path: root/Compiler.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Compiler.hs')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Compiler.hs b/Compiler.hs
index 9f8b595..a5a1f3d 100644
--- a/Compiler.hs
+++ b/Compiler.hs
@@ -36,6 +36,13 @@ analyseValue = go []
| Just names <- mapM fromVName args = go scopes (VLambda names body)
| otherwise = error "Invalid 'lambda' syntax: Invalid argument list"
go _ (VList (VName "lambda" : _)) = error "Invalid 'lambda' syntax"
+ go scopes (VList [VName "let", VList args, body]) =
+ case sequence [if length p == 2 then Just (p !! 0, p !! 1) else Nothing | VList p <- args] of
+ Just pairs ->
+ go scopes (VList (VList [VName "lambda", VList (map fst pairs), body] : map snd pairs))
+ Nothing ->
+ error "Invalid 'let' syntax: Invalid variable list (not all pairs)"
+ go _ (VList (VName "let" : _)) = error "Invalid 'let' syntax: Invalid argument list"
go scopes (VList values) = TVList (map (go scopes) values)
go _ (VNum n) = TVNum n
go _ (VString s) = TVString s
@@ -46,6 +53,7 @@ analyseValue = go []
in TVLambda args t (Set.toList (collectEscapes 0 t))
go _ (VBuiltin _) = undefined
go _ VEllipsis = TVEllipsis
+ go _ (VLet _ _) = error "'let' should not be present yet at this point"
collectEscapes :: Int -> TaggedValue -> Set.Set Name
collectEscapes limit (TVList values) = Set.unions (map (collectEscapes limit) values)