path: root/ast.hs
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authorTom Smeding <>2018-04-19 11:45:46 +0200
committerTom Smeding <>2018-04-19 11:45:46 +0200
commitaf425841a63ee73603cc09510d95a36e646ddafd (patch)
tree08a1ef8435ec0ab07887256a1c86f908c2389a1a /ast.hs
parent8d9d27d64d9e39ea76fd878e928e553944735e45 (diff)
Build with stack
Diffstat (limited to 'ast.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/ast.hs b/ast.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d4c669b..0000000
--- a/ast.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, BangPatterns, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-module AST where
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import Data.List
-import Data.Data
-import Data.Typeable
-import Control.DeepSeq
-import PrettyPrint
-import Debug
-data AST = Number Double
- | Variable String
- | Sum [AST]
- | Product [AST]
- | Negative AST
- | Reciprocal AST
- | Apply String [AST]
- -- The following only in patterns:
- | Capture String
- | CaptureTerm String
- | CaptureConstr String AST -- AST argument only for constructor; only WHNF
- deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Typeable,Data)
-instance PrettyPrint AST where
- prettyPrint (Number n) = show n
- prettyPrint (Variable n) = n
- prettyPrint (Sum []) = "(+)"
- prettyPrint (Sum args) = intercalate " + " $ map prettyPrint args
- prettyPrint (Product []) = "(*)"
- prettyPrint (Product args) = intercalate "*" $ map gopp args
- where gopp s@(Sum _) = '(' : prettyPrint s ++ ")"
- gopp n = prettyPrint n
- prettyPrint (Negative n) = '-' : case n of
- s@(Sum _) -> '(' : prettyPrint s ++ ")"
- n -> prettyPrint n
- prettyPrint (Reciprocal n) = "1/" ++ case n of
- s@(Sum _) -> '(' : prettyPrint s ++ ")"
- s@(Product _) -> '(' : prettyPrint s ++ ")"
- s@(Reciprocal _) -> '(' : prettyPrint s ++ ")"
- n -> prettyPrint n
- prettyPrint (Apply name args) = name ++ "(" ++ intercalate "," (map prettyPrint args) ++ ")"
- prettyPrint (Capture name) = '[' : name ++ "]"
- prettyPrint (CaptureTerm name) = '[' : '[' : name ++ "]]"
- prettyPrint (CaptureConstr name c) = '[' : name ++ ":" ++ showConstr (toConstr c) ++ "]"
-instance NFData AST where
- rnf (Number !_) = ()
- rnf (Variable !_) = ()
- rnf (Sum l) = seq (length $ map rnf l) ()
- rnf (Product l) = seq (length $ map rnf l) ()
- rnf (Negative n) = rnf n
- rnf (Reciprocal n) = rnf n
- rnf (Apply !_ l) = seq (length $ map rnf l) ()
- rnf (Capture !_) = ()
- rnf (CaptureTerm !_) = ()
- rnf (CaptureConstr !_ !_) = () -- explicitly not deepseq'ing the ast node
-instance Ord AST where
- compare (Number a) (Number b) = compare a b
- compare (Variable a) (Variable b) = compare a b
- compare (Sum a) (Sum b) = compare a b
- compare (Product a) (Product b) = compare a b
- compare (Negative a) (Negative b) = compare a b
- compare (Reciprocal a) (Reciprocal b) = compare a b
- compare (Apply n1 a) (Apply n2 b) = let r = compare n1 n2 in if r == EQ then compare a b else r
- compare (Capture a) (Capture b) = compare a b
- compare (CaptureTerm a) (CaptureTerm b) = compare a b
- compare (CaptureConstr n1 node1) (CaptureConstr n2 node2) = let r = compare n1 n2 in if r == EQ then compare node1 node2 else r
- compare (Capture _) _ = LT -- Unbounded captures first for efficient
- compare _ (Capture _) = GT -- extraction with span isCapture
