path: root/main.hs
diff options
authortomsmeding <>2016-06-20 22:07:41 +0200
committertomsmeding <>2016-06-21 22:43:48 +0200
commita65c127558fc96b13ea515194ac28f8b09e065c6 (patch)
tree9d06353148ec20077e77833e31a5e4cc41854d4d /main.hs
parentdfe39f59f9ad203a8231f85efb54a6030305ca56 (diff)
Strongly improved, dynamic rule system
Diffstat (limited to 'main.hs')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/main.hs b/main.hs
index 5beb0e4..b908807 100644
--- a/main.hs
+++ b/main.hs
@@ -1,31 +1,145 @@
module Main where
import Control.Monad
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import System.Console.Readline
+import System.Exit
+import System.IO
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import AST hiding (main)
import Simplify
import Parser
import PrettyPrint
+import Utility
+import Debug
-repl :: IO ()
-repl = do
+trimlr :: String -> String
+trimlr = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace
+findstr :: String -> String -> Maybe Int
+findstr pat sub = go sub 0
+ where len = length pat
+ go :: String -> Int -> Maybe Int
+ go "" _ = Nothing
+ go sub i = if take len sub == pat then Just i else go (tail sub) (i+1)
+mayberead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
+mayberead s =
+ let r = reads s
+ ok = if null r then False else null $ snd $ head r
+ v = fst $ head r
+ in if ok then Just v else Nothing
+readrule :: String -> IO (AST,AST)
+readrule line = do
+ let (patstr',(repstr')) = break (=='|') line
+ patstr = desugar $ trimlr patstr'
+ repstr = desugar $ trimlr $ tail repstr'
+ if null repstr'
+ then die $ "No pipe separator found: " ++ line
+ else do
+ let mpat = mayberead patstr :: Maybe AST
+ mrep = mayberead repstr :: Maybe AST
+ when (isNothing mpat) $ die $ "Could not parse pattern! (from '" ++ patstr ++ "')"
+ when (isNothing mrep) $ die $ "Could not parse replacement! (from '" ++ repstr ++ "')"
+ return (fromJust mpat,fromJust mrep)
+desugar :: String -> String
+desugar "" = ""
+desugar ('{':cs) =
+ let midx = findIndex (=='}') cs
+ idx = fromJust midx
+ termcap = head cs == '{' && length cs > idx+1 && cs !! (idx+1) == '}'
+ endidx = if termcap then idx+1 else idx
+ after = drop (endidx+1) cs
+ name' = if termcap then tail $ take (endidx-1) cs else take endidx cs
+ name = map (\c -> if c == '\\' || c == '"' then '_' else c) name'
+ in if isNothing midx
+ then '{':desugar cs
+ else if termcap
+ then let mcolonidx = findIndex (==':') name
+ colonidx = fromJust mcolonidx
+ precolon = take colonidx name
+ postcolon = drop (colonidx+1) name
+ stub = case postcolon of
+ "Number" -> "Number 42"
+ "Variable" -> "Variable \"\""
+ _ -> trace postcolon undefined
+ in if isNothing mcolonidx
+ then "(CaptureTerm \"" ++ name ++ "\")" ++ desugar after
+ else "(CaptureConstr \"" ++ precolon ++ "\" (" ++ stub ++ "))" ++ desugar after
+ else "(Capture \"" ++ name ++ "\")" ++ desugar after
+desugar (':':cs) =
+ let midx = findIndex (==':') cs
+ endidx = fromJust midx
+ after = drop (endidx+1) cs
+ name = map (\c -> if c == '\\' || c == '"' then '_' else c) $ take endidx cs
+ in if isNothing midx
+ then ':':desugar cs
+ else "Apply \"" ++ name ++ "\" " ++ desugar after
+desugar (c:cs) = c : desugar cs
+readrules :: Handle -> IO (Map.Map String [(AST,AST)])
+readrules handle = liftM (uncurry fixincludes) $ go "general" Map.empty Map.empty
+ where
+ go :: String -- current section
+ -> Map.Map String [String] -- sections still to be included (#+)
+ -> Map.Map String [(AST,AST)] -- current rules db
+ -> IO (Map.Map String [(AST,AST)],Map.Map String [String]) -- (rules db,includes)
+ go sect includes db = hIsEOF handle >>= \eof -> if eof then return (db,includes) else do
+ line <- hGetLine handle
+ case take 3 line of
+ "" -> go sect includes db
+ "-- " -> go sect includes db
+ "## " -> go (trimlr $ drop 3 line) includes db
+ "#+ " -> go sect (Map.insertWith (++) sect [trimlr $ drop 3 line] includes) db
+ _ -> readrule (trimlr line) >>= \rule -> go sect includes (Map.insertWith (flip (++)) sect [rule] db)
+ fixincludes :: Map.Map String [(AST,AST)] -- rules db
+ -> Map.Map String [String] -- to be included sections
+ -> Map.Map String [(AST,AST)] -- resulting rules db
+ fixincludes db includes = Map.foldlWithKey insertincludes db includes
+ where
+ insertincludes :: Map.Map String [(AST,AST)] -- db
+ -> String -- section
+ -> [String] -- sections to be included
+ -> Map.Map String [(AST,AST)] -- resulting db
+ insertincludes db sect incls = foldl (\db incl -> insertinclude db sect incl) db incls
+ where insertinclude db sect incl = Map.insertWith (++) sect (fromJust $ Map.lookup incl db) db
+printrules :: [(AST,AST)] -> IO ()
+printrules db = sequence_ $ foldl (\l (pat,sub) -> l ++ [print pat,putStr " -> ",print sub]) [] db
+repl :: Map.Map String [(AST,AST)] -> IO ()
+repl db = do
mline <- readline "> "
case mline of
Nothing -> return () -- EOF
- Just "" -> repl
+ Just "" -> repl db
Just line -> do
addHistory line
let eexpr = parseExpression line
either (putStrLn . ("Error: "++)) handleExpression eexpr
- repl
+ repl db
+ generaldb = fromJust $ Map.lookup "general" db
+ sanitisedb = fromJust $ Map.lookup "sanitise" db
+ displaydb = fromJust $ Map.lookup "display" db
handleExpression expr = do
- print expr
- let sim = simplify expr
- print sim
+ putStrLn $ prettyPrint expr
+ let sim = foldl (flip simplify) expr [generaldb,sanitisedb,displaydb]
+ putStrLn $ prettyPrint sim
main :: IO ()
-main = repl
+main = do
+ rulesdb <- withFile "rules.txt" ReadMode readrules
+ --sequence_ $ Map.foldlWithKey (\l sect rules -> putStrLn ("## "++sect) : printrules rules : putStrLn "" : l) [] rulesdb
+ repl rulesdb