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authortomsmeding <>2017-01-29 09:17:54 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2017-01-29 09:18:08 +0100
commitaf1523e4b51f432d3df4d2e2ae57de95e3440d12 (patch)
parentc51d5393aa79b640d188b28f6226ba51118a622a (diff)
Do function argument typechecking correctly
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/check.hs b/check.hs
index 1a0a24c..88b20a9 100644
--- a/check.hs
+++ b/check.hs
@@ -137,20 +137,20 @@ typeCheck (Program decls) = Program <$> mapM (goD topLevelNames) decls
goE _ (ExLit l@(LitString _) _) = return $ ExLit l $ Just (TypePtr (TypeInt 8))
goE names (ExLit l@(LitVar n) _) = maybe (Left $ "Undefined variable '" ++ n ++ "'") (return . ExLit l . Just)
(Map.lookup n names)
- goE names (ExLit l@(LitCall n args) _) = do
+ goE names (ExLit (LitCall n args) _) = do
ft <- maybe (Left $ "Unknown function '" ++ n ++ "'") return $ Map.lookup n functionTypes
rargs <- mapM (goE names) args
when (length rargs /= length (snd ft))
$ Left ("Expected " ++ show (length (snd ft)) ++ "arguments to "
++ "function '" ++ n ++ "', but got " ++ show (length rargs))
>> return ()
- flip mapM_ rargs $
- \a -> let argtype = fromJust (exTypeOf a)
- in if canConvert argtype (fst ft)
- then return a
- else Left $ "Cannot convert type '" ++ pshow argtype ++ "' to '" ++ pshow (fst ft)
- ++ "' in call of function '" ++ pshow n ++ "'"
- return $ ExLit l (Just (fst ft))
+ flip mapM_ (zip rargs [0..]) $
+ \(a,i) -> let argtype = fromJust (exTypeOf a)
+ in if canConvert argtype (snd ft !! i)
+ then return a
+ else Left $ "Cannot convert type '" ++ pshow argtype ++ "' to '" ++ pshow (fst ft)
+ ++ "' in call of function '" ++ pshow n ++ "'"
+ return $ ExLit (LitCall n rargs) (Just (fst ft))
goE names (ExBinOp bo e1 e2 _) = do
re1 <- goE names e1
re2 <- goE names e2