path: root/ast.hs
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authortomsmeding <>2017-01-20 16:21:22 +0100
committertomsmeding <>2017-01-20 16:21:22 +0100
commitfbed3a4b44823256f17c6a4473e0ec3f63792be6 (patch)
tree7e56bd392c38670ab89e072301e85205d00fca11 /ast.hs
Initial -- dump of stuff
Diffstat (limited to 'ast.hs')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast.hs b/ast.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd845df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+module AST(
+ Name,
+ Program(..), Declaration(..), Block(..), Type(..), Literal(..),
+ BinaryOperator(..), UnaryOperator(..), Expression(..), Statement(..)) where
+import Data.List
+import PShow
+type Name = String
+data Program = Program [Declaration]
+ deriving (Show)
+data Declaration
+ = DecFunction {typeOf :: Type
+ ,nameOf :: Name
+ ,argumentsOf :: [(Type, Name)]
+ ,bodyOf :: Block}
+ | DecVariable {typeOf :: Type
+ ,nameOf :: Name
+ ,valueOf :: Maybe Expression}
+ | DecTypedef {typeOf :: Type
+ ,nameOf :: Name}
+ deriving (Show)
+data Block = Block [Statement]
+ deriving (Show)
+data Type = TypeInt Int
+ | TypeUInt Int
+ | TypeFloat
+ | TypeDouble
+ | TypePtr Type
+ | TypeName Name
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Literal = LitInt Integer
+ | LitString String
+ | LitVar Name
+ | LitCall Name [Expression]
+ deriving (Show)
+data BinaryOperator
+ = Plus | Minus | Times | Divide | Modulo
+ | Equal | Unequal | Greater | Less | GEqual | LEqual
+ | BoolAnd | BoolOr
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data UnaryOperator
+ = Negate | Not | Invert | Dereference | Address
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Expression
+ = ExLit Literal
+ | ExBinOp BinaryOperator Expression Expression
+ | ExUnOp UnaryOperator Expression
+ deriving (Show)
+data Statement
+ = StEmpty
+ | StBlock Block
+ | StExpr Expression
+ | StVarDeclaration Type Name (Maybe Expression)
+ | StAssignment Name Expression
+ | StIf Expression Statement Statement
+ | StWhile Expression Statement
+ | StReturn Expression
+ deriving (Show)
+indent :: Int -> String -> String
+indent sz str = intercalate "\n" $ map (prefix++) $ lines str
+ where prefix = replicate sz ' '
+instance PShow Program where
+ pshow (Program decls) = intercalate "\n" (map pshow decls)
+instance PShow Declaration where
+ pshow (DecFunction t n a b) =
+ concat [pshow t, " ", n, "(", intercalate ", " (map pshowArg a), ") ", pshow b]
+ where pshowArg (argt, argn) = concat [pshow argt, " ", argn]
+ pshow (DecVariable t n Nothing) =
+ concat [pshow t, " ", n, ";"]
+ pshow (DecVariable t n (Just e)) =
+ concat [pshow t, " ", n, " = ", pshow e, ";"]
+ pshow (DecTypedef t n) =
+ concat ["type ", n, " = ", pshow t, ";"]
+instance PShow Block where
+ pshow (Block []) = "{}"
+ pshow (Block stmts) = concat ["{\n", indent 4 $ intercalate "\n" (map pshow stmts), "\n}"]
+instance PShow Type where
+ pshow (TypeInt sz) = 'i' : pshow sz
+ pshow (TypeUInt sz) = 'u' : pshow sz
+ pshow TypeFloat = "float"
+ pshow TypeDouble = "double"
+ pshow (TypePtr t) = concat ["ptr(", pshow t, ")"]
+ pshow (TypeName n) = n
+instance PShow Literal where
+ pshow (LitInt i) = pshow i
+ pshow (LitString s) = pshow s
+ pshow (LitVar n) = n
+ pshow (LitCall n a) = concat [n, "(", intercalate ", " (map pshow a), ")"]
+instance PShow BinaryOperator where
+ pshow Plus = "+"
+ pshow Minus = "-"
+ pshow Times = "*"
+ pshow Divide = "/"
+ pshow Modulo = "%"
+ pshow Equal = "=="
+ pshow Unequal = "!="
+ pshow Greater = ">"
+ pshow Less = "<"
+ pshow GEqual = ">="
+ pshow LEqual = "<="
+ pshow BoolAnd = "&&"
+ pshow BoolOr = "||"
+instance PShow UnaryOperator where
+ pshow Negate = "-"
+ pshow Not = "!"
+ pshow Invert = "~"
+ pshow Dereference = "*"
+ pshow Address = "&"
+instance PShow Expression where
+ pshow (ExLit lit) = pshow lit
+ pshow (ExBinOp op a b) = concat [pshow a, " ", pshow op, " ", pshow b]
+ pshow (ExUnOp op a) = concat [pshow op, pshow a]
+instance PShow Statement where
+ pshow StEmpty = ";"
+ pshow (StBlock bl) = pshow bl
+ pshow (StExpr e) = pshow e ++ ";"
+ pshow (StVarDeclaration t n Nothing) = concat [pshow t, " ", n, ";"]
+ pshow (StVarDeclaration t n (Just e)) = concat [pshow t, " ", n, " = ", pshow e, ";"]
+ pshow (StAssignment n e) = concat [n, " = ", pshow e, ";"]
+ pshow (StIf c t StEmpty) = concat ["if (", pshow c, ") ", pshow t]
+ pshow (StIf c t@(StBlock _) e) = concat ["if (", pshow c, ") ", pshow t, " else ", pshow e]
+ pshow (StIf c t e) = concat ["if (", pshow c, ") ", pshow t, "\nelse ", pshow e]
+ pshow (StWhile c s) = concat ["while (", pshow c, ") ", pshow s]
+ pshow (StReturn e) = concat ["return ", pshow e, ";"]