuiltin = nArguments "loop" 1 False $ forever . evalValue . head
+getlineBuiltin :: Builtin
+getlineBuiltin = nArguments "getline" 0 True $ const (liftIO getLine >>= return . VString)
+doBuiltin :: Builtin
+doBuiltin [] = return (VList [])
+doBuiltin args = fmap last $ mapM evalValue args
+ifBuiltin :: Builtin
+ifBuiltin [cond, v1] = evalValue cond >>= \c -> if truthy c then evalValue v1 else return (VList [])
+ifBuiltin [cond, v1, v2] = evalValue cond >>= \c -> if truthy c then evalValue v1 else evalValue v2
+ifBuiltin a = throwError $ "Cannot pass " ++ show (length a) ++ " arguments to 'if'"
+defineBuiltin :: Builtin
+defineBuiltin [VName name, val] = do
+ val' <- evalValue val
+ stk <- gets varMapStk
+ let go [vm] _ = [Map.insert name val' vm]
+ go (vm : vms) (False : prs) = vm : go vms prs
+ go (vm : vms) (True : _) = Map.insert name val' vm : vms
+ go _ _ = undefined
+ modify $ \ctx -> ctx {varMapStk = go stk (map (isJust . Map.lookup name) stk)}
+ return (VList [])
+defineBuiltin [name@(VName _), VList args, val]
+ | Just names <- mapM fromVName args = defineBuiltin [name, VLambda names val]
+ | otherwise = throwError "Invalid 'define' syntax: invalid argument list"
+defineBuiltin _ = throwError "Invalid 'define' syntax"
+lambdaBuiltin :: Builtin
+lambdaBuiltin = nArguments "lambda" 2 False go
+ where
+ go :: Builtin
+ go [VList args, body]
+ | Just names <- mapM fromVName args = return (VLambda names body)
+ | otherwise = throwError "Invalid 'lambda' syntax: invalid argument list"
+ go _ = throwError "Invalid 'lambda' syntax"
+matchBuiltin :: Builtin
+matchBuiltin [] = throwError "Invalid 'match' syntax: empty match"
+matchBuiltin [_] = throwError "Invalid 'match' syntax: no arms"
+matchBuiltin (subject : arms) = do
+ subject' <- evalValue subject
+ go subject' arms
+ where
+ go :: Value -> [Value] -> IM Value
+ go _ [def] = evalValue def
+ go subject' (VList [pat, value] : rest) =
+ case match pat subject' Map.empty of
+ Nothing -> go subject' rest
+ Just mp -> withScopeMap mp (evalValue value)
+ go _ _ = throwError "Invalid 'match' syntax: invalid arm"
+plusBuiltin :: Builtin
+plusBuiltin [] = return (VNum 0)
+plusBuiltin args
+ | Just nums <- mapM fromVNum args = return (VNum (sum nums))
+ | Just strs <- mapM maybeStrings args = return (VString (concat strs))
+ | otherwise = throwError "Invalid argument types to operator '+'"
+arithBuiltin :: String -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> Builtin
+arithBuiltin name oper idelem args = do
+ args' <- mapM evalValue args
+ case mapM fromVNum args' of
+ Just [] -> return (VNum idelem)
+ Just (hd : tl) -> return (VNum (foldl oper hd tl))
+ _ -> throwError $ "Invalid argument types to operator '" ++ name ++ "'"
+neqBuiltin :: Builtin
+neqBuiltin = fmap (\(VNum x) -> VNum (1 - x)) . compareBuiltin "!=" (==) (==)
+compareBuiltin :: String -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> (String -> String -> Bool) -> Builtin
+compareBuiltin name oper soper args = do
+ args' <- mapM evalValue args
+ res <- case () of
+ _ | Just nums <- mapM fromVNum args' -> return $ all (uncurry oper) (zip nums (tail nums))
+ | Just strs <- mapM maybeStrings args' -> return $ all (uncurry soper) (zip strs (tail strs))
+ | otherwise -> throwError $ "Invalid argument types to operator '" ++ name ++ "'"
+ return $ VNum $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum res
