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authortomsmeding <>2017-01-24 21:16:42 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2017-01-24 21:16:42 +0100
commitf9f666c7088ad2acde6dad3bd57ebf8438ba9ea1 (patch)
parent68a49640d7cf05c3149da266e820c5ce464aadf8 (diff)
Can codegen a simple variable declaration
3 files changed, 143 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/codegen.hs b/codegen.hs
index 1a7a907..6a51dff 100644
--- a/codegen.hs
+++ b/codegen.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Codegen(codegen) where
--- import Control.Monad
--- import Data.Maybe
--- import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Type as A
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Global as A.G
import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Constant as A.C
@@ -10,20 +12,92 @@ import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Constant as A.C
-- import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Name as A
-- import qualified LLVM.General.AST.Instruction as A
import qualified LLVM.General.AST as A
--- import Debug.Trace
+import Debug.Trace
import AST
type Error a = Either String a
+type LLName = String
+data GenState
+ = GenState {currentBlock :: Maybe LLName
+ ,allBlocks :: Map.Map LLName A.BasicBlock
+ ,nextId :: Integer
+ ,definitions :: [A.Definition]
+ ,variables :: Map.Map LLName LLName}
+ deriving (Show)
+initialGenState :: GenState
+ = GenState {currentBlock = Nothing
+ ,allBlocks = Map.empty
+ ,nextId = 1
+ ,definitions = []
+ ,variables = Map.empty}
+newtype CGMonad a = CGMonad {unMon :: ExceptT String (State GenState) a}
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState GenState, MonadError String)
+runCGMonad :: CGMonad a -> Error (a, GenState)
+runCGMonad m = let (e, s) = runState (runExceptT (unMon m)) initialGenState
+ in either Left (\x -> Right (x, s)) e
+getUniqueId :: CGMonad Integer
+getUniqueId = state $ \s -> (nextId s, s {nextId = nextId s + 1})
+getNewName :: String -> CGMonad String
+getNewName base = fmap ((base++) . show) getUniqueId
+newBlock :: CGMonad LLName
+newBlock = do
+ name <- getNewName "bb"
+ state $ \s -> (name, s {
+ currentBlock = Just name,
+ allBlocks = Map.insert name (A.BasicBlock (A.Name name) [] undefined) $ allBlocks s
+ })
+newBlockJump :: LLName -> CGMonad LLName
+newBlockJump next = do
+ bb <- newBlock
+ setTerminator $ A.Br (A.Name next) []
+ return bb
+changeBlock :: LLName -> CGMonad ()
+changeBlock name = state $ \s -> ((), s {currentBlock = Just name})
+addInstr :: A.Instruction -> CGMonad LLName
+addInstr instr = do
+ name <- getNewName "t"
+ let append (A.BasicBlock n il t) = A.BasicBlock n (il ++ [A.Name name A.:= instr]) t
+ state $ \s -> (name, s {allBlocks = Map.adjust append (fromJust (currentBlock s)) (allBlocks s)})
+setTerminator :: A.Terminator -> CGMonad ()
+setTerminator term = do
+ let replace (A.BasicBlock n il _) = A.BasicBlock n il (A.Do term)
+ state $ \s -> ((), s {allBlocks = Map.adjust replace (fromJust (currentBlock s)) (allBlocks s)})
+setVarLabel :: LLName -> LLName -> CGMonad ()
+setVarLabel name label = do
+ state $ \s -> ((), s {variables = Map.insert name label $ variables s})
+lookupVar :: LLName -> CGMonad LLName
+lookupVar name = liftM (fromJust . Map.lookup name . variables) get
codegen :: Program -- Program to compile
-> String -- Module name
-> String -- File name of source
-> Error A.Module
codegen prog name fname = do
- defs <- generateDefs prog
+ (defs, st) <- runCGMonad $ do
+ defs <- generateDefs prog
+ return defs
+ traceShow st $ return ()
return $ A.defaultModule {
A.moduleName = name,
A.moduleSourceFileName = fname,
@@ -31,24 +105,77 @@ codegen prog name fname = do
-generateDefs :: Program -> Error [A.Definition]
+generateDefs :: Program -> CGMonad [A.Definition]
generateDefs prog = do
vardecls <- genGlobalVars prog
- return vardecls
+ fundecls <- genFunctions prog
+ return $ vardecls ++ fundecls
-genGlobalVars :: Program -> Error [A.Definition]
+genGlobalVars :: Program -> CGMonad [A.Definition]
genGlobalVars (Program decs) = mapM gen $ filter isDecVariable decs
+ gen :: Declaration -> CGMonad A.Definition
