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authortomsmeding <>2017-12-13 23:25:53 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2017-12-13 23:25:53 +0100
commitef9684b0bf2780800ae3349819239e4f0a0c9c25 (patch)
parent3fca4bf68ff8df1639416f0630452272c647cd00 (diff)
Make fiboY work
3 files changed, 75 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/compiler.hs b/compiler.hs
index 64b887c..2e3b80b 100644
--- a/compiler.hs
+++ b/compiler.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Debug.Trace
import AST
import Intermediate
@@ -70,8 +71,11 @@ data ScopeItem = SIParam Int | SIClosure Int | SIGlobal
newtype CM a = CM {unCM :: StateT CompState (Except String) a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState CompState, MonadError String)
+-- TODO: extra info like number of arguments, dunno, might be useful
builtinMap :: Map.Map Name ()
-builtinMap = Map.fromList [("+", ()), ("-", ()), ("<=", ()), ("print", ())]
+builtinMap = Map.fromList [
+ ("+", ()), ("-", ()), ("<=", ()), ("print", ()),
+ ("list", ()), ("car", ()), ("cdr", ())]
bbId :: BB -> Int
bbId (BB i _ _) = i
@@ -228,6 +232,7 @@ genTValue (TVDefine name value) nextnext = do
dref <- genTemp
defineAdd name dref
vref <- genTValue value nextnext
+ -- traceM $ "Defining '" ++ name ++ "', ref " ++ show dref ++ ", with value " ++ show vref
addIns (dref, IAssign vref)
return RNone
genTValue (TVLambda args body closure) nextnext = do
@@ -245,12 +250,11 @@ genTValue (TVLambda args body closure) nextnext = do
resref <- case closure of
[] -> return (RSClo uname)
_ -> do
- refs <- foldM (\refs' cname -> do
- b <- newBlock
- r <- genTValue (TVName cname undefined) b
- switchBlock b
- return (r : refs'))
- [] closure
+ refs <- forM closure $ \cname -> do
+ b <- newBlock
+ r <- genTValue (TVName cname undefined) b
+ switchBlock b
+ return r
r <- genTemp
addIns (r, IAllocClo uname refs)
return r
@@ -279,3 +283,4 @@ genTValue (TVName name _) nextnext = do
_ -> throwError $ "Use of undefined name \"" ++ name ++ "\""
setTerm $ IJmp nextnext
return r
+genTValue TVEllipsis _ = throwError "Ellipses not supported in compiler"
diff --git a/fiboY.lisp b/fiboY.lisp
index f46c00a..d12a5ab 100644
--- a/fiboY.lisp
+++ b/fiboY.lisp
@@ -1,39 +1,24 @@
+(define cadr (l) (car (cdr l)))
+(define caddr (l) (car (cdr (cdr l))))
(define YY (recur) (lambda (f) (lambda (a) (f ((recur recur) f) a))))
(define Y (YY YY))
-(define forX (recur (low high func))
- (if (low <= high)
+(define forX (recur low_high_func)
+ (if (<= (car low_high_func) (cadr low_high_func))
- (func low)
- (recur (list (+ low 1) high func)))
+ ((caddr low_high_func) (car low_high_func))
+ (recur (list (+ (car low_high_func) 1) (cadr low_high_func) (caddr low_high_func))))
(define for (Y forX))
-(define fibohelperX (recur (n a b))
- (if (n <= 0) a
- (recur (list (- n 1) b (+ a b)))))
+(define fibohelperX (recur n_a_b)
+ (if (<= (car n_a_b) 0) (cadr n_a_b)
+ (recur (list (- (car n_a_b) 1) (caddr n_a_b) (+ (cadr n_a_b) (caddr n_a_b))))))
(define fibohelper (Y fibohelperX))
-(define fibo (n) (fibohelper (n 0 1)))
-; Fill in the dots with the lines below...
-; If you're done, try to dump the whole expression into test.hs.
-; ((lambda (YY) ...) (lambda (recur) (lambda (f) (lambda (a) (f ((recur recur) f) a)))))
-; ((lambda (Y) ...) (YY YY))
-; ((lambda (forX) ...) (lambda (recur args) ; args: (low high func)
-; (if ((car args) <= (cadr args))
-; (do
-; ((cadr (cdr args)) (car args))
-; (recur (list (+ low 1) high func)))
-; '())))
+(define fibo (n) (fibohelper (list n 0 1)))
+(for (list 1 25 (lambda (n) (print (fibo n)))))
diff --git a/vm.hs b/vm.hs
index c21e228..04de0c5 100644
--- a/vm.hs
+++ b/vm.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,13 @@ type TempMap = Map.Map Int RunValue
data State = State TempMap ([RunValue] {- current arguments -}, [RunValue] {- current closure -})
-data RunValue = RClosure Name [RunValue] | RValue Value
+-- TODO: are more constructors from Value needed?