+truthy :: Value -> Bool
+truthy (VNum n) = n /= 0
+truthy _ = True
+match :: Value -> Value -> VarMap -> Maybe VarMap
+match (VList []) (VList []) mp = Just mp
+match (VList [VEllipsis]) (VList _) mp = Just mp
+match (VList (pat : pats)) (VList (val : vals)) mp = match pat val mp >>= match (VList pats) (VList vals)
+match (VName name) val mp = case Map.lookup name mp of
+ Nothing -> Just (Map.insert name val mp)
+ Just val' | val == val' -> Just mp
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+match (VQuoted a) (VQuoted b) mp = match a b mp
+match (VLambda _ _) _ _ = Nothing
+match a b mp | a == b = Just mp
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+maybeStrings :: Value -> Maybe String
+maybeStrings = liftM2 (<|>) fromVString (fmap show . fromVNum)
+evalValue :: Value -> IM Value
+-- evalValue v | traceShow v False = undefined
+evalValue (VList exs) = listCall exs
+evalValue e@(VNum _) = return e
+evalValue e@(VString _) = return e
+evalValue (VName name) = lookupVar name >>= \mval -> case mval of
+ Just value -> return value
+ Nothing -> throwError $ "Use of undefined variable '" ++ name ++ "'"
+evalValue (VQuoted e) = return e
+evalValue e@(VLambda _ _) = return e
+evalValue e@(VBuiltin _) = return e
+evalValue VEllipsis = throwError "Unexpected ellipsis in code"
+listCall :: [Value] -> IM Value
+listCall [] = throwError "Cannot call ()"
+listCall (hd : args) = evalValue hd >>= \hd' -> case hd' of
+ VLambda names body
+ | length names == length args -> do
+ args' <- mapM evalValue args
+ withScopeMap (Map.fromList (zip names args')) (evalValue body)
+ | otherwise -> throwError $ "Invalid number of arguments in call to lambda " ++
+ "(" ++ show (length args) ++ " found, " ++ show (length names) ++ " needed)"
+ VBuiltin name ->
+ case Map.lookup name builtins of
+ Just f -> f args
+ Nothing -> throwError $ "Unknown builtin '" ++ name ++ "'"
+ v -> throwError $ "Cannot call value: " ++ show v
+interpret :: Context -> Value -> IO (Either String (Value, Context))
+interpret ctx val =
+ runExceptT $ flip runStateT ctx $ unIM $ evalValue val
+interpretProgram :: Context -> Program -> IO (Either String Context)
+interpretProgram rootctx (Program l) = go l rootctx
+ where
+ go :: [Value] -> Context -> IO (Either String Context)
+ go [] ctx = return (Right ctx)
+ go (val : vals) ctx = do
+ e <- interpret ctx val
+ case e of
+ Left err -> return (Left err)
+ Right (_, ctx') -> go vals ctx'
diff --git a/main.hs b/main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51e5815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+module Main where
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import System.Console.Readline
+import System.Environment
+import System.Exit
+import System.IO.Error
+import Compiler
+import Interpreter
+import Optimiser
+import Parser
+import Stdlib
+import VM
+usage :: IO ()
+usage = do
+ progname <- getProgName
+ putStrLn $ "Usage: " ++ progname ++ " [filename.lisp]"
+repl :: Context -> IO ()
+repl ctx = do
+ mline <- fmap (fmap strip) (readline "> ")
+ case mline of
+ Nothing -> putStrLn ""
+ Just "" -> repl ctx
+ Just (';' : _) -> repl ctx
+ Just line -> do
+ addHistory line
+ case parseExpression line of
+ Right val -> do
+ ires <- interpret ctx val
+ case ires of
+ Right (retval, ctx') -> do
+ putStrLn $ "\x1B[36m" ++ show retval ++ "\x1B[0m"
