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authortomsmeding <>2017-01-31 22:26:38 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2017-01-31 22:26:38 +0100
commit00a56284a8649d041af079fe466f94034f2ee1fb (patch)
parente4e11a9e23790b0662dadd20e346924782e30ae0 (diff)
More Equal rules
2 files changed, 30 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/codegen.hs b/codegen.hs
index 9a8bf1c..7569a39 100644
--- a/codegen.hs
+++ b/codegen.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Float as A.F
-- import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Operand as A
-- import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Name as A
-- import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Instruction as A
-import qualified LLVM.General.AST.IntegerPredicate as A
+import qualified LLVM.General.AST.IntegerPredicate as A.IP
+import qualified LLVM.General.AST.FloatingPointPredicate as A.FPP
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Linkage as A.L
-- import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Visibility as A.V
import qualified LLVM.General.AST as A
@@ -427,21 +428,25 @@ genExpression (ExBinOp bo e1 e2 (Just t)) = do
return $ A.LocalReference (toLLVMType t) (A.Name label)
Equal -> do
sharedType <- commonTypeM (fromJust (exTypeOf e1)) (fromJust (exTypeOf e2))
- -- trace ("Shared type for Equal of " ++ pshow e1 ++ " and " ++ pshow e2 ++ " is: " ++ pshow sharedType)
- -- $ return ()
e1op' <- castOperand e1op sharedType
e2op' <- castOperand e2op sharedType
label <- case sharedType of
- (TypeInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.EQ e1op' e2op' []
- _ -> undefined
+ (TypeInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.EQ e1op' e2op' []
+ (TypeUInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.EQ e1op' e2op' []
+ TypeFloat -> addInstr $ A.FCmp A.FPP.OEQ e1op' e2op' []
+ TypeDouble -> addInstr $ A.FCmp A.FPP.OEQ e1op' e2op' []
+ (TypePtr _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.EQ e1op' e2op' []
+ (TypeName _) -> undefined
+ (TypeFunc _ _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.EQ e1op' e2op' []
+ TypeVoid -> undefined
return $ A.LocalReference (A.IntegerType 1) (A.Name label)
Greater -> do
sharedType <- commonTypeM (fromJust (exTypeOf e1)) (fromJust (exTypeOf e2))
e1op' <- castOperand e1op sharedType
e2op' <- castOperand e2op sharedType
label <- case sharedType of
- (TypeInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.SGT e1op' e2op' []
- (TypeUInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.UGT e1op' e2op' []
+ (TypeInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.SGT e1op' e2op' []
+ (TypeUInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.UGT e1op' e2op' []
_ -> undefined
return $ A.LocalReference (A.IntegerType 1) (A.Name label)
Less -> do
@@ -449,8 +454,8 @@ genExpression (ExBinOp bo e1 e2 (Just t)) = do
e1op' <- castOperand e1op sharedType
e2op' <- castOperand e2op sharedType
label <- case sharedType of
- (TypeInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.SLT e1op' e2op' []
- (TypeUInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.ULT e1op' e2op' []
+ (TypeInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.SLT e1op' e2op' []
+ (TypeUInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.ULT e1op' e2op' []
_ -> undefined
return $ A.LocalReference (A.IntegerType 1) (A.Name label)
GEqual -> do
@@ -458,8 +463,8 @@ genExpression (ExBinOp bo e1 e2 (Just t)) = do
e1op' <- castOperand e1op sharedType
e2op' <- castOperand e2op sharedType
label <- case sharedType of
- (TypeInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.SGE e1op' e2op' []
- (TypeUInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.UGE e1op' e2op' []
+ (TypeInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.SGE e1op' e2op' []
+ (TypeUInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.UGE e1op' e2op' []
_ -> undefined
return $ A.LocalReference (A.IntegerType 1) (A.Name label)
LEqual -> do
@@ -467,8 +472,8 @@ genExpression (ExBinOp bo e1 e2 (Just t)) = do
e1op' <- castOperand e1op sharedType
e2op' <- castOperand e2op sharedType
label <- case sharedType of
- (TypeInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.SLE e1op' e2op' []
- (TypeUInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.ULE e1op' e2op' []
+ (TypeInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.SLE e1op' e2op' []
+ (TypeUInt _) -> addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.ULE e1op' e2op' []
_ -> undefined
return $ A.LocalReference (A.IntegerType 1) (A.Name label)
BoolOr -> do
@@ -558,13 +563,17 @@ castOperand orig@(A.ConstantOperand (A.C.GlobalReference (A.PointerType t1 _) _)
| toLLVMType t2 == t1 = return orig
| otherwise = throwError $ "Cannot implicitly cast between pointer to '" ++ show t1
++ "' and '" ++ pshow t2 ++ "'"
+castOperand orig@(A.LocalReference (A.FunctionType rt1 at1 False) _) t2@(TypeFunc rt2 at2)
+ | toLLVMType rt2 == rt1 && all (uncurry (==)) (zip at1 (map toLLVMType at2)) = return orig
+ | otherwise = throwError $ "Cannot implicitly cast between '" ++ show orig
+ ++ "' and '" ++ pshow t2 ++ "'"
castOperand orig t2 = throwError $ "Cast from '" ++ show orig ++ "' to type '" ++ pshow t2 ++ "' not implemented"
castToBool :: A.Operand -> CGMonad A.Operand
castToBool orig@(A.LocalReference (A.IntegerType 1) _) =
return orig
castToBool orig@(A.LocalReference (A.IntegerType s1) _) = do
- label <- addInstr $ A.ICmp A.NE orig (A.ConstantOperand (A.C.Int s1 0)) []
+ label <- addInstr $ A.ICmp A.IP.NE orig (A.ConstantOperand (A.C.Int s1 0)) []
return $ A.LocalReference (A.IntegerType 1) (A.Name label)
castToBool (A.ConstantOperand (A.C.Int _ val)) =
return $ A.ConstantOperand (A.C.Int 1 (if val == 0 then 1 else 0))
@@ -587,6 +596,10 @@ commonType (TypeInt _) TypeDouble = Just TypeDouble
commonType TypeFloat TypeDouble = Just TypeDouble
commonType TypeDouble TypeFloat = Just TypeDouble
+commonType t@(TypeFunc rt1 at1) (TypeFunc rt2 at2)
+ | rt1 == rt2 && at1 == at2 = Just t
+ | otherwise = Nothing
commonType _ _ = Nothing
commonTypeM :: Type -> Type -> CGMonad Type
diff --git a/nl/ b/nl/
index d120b48..c70b395 100644
--- a/nl/
+++ b/nl/
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ void f(char c) {
int main(int argc, ptr(string) argv) {
string s = "kaas";
ptr(i8) s2 = "kaas2";
+ ptr(func void(char)) ptr1;
+ ptr(func void(char)) ptr2;
+ f((ptr1 == ptr2) + 'a');
return 0;