- compare (Number _) _ = LT
- compare _ (Number _) = GT
- compare (Variable _) _ = LT
- compare _ (Variable _) = GT
- compare (Sum _) _ = LT
- compare _ (Sum _) = GT
- compare (Product _) _ = LT
- compare _ (Product _) = GT
- compare (Negative _) _ = LT
- compare _ (Negative _) = GT
- compare (Reciprocal _) _ = LT
- compare _ (Reciprocal _) = GT
- compare (Apply _ _) _ = LT
- compare _ (Apply _ _) = GT
- compare (CaptureTerm _) _ = LT
- compare _ (CaptureTerm _) = GT
- -- compare (CaptureConstr _ _) _ = LT
- -- compare _ (CaptureConstr _ _) = GT
-astIsNumber :: AST -> Bool
-astIsNumber (Number _) = True
-astIsNumber _ = False
-astIsCapture :: AST -> Bool
-astIsCapture (Capture _) = True
-astIsCapture _ = False
-astFromNumber :: AST -> Double
-astFromNumber (Number n) = n
-astMatchSimple :: AST -> AST -> Bool
-astMatchSimple pat sub = let res = {-(\x -> trace (" !! RESULT: " ++ show x ++ " !! ") x) $-} astMatch pat sub
- in if null res
- then False
- else any Map.null res
-astMatch :: AST -- pattern
- -> AST -- subject
- -> [Map.Map String AST] -- list of possible capture assignments
-astMatch pat sub = assertS "No captures in astMatch subject" (not $ hasCaptures sub) $
- case pat of
- Number x -> case sub of
- Number y | x == y -> [Map.empty]
- _ -> []
- Variable name -> case sub of
- Variable name2 | name == name2 -> [Map.empty]
- _ -> []
- Sum [term] -> case sub of
- Sum l2 -> matchList Sum [term] l2
- s -> astMatch term s
- Sum l -> case sub of
- Sum l2 -> matchList Sum l l2
- _ -> []
- Product [term] -> case sub of
- Product l2 -> matchList Product [term] l2
- s -> astMatch term s
- Product l -> case sub of
- Product l2 -> matchList Product l l2
- _ -> []
- Negative n -> case sub of
- Negative n2 -> astMatch n n2
- _ -> []
- Reciprocal n -> case sub of
- Reciprocal n2 -> astMatch n n2
- _ -> []
- Apply name l -> case sub of
- Apply name2 l2 | name == name2 -> matchOrderedList l l2
- _ -> []
- Capture name -> [Map.singleton name sub]
- CaptureTerm name -> [Map.singleton name sub]
- CaptureConstr name constr ->
- if toConstr sub == toConstr constr
- then [Map.singleton name sub]
- else []
-matchList :: ([AST] -> AST) -- AST constructor for this list (for insertion in capture)
- -> [AST] -- unordered patterns
- -> [AST] -- unordered subjects
- -> [Map.Map String AST] -- list of possible capture assignments
-matchList constr pats subs =
- let ordered = sort pats
- (captures,nocaps) = span astIsCapture ordered
- in assertS "At most one capture in sum/product" (length captures <= 1) $ case captures of
- [] -> matchListDBG Nothing nocaps subs
- [c] -> matchListDBG (Just c) nocaps subs
- where matchList' :: Maybe AST -> [AST] -> [AST] -> [Map.Map String AST]
- matchList' Nothing [] [] = [Map.empty]
- matchList' Nothing [] _ = []
- matchList' (Just (Capture name)) [] subs = [Map.singleton name $ constr subs]
- matchList' (Just node) [] subs = astMatch node (constr subs)
- matchList' mcap (pat:pats) subs =
- let firstmatches = concat $ mapDel (\s other -> map (,other) $ astMatch pat s) subs
- processed = concat
- $ map (\(ass,rest) ->
- let replpats = map (replaceCaptures ass) pats
- replmcap = fmap (replaceCaptures ass) mcap
- in map (Map.union ass) $ matchListDBG replmcap replpats rest)
- firstmatches
- in {-trace ("firstmatches = "++show firstmatches) $ trace ("processed = "++show processed) $-} processed