+ repl ctx'
+ Left err -> do
+ putStrLn $ "\x1B[31;1mError: " ++ err ++ "\x1B[0m"
+ repl ctx
+ Left err -> do
+ putStrLn $ "\x1B[31;1mParse error:\n" ++ show err ++ "\x1B[0m"
+ repl ctx
+runFile :: String -> Context -> IO ()
+runFile fname ctx = do
+ source <- readFile fname
+ case parseProgram source of
+ Right ast -> do
+ res <- interpretProgram ctx ast
+ case res of
+ Right _ -> return ()
+ Left err -> die $ "Error: " ++ err
+ Left err -> die $ "Parse error:\n" ++ show err
+strip :: String -> String
+strip = dropWhileEnd isSpace . dropWhile isSpace
+handleEOFError :: IO () -> IO ()
+handleEOFError op = catchIOError op (\e -> if isEOFError e then putStrLn "" else ioError e)
+-- main :: IO ()
+-- main = do
+-- clargs <- getArgs
+-- Right ctx <- interpretProgram newContext stdlib
+-- case clargs of
+-- [] -> handleEOFError (repl ctx)
+-- [fname] -> runFile fname ctx
+-- _ -> usage >> exitFailure
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ clargs <- getArgs
+ source <- case clargs of
+ [] -> getContents
+ [fname] -> readFile fname
+ _ -> usage >> exitFailure
+ prog <- either (die . show) return (parseProgram source)
+ irprog <- either die return (compileProgram prog)
+ let opt = optimise irprog
+ -- print opt
+ vmRun opt
diff --git a/match.lisp b/match.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84503e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/match.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(define f (x)
+ (match x
+ ((1 2 3) "1-2-3")
+ ((1) "just 1")
+ ((1 ...) "1 something")
+ ((n ...) "number something")
+ ('v "something quoted")
+ "dunno"))
+(print (f '(1 2 3)))
+(print (f '(1)))
+(print (f '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+(print (f '(2 3 4 5)))
+(print (f ''"kaas"))
+(print (f "kaas"))
diff --git a/optimiser.hs b/optimiser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4c60cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/optimiser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module Optimiser(optimise) where
+import Data.List
+import Intermediate
+optimise :: IRProgram -> IRProgram
+optimise (IRProgram bbs gfds datas) = IRProgram (mergeBlocks bbs) gfds datas
+mergeBlocks :: [BB] -> [BB]
+mergeBlocks [] = []
+mergeBlocks allbbs@(BB startb _ _ : _) =
+ uncurry (++) (partition ((== startb) . bidOf) (go allbbs (length allbbs)))
+ where
+ go [] _ = []
+ go bbs 0 = bbs
+ go (bb@(BB bid inss term) : bbs) n = case partition (hasJumpTo bid . termOf) bbs of
+ ([], _) -> go (bbs ++ [bb]) (n - 1)
+ ([BB bid' inss' _], rest) -> go (BB bid' (inss' ++ inss) term : rest) n
+ _ -> go (bbs ++ [bb]) (n - 1)
+ hasJumpTo bid (IJmp a) = a == bid
+ hasJumpTo _ _ = False
diff --git a/parser.hs b/parser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f9e965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+module Parser(parseProgram, parseExpression) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Char
+import Text.Parsec
+import AST
+type Parser = Parsec String ()
+parseProgram :: String -> Either ParseError Program
+parseProgram = parse pProgram ""
+pProgram :: Parser Program
+pProgram = between pWhiteComment eof (liftM Program (many pValue))
+parseExpression :: String -> Either ParseError Value
+parseExpression = parse pExpression ""
+pExpression :: Parser Value
+pExpression = between pWhiteComment eof pValue
+pValue :: Parser Value
