BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
exper-hs-numopsBenchmark with haskell num ops via mutable vectorsTom Smeding9 months
exper-invperm-proofTry write correct inverse permutation function (incomplete)Tom Smeding9 months
experiment-with-KnownShapeMake also the sized shaped lists strict due to impurity in horde-adMikolaj Konarski10 months
flesh-out-sized-listsTry to make up for ToINat not being injectiveMikolaj Konarski10 months
invert-castableWIP invertable CastableTom Smeding2 weeks
masterAll arrays are Eq and Ord (they compare shape first, then values)Tom Smeding35 hours
peano-snatWIP half-peano SNatsTom Smeding4 days
last-with-inatcommit 77ab86ede9...Tom Smeding9 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
35 hoursAll arrays are Eq and Ord (they compare shape first, then values)HEADmasterTom Smeding
35 hoursLess pointless standalone Ord instancesTom Smeding
45 hoursarith: Fix unary op stride bugsTom Smeding
45 hoursarith: Some negate tests (to check stride handling)Tom Smeding
2 daysFix a typo in an error messageMikolaj Konarski
3 daysarith: Only strided unary int opsTom Smeding
4 daysarith: Unary int ops on strided arrays without normalisationTom Smeding
4 daysarith: Fix cover calculation in stridesDenseTom Smeding
4 daysRemove 'type data' for now (GHC 9.10 breaks)Tom Smeding
2025-02-01mcastSafe, castCastableTom Smeding