- matchListDBG :: Maybe AST -> [AST] -> [AST] -> [Map.Map String AST]
- matchListDBG mcap pats subs = {-force $ trace ("\n<< "++show (mcap,pats,subs)++" >>\n")
- $-} matchList' mcap pats subs
-matchOrderedList :: [AST] -- ordered patterns
- -> [AST] -- ordered subjects
- -> [Map.Map String AST] -- list of possible capture assignments
-matchOrderedList [] [] = [Map.empty]
-matchOrderedList [] _ = []
-matchOrderedList _ [] = []
-matchOrderedList (pat:pats) (sub:subs) =
- let opts = astMatch pat sub
- newpatsopts = [(map (replaceCaptures opt) pats,opt) | opt <- opts]
- -- ^ list of possible refined versions of the (rest of the) pattern list
- in {-trace (show (pat:pats) ++ " -- " ++ show (sub:subs)) $ traceShow opts $-}
- concat $ map (\(newpats,opt) -> map (Map.union opt)
- $ matchOrderedList newpats subs) newpatsopts
-flattenSingle :: AST -> AST
-flattenSingle (Sum args) =
- let listify (Sum a) = a
- listify node = [node]
- in Sum $ concat $ map listify args
-flattenSingle (Product args) =
- let listify (Product a) = a
- listify node = [node]
- in Product $ concat $ map listify args
-flattenSingle node = node
-replaceCaptures :: Map.Map String AST -> AST -> AST
-replaceCaptures mp n = case n of
- Number _ -> n
- Variable _ -> n
- Sum l -> flattenSingle $ Sum $ map (replaceCaptures mp) l
- Product l -> flattenSingle $ Product $ map (replaceCaptures mp) l
- Negative n2 -> Negative $ replaceCaptures mp n2
- Reciprocal n2 -> Reciprocal $ replaceCaptures mp n2
- Apply name n2 -> Apply name $ map (replaceCaptures mp) n2
- Capture name -> maybe n id $ Map.lookup name mp
- CaptureTerm name -> maybe n id $ Map.lookup name mp
- CaptureConstr name c -> maybe n id $ Map.lookup name mp
-hasCaptures :: AST -> Bool
-hasCaptures n = case n of
- Number _ -> False
- Variable _ -> False
- Sum l -> any id [hasCaptures m | m <- l]
- Product l -> any id [hasCaptures m | m <- l]
- Negative m -> hasCaptures m
- Reciprocal m -> hasCaptures m
- Apply _ l -> any id [hasCaptures m | m <- l]
- Capture _ -> True
- CaptureTerm _ -> True
- CaptureConstr _ _ -> True
-assert :: Bool -> a -> a
-assert = assertS "(no reason)"
-assertS :: String -> Bool -> a -> a
-assertS _ True = id
-assertS s False = error $ "Condition not satisfied in assert: " ++ s
-mapDel :: (a -> [a] -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
-mapDel _ [] = []
-mapDel f l =
- let splits = zip l
- $ map (\(a,b:bs) -> a++bs)
- $ iterate (\(a,b:bs) -> (a++[b],bs)) ([],l)
- in map (uncurry f) splits
--- some testing things
---pat = Sum [Number 1,Capture "x",Negative $ Capture "x"]
---sub = Sum [Number 4,Variable "a",Number 1,Negative $ Sum [Variable "a",Number 4]]
---pat = Sum [Negative $ Capture "x"]
---sub = Sum [Negative $ Sum [Variable "a",Number 4]]
---pat = Sum [Capture "x",Negative (Capture "x"),CaptureTerm "y",CaptureTerm "z"]
---sub = let x = Reciprocal (Number 7) in Sum [x,Negative x,Number 7,Number 8]
---pat = Sum [CaptureTerm "x",CaptureTerm "y",Capture "rest",Negative $ Capture "rest"]
---sub = Sum [Number 1,Number 2,Negative $ Number 1,Variable "kaas",Negative $ Sum [Negative $ Number 1,Variable "kaas"]]
---pat = Sum [Product [Capture "x"],Product [Capture "x"]]
---sub = Sum [Product [Number 1],Product [Number 1]]
---main = do
--- let res = astMatch pat sub
--- deepseq res $ putStrLn $ "\x1B[32m"++show res++"\x1B[0m"