+pValue = pVEllipsis <|> pVList <|> pVNum <|> pVString <|> pVName <|> pVQuoted <?> "value"
+pVList :: Parser Value
+pVList = flip label "list" $ do
+ symbol "("
+ exs <- many pValue
+ symbol ")"
+ return $ VList exs
+pVNum :: Parser Value
+pVNum = liftM (VNum . read) (many1 digit) <* pWhiteComment <?> "number"
+pVString :: Parser Value
+pVString = flip label "string" $ do
+ void $ char '"'
+ s <- manyTill anyChar (symbol "\"")
+ return $ VString s
+pVName :: Parser Value
+pVName = flip label "name" $ do
+ first <- satisfy isFirstNameChar
+ rest <- many (satisfy isNameChar)
+ pWhiteComment
+ return $ VName $ first : rest
+ where
+ isNameChar c = ((c >= '*' && c <= 'z') || c `elem` "!#$%&|~") && c /= ';'
+ isFirstNameChar c = isNameChar c && not (isDigit c)
+pVQuoted :: Parser Value
+pVQuoted = char '\'' >> liftM VQuoted pValue <?> "quoted value"
+pVEllipsis :: Parser Value
+pVEllipsis = symbol "..." >> return VEllipsis <?> "ellipsis"
+symbol :: String -> Parser ()
+symbol s = try (string s) >> pWhiteComment
+pWhiteComment :: Parser ()
+pWhiteComment = do
+ pWhitespace
+ void $ many $ pComment >> pWhitespace
+ where
+ pWhitespace :: Parser ()
+ pWhitespace = void (many space) <?> "whitespace"
+ pComment :: Parser ()
+ pComment = flip label "comment" $ do
+ void $ char ';'
+ void (manyTill anyChar (void endOfLine <|> eof))
diff --git a/stdlib.hs b/stdlib.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f7334f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+module Stdlib(stdlib) where
+import AST
+import Parser
+stdlib :: Program
+stdlib = fromRight $ parseProgram
+ "(define not (x) (= x 0))\n\
+ \(define id (x) x)\n\
+ \(define nil (x) (= x '()))\n\
+ \(define . (f g) (lambda (x) (f (g x))))\n"
+fromRight :: Show a => Either a b -> b
+fromRight (Right b) = b
+fromRight (Left a) = error $ "fromRight on Left: " ++ show a
diff --git a/test.hs b/test.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a763524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import System.Exit
+import Compiler
+import Optimiser
+import Parser
+import VM
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ -- let Right p = parseProgram "(print (lambda (n) ((lambda (helper) (if (<= n 0) 0 (if (<= n 2) 1 (helper helper 1 1 (- n 2))))) (lambda (recur a b n) (if (<= n 0) b (recur recur b (+ a b) (- n 1)))))))"
+ -- let Right p = parseProgram "(print ((lambda (n) ((lambda (helper) (if (<= n 0) 0 (if (<= n 2) 1 (helper helper 1 1 (- n 2))))) (lambda (recur a b n) (if (<= n 0) b (recur recur b (+ a b) (- n 1)))))) 6))"
+ let Right p = parseProgram "(do (define f (lambda (n) (+ n 1))) (print (f 10)))"
+ prog <- either die return (compileProgram p)
+ let opt = optimise prog
+ print opt
+ vmRun opt
diff --git a/vm.hs b/vm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10c084f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+module VM(vmRun) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
+import qualified System.IO.Error as IO
+import Debug.Trace
+import AST
+import Intermediate
+data Info = Info (Map.Map Int BB) (Map.Map Name GlobFuncDef)
+type TempMap = Map.Map Int RunValue
+data State = State TempMap ([RunValue], [RunValue])
+data RunValue = RClosure Name [RunValue] | RValue Value
+ deriving Show
+kErrorExit :: String
+kErrorExit = "VM:exit"
+vmRun :: IRProgram -> IO ()
+vmRun (IRProgram bbs gfds []) =
