path: root/parser.hs
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authorTom Smeding <>2018-04-19 11:45:46 +0200
committerTom Smeding <>2018-04-19 11:45:46 +0200
commitaf425841a63ee73603cc09510d95a36e646ddafd (patch)
tree08a1ef8435ec0ab07887256a1c86f908c2389a1a /parser.hs
parent8d9d27d64d9e39ea76fd878e928e553944735e45 (diff)
Build with stack
Diffstat (limited to 'parser.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/parser.hs b/parser.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 636c04f..0000000
--- a/parser.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-module Parser (parseExpression) where
-import Control.Applicative
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.Char
-import Data.Maybe
-import AST
-import Utility
-parseExpression :: String -> Either String AST
-parseExpression s = case parse pexpression s of
- ((node,rest):_) -> case rest of
- "" -> Right node
- s -> Left $ "Cannot parse from '" ++ take 10 rest ++ "'"
- _ -> Left "No valid parse"
-newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> [(a,String)])
-parse :: Parser a -> String -> [(a,String)]
-parse (Parser p) = p
-instance Functor Parser where
- fmap f p = Parser (\cs -> map (\(a,s) -> (f a,s)) $ parse p cs)
-instance Applicative Parser where
- pure x = Parser (\cs -> [(x,cs)])
- (<*>) f p = Parser (\cs -> concat $
- map (\(a,s) -> parse (fmap a p) s) $ parse f cs)
-instance Monad Parser where
- p >>= f = Parser (\cs -> concat $
- map (\(a,s) -> parse (f a) s) $ parse p cs)
-instance Alternative Parser where
- empty = Parser (\_ -> [])
- (<|>) p q = Parser (\cs -> parse p cs ++ parse q cs)
-instance MonadPlus Parser
---The deterministic choice operator: choose the first possibile parse (if
---available at all) from the results given by the two parsers.
---mplus is the non-deterministic choice operator; it would give all results.
-mplus1 :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
-mplus1 p q = Parser $ \cs -> case parse (mplus p q) cs of
- [] -> []
- (x:_) -> [x]
---(++) = mplus
-(+++) = mplus1
-pitem :: Parser Char
-pitem = Parser $ \s -> case s of
- "" -> []
- (c:cs) -> [(c,cs)]
-psat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
-psat f = do
- c <- pitem
- if f c then return c else mzero
---checks that the next char satisfies the predicate; does NOT consume characters
-passert :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser ()
-passert p = Parser $ \s -> case s of
- "" -> []
- (c:_) -> if p c then [((),s)] else []
-pchar :: Char -> Parser Char
-pchar c = psat (==c)
-pstring :: String -> Parser String
-pstring "" = return ""
-pstring (c:cs) = do
- pchar c
- pstring cs
- return (c:cs)
-pmany :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
-pmany p = pmany1 p +++ return []
-pmany1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
-pmany1 p = do
- a <- p
- as <- pmany p
- return (a:as)
-pinteger :: Parser Int
-pinteger = do
- s <- pmany $ psat isDigit
- return $ read s
-pdouble :: Parser Double
-pdouble = Parser reads
-pquotstring :: Parser String
-pquotstring = Parser reads
-poptws :: Parser String
-poptws = Parser $ pure . span isSpace
-pws :: Parser String
-pws = Parser $ \s -> case span isSpace s of
- ("",_) -> []
- tup@(_,_) -> [tup]
-pword :: Parser String
-pword = do
- c <- psat $ options [isAlpha,(=='_')]
- cs <- pmany $ psat $ options [isAlpha,isDigit,(=='_')]
- return (c:cs)
-pnumber :: Parser AST
-pnumber = liftM Number pdouble
-pvariable :: Parser AST
-pvariable = liftM Variable $ pstring "PI" +++ (liftM pure (psat isAlpha))
-pinfixoperator :: (Char,Char) -- +/- symbols
- -> Parser AST -- term parser
- -> ([AST] -> AST) -- Sum constructor
- -> (AST -> AST) -- Negative constructor
- -> Bool -- whether the plus sign is optional
- -> Bool -- whether a negative sign cannot follow after a term
- -> Parser AST -- Resulting parser
-pinfixoperator (plus,minus) pterm sumconstr negconstr plusopt noneg = do
- term <- pterm
- pmoreterms term +++ return (sumconstr [term])
- where
- pmoreterms term = if plusopt
- then pmoretermsplus term +++ pmoretermsminus term +++ pmoretermsnothing term
- else pmoretermsplus term +++ pmoretermsminus term
- pmoretermsplus term = do
- poptws
- pchar plus
- poptws
- nextterm <- pterm
- let thissum = sumconstr [term,nextterm]
- pmoreterms thissum +++ return thissum
- pmoretermsminus term = do
- poptws
- pchar minus
- poptws
- nextterm <- pterm
- let thissum = sumconstr [term,negconstr nextterm]
- pmoreterms thissum +++ return thissum
- pmoretermsnothing term = do
- poptws
- if noneg then passert (/='-') else return ()
- nextterm <- pterm
- let thissum = sumconstr [term,nextterm]
- pmoreterms thissum +++ return thissum
-psum :: Parser AST
-psum = do
- poptws
- res <- pinfixoperator ('+','-') pproduct Sum Negative False False
- poptws
- return res
-pproduct :: Parser AST
-pproduct = pinfixoperator ('*','/') pfactor Product Reciprocal True True
-pfactor :: Parser AST
-pfactor = pnegative +++ pfactornoneg +++ pcapture +++ pcaptureterm
-pnegative :: Parser AST
-pnegative = do {pchar '-'; poptws; f <- pfactor; return $ Negative f} +++ pfactornoneg
-pfactornoneg :: Parser AST
-pfactornoneg = do
- fact <- pnumber +++ pparenthetical +++ pfunctioncall +++ pvariable
- ppower fact +++ pfactorial fact +++ return fact
- where
- ppower fact = do
- poptws
- pchar '^'
- poptws
- fact2 <- pfactornoneg
- return $ Apply "pow" [fact,fact2]
- pfactorial fact = do
- poptws
- pchar '!'
- return $ Apply "fact" [fact]
-pparenthetical :: Parser AST
-pparenthetical = do
- pchar '('
- poptws
- sum <- psum
- poptws
- pchar ')'
- return sum
-pfunctioncall :: Parser AST
-pfunctioncall = do
- name <- pword
- poptws
- pchar '('
- poptws
- args <- parglist
- poptws
- pchar ')'
- return $ Apply name args
- where
- parglist = do
- arg <- parg
- poptws
- pmoreargs arg +++ return [arg]
- pmoreargs arg = do
- pchar ','
- poptws
- args <- parglist
- return (arg:args)
- parg = pexpression
-pcapture :: Parser AST
-pcapture = do
- pchar '['
- name <- pmany1 $ psat (/=']')
- pchar ']'
- return $ Capture name
-pcaptureterm :: Parser AST
-pcaptureterm = do
- pchar '['
- pchar '['
- name <- pmany1 $ psat (/=']')
- pchar ']'
- pchar ']'
- return $ CaptureTerm name
-pexpression :: Parser AST
-pexpression = psum