+data RunValue
+ = RVClosure Name [RunValue]
+ | RVList [RunValue]
+ | RVNum Int
+ | RVString String
+ | RVQuoted RunValue
deriving Show
kErrorExit :: String
@@ -47,20 +53,28 @@ vmRunInstr :: Info -> State -> Instruction -> IO State
-- vmRunInstr _ _ ins | traceShow ins False = undefined
vmRunInstr info@(Info bbmap gfds datas) state@(State tmap (args, closure)) (dest, instr) = case instr of
IAssign ref -> return (assignRef state dest (findRef tmap ref))
- IParam i -> return (assignRef state dest (args !! i))
- IClosure i -> return (assignRef state dest (closure !! i))
- IData i -> return (assignRef state dest (RValue (datas !! i)))
- ICallC cl as -> case findRef tmap cl of
- RClosure clname clvals -> case Map.lookup clname gfds of
- Just (GlobFuncDef b _ _) ->
- let Just bb = Map.lookup b bbmap
- in do
- -- traceM ("call " ++ show cl ++ " with arguments " ++ show (map (findRef tmap) as))
- (rv, _) <- vmRunBB info (State tmap (map (findRef tmap) as, clvals)) bb
- return (assignRef state dest rv)
- Nothing -> liftM (assignRef state dest) (vmRunBuiltin clname (map (findRef tmap) as))
- _ -> error "VM: Cannot call non-closure object"
- IAllocClo name clrefs -> return (assignRef state dest (RClosure name (map (findRef tmap) clrefs)))
+ IParam i ->
+ if i < length args then return (assignRef state dest (args !! i))
+ else error $ show closure ++ ", " ++ show i ++ ", param-out-of-range"
+ IClosure i ->
+ if i < length closure then return (assignRef state dest (closure !! i))
+ else error $ show closure ++ ", " ++ show i ++ ", closure-out-of-range"
+ IData i ->
+ if i < length datas then return (assignRef state dest (toRunValue (datas !! i)))
+ else error "data-out-of-range"
+ ICallC cl as ->
+ -- trace ("callc " ++ show (findRef tmap cl) ++ " " ++ show (map (findRef tmap) as)) $
+ case findRef tmap cl of
+ RVClosure clname clvals -> case Map.lookup clname gfds of
+ Just (GlobFuncDef b _ _) ->
+ let Just bb = Map.lookup b bbmap
+ in do
+ -- traceM ("call " ++ show cl ++ " with arguments " ++ show (map (findRef tmap) as))
+ (rv, _) <- vmRunBB info (State tmap (map (findRef tmap) as, clvals)) bb
+ return (assignRef state dest rv)
+ Nothing -> liftM (assignRef state dest) (vmRunBuiltin clname (map (findRef tmap) as))
+ obj -> error $ "VM: Cannot call non-closure object: " ++ show obj
+ IAllocClo name clrefs -> return (assignRef state dest (RVClosure name (map (findRef tmap) clrefs)))
IDiscard _ -> return state
vmRunTerm :: Info -> State -> Terminator -> IO (RunValue, State)
@@ -72,9 +86,9 @@ vmRunTerm info@(Info bbmap _ _) state@(State tmap _) term = case term of
IUnknown -> undefined
findRef :: TempMap -> Ref -> RunValue
-findRef _ (RConst n) = RValue (VNum n)
+findRef _ (RConst n) = RVNum n
findRef tmap (RTemp i) = fromJust (Map.lookup i tmap)
-findRef _ (RSClo name) = RClosure name []
+findRef _ (RSClo name) = RVClosure name []
findRef _ RNone = error "VM: None ref used"
assignRef :: State -> Ref -> RunValue -> State
@@ -83,19 +97,29 @@ assignRef _ ref _ = error $ "VM: Unexpected ref " ++ show ref ++ " assigned"
vmRunBuiltin :: Name -> [RunValue] -> IO RunValue
-- vmRunBuiltin name args | trace (name ++ " " ++ show args) False = undefined
-vmRunBuiltin "print" as = putStrLn (intercalate ", " (map printshow as)) >> return (RValue (VList []))
-vmRunBuiltin "<=" [RValue (VNum a), RValue (VNum b)] = return (RValue (VNum (fromEnum (a <= b))))
-vmRunBuiltin "+" [RValue (VNum a), RValue (VNum b)] = return (RValue (VNum (a + b)))
-vmRunBuiltin "-" [RValue (VNum a), RValue (VNum b)] = return (RValue (VNum (a - b)))
-vmRunBuiltin "car" [RValue (VList (a:_))] = return (RValue a)
-vmRunBuiltin "cdr" [RValue (VList (_:a))] = return (RValue (VList a))
+vmRunBuiltin "print" as = putStrLn (intercalate ", " (map printshow as)) >> return (RVList [])
+vmRunBuiltin "<=" [RVNum a, RVNum b] = return (RVNum (fromEnum (a <= b)))
+vmRunBuiltin "+" [RVNum a, RVNum b] = return (RVNum (a + b))
+vmRunBuiltin "-" [RVNum a, RVNum b] = return (RVNum (a - b))
+vmRunBuiltin "car" [RVList (a:_)] = return a
+vmRunBuiltin "cdr" [RVList (_:a)] = return (RVList a)
+vmRunBuiltin "list" values = return (RVList values)
vmRunBuiltin name args = error (name ++ " " ++ show args)
printshow :: RunValue -> String
-printshow (RValue (VString str)) = str
-printshow (RValue value) = show value
-printshow (RClosure _ _) = "[closure]"
+printshow (RVString str) = str
+printshow (RVList values) = show values
+printshow (RVNum i) = show i
+printshow (RVQuoted value) = '\'' : show value
+printshow (RVClosure _ _) = "[closure]"
truthy :: RunValue -> Bool
-truthy (RValue (VNum n)) = n /= 0
+truthy (RVNum n) = n /= 0
truthy _ = True
+toRunValue :: Value -> RunValue
+toRunValue (VList values) = RVList (map toRunValue values)
+toRunValue (VNum i) = RVNum i
+toRunValue (VString s) = RVString s
+toRunValue (VQuoted value) = RVQuoted (toRunValue value)
+toRunValue _ = undefined