gen (DecVariable t n Nothing) = return $ A.GlobalDefinition $
A.globalVariableDefaults { = A.Name n,
A.G.type' = toLLVMType t,
A.G.initializer = Just $ initializerFor t
- gen (DecVariable _ _ (Just _)) = Left $ "Initialised global variables not supported yet"
+ gen (DecVariable _ _ (Just _)) = throwError $ "Initialised global variables not supported yet"
+ gen _ = undefined
+genFunctions :: Program -> CGMonad [A.Definition]
+genFunctions (Program decs) = mapM gen $ filter isDecFunction decs
+ where
+ gen :: Declaration -> CGMonad A.Definition
+ gen (DecFunction rettype name args body) = do
+ firstbb <- genBlock' body
+ blockmap <- liftM allBlocks get
+ let bbs' = map snd $ filter (\x -> fst x /= firstbb) $ Map.toList blockmap
+ bbs = fromJust (Map.lookup firstbb blockmap) : bbs'
+ return $ A.GlobalDefinition $ A.functionDefaults {
+ A.G.returnType = toLLVMType rettype,
+ = A.Name name,
+ A.G.parameters = ([A.Parameter (toLLVMType t) (A.Name n) [] | (t,n) <- args], False),
+ A.G.basicBlocks = bbs
+ }
gen _ = undefined
+genBlock' :: Block -> CGMonad LLName
+genBlock' bl = do
+ termbb <- newBlock
+ setTerminator $ A.Unreachable []
+ genBlock bl termbb
+genBlock :: Block
+ -> LLName -- name of BasicBlock following this Block
+ -> CGMonad LLName -- name of first BasicBlock
+genBlock (Block []) following = genBlock (Block [StEmpty]) following
+genBlock (Block [stmt]) following = do
+ firstbb <- genSingle stmt following
+ return firstbb
+genBlock (Block (stmt:rest)) following = do
+ restbb <- genBlock (Block rest) following
+ firstbb <- genSingle stmt restbb
+ return firstbb
+genSingle :: Statement
+ -> LLName -- name of BasicBlock following this statement
+ -> CGMonad LLName -- name of first BasicBlock
+genSingle StEmpty following = newBlockJump following
+genSingle (StBlock block) following = genBlock block following
+genSingle (StExpr expr) following = undefined
+genSingle (StVarDeclaration t n Nothing) following = do
+ bb <- newBlockJump following
+ label <- addInstr $ A.Alloca (toLLVMType t) Nothing 0 []
+ setVarLabel n label
+ return bb
+genSingle (StVarDeclaration _ _ (Just _)) _ = undefined
toLLVMType :: Type -> A.Type
toLLVMType (TypeInt s) = A.IntegerType $ fromIntegral s
toLLVMType (TypeUInt s) = A.IntegerType $ fromIntegral s
@@ -66,3 +193,7 @@ initializerFor _ = undefined
isDecVariable :: Declaration -> Bool
isDecVariable (DecVariable {}) = True
isDecVariable _ = False
+isDecFunction :: Declaration -> Bool
+isDecFunction (DecFunction {}) = True
+isDecFunction _ = False
diff --git a/namegen/test.hs b/namegen/test.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index caa7111..0000000
--- a/namegen/test.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-type Index = Integer
-data Namegen a = Namegen (Index -> (a, Index))
-runNameGen :: Index -> Namegen a -> a
-runNameGen i (Namegen f) = fst (f i)
-supply :: Namegen Integer
-supply = Namegen $ \i -> (i, i + 1)
-makeName :: String -> Namegen String
-makeName base = supply >>= \i -> return $ base ++ show i
-makeTempName :: Namegen String
-makeTempName = makeName "t"
-instance Functor Namegen where
- fmap f (Namegen g) = Namegen $ \i -> let (x, i2) = g i in (f x, i2)
-instance Applicative Namegen where
- pure x = Namegen $ \i -> (x, i)
- (Namegen fg) <*> (Namegen xg) =
- Namegen $ \i -> let (f, i2) = fg i
- (x, i3) = xg i2
- in (f x, i3)
-instance Monad Namegen where
- (Namegen xg) >>= f =
- Namegen $ \i -> let (x, i2) = xg i
- (Namegen resg) = f x
- in resg i2
-funString :: Int -> Namegen String
-funString i = do
- n1 <- makeTempName
- n2 <- makeTempName
- return $ "Fun String " ++ show i ++ ", made with '" ++ n1 ++ "' and '" ++ n2 ++ "'"
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- putStrLn $ runNameGen 1 $ do
- n1 <- makeName "xyz"
- s <- funString 42
- n2 <- makeName "abc"
- return $ s ++ "\nGenerated names " ++ n1 ++ " and " ++ n2
diff --git a/ b/
index c45e2ca..a09feb6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ type char = i8;
int g_var;
int main(i32 argc, ptr(ptr(i8)) argv) {
- int i = g_var;
- int a = i + 2;
+ //int i = g_var;
+ //int a = i + 2;
+ int i;