+ let bbmap = Map.fromList [(bidOf bb, bb) | bb <- bbs]
+ info = Info bbmap gfds
+ state = State Map.empty ([], [])
+ in IO.catchIOError (void $ vmRunBB info state (head bbs)) vmErrorHandler
+vmRun _ = undefined
+vmErrorHandler :: IOError -> IO ()
+vmErrorHandler e =
+ if IO.isUserError e && IO.ioeGetErrorString e == kErrorExit then return () else IO.ioError e
+vmRunBB :: Info -> State -> BB -> IO (RunValue, State)
+vmRunBB info state (BB _ inss term) = do
+ state' <- foldM (vmRunInstr info) state inss
+ vmRunTerm info state' term
+vmRunInstr :: Info -> State -> Instruction -> IO State
+-- vmRunInstr _ _ ins | traceShow ins False = undefined
+vmRunInstr info@(Info bbmap gfds) state@(State tmap (args, closure)) (dest, instr) = case instr of
+ IAssign ref -> return (assignRef state dest (findRef tmap ref))
+ IParam i -> return (assignRef state dest (args !! i))
+ IClosure i -> return (assignRef state dest (closure !! i))
+ IData _ -> undefined
+ ICallC cl as -> case findRef tmap cl of
+ RClosure clname clvals -> case Map.lookup clname gfds of
+ Just (GlobFuncDef b _ _) ->
+ let Just bb = Map.lookup b bbmap
+ in do
+ -- traceM ("call " ++ show cl ++ " with arguments " ++ show (map (findRef tmap) as))
+ (rv, _) <- vmRunBB info (State tmap (map (findRef tmap) as, clvals)) bb
+ return (assignRef state dest rv)
+ Nothing -> liftM (assignRef state dest) (vmRunBuiltin clname (map (findRef tmap) as))
+ _ -> error "VM: Cannot call non-closure object"
+ IAllocClo name clrefs -> return (assignRef state dest (RClosure name (map (findRef tmap) clrefs)))
+ IDiscard _ -> return state
+vmRunTerm :: Info -> State -> Terminator -> IO (RunValue, State)
+vmRunTerm info@(Info bbmap gfds) state@(State tmap (args, closure)) term = case term of
+ IBr ref b1 b2 -> vmRunBB info state . (bbmap !) $ if truthy (findRef tmap ref) then b1 else b2
+ IJmp b -> vmRunBB info state (bbmap ! b)
+ IRet ref -> return (findRef tmap ref, state)
+ IExit -> IO.ioError (IO.userError kErrorExit)
+ IUnknown -> undefined
+findRef :: TempMap -> Ref -> RunValue
+findRef _ (RConst n) = RValue (VNum n)
+findRef tmap (RTemp i) = fromJust (Map.lookup i tmap)
+findRef _ (RSClo name) = RClosure name []
+findRef _ RNone = error "VM: None ref used"
+assignRef :: State -> Ref -> RunValue -> State
+assignRef (State tmap pair) (RTemp i) rv = State (Map.insert i rv tmap) pair
+assignRef _ ref _ = error $ "VM: Unexpected ref " ++ show ref ++ " assigned"
+vmRunBuiltin :: Name -> [RunValue] -> IO RunValue
+-- vmRunBuiltin name args | trace (name ++ " " ++ show args) False = undefined
+vmRunBuiltin "print" as = putStrLn (intercalate ", " (map printshow as)) >> return (RValue (VList []))
+vmRunBuiltin "<=" [RValue (VNum a), RValue (VNum b)] = return (RValue (VNum (fromEnum (a <= b))))
+vmRunBuiltin "+" [RValue (VNum a), RValue (VNum b)] = return (RValue (VNum (a + b)))
+vmRunBuiltin "-" [RValue (VNum a), RValue (VNum b)] = return (RValue (VNum (a - b)))
+vmRunBuiltin "car" [RValue (VList (a:_))] = return (RValue a)
+vmRunBuiltin "cdr" [RValue (VList (_:a))] = return (RValue (VList a))
+vmRunBuiltin name args = error (name ++ " " ++ show args)
+printshow :: RunValue -> String
+printshow (RValue (VString str)) = str
+printshow (RValue value) = show value
+printshow (RClosure _ _) = "[closure]"
+truthy :: RunValue -> Bool
+truthy (RValue (VNum n)) = n /= 0
+truthy _ = True