path: root/ASTOptimiser.hs
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authortomsmeding <>2019-12-14 23:01:36 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2019-12-14 23:23:11 +0100
commit8601d4637314b1bc9ae0d5e5e5aa9d32e740935d (patch)
tree6e7de0c9e2170fc81c18b1f0fd3bd9c604139b79 /ASTOptimiser.hs
parent638181c4f19f38898abf5ff41b891eaa62ea9325 (diff)
Some small-function inlininginlining
Diffstat (limited to 'ASTOptimiser.hs')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ASTOptimiser.hs b/ASTOptimiser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d577f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ASTOptimiser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+module ASTOptimiser (
+ optimiseAST
+) where
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Maybe
+import Debug.Trace
+import AST
+optimiseAST :: Program -> Program
+optimiseAST = performInlining
+performInlining :: Program -> Program
+performInlining (Program values) =
+ Program (snd (mapState inline initState values))
+data State
+ -- A variable maps to Nothing if its value is unknown
+ = State { sEnv :: [Map.Map Name (Maybe (Value, MetaInfo))] }
+ deriving (Show)
+newtype MetaInfo
+ = MetaInfo { miWeight :: Int }
+ deriving (Show)
+initState :: State
+initState = State [Map.empty]
+-- Maximum weight of function to be considered for inlining
+paramInlineMaxWeight :: Int
+paramInlineMaxWeight = 10 -- TODO: very arbitrary
+-- Maximum weight of argument to function to be inlined; the larger this
+-- is, the more work we allow to be duplicated over multiple usage sites in
+-- the inlined function.
+-- TODO: perhaps make this dependent on how many times the value is used in
+-- the function to be inlined?
+paramInlineArgMaxWeight :: Int
+paramInlineArgMaxWeight = 1
+withScope :: State -> (State -> (State, a)) -> (State, a)
+withScope state f =
+ let (st', ret) = f (state { sEnv = Map.empty : sEnv state })
+ in (st' { sEnv = tail (sEnv st') }, ret)
+defineName :: State -> Name -> Maybe Value -> State
+defineName state name mvalue =
+ let desc = (\v -> (v, MetaInfo (computeWeight v))) <$> mvalue
+ env' = Map.insert name desc (head (sEnv state)) : tail (sEnv state)
+ in state { sEnv = env' }
+lookupName :: State -> Name -> Maybe (Value, MetaInfo)
+lookupName state name =
+ case catMaybes (map (Map.lookup name) (sEnv state)) of
+ -- A found 'Nothing' should still result in Nothing being returned
+ (Just desc : _) -> Just desc
+ _ -> Nothing
+inline :: State -> Value -> (State, Value)
+inline state origValue =
+ case origValue of
+ VDefine name value ->
+ let (state', value') = inline state value
+ in (defineName state' name (Just value'), VDefine name value')
+ VList [] -> (state, origValue)
+ VList (vhead:vtail)
+ | all ((<= paramInlineArgMaxWeight) . computeWeight) vtail ->
+ trace ("\x1B[1;31minline: argument weight test passed\x1B[0m: " ++ show origValue) $
+ betaReduce . VList . (inlineReplace state vhead :) <$>
+ mapState inline state vtail
+ | otherwise ->
+ trace ("\x1B[1;31minline: argument weight test FAILED\x1B[0m: " ++ show origValue) $
+ (state, betaReduce origValue)
+ VLambda as value ->
+ withScope state $ \state1 ->
+ let state1' = foldl (\s n -> defineName s n Nothing) state1 as
+ in VLambda as <$> inline state1' value
+ VLambdaRec r as value ->
+ withScope state $ \state1 ->
+ -- Also mark r as unknown, since we don't want to inline recursion
+ let state1' = foldl (\s n -> defineName s n Nothing) state1 (r : as)
+ in VLambdaRec r as <$> inline state1' value
+ VLet [] body ->
+ VLet [] <$> inline state body
+ VLet ((name, value) : pairs) body ->
+ withScope state $ \state1 ->
+ let (state1', value') = inline state1 value
+ state1'' = defineName state1' name (Just value')
+ (state1''', VLet pairs' body') = inline state1'' (VLet pairs body)
+ in (state1''', VLet ((name, value') : pairs') body')
+ VNum _ -> (state, origValue)
+ VString _ -> (state, origValue)
+ VName _ -> (state, origValue)
+ VQuoted _ -> (state, origValue)
+ VDeclare _ -> (state, origValue)
+ VBuiltin _ -> (state, origValue)
+ VEllipsis -> (state, origValue)
+inlineReplace :: State -> Value -> Value
+inlineReplace state origValue@(VName name) =
+ case lookupName state name of
+ Just (value, meta) | miWeight meta <= paramInlineMaxWeight ->
+ trace ("\x1B[1;31minline: function weight small\x1B[0m (" ++ show (miWeight meta) ++ "): " ++ name) $
+ value
+ Just (_, meta) ->
+ trace ("\x1B[1;31minline: function weight large\x1B[0m (" ++ show (miWeight meta) ++"): " ++ name) $
+ origValue
+ Nothing ->
+ trace ("\x1B[1;31minline: variable not found\x1B[0m: " ++ name) $
+ origValue
+inlineReplace _ origValue = origValue
+betaReduce :: Value -> Value
+betaReduce (VList (VLambda names body : values))
+ | length values == length names =
+ -- TODO: THIS IS INCORRECT if the replaced value is a name that is
+ -- shadowed by another variable in the function body.
+ replaceNames (Map.fromList (zip names values)) body
+betaReduce value = value
+-- TODO: Very arbitrary; should perhaps be tuned
+computeWeight :: Value -> Int
+computeWeight (VList vs) = 1 + sum (map computeWeight vs)
+computeWeight (VNum _) = 1
+computeWeight (VString _) = 1
+computeWeight (VName _) = 1
+computeWeight (VQuoted _) = 1
+computeWeight (VDeclare _) = 0
+computeWeight (VDefine _ v) = computeWeight v
+computeWeight (VLambda _ v) = 2 + computeWeight v
+computeWeight (VLambdaRec _ _ v) = 2 + computeWeight v
+computeWeight (VLet ds v) = sum (map computeWeight (v : map snd ds))
+computeWeight (VBuiltin _) = 1
+computeWeight VEllipsis = 0
+mapState :: (State -> a -> (State, b)) -> State -> [a] -> (State, [b])
+mapState _ state [] = (state, [])
+mapState f state (x:xs) = let (state', y) = f state x
+ in fmap (y :) (mapState f state' xs)